full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (2) 1163-1172 April 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1163Molecular Identification <strong>and</strong> Development <strong>of</strong> Nuclear DNA ITSSequence Based Marker to Distinguish Coscinium fenestratumGaertn. (Menispermaceae) from its AdulterantsS. P. Balasubramani <strong>and</strong> Padma Venkatasubramanian*Centre for Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics & PharmacologyInstitute <strong>of</strong> Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine (I-AIM)Foundation for Revitalisation <strong>of</strong> Local Health Traditions (FRLHT)Bangalore-560106, India.*For Correspondence - padma.venkat@frlht.orgAbstractCoscinium fenestratum Gaertn.(Menispermaceae), commonly known as ‘treeturmeric’, is an endangered plant species used inTraditional Systems <strong>of</strong> Medicine in Asia to treatdiabetes, hypercholesterolemia, tetany etc. Marketsurvey in India indicates Berberis aristata, B.asiatica, B. lycium <strong>of</strong> family Berberidaceae <strong>and</strong>Morinda umbellata (Rubiaceae) are traded assubstitutes or adulterants <strong>of</strong> C. fenestratum. Tostrengthen the pharmacognosy parameters,molecular identification <strong>of</strong> C. fenestratum wasperformed based on the nuclear DNA ITS(internal transcribed spacer) sequence.Subsequently, a species-specific DNA markerwas developed for easy identification <strong>of</strong> C.fenestratum. The marker developed can be usedas a molecular pharmacognosy tool in qualitycontrol <strong>of</strong> herbal raw drugs.Key words: Coscinium fenestratum, ITSsequence, Adulterants, DNA marker,Pharmacognosy, Quality ControlIntroductionCoscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) is a seedpropagated dioecious, large, woody climber withcylindrical stem. It is commonly called as ‘TreeTurmeric’ <strong>and</strong> belongs to the familyMenispermaceae. This plant is indigenous to theIndo-Malayan region. In India, it is restricted toWestern Ghats at 500 – 750 m altitude (1). IUCNRed list <strong>of</strong> threatened plants indicates that C.fenestratum as endangered in India, vulnerablein Vietnam, rare in Singapore <strong>and</strong> intermediate inSri Lanka (2).For centuries the stems <strong>of</strong> Cosciniumfenestratum is used in the Traditional System <strong>of</strong>Medicine in Asia. It is called as ‘Kaliyaka’ inAyurveda <strong>and</strong> is used for treating diabetes (3), inSri Lanka as an anti-dote for tetanus (4, 5). C.fenestratum is called ‘Hamm’ in Thai language,the stem is very popularly used for balancing bloodpressure, being a detoxifying <strong>and</strong> anti-diabeticagent <strong>and</strong> for treatment <strong>of</strong> hypercholesterolemia(6).Pharmacological studies have shown thatC. fenestratum has anti-fungal, anti-yeast, antibacterial,hypotensive <strong>and</strong> antiproliferativeactivities (1). The major components in wood <strong>and</strong>root <strong>of</strong> C. fenestratum are isoquinoline alkaloidssuch as berberine, palmatine, tetrahydropalmatine,crebanine <strong>and</strong> jatrorhizine, while berberine is foundMolecular Marker to distinguish Coscinium fenestratum

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