Current Issue - Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County

Current Issue - Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County

Current Issue - Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County

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DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM - “YOUR MONEY, YOUR RETIREMENT, YOUR FUTURE”Thursday, October 4 th , 2012Investment & RetirementSymposiumThe event will be held at the centrally located:Doubletree Hotel Mission Valley7450 AERO DRIVE, SAN DIEGO – 921236:00 PM – 8:30 PMDinner & Parking IncludedJeanette Garretty – Senior Vice President, Wells Fargo & Named one<strong>of</strong> the Top Women Investment Advisors by Barron’s 4 years in a row“Are We Out <strong>of</strong> the Woods Yet? Outlook for the U.S. and WorldMarkets” - Jeanette will address how cyclical and structural changesin global and economic and financial markets affect the individualinvestor. She’ll provide a forecast for interest rates, consumerspending and the dollar as well as provide economic analyses forvarious investment sectors.Gabriel Wisdom – Managing Director, American MoneyManagement, LLCMany <strong>of</strong> us have heard his frequent commentaries on CBS radioKNX and KFWB in Los Angeles, NPR’s “Marketplace,” and KPBSin <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>. Author <strong>of</strong> “Wisdom on Value Investing: How to Pr<strong>of</strong>iton Fallen Angels”, he’ll tap into 29 years <strong>of</strong> experience to talk aboutthe place Value Investing has in today’s market. As a portfoliomanager <strong>of</strong> two publicly held no-load funds and over 1000individual retirement accounts, he’ll speak to what to look for infunds and stocks as an individual investor.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Registration starts at 5:30 PMCost: $15 per person or bring a friend and pay only $25 for two - REGISTRATION REQUIRED by Sept 26thREGISTRATION FORM (Please Print)Name:Mailing Address:City: State: Zip:Phone:Email:Yes, an additional guest will be attending with me: Guest Name (s)Mail Stop:* Please make checks payable to <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Deferred Compensation Program and mail to Deferred Compensation, 1600 Pacific Highway,Room 102, <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, CA 92101 or by inter<strong>of</strong>fice mailstop A-49. Questions? Call Deferred Compensation at (619) 531-5840When faced with a series <strong>of</strong> thefts fromvehicles around fitness centers andhiking trailheads in 4S Ranch and Poway, Lt.Scott Miller wanted another set <strong>of</strong> eyes to lookat the problem. He called Sgt. Chris May andthe Sheriff’s Analysis Driven Law Enforcementteam to assist local detectives.Sergeant May describes what happened:Combining information from thedetectives with information about the areasbeing hit, the SADLE team ultimately locatedand arrested Garney Crews at his residencein National City during a probation search.The team collected a large amount <strong>of</strong> propertylater determined to be stolen. This projectdemonstrated the need to quickly andefficiently cross jurisdictional boundaries,work in partnership with multiple commands,and act on intelligence in a way that makessense. In large part because <strong>of</strong> the cooperativefollow-up by SADLE deputies and AreaDetectives, Crews pled guilty to several theftrelated charges. More importantly, in themonths that followed the arrest, the series allbut ended.This result is impressive. It’s also prettytypical.Formed in late 2011, SADLE has already madeits mark in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> law enforcement. Theteam is deployed to assist in area commandsat the request <strong>of</strong> the lieutenant or captain.In an average month, SADLE deputies makebetween 25 and 30 arrests, seize substantialquantities <strong>of</strong> illegal drugs, and recover stolenproperty that is returned to crime victims.They’ve worked Drug Endangered Childrencases, written search warrants, and done deepdives on known <strong>of</strong>fenders, examining wherethey live, who they hang out with, and whatattracts them to their target area.The team includes a sergeant and eight deputysheriffs with a variety <strong>of</strong> backgrounds andexperience—COPPS, gangs, tribal policing,Ag crime, street narcotics, beach patrol, K-9,and more. Their backgrounds are diverse, theirmission is singular. They describe it like this:SADLEMessage from Sheriff Bill GoreWe provide proactive solutions to address highcrime issues. Using intelligence-led policingconcepts, we are committed to improving thequality <strong>of</strong> life for the residents <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong><strong>County</strong>.Significantly, SADLE partners with our CrimeAnalysis Unit. Frequently a crime problemis also a crime series; but it is not necessarilyrecognized as such. The crimes may takeplace in different jurisdictions and may nothave a distinctive MO. That’s where crimeanalysts are invaluable and Sergeant May andhis crew are quick to credit the role <strong>of</strong> crimeanalysts in the team’s success. In particular,Crime Analysis Manger Noah Fritz, SeniorCrime Analyst Jeff Vandersip, and CrimeAnalyst Mark Walters have brought predictiveanalytics to the challenge <strong>of</strong> real-time crimedetection.In a sense SADLE began as an experiment.We wanted to know if a pr<strong>of</strong>essional lawenforcement agency with thousands <strong>of</strong> crimesto investigate and tens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> callsfor service spread out over an area largerthan some states, could take the principles <strong>of</strong>intelligence led policing and the tools <strong>of</strong> crimeanalysis and apply them proactively to solveand disrupt crime?Deputies Bill Liniewicz, Ruben Medina, BillMunsch, Jaime Rodriguez, Karla Taft, Richard<strong>San</strong>chez, Anthony Tripoli, Ryan Wisniewski,and their sergeant have answered the question.Working hand in hand with crime analysts,patrol deputies, and investigators, they aredemonstrating simple, yet pr<strong>of</strong>ound truths.Data matters. Detailed, careful, pr<strong>of</strong>essionalanalysis <strong>of</strong> the data matters; and how it’spushed out to frontline deputies matters. All<strong>of</strong> this matters as we make strategic decisionson how we go forward with Intelligence LedPolicing in this department. And it mattersmost <strong>of</strong> all because <strong>of</strong> the difference this teamand this strategy is making to the people weserve. Do well and stay safe. SADLE Team (from left) William Munsch, Jaime Rodriguez, Rich <strong>San</strong>chez, Karla Taft, Chris May,Anthony Tripoli, Ruben Medina, Bill Liniewicz, and Ryan Wisniewski.4 Silver Star September 2012 5 Silver Star September 2012

