Contents - Akademi Sains Malaysia

Contents - Akademi Sains Malaysia

Contents - Akademi Sains Malaysia

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M.N.N. Husna et al.: Construction Waste Management: Issues, Challenges and Supply Chain Management MechanismsACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors are grateful to Universiti Teknologi MARA forfunding the research work. Prof Ahmad Ruslan MohdRidzuan and Dr Intan Rohani Endut are acknowledged fortheir continuous support and encouragement.Date of submission: May 2011Date of acceptance: February 2013REFERENCESAgamuthu, P, Hamid, FS & Khidzir, K 2009, ‘Evolution of solidwaste managemnt in <strong>Malaysia</strong>: impacts and implicationsof solid waste bill’, 2007, J. Mater. 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