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The VOICE of <strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> Centre/Congregation Etz ChaimkuevJanuary–February 2011 Vol. 61 • No. 3 Tevet/Shevat/Adar I, 5771TwoFriday nights!<strong>ComE</strong> in <strong>From</strong> <strong>ThE</strong> <strong>ColD</strong> anD <strong>EnJoy</strong>!thhga, vrha ,caShabbat Shirah 5771FriDay EvEning Jan. 14 • 8:00 pmShaBBaT morning Jan. 15 • 9:30 amJoin us as we celebrate“The Shabbat of Song”with special musicalselections during services.There will be something for everyone!• Contemporary & Classical Tunes• Traditional & Modern Cantorial Music• Duets with Members of our HERJC FamilyExtra Special Family FridayService and DinnerJanuary 21 • 6:30 pmFeaturingthe religious Schoolyad presentation andTu B’Shevat festivities!Join us for a short, kid friendly KabbalatShabbat Service at 6:30 pm, followedby a casual buffet Shabbat dinner.Create warm and wonderful <strong>Jewish</strong>memories for you and your family!$18 per adult, $10 children 12 & under,children 3 & under are free.RSVP A MUST!Email office@herjc.org or call 599-2634.Thank you to our sponsors,Lisa and Michael Greenberg

HERJC 516-599-2634RabbiANDREW WARMFLASHExt. 214rabbiw@herjc.orgRabbi EmeritusDR. STANLEY PLATEKHazzanDAVID SISLENExt. 215cantorsislen@herjc.orgRitual DirectorNACHUM PLOTKINExt. 222nachum@herjc.orgReligious School DirectorDAVID WOOLFE599-0424 or Ext. 219rsdir@herjc.orgNursery School DirectorCHERYL KARP599-1169 or Ext. 237nurserydir@herjc.orgYouth DirectorTODD HAUSMAN599-1148 or Ext. 223youthdir@herjc.orgwww.herjc.orgYou are oneclick away from The latest info on allHERJC activities Updates from NurserySchool, Religious Schooland Youth Group The easiest way to makedonations and have a cardsent for you Service and holidayinformation Paying your bill onlineAs part of our ongoing efforts to encourage people to explore meaningful ways to observe Shab -bat, we are including a guide to a different Shab bat practice in each issue of Hakol this year. <strong>In</strong>this issue of the Shabbat corner, we focus on one of the most beloved of all Shabbat rituals:Friday Night Candle LightingWho should light? It is traditional for candles to be lit by <strong>Jewish</strong> woman and girls. <strong>In</strong>an all male household, men light the candles.What should be lit? We light at least two candles on Friday nights. They remind us ofthe double portion of manna that God sent our people every Friday when we were wanderingin the wilderness following the Exodus. They stand for Shamor and Zachor, therequirements to observe and remember Shabbat in the Ten Commandments. While twois the minimum number of candles, some families have the tradition of lighting oneadditional candle for each member of the household.Where should the candles be lit? Most people light candles in the room where theywill be having Shabbat dinner. If they are to be lit on the dining table they should firstbe placed be on a tray or plate so that they can be moved without touching the candlesthemselves.When are candles lit? Because fire is not kindled on Shabbat, the candles need to belit before the day begins. <strong>In</strong> order to add from the sacred to the profane, it is traditionalto light them 18 or more minutes before sundown. (This is the time that is listed on most<strong>Jewish</strong> calendars.) When this is not possible, candles can be lit right up to sundown.How are candles lit? Ordinarily, we say a blessing before we perform a mitzvah. <strong>In</strong> thecase of Shabbat candles this is not possible because once we say the blessing we havebegun Shabbat and are no longer permitted to light a fire. Therefore, it is customary tolight the candles and cover our eyes so that we do not see their light. We then say theblessing, and open our eyes to appreciate the light.Why are candles lit? The mitzvah of lighting candles dates back Talmudic times. It wasoriginally instituted in response to the Karaites, a breakaway group of <strong>Jewish</strong> sectarianswho believed that the Torah required Jews to sit in darkness on Friday nights. Therabbis rejected this idea since Shabbat is meant to be a day of delight. For them, the glowof the candles represented the light and warmth of God’s presence on this sacred day.BLESSING FOR SHABBAT CANDLESBa-ruch A-tah Ado-nai, E-lohei-nu Me-lech Ha-olam, A-Sher Kee-di-shah-noo,Bi-mitz-vo-tav, Vi-tzee-va-noo Li-had-leek Ner Shel Sha-bat.Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has hallowed us through commandments,and has commanded us to kindle the Shabbat Lights.page 2 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011www.herjc.orgHAKOL