MinutesPresident Dave Schaller called the Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directorsto order on August 9, 2012 at 3:12 pm.ROLL CALL OF DIRECTORS:Present: Schaller, Garmo, Clay, Purvis, DiCarloAbsent: Turner/out <strong>of</strong> town – unexcused, Lopez – personal –unexcused, Petrachek/work - excused, Bennetts/sick - excusedThe Executive Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors was recessed at 5:15pm and President Schaller called the General Membership Meeting toorder at 5:35 pm.DiCarlo and Garmo left the meeting at 5:15 pm. All motions were inmade during the executive meeting due to lack at quorum at generalmeeting.MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCESTATION REPSEL CAJON COURTFINANCIAL CRIMESGEORGE BAILEY DETENTIONLAS COLINAS DETENTIONLEMON GROVE STATIONSADLESANTEE STATIONSAN DIEGO COURTSAN MARCOS STATIONSOUTH BAY DETENTIONTRANSPORTATIONVALLEY CENTER STATIONVISTA COURTVISTA STATIONRandy GulihurJohn CannonJD Downhour, Joel FluhartiScott JohnsonMichael ArroyoGlenn GiannantonioRob BuenoSteve BowenSteve Morace, Scott CarterJohn GrinceriRobert PiersonKen SimonWilliam YavnoMarco Weston1) LEGAL REPORT: Steinera) Update on PERB hearings and AB 646 legislations regarding2) APPEARANCES:a) Mike Arroyo from Lemon Grove asked about the budgetshortfall on the Rancho <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Station and possible safetyissues during construction. The contractor is stating theyare unable to fulfill the contract bid as stated due to higherconstruction costs.b) Discussion regarding policy that any damage to vehicles mustbe reported. Question as to how deputy will know damagehas occurred such as on undercarriage or axles.3) CONSENT CALENDAR:a) Minutes from July 26, 2012b) Retirementsi) Terry Armstrong – 22 years membership (11 as Class1) - $2,200ii) Jose Nieves – 24 years membership (11 as Class 1) -$2,200MOTION/Purvis SECOND/DiCarlo to approve the consentcalendar. Motion unanimously carries4) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Schallera) <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Employees has requested touse the DSA meeting room for meetings. They will be meeting6 – 8 times per year. Board direction to allow ASDCE to usean <strong>of</strong>fice during business hours for a fee <strong>of</strong> $25 per use.5) COMMITTEE REPORTS:a) BUDGET: Purvisi) Discussion regarding mid-year review <strong>of</strong> 2012 budgetMOTION/Purvis, SECOND/DiCarlo to make the followingchanges to the 2012 budget. Add $3,000 for insurance income,decrease $2,000 for <strong>of</strong>fice expense, add $3,000 for meetingexpenses, add $1,000 for car and property insurance, add $2,500for bank charges, decrease $8,500 from seminars and travel, add$2,500 for bank charges, add $2,000 for recruitment, decrease$10,000 for capital improvements, add $30,000 for store purchases.Added money will come from undesignated funds. Motionunanimously carries.b) MEMBER EVENTS: Purvis/Turneri) Wave Water Park Summer Event at Vista Wave WaterPark on August 24 th from 4:30 – 8:30.ii) Lonny Brewer Golf Tournament on Monday, September10 th .c) DONATIONS: Purvisi) Walk a Mile in Her Shoes 2012 – no actionii) Hope Foundation Golf Tournament – no actioniii) 2012 Star 6 Foundation Golf Tournament – no actioniv) Alzheimer’s <strong>Association</strong> – no actiond) NEGOTIATIONS: Clayi) Scheduling meeting with Turko regarding salary survey.ii) Discussion regarding proposed AB 646 dealing withnegotiationse) MEET & DISCUSS/CONFER: Turneri) Discussion regarding to changes to vehicle policy andnegligent discharge <strong>of</strong> firearms.f) LEGISLATION: Turneri) Pension reform is actively being worked on in Sacramento.g) POLITICAL ACTION: Petrachek/Turneri) John Wainio will be taking a temporary leave <strong>of</strong> absenceto work with Steve Danon’s Supervisor race.ii)PAC interviews updateMOTION/Clay SECOND/Purvis to endorse the followingcandidates – Garry Garretson and Tom Fleming for Vista CityCouncil, Kevin Forrester – Encinitas City Council, Rebecca Jones –<strong>San</strong> Marcos City Council, Brian P. Bilbray and Jim King – ImperialBeach City Council. Motion unanimously approved.h) INSURANCE: DiCarloi) Discussion regarding MetLife agreement. Boarddirection to approve signing with suggested changes toagreement.i) RETIREMENT: Lopezi) Mike Fleek retirementMOTION/Purvis, SECOND/Garmo for Fleek to pay $28.73 backdues to allow him to have 10 years membership to qualify for DSAretirement benefits. Motion unanimously carries.j) UNIFORM COMMITTEE: Purvis/Garmoi) Discussion regarding why survey has not been sent outto all rank and file deputies on what they would like towear for approved uniforms.6) NEW BUSINESSa) Day at the Races – Board direction to approve 2 comp ticketsfor directors and staff.7) GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATIONa) Station rep door prize was won by Ken SimonADJOURNED 6:52 pmAugust 23, 2012 - These minutes are for informational purposes onlyand have not been reviewed or approved by the board <strong>of</strong> directors.President Dave Schaller called the Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directorsto order on August 23, 2012 at 12:11 pm.ROLL CALL OF DIRECTORS:Present: Schaller, Purvis, Lopez, Turner, DiCarlo, Bennetts, Garmo,Absent: Clay/vacation – unexcused, Petrachek/work - excusedUpon motion by Turner, Second by Purvis and passed by unanimousvote, the August 23, 2012 meeting <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors enteredinto closed session at 12:42 pm for confidential communications toinclude Fern Steiner, Cindy Olson and Adah Mathias.1) DISCUSSION:a) LegalMOTION/Turner, SECOND/DiCarlo to come out <strong>of</strong> closed sessionat 1:01 pm. Motion unanimously carries2) LEGAL REPORT: Steinera) Discussion regarding audio/video recording at the courtswith department. Department has stated that it will not beused for discipline and will only be available to be viewed byselect personnel.b) <strong>Deputy</strong> has an issue with being an acting supervisor duringa fourth waiver search. He was given a written notice thatan acting supervisor cannot oversee this activity. Steiner toresearch issue.3) CONSENT CALENDAR:a) Minutes from August 9, 2012b) Retirementsi) Anthony Jucenas – 29 years combined membership -$3,400ii)Jason Smith – 9 years membership - $1,800 (medicalretirement)iii) Julie Sutton – 31 years membership - $7,950c) Ratification <strong>of</strong> director pollingi) To oppose Proposition S in Imperial Beach - aballot measure that would allow up to 15 marijuanadispensaries without a checks and balances by Sheriff’spersonnel and smoking on site.(1) AYES – Garmo, Turner, Purvis, Lopez, Petrachek,Bennetts(2) NO RESPONSE – DiCarlo, ClayMOTION/Purvis SECOND/Garmo to approve the consentcalendar. Discussion. Motion carries. Turner abstained.4) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Schallera) Big 11 meeting held at the Hard Rock Hotel. <strong>Issue</strong>s discussedwere pension reform and legal issues facing law enforcementstatewide.b) Brian Jones is holding a Town Hall Meeting on PublicEmployee Pension in Ramona. Purvis will attend.5) COMMITTEE REPORTS:a) BUDGET: Purvisi) If anyone has suggestions for the 2013 budget please sendthem to Louisa by the first <strong>of</strong> October.b) MEMBER EVENTS: Purvis/Turneri) Lonny Brewer Golf Tournament will be held onSeptember 10 th . Applications are available on the DSAwebsite or the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice.c) MEMBERSHIP: Purvisi) Robert Curry requested that he be approved to rejointhe DSA as a retired member.MOTION/Turner, SECOND/Purvis to approve Curry’s request torejoin the DSA as a retired member. Motion unanimously carries.d) DONATIONS: Purvisi) COPS Walk 2012 – no action takene) MEET & DISCUSS/CONFER: Turneri) Take home car policy is being reviewed.f) LEGISLATION: Turneri) Discussion regarding pension reform issues.g) POLITICAL ACTION: Petrachek/Turneri) Discussion regarding independent expenditures forcontract city racesMOTION/Turner, SECOND/Purvis to spend up to $6,000 for signsfor contract cities. Motion unanimously carries.ii)Schaller requested that the DSA make a contributionto the “No on 32” campaign. Prop 32 if approved bythe voters will allow special exemptions from campaignfinance rules for corporate special interests.MOTION/Turner, SECOND/Bennetts to approve $10,000 for the“No on 32” campaign. Discussion. Motion unanimously carries.iii) Discussion regarding pension reform court case in <strong>San</strong>Jose. The outcome <strong>of</strong> this came could have major impacton members.MOTION/Turner, SECOND/Garmo for $10,000 to <strong>San</strong> Josefor court costs on pension reform from undesignated funds.Discussion. Motion unanimously carries.iv)Turner requested that we approve up to $12,000 for signsfor Steve Danon.MOTION/Turner, SECOND/Garmo to approve up to $12,000 forsigns for Steve Danon campaign. Motion unanimously carries.h) RETIREMENT: Lopezi) Eddie Jackson submitted his paperwork for DSAretirement benefit.MOTION/Lopez, SECOND/DiCarlo to approve retirement benefitfor Eddie Jackson. Motion unanimously carries.6) NEW BUSINESSa) Discussion regarding date and location <strong>of</strong> Dinner Dance.Date will be March 23, 2013 and staff will research possiblylocations.ADJOURNED 3:15 pm - These minutes are for informationalpurposes only and have not been reviewed or approved by the board<strong>of</strong> directors.6 Silver Star September 2012Silver Star September 2012 7

