What A Year For Judson : 6 CCAC Championships

What A Year For Judson : 6 CCAC Championships

What A Year For Judson : 6 CCAC Championships


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W h a t A Y e a r F o r J u d s o n : 6 C C A C C h a m p i o n s h i p sINDIVIDUAL RECORDSSINGLE-SEASONTOTAL POINTSPlayer <strong>Year</strong> G FG FT Pts1. Tom Randall 75-76 26 308 190 8062. Greg Bess 83-84 33 316 153 7853. Freddie Morris 83-84 29 298 111 7074. Corum Turner 71-72 26 251 192 6945. Corum Turner 70-71 26 253 130 6796. Jim Boscaljon 84-85 27 256 130 6427. Art Fessler 88-89 31 235 121 6158. Larry Bennerman 80-81 24 236 137 6099. Jason Russell 92-94 30 144 90 60310. Lawrence McGhee 02-03 33 234 116 597SCORING AVERAGEPlayer <strong>Year</strong> G Pts Avg.1. Tom Randall 75-76 26 806 31.02. Corum Turner 71-72 26 694 26.73. Corum Turner 70-71 26 679 26.14. Larry Bennerman 80-81 24 609 25.45. Jerry Guse 66-67 24 594 24.86. Freddie Morris 83-84 29 707 24.47. Bob Dillard 69-70 24 584 24.38. Larry Vallier 66-67 24 580 24.29. Jim Boscaljon 84-85 27 642 23.8Greg Bess 83-84 33 785 23.8FIELD GOALS MADEPlayer <strong>Year</strong> G FGM1. Greg Bess 83-84 33 3162. Tom Randall 75-76 26 3083. Freddie Morris 83-84 29 2984. Jim Boscaljon 84-85 27 2565. Corum Turner 70-71 26 2536. Corum Turner 71-72 26 2517. Larry Bennerman 80-81 24 2368. Art Fessler 88-89 31 2359. Lawrence McGhee 02-03 33 23410. Jerry Guse 66-67 24 229FIELD GOALS ATTEMPTEDPlayer <strong>Year</strong> G FGA1. Tom Randall 75-76 26 6442. Tom Randall 72-73 26 5753. Greg Bess 83-84 33 5284. Jim Boscaljon 84-85 27 511Lawrence McGhee 02-03 33 5116. Corum Turner 71-72 26 5107. Art Fessler 88-89 31 5008. Larry Bennerman 80-81 24 4969. Corum Turner 70-71 26 49110. Bob Dillard 69-70 24 475FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE(Min 100 Att.)Player <strong>Year</strong> Pct.1. Freddie Morris 83-84 .677 (298-440)2. Jim Boscaljon 83-84 .602 (103-304)3. Greg Bess 83-84 .598 (316-528)Dwight Kirkland 85-86 .598 (162-271)5. Mike Stricker 95-96 .586 (65-111)6. Dave Gutierrez 90-91 .570 (175-307)7. Clay Campbell 73-74 .564 (158-280)8. Joe Jackson 68-69 .562 (195-347)9. Dan Matlak 01-02 .558 (203-364)Dewayne Robinson 07-08 .558 (198-355)10. Bart Stamper 88-89 .556 (170-306)Free Throws MadePlayer <strong>Year</strong> G FTM1. Corum Turner 71-72 26 1922. Tom Randall 75-76 26 1903. Larry Vallier 66-67 24 1804. Corum Turner 70-71 26 1735. Greg Bess 84-85 33 1536. Dewayne Robinson 07-08 27 1477. Bob Dillard 69-70 24 1408. Tom Randall 74-75 26 1399. Larry Bennerman 80-81 24 13710. Jerry Guse 66-67 24 13611. Jim Boscaljon 84-85 27 130Free Throws AttemptedPlayer <strong>Year</strong> G FTA1. Corum Turner 71-72 26 2742. Tom Randall 75-76 26 2413. Larry Vallier 66-67 24 2384. Corum Turner 70-71 26 2305. Dewayne Robinson 07-08 27 2076. Greg Bess 83-84 33 1927. Larry Bennerman 80-81 24 1908. DeWayne Robinson 05-06 29 1899. Bob Dillard 69-70 24 18410. Bob Dillard 68-69 26 18311. Matt Stricker 95-96 29 182Free Throw Percentage(Min. 50 Att.)Player <strong>Year</strong>s FT-FTA Pct.1. Stu Brandon 89-90 (53-60) .8832. Brenden Jones 03-04 (66-76) .8683. Brian Johnson 00-01 (101-117) .863Stu Brandon 91-92 (63-73) .8635. Scott <strong>For</strong>tune 02-03 (56-66) .8486. Jason Russell 92-93 (90-107) .8417. Scott Burnett 94-95 (51-61) .8368. George Benham 70-71 (84-101) .8329. Tom Randall 73-74 (81-98) .82710. Tony Smith 81-82 (56-68) .824TOTAL REBOUNDSPlayer <strong>Year</strong> G Reb.1. Joe Jackson 68-69 26 3942. Joe Thorton 79-80 23 3853. Joe Jackson 69-70 26 373Joe Jackson 67-68 25 3735. Bob Dillard 68-69 26 3556. Tom Randall 75-76 26 3497. Dwight Kirkland 87-88 30 3488. Dwight Kirkland 86-87 30 3389. Hershell Gossett 87-88 30 33210. Dwight Kirkland 85-86 29 326REBOUND AVERAGEPlayer <strong>Year</strong> G Avg.1. Joe Thorton 79-80 23 16.72. Joe Jackson 68-69 26 15.23. Joe Jackson 67-68 25 14.94. Joe Jackson 69-70 26 14.35. Bob Dillard 68-69 26 13.76. Tom Randall 75-76 26 13.47. Mike Harland 67-68 24 13.18. Dwight Kirkland 87-88 30 11.69. Dwight Kirkland 86-87 30 11.3Joe Thorton 80-81 24 11.3THREE-POINT fgSPlayer <strong>Year</strong> G 3FG1. Luke Condill 01-02 35 1412. Matt Wilson 96-97 28 1013. Eric Anderson 87-88 30 974. Chris Moore 97-98 31 855. Stevan Djuric 05-06 30 776. Jason Russell 92-93 30 757. Morgan Thompson 02-03 27 748. PJ McKinney 98-99 28 719. Matt Wilson 95-96 31 68Brenden Jones 03-04 26 68THREE-POINT fgSATTEMPTEDPlayer <strong>Year</strong> G FGA1. Luke Condill 01-02 35 3272. Matt Wilson 96-97 28 2323. Eric Anderson 87-88 30 2294. Chris Moore 97-98 31 2265. Stevan Djuric 05-06 30 2116. Morgan Thompson 02-03 25 1867. Todd Waldron 99-00 30 1848. Brenden Jones 03-04 26 1799. Steffan Williams 07-08 28 16910. Matt Wilson 95-96 31 16611. P.J. McKinney 98-99 28 164

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