full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (2) April 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)ilead to bright new apple varieties. The leader <strong>of</strong> theCSIRO Plant Industry research team, Dr M<strong>and</strong>y Walkersaid that red colour in apple skin is the result <strong>of</strong>anthocyanins, the natural plant compoundsresponsible for blue <strong>and</strong> red colours in many flowers<strong>and</strong> fruits. Using the latest molecular technology, howmuch particular genes were activated, or expressed, inapple skin as the fruit ripened <strong>and</strong> coloured wasmeasured. The gene requires light for activation. Byidentifying master genes that were activated by light,the gene that controls the formation <strong>of</strong> anthocyaninsin red apples was expressed, <strong>and</strong> it was found that ingreen apples this gene is not expressed as much as inred apples. In collaboration with apple breeders at theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Agriculture <strong>and</strong> Food in WesternAustralia (DAFWA), the scientists were able to showthat fruit colour can be predicted even in seedlingapple plants by measuring the form <strong>of</strong> this gene that ispresent.Deblina DeyEDUCATIONPhD/Post Doctoral ProgramsPost-doctoral/ Research Scholar/ResearchAssociate/Research technicians: Positions areavailable immediately in Nanomedicine ResearchCenter, University <strong>of</strong> South Florida in the laboratory<strong>of</strong> Dr. Narasaiah Kolliputi to investigate the cellular<strong>and</strong> molecular mechanisms <strong>of</strong> oxidant mediated lunginjury <strong>and</strong> pro-inflammatory effects in the lungs withspecial emphasis on inflammasome, redox signaling<strong>and</strong> microRNA regulation. The successful c<strong>and</strong>idateswill join a vibrant team in studying the oxidative stress,inflammasome regulation, microRNA <strong>and</strong> proinflammatorygene regulation in cell culture <strong>and</strong> animalmodels. Expertise in cell culture, biochemical <strong>and</strong>molecular biology techniques <strong>and</strong> animal work (mouse)is desirable. For Research Associate/Postdocpositions, PhD or MD/PhD in Life Sciences is required.For Research technician MS or BS with researchexperience is required. Please send a cover letter <strong>and</strong>CV by email to: Narasaiah Kolliputi, PhD, AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essor, Nanomedicine Research Center, Division<strong>of</strong> Allergy <strong>and</strong> Immunology, Internal Medicine, College<strong>of</strong> Medicine, University <strong>of</strong> South Florida, 12901 BruceB. Downs Blvd, Tampa, FL 33612, Phone: 813-974-5419,Fax: 813-974-8575, Email: nkollipu@health.usf.eduPost Doctoral Positions: Opportunities are availablewith Dr Raman Garg, Chief Mentor, Rukmini Devi Group<strong>of</strong> Institutions which are run under the agies <strong>of</strong> SethPokhar Mal Educational Society (www.spmes.org).Interested c<strong>and</strong>idates can contact Pr<strong>of</strong> (Dr) RamanGarg, Chief Mentor & Research Head, Rukmini DeviGroup <strong>of</strong> Institutions. C/o Seth Pokhar Mal EducationalSociety (SPMES), info@rdcecn.org, www.spmes.org.Post-Doctoral Positions: Two post-doctoral positionsare immediately available for highly motivatedresearchers to study molecular mechanisms <strong>of</strong> skeletalmuscle growth <strong>and</strong> wasting. Research involves theuse <strong>of</strong> genetic mouse models, immunohistochemistry,<strong>and</strong> cell culture techniques. Strong background inmolecular biology <strong>and</strong> biochemistry techniques aremust. Prior experience with micro RNAs, epigenetic,promoter analysis, flow cytometry, <strong>and</strong>/or metabolismstudies will be a plus. Interested c<strong>and</strong>idates shouldsubmit their curriculum vitae along with contactinformation for 2-3 references to: Ashok Kumar, Ph.D.,Anatomical Sciences <strong>and</strong> Neurobiology, University<strong>of</strong> Louisville School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, Louisville, KY 40202.Email: ashok.kumar@louisville.edu.OPPORTUNITIESCentre for Research in Nanoscience <strong>and</strong>Nanotechnology, University <strong>of</strong> Calcutta, Kolkata,India- 700 019. Applications are invited from eligiblec<strong>and</strong>idates to work as Project Fellows undersupervision <strong>of</strong> Principal Investigators in Department<strong>of</strong> Biochemistry, Botany, Chemical Technology,Zoology & Radio Physics & Electronics. EssentialQualifications are M. Tech or M. Sc or Post-B. Sc., B.Tech in the relevant discipline. GATE/NET qualificationis desirable. C<strong>and</strong>idates with Ph.D. degree may alsobe considered. Resumes can be sent to Pr<strong>of</strong> D. J.Chattopadhaya, Director <strong>of</strong> Centre for Research inNanoscience <strong>and</strong> Nanotechnology on or before 28thMay 2011. Date <strong>and</strong> Time <strong>of</strong> Walk-in-Interview: 3rdJune, 2010. on 02:00 PM. Venue: 2nd Floor, SeminarRoom, Department <strong>of</strong> Chemical Technology, 92, A. P.C. Road, Kolkata – 700009. Emoluments:Commensurate with the selected c<strong>and</strong>idate’squalification <strong>and</strong> experience as per university norms.The c<strong>and</strong>idates are requested to bring their originalcertificates (or provisional postgraduate certificate)along with a set <strong>of</strong> attested copies.

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