STATION REPRESENTATIVESThe members listed below havevolunteered to be DSA liaisons.Chula Vista Court - Don WestCID/Fraud - John CannonCID/Sexual Assualt - Luis Chavez,El Cajon Court - Cydney King,Elizabeth MadridEncinitas Station - Dawn Patterson,Glenn GiannantonioFallbrook Station - Gary CrowleyGeorge Bailey - Brian Baker,Daniel Cruz, Shane Bartlett,Robert Pierson, Tim StineJulian - Fred DueyLas Colinas - Scott JohnsonLemon Grove Station - Michael Arroyo,Daniel Gutierrez, Jerry Jimenez,Shannon JusticePoway - Jim Bennetts<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Court - Matt Etchepare<strong>San</strong> Marcos - Scott Carter, Allan Paez,Steve Morace<strong>San</strong>tee Station - Rob BuenoSDCJ - Steve Bulthuis,James Downhour, Miguel Martineznews DSA | DEPARTMENT | COUNTY | INDUSTRYWelcome new DSA membersThe DSA welcomed the following newmembers in the last month. Rememberto get involved with the DSA byattending the monthly member meetingon the second Thursday <strong>of</strong> each month.ACTIVEMarc MyersIva NanusevicBrittany GrovesLanier AgcaraoDarren DollardRETIREE BUSINESS CARDSAll retired members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Sheriff ’sDepartment may purchase retiree business cardsthrough the DSA, at a discount rate, startingat just $15 for 100 cards. Other quantitiesare available. Cards will be printed in lateOctober so all order forms are due beforeOctober 15. You can find the form on page37, at the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice, and online at the DSAwebsite.FALL RETIREELUNCHEONSept. 8, 2012at the ElCajon Elk’sLodgesdleo }j|äxá{We need your jackets! The DSA willpurchase your gently worn dressjacket for $50. The jacket must be invery good condition with no rips,holes, stains, or missing buttons.Also, we cannot accept jackets withany sewn-on rank insignia. You doThe SD LEO Wives <strong>Association</strong> is for womenengaged or married to <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> LawEnforcement Officers—active, retired, or whohave reached the “end <strong>of</strong> watch.” The SD LEOWives <strong>Association</strong>, launched in August <strong>of</strong> 2011,was formed to <strong>of</strong>fer educational seminars,workshops, and various activities. Please emailus at info@SDLEOwives.org to get the latestmeeting information and visit their website atwww.SDLEOwives.org.Sell Your Dress Jacketsnot need to dry clean the jacket, asthe DSA will take care <strong>of</strong> that before<strong>of</strong>fering them for sale in the DSAStore. To take advantage <strong>of</strong> this <strong>of</strong>fer,bring your jacket to the DSA OfficeMonday through Friday from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.Open EnrollmentOpen enrollment for DSA insurance and benefits takes place October1-31. Information will be posted online at the DSA website as soon asit is available. You will also receive the information in the mail andsee it in the Silver Star. To prepare for open enrollment, you shouldregister for the DSA website and review the current benefits <strong>of</strong>feredby the association. If you have any questions about what programsyou are already enrolled in, please call the DSA. Open enrollment isthe only time each year you can register for many <strong>of</strong> the insuranceand benefits <strong>of</strong>fered by the DSA. Watch your mailboxes for openenrollment packets, which will be mailed to your homes beforeOctober 1.Retiree LuncheonSeptember 8Fall retiree luncheon atthe El Cajon Elk’s Lodge.Social hour starts at 11a.m. All DSA Members areinvited-$15 at the door.Lonny Brewer MemorialGolf TournamentSeptember 10Get a foursome togetherfor some fun on the links toraise money for the DSF Line<strong>of</strong> Duty scholarship fund.Just $100 per person includesgreen fees, cart rental, anddinner. Visit www.dsasd.org/golf for a registration form.Trick or Treat at the DSAOctober 26, 29-31Trick or treat at the DSAOctober 26, 29-31 andenter the DSA HalloweenCostume Contest. Each child(or adult) that stops by theDSA in costume receives agoody bag filled with toysand Halloween candy. Moreinformation, including thisyear’s prizes, will be sent toyour homes.DSA (858) 486-9009DSA DATESSouthbay Detentions - John GrinceriTransportation - Steve Bowen,Jon CurrieValley Center Station - Ken SimonVista Station - Marco WestonBecome a station rep!Contact Adah Mathiasat amathias@dsasd.org formore information. We needat least one rep per team for eachstation or unit.SHOP ONLINEWWW.DSASTORE.comLIVING TRUST$395.00(Law Enforcement Price)In-Home Appointment Availableincludes Wills and Powers <strong>of</strong> AttorneysRONALD A. HAUSERAttorney at Law(619) 206-3811(619) 741-3961National City ♦ <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> ♦ La Mesa8 Silver Star September 2012Silver Star September 2012 9

