Student Organization Registration Form - Oakwood University

Student Organization Registration Form - Oakwood University

Student Organization Registration Form - Oakwood University


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<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> <strong>Form</strong>IntroductionTo become a registered student organization at <strong>Oakwood</strong> <strong>University</strong>, follow these steps:Eligibility1. Complete registration form by the deadlines for both semesters.2. Attach a copy of the organization’s Constitution and By-Laws with the application.3. Return the completed form to the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities. If there are any questions, pleasecontact the Director of <strong>Student</strong> Activities. A notice of approval by the <strong>Student</strong> Activities Committeewill be sent to the President and Advisor via letter or e-mail.<strong>Registration</strong> of student organizations is an ANNUAL process the entails responsibilities and confers rights,including access to <strong>University</strong> facilities. Groups may register during any semester, but are encouraged toregister in the Fall semester.Your signature on the registration form means that your organization agrees to comply with all <strong>University</strong>policies regarding student organizations. If at any time the organization no longer meets eligibility, it is nolonger entitled to the privileges granted to registered student organizations and is obligated to inform theOffice of <strong>Student</strong> Activities. For a description of qualifications for eligibility, review the criteria found in the“Introduction” on page 1 of the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> Handbook.The organization should:• Be composed of students enrolled at <strong>Oakwood</strong> <strong>University</strong>• Be related to student life on campus• Be controlled and directed by students attend <strong>Oakwood</strong> <strong>University</strong>. At least three student leaders mustbe listed on this form in addition to an advisor.• Enlist the support of a faculty or staff member to be an advisor who is employed on a full-time basiswith the <strong>University</strong>.• Prepare a Constitution that outline your organization name, purpose, governances/operatingprocedures.• Participate in community service activities.• Abide by all regulations specified in the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> Handbook.Each student organization is responsible for assuring that its membership procedures and service provisionsare nondiscriminatory.

Section A – <strong>Organization</strong> Information1. <strong>Organization</strong> Name – Full name of the organization.<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> <strong>Form</strong>INSTRUCTIONS2. Short name – Must be 10 characters or less. This will be used for database management and online searching.3. Read all classifications and select the box the appropriately describes the status of the organization.• New <strong>Organization</strong> (<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> has never been registered with the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities)• Continuing <strong>Organization</strong> (<strong>Organization</strong> was an active <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> at the end of SpringSemester)• Returning <strong>Organization</strong> (<strong>Organization</strong> was NOT an acting <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> at the end of the year buthas registered before) Please use the exact name of organization on file in the Office of <strong>Student</strong>Activities.4. <strong>Organization</strong> Purpose – This concise statement could be published in various locations5. <strong>Organization</strong> Type – Listed below are eight categories by which student organizations can be classified in theOffice of <strong>Student</strong> Activities database and other publications. Select the ONE category that best describes yourorganization.• Academic/Educational - Serve to meet the academic and educational needs of students.• Ethnic/Cultural – Focus on ethnic, cultural, and diversity issues, and meet the needs of minority orunrepresented students.• Honor/Recognition – Serve as honoraries or recognize significant academic, service and/or leadership• Recreational/Sports – Focus on meeting the recreational/sports needs of students• Religious/Spiritual – Focus on meeting the spiritual needs of students• Service – Provide opportunities for student involvement in community service and service learning• Social – Meet the needs of students in social settings• Special Interest – Meet the needs of student6. <strong>Organization</strong> Makeup – Check the box that represents the primary type of students in the organization.7. Membership Requirements – List any requirements for membership eligibility.8. Number of Members – Indicate the number of signed-up members by the categorized provided.Typical Activities – List the types of activities that your organization will be sponsoring or providing for the membership.

