full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

full issue - Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy

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Current Trends in <strong>Biotechnology</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Pharmacy</strong>Vol. 5 (2) 1173-1182 April 2011. ISSN 0973-8916 (Print), 2230-7303 (Online)1178(i.e. 3.56 cm 2 ). The calculated target flux valuefor LCDP was 12.16 µg cm -2 h -1 .FTIR studies: LCDP, ethyl cellulose, EudragitRL100, PVP, polymer mixture <strong>and</strong> physicalmixture <strong>of</strong> polymers <strong>and</strong> LCDP were placed inclear glass containers <strong>and</strong> exposed to 40 o C/75 %RH for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, the samples weresubjected to FTIR studies by making pellets withKBr.Stability studies: The stability study for optimizedformulations (LE4 <strong>and</strong> LP3) was conductedaccording to the International Conference onHarmonisation (ICH) guidelines (15). Sufficientsamples <strong>of</strong> the formulations were wrapped inaluminium foil <strong>and</strong> stored in a petri dish at atemperature <strong>of</strong> 40 ± 2 o C/75 ± 5 % R.H (SkylabInstruments & Engineering Pvt Ltd, Thane, India)for 6 months. Samples were withdrawn at intervals<strong>of</strong> 1, 2, 3, <strong>and</strong> 6 months <strong>and</strong> analyzed for drugcontent using the HPLC (7).Statistical analysis: Statistical comparisons weremade using Student’s t-test using Sigmastats<strong>of</strong>tware (J<strong>and</strong>el Corp., CA, USA). Results wereconsidered significant at 95 % confidence interval(p < 0.05) <strong>and</strong> results were expressed as mean ±SD.Results <strong>and</strong> DiscussionFormulation <strong>of</strong> transdermal patches <strong>of</strong> LCDP:Polymer films were formulated with varyingconcentrations <strong>of</strong> ethyl cellulose or ERL 100 <strong>and</strong>PVP. The experiment was initiated by taking 2gm <strong>of</strong> polymer <strong>and</strong> 90 mg <strong>of</strong> drug. As the polymerconcentration increased the films couldaccommodate more amount <strong>of</strong> LCDP.Precipitation <strong>of</strong> the drug was noticed with 2 g <strong>of</strong>polymer <strong>and</strong> when the polymer was increased,the precipitation was decreased. No precipitationwas observed with 2.5 g <strong>and</strong> above <strong>of</strong> the polymer.Therefore the amount <strong>of</strong> polymer selected was2.5 gm <strong>and</strong> in order to improve drug release PVPat different ratios was incorporated. The physicalappearance <strong>of</strong> the films was transparentsuggesting that the drug was completely solubilizedin the polymeric matrix. Based on preliminaryexperiments, d-limonene at a concentration <strong>of</strong> 8% v/w (showed maximum permeation <strong>of</strong> LCDPacross rat skin) was incorporated as penetrationenhancer.The results <strong>of</strong> weight variation test forvarious transdermal films are shown in Table 2.Results <strong>of</strong> weight variation test indicateduniformity in weight <strong>of</strong> the patches, as evidencedby RSD values, which were less than 6.Thickness <strong>of</strong> films varied from 201.3(LE1) to 210.4 µm (LE4); 185.6 (LP1) to 193.2µm (LP4) in respective series. The results (Table2) suggest that the change in polymer compositiondid not produce any significant effect (p>0.05)on the thickness. The thickness was found to beuniform as it was evidenced from RSD values,which were less than 6.The results <strong>of</strong> content uniformity areshown in table 1 <strong>and</strong> indicate good uniformity indrug content. The drug content was from 97.1 to101.5 % in formulation LE2 <strong>and</strong> LP3 respectively.In vitro drug release studies: The releasepr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> LCDP from transdermal patches wereCumulative amount <strong>of</strong> LCDP (µg) releasedTime (h)Fig 1. In vitro release pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong> LCDP transdermal patchesRamesh Gannu et al

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