"So They Don’t Want to Talk...We Can Change That!"by <strong>Deputy</strong> Kristin BraymanDeputies, do you remember this radio call, "60P5A for an 11-45male with a knife threatening to cut his throat?" You are en routeand are thinking to yourself, "What do I say to him, how do I starta conversation with him, what do I say to prevent him from hurtinghimself, and how do I get him to put the knife down?"Sergeants, have you ever heard, "60PSA, be advised 60P5A is enrouteto an 11-45 male with a knife threatening to cut his throat?" You telldispatch, "10-4" but you are thinking "What do I do next and whatresources do I have available to me? Who should respond with 60P5A?”As deputies and sergeants, you have the skills and resources already. Inthe academy you learned "verbal judo." What that is, is the ability to talkto people in a crisis and deescalate the situation. When you arrive onscene use your verbal judo to talk, listen, and de-escalate the situation.If you feel you are not able to control the subject with your verbal judo,because he or she is not responding to you for whatever reason, ourdepartment has a team <strong>of</strong> deputies with specialized training who can beutilized as a resource in these and many other similar situations.The sheriff's Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) consists <strong>of</strong> elevendeputies who are trained in the fundamentals <strong>of</strong> crisis negotiation,active listening skills, communication skills, abnormal psychologyfor negotiations, negotiation protocol and responsibilities, crisiscommand structure, and case studies. Crisis Negotiators respondBuying? Selling? Investing?Search all <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Homes for Sale atwww.SearchingElCajonHomes.com<strong>Current</strong> 30 Year Fix asLOW as 3.25%Loan Amount = Payment/Month$150,000 = $652.80$200,000 = $870.41$250,000 = $1088.02$300,000 = $1305.62$350,000 = $1523.22$400,000 = $1740.82$425,000 = $1849.63• Conventional, FHA, and VA• Jumbo Loans as low as 4%• $0 Down USDA program available• Hud Approved - Good NeighborNext Door Program available16 Silver Star September 2012Call or Emailto take advantage <strong>of</strong>these FREE services• Free Home Value Analysis withcomparative market data provided• Free Mortgage Consultationfor purchasing, refinancing, orinvestment rates• Free list <strong>of</strong> properties gauged toyour specific desires and criteria• Free 15 min phone consultationwith 1031 tax deferredexchange accommodatorYOUR REALTOR & EXECUTIVE MORTGAGE CONSULTANTSTEVEN DARLING619-504-9983 directSDarling@RealtyExecutives.comLICENSE # 01383804 NMLS # 237274Realty Executives All Area – 3773 Willow Glen Dr. #100, El Cajon, Ca 92019 DRE Broker #01853235, All terms and APR are subject to changeto critical incidents throughout the county (in patrol and in ourdetention facilities) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Negotiators work inconjunction with patrol, detentions, Special Enforcement Detail (SED),and the Bomb Arson Unit to resolve a variety <strong>of</strong> critical incidentsincluding suicidal subjects, barricaded subjects as well as incidentsinvolving the taking <strong>of</strong> hostages. Negotiators also assist SED byproviding support on high risk warrants as well as acting as liaisons atincidents involving protesters and demonstrations.Per Sheriff's Policy 9.3 Crisis Negotiation: "The primary goal <strong>of</strong>a negotiator is the protection <strong>of</strong> human life. The Sheriff's CrisisNegotiations Team shall be called to assist the department or otherlaw enforcement agencies at critical incidents where personnel are notadequately equipped or trained for this specialty."When should you call CNT?Per Sheriff's Procedure 9.3 Crisis Negotiation: "The Crisis NegotiationsTeam can be utilized any time an individual threatens physical harmto himself or others. The Crisis Negotiations Team is always used insupport <strong>of</strong> the Incident Commander and they receive their missionsfrom the Incident Commander. Negotiators may be requested withoutthe need for activating the Special Enforcement Detail. When theSpecial Enforcement Detail is activated, the Crisis Negotiations Teamshall also be summoned.”The criteria for activating Crisis Negotiators must be based upon thefollowing: The suspect is believed to be a threat to the lives and safety<strong>of</strong> himself or herself or others. The suspect is believed or known to bearmed. The suspect refuses or appears to be unwilling to respond todeputies at the scene.CNT can be utilized for any other situations in which you feel theycould be helpful. In addition to the incidents listed above, CNT canassist with high risk warrants with SED, demonstrations/protests (i.e.Powerlink protests, minutemen protests, Prop 8 protests), and swattingphone calls. Swatting calls are phone calls to a person, police station,or dispatch with a fake or phony report <strong>of</strong> an active shooter, shots fired,or an armed robbery in progress. CNT has been called in the past toassist in talking to the person reporting the phony crime to gatherintelligence about the person calling.When in doubt if CNT is needed, you can call the CommunicationsCenter to contact the CNT Commander and get advice and/or givethem a heads up they may have a situation.How do you get a hold <strong>of</strong> CNT?To contact CNT, notify the Communications Center via dispatch andthey will contact the CNT Team Commander. The Team Commanderwill communicate with you and may initiate the callout for CNT torespond to the scene depending on the particular request. The CNTTeam Leader will initiate the callout for CNT to respond to the scene.What can you expect whenCNT arrives on scene?CNT members respond from all over the county once the callout isinitiated. When a CNT member arrives, they will report to the IncidentCommander to assess the situation. Depending upon the scope <strong>of</strong> theincident, the location, and time permitting, CNT sets up a commandpost and as team members begin arriving; the CNT Team Leaderwill assign a primary negotiator, a secondary negotiator, intelligencegatherers, and other assignments as applicable. As much informationas possible will be gathered from deputies on scene, victims, family andfriends <strong>of</strong> the suspect(s) and anyone else who may have informationabout the suspect(s) and situation.The CNT Commander coordinates with the Incident Commander.The CNT Team Leader will coordinate with the team to form a plan<strong>of</strong> action and standby for a mission from the Incident Commander.When given a mission from the Incident Commander, CNT will startnegotiations with the intent <strong>of</strong> a peaceful resolution.If, however, deputies on scene have already established a rapport withthe suspect, CNT may not take over the scene or the conversationwith the suspect. Instead, CNT can "coach" the deputy that iscommunicating with the suspect. If necessary, CNT will take over whengiven a mission to do so by the Incident Commander.What happens when the situation isresolved and everyone goes 10-8?All CNT callouts are followed by an incident debrief for all teammembers and an “After Action Report” which is forwarded to thecaptain <strong>of</strong> the appropriate patrol station. If a death or other criticalsituation resulted, a critical incident debrief will be scheduled to includeall team members, patrol, and other involved and/or affected personnel.Why does it take so long (Whydoes the CNT talk so much)?CNT's goal is to affect a peaceful resolution. We have to lay thefoundation and establish trust and rapport, which takes time.Generally, the subject is in a crisis that has built up over months oryears. It takes a while to talk to them and listen to what is really goingon in their lives.CNT has various methods <strong>of</strong> communicating once on scene including;face to face, throw phone, bull horn, vehicle PA system, and cell phones.During a critical incident we are trying to get the subject to go througha behavioral change while we are negotiating. We establish rapport anduse active listening skills, empathy, and influence to get their behaviorto change and de-escalate from a critical incident to an incident. Oncecommunication is established, negotiations can take minutes, hours,and possibly days if warranted.CNT is on scene for the safety <strong>of</strong> all deputies on scene to slow the crisissituation down. CNT will assist in the evaluation on what may workbest for a safe conclusion by talking through the situation with thesuspect(s). By talking to the suspect(s) and de-escalating the situation,CNT could prevent use <strong>of</strong> force from being used and allow for a safeand peaceful conclusion.Who is on CNT?The Team Commander is Lt. Scott Ybarrondo. Sergeants ChristinaBavenc<strong>of</strong>f, Russ Moore, Mike Rand, Laura Spang-Dvorchak serve asTeam Leaders. Team members include Dep. Aloha Bona, Dep. KristinBrayman, Dep. Stephenia Dayrit, Dep. Debbie Eglin, Dep. William“Curtis” Fewell, Dep. Nathaniel Keener, Det. Amber Leavitt, Dep.David Leonhardi, and Dep. Michael Pr<strong>of</strong>fitt. In May 2012, we welcomedour newest members to the team: Dep. Paul Bonanno and Dep. DanielGutierrez. We also have several reserve deputies who serve as techsupport: Charlie Conklin, Roger Hicks, Tom Lawless, Steve Ruesch,Larry Schultz, and Kevin Haywood.how do I become a member <strong>of</strong> CNT?A position on the Crisis Negotiations Team is a collateral dutyassignment. Members come from all backgrounds and walks <strong>of</strong> life.Negotiators are assigned to one <strong>of</strong> two teams and are on call 24/7during alternating months. While on call, team members are requiredto respond to call outs throughout the county and at any hour <strong>of</strong> thenight or day. While on call, team members are also expected to beavailable for other assignments including, but not limited to, high riskwarrants, demonstrations/protests, and swatting phone calls. Teammembers are expected to work cohesively in various roles within theteam. Roles on the team include primary and secondary negotiators,liaison, intelligence, and technical positions with the goal <strong>of</strong> fulfillingthe mission given by the Incident Commander. To be eligible fpr CNT,you must have successfully completed probation as a Law Enforcement<strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriff and have at least two years <strong>of</strong> patrol experience with atleast one year with the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Sheriff’s Department.And Remember...The Crisis Negotiations Team responds to high risk warrants with SED,suicidal subjects, barricaded subjects, and hostage situations. If you havea situation and you think CNT can help, don’t hesitate to call."I believe in the discipline <strong>of</strong> silence, and could talk for hours about it" - G.B.Shaw 1856-1950, Irish critic and poet. Silver Star September 2012 17

WAVEWATERPARKOn August 24, members and their familiesgathered at the Wave Waterpark to say goodbye to summer with the DSA. Over 500 peopleattended the event, taking over the waterparkfor fun on the waterslides and a BBQ dinner.Photos by Cydney King, Adah Mathias, andCindy Olson.18 Silver Star September 2012Silver Star September 2012 19

