full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (2) 1163-1172 April 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1169Table 4. Details <strong>of</strong> the C. fenestratum species-specific markers designed using the ITS1sequence.Plant species Name <strong>of</strong> the Sequence <strong>of</strong> the DNA marker (5 - 3 ) ProductmarkersizeC. fenestratum CF1F AGCCTGCACAGCAGAGAGAC 196 bpCF1R CGTTGCCGAGAGTCGTTCreproducible manufacturing techniques <strong>and</strong>procedures. Correct identification <strong>and</strong> qualityassurance <strong>of</strong> the starting material is an essentialprerequisite to ensure reproducible quality <strong>of</strong>herbal medicine, which contributes to its safety<strong>and</strong> efficacy. According to WHO generalguidelines for methodologies on research <strong>and</strong>evaluation <strong>of</strong> traditional medicines, first step inassuring quality, safety <strong>and</strong> efficacy <strong>of</strong> traditionalmedicines is correct identification (22).Most <strong>of</strong> the cases <strong>of</strong> accidental herbalmedicine misuse start with wrong identification<strong>of</strong> a medicinal plant prescribed (23). Many <strong>of</strong> thetraditional systems have records where onecommon vernacular name is applied to two ormore entirely different species or genus. For eg.,Ginseng has almost become a generic name with13 different species traded in the world market(23). For example Chinese or Asiatic ginseng(Panax ginseng), American ginseng (Panaxquinquefolius), Siberian ginseng(Eleutherococcus senticosus), Ayurvedicginseng (Withania somnifera) <strong>and</strong> Russianginseng (Acanthopanax senticosus), to name afew. Such names could create confusion overprescription, which may eventually lead to seriousconsequences.WHO has developed several guidelines forcarrying out st<strong>and</strong>ardization procedures <strong>of</strong> rawherbal products, which basically includepharmacognostical, physico-chemical,pharmacological <strong>and</strong> toxicological methods (22).Microscopic <strong>and</strong> macroscopic st<strong>and</strong>ards could bedrawn out, where a plant can be differentiatedfrom another entirely different plant which maylook similar in external appearance. Currently,genetic fingerprinting <strong>and</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> analyticalquality-control equipments like HPLC <strong>and</strong>HPTLC are performed on a large scale forst<strong>and</strong>ardization <strong>and</strong> identification <strong>of</strong> herbal drugs.Each technique has its limitations (14). DNA levelidentification is gaining popularity as an effective,reliable <strong>and</strong> simple pharmacognostic tool to resolvethe confusion in taxonomic identification <strong>of</strong> herbalraw drugs. Because genetic composition is uniquefor each species irrespective <strong>of</strong> the physical form<strong>and</strong> is less affected by age, physiological condition,environmental factors, harvest, storage <strong>and</strong>processing. DNA extracted from leaves, stemsor roots <strong>of</strong> an herb all carry the same geneticinformation <strong>and</strong> extracted DNA can be storedfor longer duration as they are stable (10).Panax (ginseng) is a representative genus<strong>of</strong> medicinal herbs which was subjected to severalmethods <strong>of</strong> DNA analysis by Chinese includingPCR-RFLP, AFLP, RAPD, SSR, sequencing <strong>of</strong>rDNA-ITS region <strong>and</strong> DNA barcoding (10, 24).Universal PCR primers designed from highlyconserved regions flanking the ITS region,relatively small size (600–700 bp) <strong>of</strong> the ITSregion <strong>and</strong> high copy number (>100 per cell)enable easy amplification <strong>of</strong> the ITS region (10,14). ITS sequence has reduced variability withinthe species (25). These advantages have madeITS region <strong>and</strong> ribosomal RNA gene sequenceMolecular Marker to distinguish Coscinium fenestratum

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