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New ConsultantDr Nishiyama Sabrou has also worked with the industryin Japan to transfer and commercialise flow forming andhot forging technology. He lends his expertise in metalforming to meeting various marketing and purchasingfunctions in forging products, dies and punches.Dr Nishiyama SabrouFor 18 years, <strong>PE</strong> Consultant - Dr Nishiyama Sabrou hasengaged in extensive R&D on metal forming (forging, formrolling, thermo-mechanical treatment, sheet forming),tribology, nonlinear finite element method and modellingduring his tenure at Nissan Motors Japan.Dr Nishiyama Sabrou received his PhD in Engineering fromOsaka University, Japan with his dissertation on precisionforging for automobile parts. In 1995, he garnered theTechnical Incentive Award for the “Study on PrecisionForging <strong>of</strong> Automobile Parts” and the Technical DevelopmentAward in 1999 for “Development <strong>of</strong> Forging Expert System”from the Japan Society for Technology <strong>of</strong> Plasticity.At Hitachi Zosen Information Systems Co., Japan, wherehe subsequently joined in 1996, he took on the GeneralManager role to oversee the development <strong>of</strong> productionrelated CAE systems such as forging simulation and expertsystem as well as the development <strong>of</strong> mould related systems.Copyright © <strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> 2009Copyright © <strong>PE</strong>-<strong>COI</strong> 2009.3

Upcoming newsNew Initiative:MedTech <strong>Manufacturing</strong> ConsortiumSIMTech’s MedTech <strong>Manufacturing</strong> Consortium aims to address the medicaltechnological needs and challenges faced by the manufacturing industry. It focuseson sharing experiences, knowledge and best practices in medical manufacturingtechnology and helps in facilitating research collaborations among the consortiummembers and the research institutes.Other objectives include:-• To help diversify the capabilities <strong>of</strong> local manufacturing industry to medtechmanufacturing and help in overcoming the barriers in this migration process• To establish medical technology platforms and networks for technology transferand knowledge sharing among stakeholders in the medtech industry• To facilitate greater interaction and leveraging <strong>of</strong> expertise from industryresearch institutes and funding organisations.1st MedTech Roundtable on 25 Februaryat SIMTechIn conjunction with the SIMTech MedTech <strong>Manufacturing</strong> Consortium, a WorkforceSkills Qualifications (WSQ) Graduate Diploma in MedTech <strong>Manufacturing</strong> will alsobe launched to help upgrade the medtech knowledge and skill sets for the existingpool <strong>of</strong> engineers and managers in the local industry.For more information, please contactMs Jenny Ang, Chair, MedTech <strong>Manufacturing</strong> InitiativeEmail: jenny@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgMobile: 9173 4083- 90% <strong>of</strong> the course fee to be sponsoredby WDA’s SPUR programme- Class starts in Jan 2010- First intake: 30In discussion during 1st MedTechRoundtable- Workshop’s technology topicto be voted by members- 3 workshops per year- Free MedTech Technology andCompetitive IntelligenceReportMedTechConference/Workshop/ReportMedTechGraduateDiplomaMedTechConsultancyService- Medical Technology Roadmapping , or- Medical Device DesignFeasibility Study, or- Medical Supply ChainOptimisation StudyYearly overseastechnologystudy tourOverseasTechnologyStudy TourMedTech<strong>Manufacturing</strong>ConsortiumOEM/SuppliersPartnershipProject- MedTech <strong>Manufacturing</strong>Technology & ProcessDevelopment- Medical Device Designand Development- Supply Chain ManagementJoint membership withlocal and overseasMedTech associationsJointMembershipwith otherMedTechAssociationsMedTechBusinessMatchmakingSessionMemberNetworkingSessionAnnual Breakfast, Lunchand Dinner NetworkingSessionPr<strong>of</strong>essional MedTech Strategy Consultantsto assist in business matchmaking4 Copyright © <strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> 2009