Section B – Meeting Information<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> <strong>Form</strong>Enter the time and place for the organization’s meetings. For example, in Date and Time, enter “Every otherThursday at 7p”.Section C – Membership FeesIndicate the amount of dues to be paid and whether they are semester or yearly dues.Section D – Fundraising Programs/ActivitiesList the type(s) of fundraising programs or activities the organization plans to participate in during the year.• All minor and major fundraising activities (car washes, bake sale, etc.) must be approved by the Office of<strong>Student</strong> ActivitiesSection E – Community Service ComponentEach organization is expected to become active in the community through volunteer activities. List activitiesthat your organization will become involved in as an organization throughout the year: (Examples might includefood/clothing drives, visiting nursing homes, yard work, etc.)Section F – Officer and Contact InformationThe President’s information is a way for the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities to communicate with the organization.This information will be available on the <strong>Oakwood</strong> website and on a hard copy list produced the Office of<strong>Student</strong> Activities. The President’s information may be shared with university. The President’s information is away for the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities to communicate with the organization. This information will be availableon the <strong>Oakwood</strong> website and on a hard copy list produced the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities. The President’sinformation may be shared with university officials to facilitate communication with student organizations. Allstudent and advisors listed on this form will be entered into a database in the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities.Frequent correspondence via e-mail and campus/US mail will occur during the academic year. Much of thecommunication provided by the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities will be conducted via e-mail; thus it is imperativethat student organization leaders check their e-mail on a regular and continuing basis. List two phone numberswhere student leaders may be reached.All information needs to be filled out completely in order to be presented to the <strong>Student</strong> Activities Office.

SECTION A – <strong>Organization</strong>al Information<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> <strong>Form</strong><strong>Organization</strong> Name ____________________________________________Short Name ______________________Classification New <strong>Organization</strong> Continuing <strong>Organization</strong> Returning <strong>Organization</strong><strong>Organization</strong> Purpose (from Constitution) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Organization</strong> Type (Check only ONE type):Ethnic/Cultural Academic/Educational Religious/Spiritual SocialService Honor/Recognition Recreational Sport Special Interest<strong>Organization</strong>al Makeup Undergraduate Graduate BothMembership Requirements____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Number of Members 1-25 26-50 51-100 101-150 151+Typical <strong>Organization</strong> Activities ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SECTION B – Meeting Information Date ________________________ Time____________________________SECTION C – Membership Fees Amount _____________ Monthly Yearly SemesterSECTION D – Fundraising Program/Activities _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SECTION E – Community Service Component _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SECTION F – Officer and Contact Information (Compile and include ALL contacts information)President Full Name _______________________________ Phone________________________________Local Address _________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________Vice President Full Name _______________________________Phone________________________________

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> <strong>Form</strong>Local Address _________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________Treasurer Full Name _______________________________ Phone________________________________Local Address _________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________Secretary Full Name _______________________________ Phone________________________________Local Address _________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________Chaplain Full Name _______________________________ Phone________________________________Local Address _________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________Social Full Name _______________________________ Phone________________________________Local Address _________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________Advisor Full Name _______________________________ Phone________________________________Local Address _________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________Co-advisor Full Name _______________________________ Phone________________________________Local Address _________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________Other Positions Full Name _______________________________Phone________________________________Local Address _________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________For additional information contact: ______________________________________ Phone ________________________

<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> <strong>Form</strong>My signature indicates that I will inform others in my organization about <strong>University</strong> policies affecting us and will assurethat we comply with policies found in the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Organization</strong> Handbook. My organization complies with <strong>University</strong>rules prohibiting unlawful discrimination and will maintain all other eligibility requirements for registration. I understandthat the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Activities will check my academic record for my cumulative grade point average, along withthe academic records of the other potential student leaders on this registration form.The information presented above is complete and accurate. The above-named student organization agrees to complywith the <strong>University</strong> Nondiscrimination Policy, Hazing and Other Irregular Activities, Standards of Behavior Policy, and allother policies governing student organizations and related activities, as published by <strong>Oakwood</strong> <strong>University</strong>.President ___________________________________________________________Advisor _____________________________________________________________Co-Advisor ___________________________________________________________Date _____________________Date _____________________Date _____________________

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