station reportsCajon ZoneEl Cajon Courts by Cyd King and the gang20 Silver Star September 2012Hope everyone is getting a chance to enjoysome R&R time now that summer is almostover. Hope you had as much fun at theWave WaterPark as we did.We've had some additions and deletionsto our deployment list here in The Zone.Deputies Janine Alioto and DeborahDiffenbaugh joined us in June. It's alwaysa blessing to have quick learners to workwith. We welcomed someone from ourpast; Jeanette Valencia has returned foranother tour. Our civil <strong>of</strong>fice is down oneJerry Melocheagain. Yvette Pena got a chance to be closerto home, going down to the Chula Vista <strong>of</strong>fice. We wish youthe best. May our paths cross again. We also said goodbye to adeputy—someone we actually already said goodbye to—Nancyhas gone to another "job description." We wish you all the best.We know you'll stay in touch. ECGALS forever!We want to congratulate the new babies who have arrived to ourfamily via the Petruse Family and the Martyn Family, as well as,one that is on the way to the Ramirez Family. Ah yes, the circle<strong>of</strong> life.We also want to congratulate and thank Ashley Stewart. She is thedaughter <strong>of</strong> Janice Stewart who works in our civil <strong>of</strong>fice. Ashleygraduated from the Naval Academy in Great Lakes, Illinois. Sheis currently completing her “A School” and would like to end upin the East, that's the Far East, as in Japan. Thank you for servingour country. Stay safe and don't forget to call yo mamma, nomatter how far east you end up! Thank you as always to all theJanice, Ashley and Norman Stewert. Ashley recently graduated from the Naval AcademyLinda Graves with her Jeepservice men and women who are away from home. You are in our prayers.Linda Graves is an <strong>of</strong>fice assistant here that does a lot <strong>of</strong> different tasks,both at work and on her own time. Speaking <strong>of</strong> her own time, it is quite<strong>of</strong>ten spent four-wheeling in her red Jeep. She recently showed it at theEl Cajon car show.Former El Cajon PD Lieutenant Ron Smithson with Randyfrom the El Cajon PD .A few months ago I had the opportunity to go up toRamona and do some picking and grinning with an oldfriend, Jerry Meloche. If any <strong>of</strong> you were wondering, heand his lovely wife Polly Anna are doing great. I caughthim doing what he does so well and thought I'd share theshot with you. Keep me in the loop for the next picking!“Anomaly: deviation from the common rule: irregularityor something anomalous: something different, abnormal,peculiar, or not easily classified.” I'm speaking <strong>of</strong> anomalybecause <strong>of</strong> two retired guys I know. The normal thing todo when one retires is to go play golf, drive a motorhomeacross country, or head up to one <strong>of</strong> the reservations forsome "almost like Las Vegas" action anytime you want.Then there is the un-normal thing to do: get another job,just with a different uniform. It is customary for the Chief<strong>of</strong> ECPD to write a weekly review about the goings onin the department. In one <strong>of</strong> his reviews, Chief Redmanhappened to mention the very gentlemen I’ve been talkingabout. Couldn’t pass up show and tell. 10-4 Station MComm Center by Shannon O’Neil-HuntoonSeptember at last! Hooray, it is now time for themonth that signals the reclaiming <strong>of</strong> our lives—by the schools reclaiming our children. Yes, forevery mopey-dopey teenager trudging their wayback to home room, there is at least one set <strong>of</strong>parents in the background doing a silent highfive. The remote will once again be where we leftit, the contents <strong>of</strong> the fridge shall not diminishfrom moment to moment, and “nap” will nolonger be a word only spoken <strong>of</strong> in hushed andreverent tones! But don’t fall asleep on me justyet; I have a few stories to share to keep this end<strong>of</strong> the summer party going with a couple <strong>of</strong> callsdedicated to Ladies Night!It’s Just Jury Duty!!Okay, I have never met a fan <strong>of</strong> jury duty. Thiscountry abounds with things to be thankfulfor and jurisprudence is just one <strong>of</strong> them. Thatdoesn’t negate the fact, when trapped in a room<strong>of</strong> peers equal parts contentious and tired, tryingto thumb through two-year-old magazines orput a puzzle together that’s missing 32 pieces,my soul dies a little bit. Of course there are thosein our community without such a strong sense<strong>of</strong> duty.A teenage male called 911, because hismother just came in from outside—with aknife in her stomach! The call was dispatchedand the terrified son continued to get desperatedetails from his injured mom: a white male,unknown direction <strong>of</strong> travel. The son describedhis mother’s clothes as torn as if her attacker hadtried to rip them <strong>of</strong>f. Ambulances, ASTREA,and the world descended on the east countyneighborhood. Schools locked down andchildren were pulled inside. Then the radio justwent quiet. After what seemed like an eternity,the air was cleared, ASTREA was thanked andreleased, while other units cleared via MDCand began taking other calls for service. Thedispatcher working the radio couldn’t imaginewhat could have happened to take her hot radi<strong>of</strong>rom sixty to zero in two point five seconds flat.And then the disposition was added.[Unfounded] on any 245 at this time.Evidence found at the scene suggests victim[Ms. Are You Kidding Me?!] may have stabbedherself to get out <strong>of</strong> obligations she had todayand to seek pain medications. Victim had juryduty this morning [which she missed] and wasto meet with a parole agent later.Wow. I have daydreamed some get-out-<strong>of</strong>juryexcuses in my day, but not once did one <strong>of</strong>those fantasies include a flesh would.When TMNT Goes BadCommercials are not my favorite thing, butthe ones that really get to me are the onesadvertising new prescription medications theywant you to talk to your doctor about. Forgetthat they usually feature a tableau <strong>of</strong> welldressedmiddle class people engaged in natureloving outdoor activities that in real life theyprobably have zero interest in, it’s the list <strong>of</strong>potential side effects they whiz by you at the endthat really give me the creeps. But honestly, youreally should read through all the potential sideeffects <strong>of</strong> your meds.A woman called the CC in a bit <strong>of</strong> a panic.She had woken up to discover her bedroomcurtains swaying, her door unlocked, and theguest bedroom in disarray as if it had beenrifled through. Quick as a burgled bunny shefled to the neighbors and called 911. But whenthe deputy arrived the story she began to weavewas a lot different than your basic B&E. It wasmore TMNT.[April O’Neil] told me she had taken 10mg<strong>of</strong> Ambien and went to sleep. Shortly thereafter,[April] woke up to a very large turtle draggingher out <strong>of</strong> bed. The turtle was human sized and“filmy”. The turtle threw [April] out <strong>of</strong> a windowand dragged her up the street to a vacant houseand down into the basement. The home showeddamage consistent with [April’s] story exceptthat human sized turtles do not exist.[April] is likely hallucinating from theAmbien (this is not uncommon). [April] thenwalked me over to several “turtles” and tried topick them up to show them to me (they did notexist). She described them in great detail andinsisted they were real...she also insisted she wascovered in a large black spider’s web (she wasnot), and that there were two large men coveredin grease next to her (they were not present).[April] has several injuries to hands/arms andcannot be left safely in the residence givenher behavior tonight...At the hospital [April]repeated her story and described more turtles indetail as they [had followed her to the hospital].Are you kidding me? All this poor ladywanted was a good night’s sleep and insteadwas assaulted by Donatello and the whole gang!Labels, people. Read them or risk a tortoiseinfested hospital getaway for your next vacay!Love and Marriagein the DC UniverseIn a time where most people don’t know theirneighbor’s names let alone think to check onthem, it was kind <strong>of</strong> heartwarming when severalcoastal dwellers called the CC to request a checkon a female in their midst who sounded in need<strong>of</strong> some kind <strong>of</strong> hero. Callers reported theycould hear a woman yelling and ranting insideher Gothamesque home. One kind and bravecitizen, even though he lacked mask, cape orchest emblazing emblem, strode up to the doorand knocked, but his attempt at interventionstation reports

