Annual report and financial statements - NVM Private Equity Ltd.

Annual report and financial statements - NVM Private Equity Ltd.

Annual report and financial statements - NVM Private Equity Ltd.

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Chairman’s StatementAt 30 September 2003 the venture capital portfoliocomprised 55 holdings with an aggregate value of£27.2 million. The investments cover a wide rangeof industry sectors <strong>and</strong> stages of maturity <strong>and</strong> yourboard believes that there are a number of excellentprospects for future growth <strong>and</strong> profitable exit indue course.We have continued to draw funds down from thelisted fixed-interest <strong>and</strong> equity holdings managed byChiswell Associates, the total value of whichdecreased from £6.2 million to £3.8 million over thecourse of the year. Realised <strong>and</strong> unrealised gains inthis portfolio during the year totalled £497,000.VCT qualifying statusYour board <strong>and</strong> managers monitor closely thecompany’s continuing observance of the Inl<strong>and</strong>Revenue’s VCT rules <strong>and</strong> the board receives annualcompliance <strong>report</strong>s from PricewaterhouseCoopersLLP, who were appointed as tax advisors to thecompany in 2002. We are satisfied that the companycontinues to meet the relevant requirements.Shareholder issuesDuring the year the company bought back <strong>and</strong>cancelled just over one million ordinary shares,equivalent to 2.6% of the issued share capital at thestart of the year. The secondary market for VCTshares generally continues to suffer from thintrading, <strong>and</strong> we will continue to re-purchase sharesas appropriate.Northern Venture ManagersIn September 2003 Edinburgh Fund ManagersGroup, the parent company of Northern VentureManagers, announced an agreed takeover byAberdeen Asset Management which hassubsequently been declared unconditional. <strong>NVM</strong>continues to operate as a discrete business unitunder the new group ownership <strong>and</strong> your board iscommitted to ensuring that there is no adversechange to the management of our company.Future prospectsNorthern Venture Trust has now been in operationfor eight years, during which time the company hasinvested almost £50 million in small <strong>and</strong> mediumsizedcompanies in the UK – many of which mightotherwise have been unable to raise the long-termfinance necessary to implement their business plans.Whilst building the portfolio, we have been able toachieve a return for our shareholders – before takingany account of the generous VCT tax reliefs <strong>and</strong>incentives – broadly in line with the return on a fundtracking the FTSE All-Share index. The challengefacing the company now is to build on thisfoundation <strong>and</strong> begin to out-perform the index asthe portfolio continues to mature. I believe we arewell placed to meet this challenge.Professor Sir Frederick HollidayChairmanYour directors are mindful that in two years’ time,at the 2005 annual general meeting, there will be anopportunity for shareholders to vote on the futurecontinuation of the company. While we keep thismatter under regular review, we consider it is rightto indicate to shareholders at this stage that wepresently expect to recommend continuation for afurther five years. Venture capital investment is along-term business <strong>and</strong> it takes time to realise thefull potential of unquoted investments. Manyshareholders have benefited from capital gains taxdeferral <strong>and</strong> continuation of the company willenable this position to be preserved.PAGE 3 Northern Venture Trust PLC <strong>Annual</strong> Report <strong>and</strong> Accounts 2003

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