DAN GERSTMAN<strong>From</strong> the PresidentHave you ever read the United States Constitution? Come on, it’sonly 7,000 words! Did you ever consider memorizing it and thenpassionately orating it annually on July 4th Shabbat in our sanctuary?That person would be the beloved Allen Cederbaum who tookup this task in his 80’s and did it until this past July 4th, bringinggreat pride to all of us. When Allen passed away in December, at 94,he was a member of our synagogue for over 60 years and a formerExecutive Officer as well as an Honorary Member of our Board ofDirectors.It is hard to believe that Allen Cederbaum has passed on. It has always been a priorityfor me to honor and respect people who have come before me. Rabbis have said that“he/she who respects the elderly is as if he/she respects the Lord.” I lost my dear 97 yearold grandfather, Hy Gerstman, just a few years ago. When I started to really get to knowthe inner workings of Allen, I found him to be strikingly similar to my grandfather.Albert Einstein said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”<strong>In</strong> Allen and my grandfather, there was something very simple—so long as theycould live their entire lives with faith in G-d, the <strong>Jewish</strong> people, America and with a specialbond with their family and community. The rest, as they say, was just commentary.And that commentary was positive and forward thinking with a great understanding oftheir heritage. The 90-something generation has lived through so much including theGreat Depression, WWII, the creation of the State of Israel, Viet nam, the Cold War, notto mention this generation’s state of affairs. There is so much wisdom to garner frompeople who walked before us. It is said that the reason for this is “the elderly person hasacquired wisdom through the many trials she/he has endured throughout the years ofher/his life. The wisdom cannot be quantified or put into writing, but for us it reflectsan understanding of the world and mankind.” My grandfather Hy Gerstman, AllenCederbaum and others of their generation have helped form a link between the worldtoday and previous generations. <strong>In</strong> Judaism, we view them as invaluable and irreplaceablebearers of our <strong>Jewish</strong> heritage.Like this golden generation, my hope is that all of us will follow their lead to giveback to God, the <strong>Jewish</strong> people, America and our community family. At HERJC withyour help, we will continue to broaden our offering of opportunities to do just that! Forexample, our HERJC Cares committee is now driving members in need to doctorappointments and we are visiting those members who need companionship. We continueto collect and donate kosher food and warm clothing to the needy. And for those whohave passed before us, there are Yahrzeits to honor and other ways to memorialize theloved ones who have departed. And this year, at HERJC, we are going to launch perhapsthe greatest way to honor those who came before us. We will together write a Torah forour synagogue and with it bring great meaning for all the generations, past and present.I would like to share with you a quick story that gave me a lift in my shoes this pastRosh Hashanah. I consider it a great privilege to walk around the sanctuary behind theTorah, along with Rabbi Warmflash and Hazzan Sislen, when we greet the amazing com-President continued on page 23HERJC MISSIONSTATEMENT<strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong><strong>Jewish</strong> Centre–CongregationEtz Chaim (HERJC) is awarm, vibrant, traditionalegalitarianConservative congregation.Our diverse, forward-thinkingcommunity isone in which learning, prayerand social action flourish.Since its founding in1949, HERJC has beenrecognized for creating awelcoming environment inwhich each member—regardlessof age, stage of life orbackground—feels a connectionto one another, tothe <strong>Jewish</strong> people, to theUnited States, to the landand State of Israel, toJudaism and to God.We are committed to continuingto provide innovative,interesting, and thought-provokingprograms that: Foster lifelong learningfrom pre-school throughadulthood Celebrate our <strong>Jewish</strong>heritage Deepen the sense ofcommunity among ourCongregational family Promote religious involvementof all members,and enhance theirspiritual experience Encourage intergenerationalcooperation Nurture the State ofIsrael and ourrelationship with it Serve the needs ofour members, the localcommunity, the UnitedStates, and K’lal Yisrael,the <strong>Jewish</strong> peoplethroughout the world.Pirkei Avot says the worldrests on Torah, Avodah, andG’milut Chasadim. So toodoes our Congregation.HAKOL www.herjc.org JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 5

