full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (2) 1134-1148 April 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)Genome Analysis <strong>of</strong> Selected Foodborne Pathogens forIdentification <strong>of</strong> Drug Targets1134Sushil Kumar Shakyawar, Arun Goyal <strong>and</strong> Vikash Kumar Dubey *Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Biotechnology</strong>, Indian Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology Guwahai,Guwahati-781 039, Assam, India*For Correspondence - vdubey@iitg.ernet.inAbstractAs the bacterial pathogens are showinggrowing resistance against existing antibiotics,there is an urgent requirement <strong>of</strong> pharmaceuticalcompanies for designing new <strong>and</strong> effective drugsagainst these pathogens causing commonfoodborne diseases. We have performed in-silicogenomic analysis <strong>of</strong> two virulent foodbornepathogens Listeria monocytogenes <strong>and</strong> Bacilluscereus for identification <strong>of</strong> potential drug targetsfor novel drug discovery. Our prediction foundsmall number <strong>of</strong> genes <strong>of</strong> each pathogen to betargeted for drug designing. The gene productsare found to be involved in various importantregulatory proteins, membrane proteins <strong>and</strong>hypothetical proteins <strong>of</strong> unknown function <strong>of</strong>bacterial species. Further using KEGG pathwayprediction various enzyme proteins were foundwhich have active role in biosynthetic <strong>and</strong>metabolic pathways. The primary goal <strong>of</strong> thisstudy was to provide a valuable resource <strong>of</strong> drugtargets to the scientific community. The currentdata is included in “Drug Targets ProteinDatabase” developed by our group.Key word: Antimicrobial drugs; Essentialproteins; Drug targets.IntroductionBurden <strong>of</strong> microbial diseases <strong>and</strong>simultaneously more antibiotic resistance shownby bacteria on existing antibiotic drugs needs adifferent approach to find drug targets fordestroying bacteria more effectively. Thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> effective antimicrobial drugs isthe major challenge in field <strong>of</strong> pharmacogenomics.Growing number <strong>of</strong> microbial genome sequencingprojects have generated large number <strong>of</strong>sequences. Recently, a number <strong>of</strong> computationaltools have been developed for in silico analysis<strong>of</strong> gene sequence information (1). The genomeinformation is also useful to identify potential <strong>and</strong>essential c<strong>and</strong>idate <strong>of</strong> the microbial systems (2).A good target is a gene essential for bacteria tosurvive, yet cannot be found in the mammalianhost (3). An ideal drug target should provideadequate selectivity yielding a drug which isspecific or highlys elective against the pathogenwith respect to the human host. Moreover, thetarget should be involved in viability, growth <strong>and</strong>other essential metabolic processes <strong>of</strong> thepathogen at least under the condition <strong>of</strong> infection(4). Most <strong>of</strong> the previous research is revealedwith identification <strong>of</strong> essential gene on the basis<strong>of</strong> experimental data acquired from genedisruption <strong>and</strong> systematic mutagenesis studies onthe bacterium (5). There is huge chance <strong>of</strong> lethalaction on bacteria by inactivation <strong>of</strong> essentialgenes. Targeting non human homologous genesare much important to avoid possibilities <strong>of</strong>unacceptable crossreactivity that might causesGenome analysis <strong>of</strong> selected foodborne pathogens

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