full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (2) 1173-1182 April 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1179shown in Fig 1. Formulations LE4 (6892.1 µg)<strong>and</strong> LP3 (8014.6 µg) showed maximum amount<strong>of</strong> release among their series with zero order(r 2 >0.9) release kinetics as it was evidenced fromcorrelation coefficients. It was apparent from therelease pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> formulations, that the drugrelease was governed by polymer composition.As the concentration <strong>of</strong> hydrophilic polymer(PVP) increased in the formulations, the drugrelease rate increased substantially. Thereappeared a significant difference (p

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