station reportsSDSO KennelsK9 by Nathan Rowley and CarEight legged terror!At one <strong>of</strong> the more recent evening K9 trainingsessions at A-Range, the unit was lined upbehind some berms waiting to send our K9partners through training scenarios. All <strong>of</strong>the handlers were standing around swappingstories and making fun <strong>of</strong> each other whilewe were waiting. From underneath one <strong>of</strong> thevehicles a large tarantula lazily crawled outon his way to some unknown location. Thetarantula walked right up to the group as if tojoin in on the conversation. (The handlers arenameless in the following account to preventany embarrassment.)After watching the giant spider for a little bit,someone believed it would be a good idea tocapture the spider so he could show it to theother handlers who had already completed theirscenarios (undoubtedly in a very amusing way).It took three handlers to corral the giant spiderinto an empty soda cup. From there, one handlermaneuvered the spider into a Tupperwarecontainer. When this handler tried to put the lidon the container, the magnitude <strong>of</strong> the situationdawned upon him. The handler was unable tocorrectly manipulate the lid onto the containerunder the pressure. Becoming more frantic tosecure the spider, the handler hurriedly tried toget the lid on. In his haste, the handler endedup putting his entire hand into the containerwith the spider.Instantly, the spider and container went flyinginto the air. All <strong>of</strong> the deputies standing aroundflew back as if a grenade had exploded betweeneveryone. Although no one will neither confirmnor deny, there may have been a high pitchedshrill or two followed by a roar <strong>of</strong> laughter.Regularly working in fields, brush, trees, andbarren areas, K9 handlers are used to the26 Silver Star September 2012rattlers, coyotes, and other commoncritters which live in our county.However, we train to handle furrythings with four legs, not eight. Youcan put a handler in a suit staring ata barking biting 100 pound beast andhe will not flinch. You throw an eightlegged arthropod weighing around a couple <strong>of</strong>ounces in the air, and it turns out they run fortheir lives!By the way, the spider was unharmed and notamused with the incident. He returned to hisjourney across the field at a quicker pace.The adventures <strong>of</strong> NemoOne hot and sunny day up in Valley Center,Pauma Casino staff called the Sheriff’sDepartment regarding a couple <strong>of</strong> unrulycustomers. Apparently a couple <strong>of</strong> north countygang members were quite upset that they losttheir spending money at the blackjack tables.(Who knew that casinos were known for that?)Well in their rage they responded by vandalizingone <strong>of</strong> the bathrooms at the location. A staffmember apparently knew or saw that one <strong>of</strong>the subjects “had a knife.” <strong>Deputy</strong> Nickersonresponded with his partner Nemo.Before I go any further I have to give some backstory on Nemo. One <strong>of</strong> the biggest mistakesyou can do is equate this dog with the cartoonfish who shares the same name. This dog is oursole Rottweiler in the unit and tips the scalessomewhere around 100 pounds. The dog looksand hits like a football player! As if the pureball <strong>of</strong> muscle and deep snarl/bark weren’tenough, Nemo has a set <strong>of</strong> platinum teeth toboot. Apparently Nemo’s bite was too strongfor normal teeth to handle the pressure so hisbone had to be replaced with metal. Speakingfrom experience, looking at this 100-pound pile<strong>of</strong> muscle barking at you with slobber flying andDONOVAN J. JACOBSAttorney at Law • (Retired SDPD)I REPRESENT LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN CIVIL LITIGATIONPersonal Injury • Discipline AppealsCivil Service & Skelly HearingsIf you have any legal questions,feel free to call:(619) 445-8650(619) 466-2335 (FAX)DonovanJJ@yahoo.comteeth shining is pretty intimidating. Not only isthis dog intimidating, he’s pretty smart. At themost recent training, Nemo literally peeled themetal wall and door <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> a shed to get to thebad guy hiding inside.Back to the story, the two fine gentlemenwalked out <strong>of</strong> the casino once they were donecreating their masterpiece in the bathroom.For those <strong>of</strong> you who don’t know, the casinois located in the middle <strong>of</strong> an orange grove.Once the subjects saw that casino security wasjust kind <strong>of</strong> standing around, they anticipatedthe deputies arrival and ran into the orangegrove. Once <strong>Deputy</strong> Nickerson was on scene hewent through the checklist to see if he could letNemo look for these guys unrestrained. Felony?Unknown amount <strong>of</strong> damage. No go. Armedmisdemeanor? Possibly, but no one could verifythe knife or that prosecution was desired. No go.With no ID on the subject, <strong>Deputy</strong> Nickersonbelieved it was important to find the subjectshiding in the orange grove as part <strong>of</strong> theinvestigation. Instead <strong>of</strong> letting the dog go tocheck the area on his own, <strong>Deputy</strong> Nickerson letNemo track the gentlemen while on lead. Evenwithout a bite our dogs are great tools in manydifferent types <strong>of</strong> situations.Nemo tracked the subjects for approximately 1/4mile before finding the subjects hiding in thetrees. Now although the dog couldn’t be let go,there’s nothing wrong with a good deputy bluff.<strong>Deputy</strong> Nickerson made his K9 announcementswarning that the dog would be on the way withNemo barking and snarling next to him. One<strong>of</strong> the subjects decided that he liked his limbsand gave up. The other subject ran away intothe grove. Once the subject was detained, thesweltering heat <strong>of</strong> the mid-day sun was just toomuch. The casino decided that no permanentdamage had been completed so no crime wascommitted. Nemo was looking pretty hot so<strong>Deputy</strong> Nickerson decided to give him a break.The other subject was never located and thesubject who gave up turned out to be under theinfluence <strong>of</strong> his drug <strong>of</strong> choice. Chalk up a noncontactapprehension for Nemo and <strong>Deputy</strong>Nickerson.Thanks for reading. Be sure to read the nextissue to catch up on some more movementwithin the unit. PERT PERSPECTIVEKathy Rose, Ph.D., LMFT - PERT Team LeaderJuvenile 5150 DetentionsThe process <strong>of</strong> hospitalizing juveniles with mental illness is the subject<strong>of</strong> many radio consults for PERT clinicians and their law enforcementpartners. While the process is essentially the same as hospitalizing anadult with mental illness, there are some considerations to be takeninto account when a juvenile is involved.Where can I take juveniles? When dealing with children there arelimited options because not all psychiatric facilities accept juveniles.The LPS facilities in the county that can accommodate children withmental illness are: Emergency Screening Unit, Aurora Hospital,Mesa Vista Hospital, and Rady Children’s CAPS (Child & AdolescentPsychiatry).How do I determine which facility to use? The ESU or “juvenileCMH” is utilized primarily for unfunded clients, but will screen forKaiser patients and are currently the gateway facility for admission toRady Children’s CAPS. For continuity <strong>of</strong> care, clients with insuranceshould be transported to the psychiatric hospital where they havepreviously received treatment or where their doctor has privileges.Due to the limited number <strong>of</strong> juvenile beds in the county, it isadvisable to call ahead to the facility to determine whether they havebed availability. When none <strong>of</strong> these facilities have bed availability,a juvenile can be transported directly to the nearest LPS EmergencyRoom.Specializing in:DiamondsGemstonesManufacturingCustom DesignGold & PlatinumAppraisals by GIA graduatesDon’t forget to ask foryour DSA discount!What about active duty military families? Children <strong>of</strong> active dutymilitary must go to Balboa Hospital Emergency Room (with theexception <strong>of</strong> an imminent life-threatening situation which necessitatesmedical transport to the closest emergency room).What if there are medical concerns? When there are medical issues,such as potential overdose, acute intoxication, severe lacerations, orany medical condition requiring immediate attention, the juvenileshould be transported by paramedics to a hospital emergency room.Is parental consent necessary for treatment? Parental consent isideal, but not mandatory if the juvenile meets 5150 criteria. In themajority <strong>of</strong> cases, the parents will be present on scene and can provideinformation about treatment history, doctor’s name, and otherpertinent information. If a parent is not present, reaching them byphone is advisable. If the child meets 5150 criteria you are obligated tohospitalize that child, even if the parents disagree or are opposed toyour decision.What if the juvenile doesn’t meet 5150 criteria, but the familystill needs help? Parents have the option <strong>of</strong> contacting their child’sdoctor and transporting the child to a psychiatric hospital themselves.Officers can also <strong>of</strong>fer parents the option <strong>of</strong> a PERT evaluation if aunit is available, or advise that a PERT referral will be submitted and aclinician will follow-up with resources. Diamonds Ltd.FINE JEWELERS and a name you can trustNot pictured: Ed ZwibelSDPD #5475-Eastern DivisionGold, Jewelry, & Estate BuyersCash paid on the spotAny quantity, any condition, in strict confidence(Bonus paid for larger diamonds)Work Done on Premises!RepairsRedesignRestorationStone SettingLaser Repair/WeldInside Ring EngravingThe Zwibel family has providedover 30 years <strong>of</strong> exceptionalservice in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>With three generations in bothJewelry and Law EnforcementWe are located across from Parkway Plaza mall at the intersection <strong>of</strong> Fletcher Parkway and Pioneer Waycolumns


