full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (2) 1134-1148 April 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1147AcknowledgmentInfrastructural facilities provided by IndianInstitute <strong>of</strong> Technology Guwahati <strong>and</strong> Financialsupport by Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Biotechnology</strong>,Government <strong>of</strong> India are acknowledged.References1. Kaminski, N. (2000). Bioinformatics. Auser’s perspective. Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol.Biol., 23: 705-711.2. Sakharkar, K.R., Sakharkar, M.K. <strong>and</strong>Chow, V.T. (2004). A novel genomicsapproach for the identification <strong>of</strong> drugtargets in pathogens, with special referenceto Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In SilicoBiol., 4: 355-360.3. Allsop, A.E. (1998). New antibioticdiscovery, novel screens, novel targets <strong>and</strong>impact <strong>of</strong> microbial genomics. Curr. Opin.Microbiol., 1: 530-534.4. Sakharkar, K.R., Sakharkar, M.K. <strong>and</strong>Chow, V.T.K. (2004) A novel genomicsapproach for the identification <strong>of</strong> drugtargets in pathogens, with special referenceto Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In SilicoBiol., 4: 0028.5. Judson, N. <strong>and</strong> Mekalanos, J.J. (2000).TnAraOut, A transposon-based approach toidentify <strong>and</strong> characterize essential bacterialgenes. Nat. Biotechnol., 18: 740-745.6. Frtiz, B. <strong>and</strong> Raczniak, G.A. (2002) Bacterialgenomics: potential for antimicrobial drugdiscovery. BioDrugs., 16:331.7. Miesel, L., Greene, J. <strong>and</strong> Black, T.A.(2003). Genetic strategies for antibacterialdrug discovery. Nat. Rev. Genet., 4: 442-456.8. Rosamond, J. <strong>and</strong> Allsop, A. (2000).Harnessing the Power <strong>of</strong> the Genome inthe Search for New Antibiotics. Science,5460: 1973 – 19769. Ramaswamy, V., Cresence, V.M., Rejitha,J.S., Lekshmi, M.U., Dharsana, K.S.,Prasad, S.P. <strong>and</strong> Vijila, H.M. (2007).Listeria—review <strong>of</strong> epidemiology <strong>and</strong>pathogenesis. J Microbiol Immunol Infect.,40: 4-13.10. Li, W., Jaroszewski, L. <strong>and</strong> Godzik, A.(2001). Clustering <strong>of</strong> highly homologoussequences to reduce the size <strong>of</strong> large proteindatabases. Bioinformatics, 17: 282-283.11. Suthar, N., Goyal, A. <strong>and</strong> Dubey, V.K.(2009). Identification <strong>of</strong> potential drugtargets <strong>of</strong> Leishmania infantum by in-silicogenome analysis. Letters in Drug Design<strong>and</strong> Discovery, 6: 620-622.12. Salihu, M. D., Junaidu, A. U., Manga, S.B., Gulumbe, M. L., Magaji, A. A., AhmedA., Adamu, A.Y., Shittu, A. <strong>and</strong> Balarabe,I. (2008). Occurrence <strong>of</strong> Listeriamonocytogenes in smoked fish in Sokoto,Nigeria. African Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Biotechnology</strong>,7: 3082-3084.13. Pentecost, M., Kumaran, J., Ghosh, P. <strong>and</strong>Amieva, M.R. (2010) Listeriamonocytogenes Internalin B ActivatesJunctional Endocytosis to AccelerateIntestinal Invasion. PLoS Pathogens,DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.100090014. Shakyawar, S.K., Goyal, A. <strong>and</strong> Dubey,V.K. (2011). Database <strong>of</strong> in silico PredictedPotential Drug Target Proteins in CommonBacterial Human Pathogens. AmericanJournal <strong>of</strong> Drug Discovery <strong>and</strong>Development, 1: 70-74.Sushil Kumar Shakyawar et al

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