Feature newsTechnology Consortia and Manpower DevelopmentProgrammes Launched(L-R): Mr Adrian Lim, MD, Disk Precision Industries, Mr Berne Chung, MD, Component Technology, Mr Kwan Lok Suen, MD, CKE <strong>Manufacturing</strong>, MrLow Hwee Hwa, Director, Advance Tech Precision, Mr Michael Oxborrow, MD, ACP Metal Finishing, Mr Chan Heng Kee, CE, WDA, Dr Lim Ser Yong,ED, SIMTech, Ms Shann Yap, Atg GM, Electroloy Metal, Mr Liam Kok Chye, Director, Matcor Technology & Services, Ms Siti Hawa Jumahat, Rep, RisoSeiki, Mr William Kuek, Ops Manager, Sky Engineering, Dr Song Yun Feng, Director, Sunny Instruments <strong>Singapore</strong>, Dr Li Xiaomin, MD, WinTech Nano-Technology ServicesSIMTech announced two new initiatives on 10 June2009 involving the formation <strong>of</strong> technologyconsortia and development <strong>of</strong> manpower to boostthe local Precision Engineering (<strong>PE</strong>) industry. Theseinitiatives are significant to propel the industry’scapabilities to handle more complex manufacturingprocesses. The two new initiatives focus on High-Mix Low-Volume <strong>Manufacturing</strong> and PrecisionMeasurements and Characterisation. In each <strong>of</strong>these areas, a technology consortium is formedwith SIMTech and <strong>PE</strong> companies to developtechnologies required.Complementing these consortia are new PrecisionEngineering Workforce Skills Qualifications (<strong>PE</strong>WSQ) Graduate Diploma Programmes jointlyorganised by SIMTech and the <strong>Singapore</strong> WorkforceDevelopment Agency (WDA) to equipPr<strong>of</strong>essionals, Managers and Engineers (PMEs) withrelevant skills in these niche and specialised areas.Dr Lim Ser Yong, ED <strong>of</strong> SIMTech launched the Technology Consortia and Manpower Development programmesUpon completion <strong>of</strong> their training, the skilledpr<strong>of</strong>essionals will be channelled to the consortiato further advance the R&D work.http://pe-wsq.SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg/SIMTech researchers explaining their technology tothe visitorsIndustries sharing their vision with Mr Lee Yi Shyan,Minister <strong>of</strong> State, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Trade & Industry andManpowerCopyright © <strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> 20095

Feature newsNew <strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> Equipment Readyfor Industrial CollaborationModulation Transfer Function equipmentThis equipment measures opticallens property such as ModulationTransfer Function (MTF). The <strong>PE</strong>industry may benefit fromtraditional qualitativemeasurement to quantitativemeasurement <strong>of</strong> lens property.Two service projects and lens inhouseproject have been initiated.A fully automatic 6-axis tool andcutter grinder in generating morecomplicated and accurate cuttingtools specialise in manufacturingpolycrystalline diamond (PCD)and cubic boron nitride (PCBN)cutters. Optional EDM enhancesthe machining productivity. It isalso suitable for customised tools,form tools and new tool forEWAG - Ewamatic Lineadvanced materials which arerequired by the <strong>PE</strong> industry. Currently, one in-house and threepotential industrial projects have started.ENGEL All-electric Injection MouldingmachineAn electric driven, 55-Ton, Tiebarless Injection Moulding Systemis available to support researchand industry projects for mouldingprecision plastic parts such asmedical devices, optical devices,precision products withengineering materials, thin wallparts, etc.This system is equipped withabrasion and corrosion resistancescrews and barrel for moulding <strong>of</strong> engineering materials suchas <strong>PE</strong>I and <strong>PE</strong>EK. It has additional screws and barrelsfor the support <strong>of</strong> different product sizes as well as a dedicatedscrew and barrel for moulding <strong>of</strong> optical/ transparent products.Newly Formed CAEConsortiumTen companies have signed up for the consortiumtraining programme on Computer Aided Engineering(CAE) for the Processing <strong>of</strong> Plastic Moulding andMetal Forming Parts for the <strong>PE</strong> Industry. These are:Yong Chang Mould Engineering, MicropointTechnologies Pte Ltd, T&C Plastic Moulding Pte Ltd,A-Plus Engineering Pte Ltd, Crafts PrecisionEngineering, Exsa Precision Technologies Enterprise,Peakpon Technology Pte Ltd, Kay Kay Plastic IndustriesPte Ltd, OEM Sourcing & Product DevelopmentEnterprise, and Yeakin Plastic Industry Pte Ltd. Theconsortium training programme started on 1 July2009.For enquiries on <strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> simulation capabilities, pleasecontact Dr Wong Ee Hua,ehwong@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg.CoursesThe Precision Engineering Workforce SkillsQualification (<strong>PE</strong> WSQ) Graduate Diploma inPrecision Measurements and Characterisation is ajoint initiative by SIMTech and the <strong>Singapore</strong> WorkforceDevelopment Agency (WDA). The objective <strong>of</strong> thecourse is to provide the fundamental knowledge andhands-on training in precision measurements andmetrology required for managers and engineers inprecision engineering related manufacturing industries.The course is given by both local and internationalscientists with excellent track record in precisionmeasurements. It comprises five units:1. Geometric Characteristics and Tolerancing2. Dimensional Measurements and Nano-scaleMetrology3. Engineering Optics & Optical Measurements4. Image Processing and Industrial Vision Inspection5. Materials CharacterisationFor enquiries on courses, please contact Dr ZengXianting, xzeng@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgIt has also been equipped with a 10K clean room module forsupporting products such as medical devices that require cleanroom moulding environment.For enquiries on the use <strong>of</strong> equipment, please contact Mr EricPook, sfpook@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg6Copyright © <strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> 2009

<strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> Expert Consultants HighlightMetal Forming, Casting & Heat TreatmentDr Atsushi Danno• Former Board Member and Director inTOYOTA CRL.• High Precision Bulk-Metal Forming Technologydanno@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Anders Jarfors• Casting <strong>of</strong> Advanced Materials• Superplasticity Forming• Heat Treatmentanders@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Nishiyama Sabrou• Modelling for Metal Forming• Tool & Dienishiyama@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgPlastic, Metal & Ceramic MouldingDr Li Qingfa• Powder Injection Moulding and PowderMetallurgyqfli@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgMr Chen Ge• Plastic Injection Mould Design• Mouldflowgchen@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgWelding & JoiningDr Sun Zheng• Welding Processes and Welding Metallurgyzsun@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgMr Liu Peiling• CAD/CAM/CNC Toolkit and Simulation SystemDeveloper <strong>of</strong> InventorMould, Virtual CNCTraining Lab & QuickCNCplliu@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgPlating, Coating & Surface TreatmentDr Andrew Soutar• Surface Finishingsoutar@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Sandor Nemeth• High Temperature Resistant and Scratch ResistantCoatingssandorn@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Ding Xing Zhao• Tribological Hard Coatingsxzding@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgMr Chang Jen Heng• Decorative Plating, Chemical Etching, MetalStripping and Recoveryjhchang@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgOperation & Supply Chain ManagementDr Zhang Nengsheng, Allan• Information Technology in <strong>Manufacturing</strong>Operations Managementnzhang@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Wei Jun• Diffusion Bonding and Micro/Nanojoiningjwei@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Lim Yan Guan, Roland• Lean <strong>Manufacturing</strong>, ERP System and Supply ChainManagementyglim@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgMachiningMr Kanno Shigeyuki• Precision Machining Technology, Micromachiningand Micro-EDMkanno@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Lim Gnian Cher• Laser Machining and Processinggclim@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgMr Chua Tay Jin• Production Planning and Schedulingtjchua@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr William Lee• <strong>Manufacturing</strong> Management and<strong>Manufacturing</strong> System Design• Lean <strong>Manufacturing</strong> & Managementgklee@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgCopyright © <strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> 20097

Green <strong>Manufacturing</strong>MedTechDr Song Bin• Green <strong>Manufacturing</strong>• Re-manufacturingbsong@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgMs Jenny Ang• Medical Devices and Technologyjenny@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgEquipment DevelopmentMs Wan Siew Ping• Equipment and System Conceptualisation• Automation and System Integration• Modular Design and Documentationspwan@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgProcess & Tool Condition MonitoringDr Lim Beng Siong• High Integrity and Performance Monitoring• Electrode, Tools and Work Piece Trackingbslim@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgFactory AutomationDr Gong Zhiming• Precision Motion Control• Robotic Automationzgong@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Lin Wei• Precision Mechanism and Machine Design• <strong>Manufacturing</strong> Automationwlin@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgReliabilityDr Lin Wen Jong• CAE for Precision Machines• Vibration Analysis and Controlwjlin@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Wong Ee Hua• Mechanical Reliabilityehwong@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgAssoc Pr<strong>of</strong> Tan Cher Ming• Electronic & Electrical Reliability• Failure Analysis• Quality EngineeringECMTAN@ntu.edu.sgPrecision MeasurementsDr Fang Zhongping• Optics• Metrologyzpfang@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgDr Xu Jian• Image Processing• Vision Inspectionjxu@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgMaterial CharacterisationDr Tung Siew Kong• Material Characterisation• Metrologysktung@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgMs Liu Yuchan• Dimension Metrologyyliu@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgFor any enquiries, please contact:<strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> Technical HotlineContact Ms Devi at 6793 8388E-mail : pecoi@SIMTech.a-star.edu.sgPartners8Copyright © <strong>PE</strong> <strong>COI</strong> 2009

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