full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (2) 1183-1192 April 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1190restriction sites <strong>and</strong>/or changes in the size <strong>of</strong> therestriction fragments due to insertions, deletionsor other rearrangements at the original sequence.It has been shown that rearrangements <strong>of</strong>repeated sequences are a common processleading to protozoan genome variability (27, 28).It is possible that the inherently variable nature <strong>of</strong>repetitive sequences accounts for an importantpart <strong>of</strong> the observed AFLP polymorphisms. Thatmight be especially possible for L. panamensis,a not very well studied member <strong>of</strong> the subgenusViannia. Full genome sequencing <strong>of</strong> anothermember <strong>of</strong> the subgenus, L. braziliensis, hasshown higher amino acid <strong>and</strong> sequencedivergence as well as a higher number <strong>of</strong> repetitivesequences than that <strong>of</strong> the other sequencedmembers <strong>of</strong> the Leishmania subgenus, L. major<strong>and</strong> L. infantum (29).ConclusionsWhen AFLP low selectivity EcoRI <strong>and</strong> MseIprimers were used (+0, +1 <strong>and</strong> +2) onLeishmania panamensis, the patterns obtainedrevealed large numbers <strong>of</strong> usable alleles <strong>and</strong> asignificant proportion <strong>of</strong> polymorphic b<strong>and</strong>s.Additionally, many <strong>of</strong> those b<strong>and</strong>s showed thepotential to distinguish between L. panamensis<strong>and</strong> L. guyanensis. Thus, AFLP is a molecularfingerprinting technique showing promisingpotential to explore genetic diversity atLeishmania panamensis, both at intraspecific <strong>and</strong>interspecific levels. Its application will allowresearchers to look deeper into newpolymorphisms <strong>and</strong> possibly correlate them to ecoepidemiologicallyrelevant traits <strong>and</strong> otherimportant aspects <strong>of</strong> the biology <strong>of</strong> the parasite.The high efficiency <strong>of</strong> AFLP to detect manypolymorphisms simultaneously in this parasitemakes the technique very attractive to addressepidemiological relevant <strong>issue</strong>s as drug resistance,variations in clinical symptoms, <strong>and</strong> microevolutionarypatterns, among many others.AcknowledgementsAuthors are very grateful to Dr. PatriciaLlanes for strains supply <strong>and</strong> Mrs. Laura Pinedafor technical assistance on parasite cultures. Thisstudy was funded by the National Secretary <strong>of</strong>Science, Technology <strong>and</strong> Innovation <strong>of</strong> Panama(SENACYT), grant No. FID08-104.References1. Desjeux, P. (2004). Leishmaniasis: currentsituation <strong>and</strong> new perspectives. CompImmunol Microbiol Infect Dis, 27: 305–318.2. Reithinger, R., Dujardin, J.C., Louzir, H.,Pirmez, C., Alex<strong>and</strong>er, B., Brooker, S.(2007). Cutaneous leishmaniasis. LancetInfect Dis, 7: 581–596.3. Vásquez, A., Paz, H., Alvar, J., Perez, D.<strong>and</strong> Hern<strong>and</strong>ez, C. (1998). Informe Final:Estudios Sobre la Epidemiología de laLeishmaniasis en la parte Occidental de laRepública de Panamá. InstitutoConmemorativo Gorgas de Estudio de laSalud, Ministerio de Salud Pública, Panamá.4. Christensen, H.A., Herrer, A. <strong>and</strong> Telford,S.R. Jr (1972). Enzootic cutaneousleishmaniasis in eastern Panama. II.Entomological investigations. Ann Trop MedParasitol, 66: 55–66.5. Christensen, H.A., Fairchild, G.B., Herrer,A., Johnson, C.M., Young, D.G. <strong>and</strong> deVásquez, A.M. (1983). The ecology <strong>of</strong>cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Republic <strong>of</strong>Panama. J Med Entomol, 20: 463–484.6. Christensen, H.A., de Vasquez, A.M. <strong>and</strong>Petersen, J.L. (1999). Short report:epidemiologic studies on cutaneousleishmaniasis in eastern Panama. Am J TropMed Hyg, 60: 54–57.Carlos M. Restrepo et al

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