columnsPeer Support Unitby <strong>Deputy</strong> Duane DubbsSome <strong>of</strong> you may be asking what the Peer Support Unit is allabout. We are there for you following a critical incident such asan <strong>of</strong>ficer involved shooting, or simply when you need someoneto talk to about any aspect <strong>of</strong> your daily life.“The peer support program’s goal isto assist peers with stresses caused bypersonal or pr<strong>of</strong>essional problems andhelp them continue to be productivemembers <strong>of</strong> the Department.”Some <strong>of</strong> the more commonly discussed issues with peer supportare divorce, disability, retirement, career concerns, finances,family relationships, substance abuse, legal issues, religiousconcerns, bereavement, stress related issues, and emotional/physical health maintenance. As you can tell, any topic thatconcerns you can be discussed.Peer support has been with this department for several yearsnow. In August <strong>of</strong> 2010, Lt. Holly Mitchell and Sgt. HernanGonzalez assumed the peer support coordinator duties for thePeer Support Unit. Holly and Hernan have strived to make thisunit bigger and better since assuming the coordination duties.Part <strong>of</strong> that was to add several more sheriff employees to theunit. <strong>Current</strong>ly there are about 80 volunteers from all aspects<strong>of</strong> our department. They are your partners, friends, and coworkerswho have volunteered to share their life experiences. Allhave received the training necessary to become peer supporters.They represent all ranks <strong>of</strong> sworn, pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff, and reservemembers working at their regular assignments throughout thedepartment.What about confidentiality? Communication with a PeerSupporter is considered confidential, except for those matterswhich involve a life threat or a serious or dangerous violation<strong>of</strong> the law, as outlined in the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> Sheriff’sDepartment Policy and Procedure Manual.What does the Peer Support Program<strong>of</strong>fer?We are a large and diverse support network <strong>of</strong> volunteer peersupporters, available on a 24-hour basis, 7 days a week. We willrender confidential support to any member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>Sheriff’s Department. We provide a program that promotestrust and respects the need for anonymity and preservesconfidentiality. The peer support unit also has a referral system<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and agencies representing several specialties,specifically chosen for their broad based understanding <strong>of</strong>particular concerns shared by members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>Sheriff’s Department.Does our Department PsychologicalServices Program provide the samehelp?Yes, on a pr<strong>of</strong>essional level. However, just as the problemsthat affect our lives are different, so are the many ways wemay choose to handle them. Some people may turn directly topr<strong>of</strong>essionals. Others may want to talk to peers who they believeunderstand them as equals and may have been through similarexperiences.How do I contact Peer Support?You can get in touch with a peer supporter in various ways:you can look us up on the department’s intraweb “HomePage”. First click on “Bureaus”, then “Human Resources”,then “Peer Support” on the left side. There is a complete list <strong>of</strong>all active Peer Support Personnel. You can also contact HollyMitchell or Hernan Gonzalez directly on their peer supportassigned phones. Following a critical incident, the Sheriff’sCommunication Center will be contacted and they will contactLt. Holly Mitchell or Sgt. Hernan Gonzalez.In closing, the peer support’s mission statement states it best;The <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Sheriff’s Department’s most valuable resource isits employees. VACTION RENTALSMaui Vacation Beach Condo : Fabulous OceanViews- 1 bdrm/1 bath - Sleeps 4. SUMMER SPECIAL$99.00 per night plus tax. www.vrbo.com/400424.Call (909) 262-8755Big Bear Rental: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, perfect forlarge group or family gatherings. Minutes to slopes,call for availability & prices. Sarah (909) 866-2846.Big Bear City Rental: Fully Furnished Cabin, 2Bedroom, 1 Bath, Sleeps 8 Comfortably. Close to theLake, Slopes and Shopping. Call Bob at (760) 231-7117 for Additional Information.Big Bear Lake Log Cabin Rental: Newer cabinfor rent in Big Bear Lake, 3 Br/2 Ba, sleeps 8-10.Walk to the lake, and couple minutes to slopes andVillage. Perfect for family. Go to http://www.vrbo.com/377748 for pricing, pictures, and contact.Lake Havasu City Arizona Vacation Rental: 3bedroom, 2 bath Lake View House. Beautiful beachentry tropical pool. 3 car garage and RV parking.Sleeps up to 7. $200/ night (2 night min.) Holiday$325/night (3 night min.) $500 refundable securitydeposit unless you cancel 2 weeks <strong>of</strong> arrival. $100Non-refundable cleaning fee. Call (760) 613-6743 foradditional informationMammoth Rental: Mammoth Mtn. Condo. 1bedroom w/large l<strong>of</strong>t—sleeps 7, 2 Baths. Pool,Spa, Sauna, Wood (provided) Burning Stove, FullyStocked Kitchen, Washer/Dryer in Unit, Cable,Restaurants/Bars/Shops, Unit #216. Mention Ad andget 10% <strong>of</strong>f total stay. (760) 934-2669.Wyoming: Thinking about your summer vacation?RV lot for rent in beautiful Star Valley, Wyoming.55 miles South <strong>of</strong> Jackson. Lot is available weeklyor monthly. If you have a group additional lots areavailable($105 dollars a week, $375 a month). Parkopens mid May and closes in October. Fishing,hiking, <strong>of</strong>f road trails, river rafting, and plenty <strong>of</strong> golf.Contact Valinda Sutton (619) 980-7474Vacation Rental: 7 nights, 1 bdrm, sleeps 4, $800.U.S. and International resort destinations available.For details call Lisa (951) 526-6669VEHICLES2007 Ford F-150 Super Crew: Black in color, 41,300miles, Original owner, Extended bed, LineX bedliner, New Hankook tires, Chrome Running boards,Power Driver seat, Power adjustable pedals, 6 CD/MP3 player, Clear title. Asking $18,000 OBO. Call Jim(619) 395-5585CLASSIFIED ADSREAL ESTATEREAL ESTATEFor Sale: Prime river frontage on the Kettle Riverin NE Washington State. Seven acres with over 190feet <strong>of</strong> river frontage. Electric Power and phone onproperty. Two miles from Orient, 25 miles to KettleFalls and the Lake Roosevelt, Marina, 35 miles toColville WA. Mature Pine tree forest. Great huntingand fishing. River rafting, canoeing, swimming.Beautiful country for road touring. Lots <strong>of</strong> retiredcoppers in the area. Asking $119,000. www.cbsells.com MSL#24977 Agent Jeff Hinton (509) 684-8000,jhinton@cbsells.com. Owner Walt at (619) 507-4412.For Rent: 2000 square foot Granite Hills house forrent. Excellent neighborhood and great schoolsincluding Vahala High School. $2100. Call (619) 593-7372.For Rent: Townhome/Condo for rent in Escondido,3 bedroom, 2 and a half bath, approximately 1400sq. feet, with garage and car space, washer/dryer/fridge included with patio, club house and pool,freeway close. For more info contact “Beth” atHomes Management 760-432-4663.MISC. FOR SALEJOGGING STROLLER : BABY TREND Expedition“Jet” . Black and Gray. Used twice. Compare online atBabiesRus at $125.00. Selling for $75. Contact Chuck(Ret) at 619-443-0926 or cwlaseiber@hotmail.comUniforms & leather Gear for sale: both women’sand men’s shirts, pants, jackets, shorts, some newsome used, inseams are 30/32, For an itemized list <strong>of</strong>sizes and assortment please contact me via e-mail atlucyandjacob@hotmail.com.Electric Razor Scooter: New $85 battery; willing tosell for $150.00 (619) 869-0545GUN FOR SALE: S & W Model 627 Pro Line, .357 Mag,9 Shot Revolver. Never been fired. Includes leatherand ammo. Total original cost $1,100.00 (revolver$907). Total package <strong>of</strong>fered for only $765.00(plus transfer fee). Please contact: John Rohring -R.A.C.E.S. Unit - rohring@sbcglobal.net - Cell: (760)473-0099 - Home: (760) 602-5041Placing a classified ad: Free for DSA members. $20 per month for non-members. E-mail adsto kmacris@dsasd.org Include name, phone number and work station, info does not need toappear in the ad. Ads are considered public and appear in the magazine posted on the DSAwebsite. Deadline is the 20th <strong>of</strong> the month.ADVERTISERINDEXBaker to Vegas Golf Tournament 23California Casualty 15Christian LE Couples Retreat 8Clearview Eye & Laser Center 2Diamonds Ltd. 27Discount Tickets 10DJ Services - Franco 35East <strong>County</strong> Transmission 35Evergreen Tree Specialist 12Hawkins Computer Service 14HDSA Diamond Dinner Fundraiser 25Holmerud Studios 35ID Removal 30Investment Symposium 4Kang’s Martial Arts Supply 35Liberty Mutual 13Lonny Brewer Golf Tournament 17Notary Service at DSA 10Perpetual Tree Care 28Rancho Del Oro Towing 24Strategic Financial Services 13Union Institute & University Back CoverVollara Laundry Pure 37Uniforms & Duty GearDSA Store 32DSAStore.com 9Real Estate and MortgagesLisa Ballard - Krueger Realty 19Becca Berlinsky - Coldwell Banker 12Jessica Bottrell, Realtor 22Steven Darling - Realty Executives 16Karen Davis, Mortgage Lender 22Lydia Seeley - Century 21 Award 35John Yeager - Summit Mortgage 19Law OfficesPatricia Elkerton, Attorney 14Faunce, Singer & Oatman, APC 17Ron Hauser, Attorney 9Donovan Jacobs, Attorney 26John Madigan - Schroth & Schroth 18Tosdal, Smith, Steiner & Wax 28ADVERTISERINDEX30 Silver Star September 2012 Silver Star September 2012 31

