Vital Signs and Physiological Values for Elephants - Elephant Care ...

Vital Signs and Physiological Values for Elephants - Elephant Care ...

Vital Signs and Physiological Values for Elephants - Elephant Care ...


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1<strong>Elephant</strong> <strong>Vital</strong> <strong>Signs</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Physiological</strong> Parameters 2006Compiled by Susan K. MikotaParameter Value ReferenceHeight (meters)• Elephas maximus maximus (Sri Lanka) 2.0 -.3.5Shoshani 1992• Elephas maximus indicus (Mainl<strong>and</strong>) 2.0 - 3.52.0 - 3.2• Elephas maximus sumatranus (Sumatran)• Loxodanta africana africana (Bush)• Loxodonta africana cyclotis (Forest)Weight (kg)• Elephas maximus maximus (Sri Lanka)• Elephas maximus indicus (Mainl<strong>and</strong>)• Elephas maximus sumatranus (Sumatran)• Loxodanta africana africana (Bush)• Loxodonta africana cyclotis (Forest)3.0 - 4.02.0 - 3.02,000 – 5,5002,000 – 5,5002,000 – 4,0004,000 – 7,0002,000 – 4,500Shoshani 1992Life Span (years) 50 - 70 Wallach <strong>and</strong> Boever1983Kingdon 1979

2Blood volume (% of body weight) 3.5 (n=1) Shoshani 1982Chromosome number 56 Hunger<strong>for</strong>d 1966Sakthikumar 1990Suwattana 2000Dental <strong>for</strong>mula I 1/0, C 0/0,Shoshani 1994PM 3/3, M 3/3Total = 26Formula to estimate body weightWeight (kg) = 18.0 Hile 1997(not accurate <strong>for</strong> young elephants)(heart girth in cm)– 3336.Skin thickness (cm) 1.9 - 3.2 Kock 1993Vertebral <strong>for</strong>mulaRectal temperatureHeart rate(beats per minute)C-7, T-19, L-3, S-5,Cd –27;Total # bones 28236 - 37˚ C97.5 - 99˚ F25 - 30 (st<strong>and</strong>ing)72 - 98 (lateralrecumbency)Shoshani 1982Elder 1975Kock 1993Buss 1965Brattstrom 1963Kock 1993Respiratory rate(breaths per minute)4 -12 Schmitt 2003

3Trunk capacity (liters) adult Asian 8.5 Shoshani 1992Urine volume/24 hr (liters/day)25-53Dutta, 2003Cheeran 2002Benedict 1936Simon 1958,1959Average volume / urination (liters)max5.510.58Benedict 1936Frequency of urination/24 hr 5-10 Benedict 1936Simon 1959Fecal production (kg/day) ~110 Dutta, 2003Defecations/day AsianBoluses/defecation AsianWt/bolus Asian (kg)Defecation rate (h/defecation) AfricanWt/defecation African adult (kg)Total dung/24h African,adult femaleSystolic blood pressure (st<strong>and</strong>ing)(mm Hg)Diastolic blood pressure (st<strong>and</strong>ing)(mm Hg)Mean blood pressure (st<strong>and</strong>ing)(mm Hg)(Note that blood pressure increases whenelephants are in lateral recumbency)Arterial PO 2 (st<strong>and</strong>ing)(mm Hg)References12-205-81-2.51.41-1.9110.36100 kg178.6 ± 2.94(n = 7 Asian <strong>and</strong> 8African elephants)118.7 ± 3.10(n = 7 Asian <strong>and</strong> 8African elephants)144.6 ± 2.90(n=7 Asian <strong>and</strong> 8African elephants)96.2 ± 1.55(n=7 Asian <strong>and</strong> 8African elephants)Cheeran 2002Coe 1972Honeyman 1992Honeyman 1992Honeyman 1992Honeyman 1992

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