DSA STOREYOUR DUTY GEAR STOREElbecoUniformShirtsTwo sheriff shoulder patches presewnon each shirt with otheralteration services available toorder through the store.NOW IN STOCKAT THE DSA STORENEW IN THEDSA STOREHOLSTERS5.11 ATAC side zip 8”boot $99.99 beforeDOUBLE memberdiscount.Wool PantsElbeco 55 poly/45 wooluniform pants are nowbeing sold at the DSA Store.Men’s and women’s styles.Unhemmed. Only $63.99each, before DSAMember’s discount.We have partnered with analterations shop in Poway, whowill hem pants for only $7.Details available in the store.DSAMEMBERSRECEIVE 10% OFFALL UNIFORMSPANTS ANDSHIRTSPATROL SHIRTSShort and long sleeved uniformshirts.Elbeco West Coast DutyMaxx shirts.• Wash & Wear• Internal Badge Tab• Stitched-in Military Creases• Men’s and women’s styles.Short sleeve: $39.99before Member’sdiscount.Long sleeve:$49.99 beforediscount.DETENTIONACADEMY SHIRTSElbeco Class A Rayon BlendShort Sleeve Detentionsuniform shirts.• Machine washable• External Badge Tab• Cross-stitched shoulderstraps with functionalbutton for mic attachment• Internal collar stays• Fully-lined front placketwith seven-button front• Extra-long tails keep shirttucked inShort sleeve: $39.95before Member’s discount.Bianchi #82 Carrylockbelt holster.• Leather• Glock 22 or 27Member price $56.95Diehard ankle holster byDe<strong>San</strong>tis• Glock 27Member price $52.20Bailout BagUS Patriot “Bailout” bag.Holds 4 rifle mags and 3 pistolmags. Large rear pocket tohold water, snacks or moremags. (Magazines, water andsnacks not included)Member Price $37.95Apache ankle holster byDe<strong>San</strong>tis• Glock 27• left and right hand• Small frame revolverMember price $37.95Fenix RC-10 Rechargable light• 380 Lumens• 5 Modes• AC and DC chargers includedDSA Member price $113.95WWW.DSASTORE.COMOpen Mon–Fri 9–6 p.m. & first Sat 10–3Shop online at www.dsastore.com13881 Danielson Street in Poway(858) 486-7153

october member birthdaysSERVICESEarn $$$ from the Laundry RoomSeeking individuals for launch <strong>of</strong> new patent pending“Blue Ocean” technology product.Do you have a washing machine?Still using detergent to wash yourclothes? New technology washes clotheswithout detergent and saves energy!For information on the product, visitwww.saveonebilliongallons.com. For business opportunityor purchase, visit www.myvollara.com/rickporter - Moredetails contact Rick Porter (619) 593-9887, (619) 857-6905or rickporter@myvollara.com - Listen to the free recordedmessage @ 1-(973) 854-6944Short Sale orForeclosure?If you are thinking <strong>of</strong> applying fora short sale, you will need to closeyour sale before the end <strong>of</strong> 2012.Call me for more details. This may be a good option for you.Call/E-mail me for a FREE No-Obligation Consultation: LydiaSeeley, Century 21 Award, CA DRE Lic #01861649, (619) 922-4609, LydiaSeeley@Century21Award.comJohn Ellison, Jr.Congratulations!Congratulations to John Ellison and Sol Iniguez-Ellison on thebirth <strong>of</strong> their son John Patrick Ellison, Jr., born July 17, 2012. Thenewborn weighed 7 lbs, 4 ozs and measured 21 inches. John retiredfrom the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Sheriff’s Department.Congratulations to Felipe and Georgina Cabral on the birth <strong>of</strong>their daughter Natalia Isabel born July 17, 2012 at 1:48 p.m. Thenewborn weighed 7 lbs, 8 ozs and measured 20 inches. Felipe worksat the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> Courts.For wedding, birthday, anniversary, graduation, retirement, and otherannouncements, please e-mail kmacris@dsasd.org for publication in theannouncements section. For birth announcements, please contact Daphne Williamsat dwilliams@dsasd.org or (858) 486-9009 x 100. You may also send photos toaccompany any announcement.DISCOUNT FOR DSA MEMBERSHOLMERUD STUDIOSDigital Video EditingNow with High-Definition movie film capture and BlurayDisc production. Your old movies andvideos should be converted to digital video.Using the latest technology, standard definitionDVD-Video or high-definition Blu-ray Disccan be produced for you. Your family’s preciousmemories make wonderful and thoughtful giftsfor any occasion. Call Jon Holmerud (619) 370-8569 or holmerud@cox.net.DJ ServicesWeddings, Formal Events, and Parties.Dance Music & Light Show for all occasionsat a 70’s Price. Call DJ “Franco”at (619) 829-1319 or e-mail at deejayfdr@gmail.com.To place a classified ad for a service or business, please contactKristie Macris at (858) 486-9009 or kmacris@dsasd.org.INSTRUCTORS AND STUDENTS WELCOMELAW ENFORCEMENT DISCOUNTEAST COUNTYTRANSMISSIONSpecialists in Transmission Overhaul & RepairsForeign & American Work GuaranteedReceive an additional5% <strong>of</strong>f in the Poway DSA Storeduring the month <strong>of</strong> your birthday!NEW OWNER: MARGARET MIDDLETONDaughter <strong>of</strong> Lt. Flo HelmsCLOSEDSUN & MONMICHAEL NOWLIN10227 Prospect Ave. Ste. B<strong>San</strong>tee, CA 92071PH: (619) 448-1511FAX: (619) 448-603434 Silver Star September 2012Silver Star September 2012 35

10-7 EOSThis month’s EOS was submitted by Retired <strong>Deputy</strong> Jerry Meloche. If you have lighthearted humor or interesting photos to share, please e-mail allsubmissions to kmacris@dsasd.org or mail artwork to the DSA <strong>of</strong>fice, ATTN: Kristie Macris.36 Silver Star September 2012

Dates to Remember:SEPTEMBER 3 Office & Store Closed8 Retiree Luncheon10 Lonny Brewer Golf Tournament13 Board Meeting27 Board MeetingOCTOBER 11 Board Meeting25 Board Meeting31 DSA HalloweenThe Silver Star <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>County</strong> 13881 Danielson Street Poway, CA 92064-6891 www.dsasd.orgIn Conjunction with the <strong>Deputy</strong> Sheriffs’ <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>Is <strong>of</strong>fering an accelerated Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science Degree inCRIMINAL JUSTICE MANAGEMENTClasses meet on Thursday evenings at the DSA <strong>of</strong> <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> located in Poway, CA$3,000 discount for the first (30) units you take in the program at anon-site location.32 Semester Credits for Basic P.O.S.T. Certificate.Up to 28 semester credits for additional training.AA or AS degree from a regionally accredited college satisfies allgeneral education requirements.Financial Aid available for those who qualify.Eight week sessions which meet five out <strong>of</strong> eight weeks; possible formany to graduate in as little as eight months.Yellow Ribbon certified for Veterans.Courses taught by experienced pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in the field.Free Transfer Assessment.Accelerated Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree program; new classes startevery eight weeks.UI&U is fully accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and amember <strong>of</strong> the North Central <strong>Association</strong> (www.ncahlc.org).For more information, please contact:Don Crist, Site Coordinator(858) 212-2416don.crist@myunion.eduThis is what alumnus TimCurran had to say aboutUI&U:"My experience with the UnionInstitute & University was verypositive. The instructors wereencouraging and the courseswere challenging. I truly believethat completing my degree withthe Union Institute helped meadvance in my career."Los Angeles Academic Center6701 Center Drive West, Suite 1200Los Angeles, CA 90045Phone: (800) 486-8328 ● Fax: (310) 417-3555www.myunion.eduUI&U does not discriminate in its policies or procedures and conforms with federal non-discriminatory regulations.

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