HERJC Circle Of Lifeusing wills or Trusts to donate to your synagogue<strong>In</strong> the Spring of 1949, a handful of people met in the basement of ahome on Talfor Road sharing a vision for a community where theirchildren could learn the heritage of their faith, study its language andobservances; where they themselves could worship on Shabbat andthe High Holy Days and observe Yahrzeits and other life cycle events.Here we are, more than 60 years later, proud members of a wonderful,warm, egalitarian, Conservative synagogue, whose mission is toprovide innovative, interesting, and thought-provoking programsthat:• Foster lifelong learning from pre-school through adulthood• Celebrate our <strong>Jewish</strong> heritage• Deepen our sense of community• Promote religious involvement & enhanced spiritual experiences• Nurture the state of Israel and our relationship with itThose who came before us left a legacy that continues tonurture us and our children. Now it is our turn to provide for theneeds of the generations yet to come.All Planned Gifts carry membership into the HERJC Circle of Lifewith the following benefits:• A distinctive HERJC Circle of Life certificate suitable for framing• Recognition in Hakol and various published materials• A hand crafted silver and gold Circle of Life pin or necklacemade exclusively for us by renowned Judaica artist, Neil Meixler.• Listing on Circle of Life display at the synagogue• Naming opportunities for large bequestsFor more information or to make bequests, call 516-599-2634.Rabbi Andrew WarmflashRabbi Emeritus Stanley PlatekPresident Dan GerstmanMarc Goldberg, FundraisingEach Circle of Life memberreceives this hand crafted goldand silver lapel pin or necklace.Assure a Legacy for FutureGenerations by joiningHERJC’s Circle of Life:1. Establish a bequest inyour will or trust tobenefit HERJC2. Leave a portion of yourretirement account toHERJC3. Make HERJC the ownerof a permanent lifeinsurance policy4. Make HERJC a fullbeneficiary of a lifeinsurance policy5. Transfer ownership ofa home to HERJC, but continueto use it as always....lksd shdb rusu rusk“<strong>From</strong> Generation to Generation, We Extol Your Goodness…”Please remember us in your will

patrons societyMARC GOLDBERGThe initial response to our Patron Appeal has been heartwarming and we thank everyone who hasresponded to date. If you and your family would be interested in becoming members of the PatronsSoci ety, please leave a message for me in the HERJC office at 599-2634. Our Synagogue doesn’t havea building fund nor do our dues cover the cost of our budget. The Patrons Society has traditionallymade a large andwelcomed impact onour Syna gogue’s annualbud get. HERJC needseveryone who can tostep forward and help our Syna gogue continueto grow and maintain itself as one ofthe leading congregations on Long Island.When you join the Patrons Society, yourname will be placed on the Patrons Plaquein our main lobby and published in Hakolthe month following receipt of your contribution.Most of all, you will be doingsomething extraordinary for our Shul,school and Congregation.It is with great pleasure that I continueto list the names of our Congregants whohave already pledged and paid for the2011 Patron year. Yasher Koach to you all.A WARM WELCOMETO OUR NEW PATRONSFrances and Buddy BrandtPAID MILLENNIUMRENEWALS($2,500 AND UP)Joan and James BerkowitzPamela and Daniel GerstmanLinda and Stuart GrumanJoan and Harry LauferLaurie and Asher PlattPAID CHAI RENEWALS($1,800)Lisa and Edmund CohenMarcia and Marc GoldbergLouise and Steven GreenbergJody and Richard GrobmanConnie and Allen SkolnickPAID BASIC RENEWALS ($1,000)Susan and Stanley AltLaurie and Joseph BrofskySusan and Lawrence DiamondDoris and Yosef DlugaczRita DonegerKathy and Steven EstrinEileen and Joel GevarterLinda and Martin GevarterRita and Lawrence GottliebJoy and Larry KaminskyLois and Marc KempHeidi and Steven KreitSyndee and David KurzJane and Harry MisonAnn and Burt MoreidaAudrey and Elliott PolinskyJoan ShifterJoan and Donald SchaefferMarjorie and Joel Wecksellmahzor lev shalemHonor a happy event or memorialize a loved one with the permanent placement of abeautiful bookplate in our spectacular new High Holiday Prayer Books. The cost is $36per book. You can also purchase your very own copy of the book for $50. For moreinformation, please call the HERJC office at 599-2634 or email secy@herjc.org.Name of person making the donation: ________________________________________q <strong>In</strong> Honor of: q <strong>In</strong> Memory of: ___________________________________________Please send a card to: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please give us the name, address and relationship that you would like listed on the card.q Please bill my account (members only) q Send check made out to HERJC<strong>Hewlett</strong> East <strong>Rockaway</strong><strong>Jewish</strong> CentreCongregation Etz Chaim<strong>In</strong> Memory ofYour Loved OneDonated byYou and Your FamilyHAKOL www.herjc.org JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 7

It’s Never TooEarly To Start!Raffle Prizes arealways needed forDinner Dance.This year we areurging everyone tobegin their requestsearlier than usual.Stop by thesynagogue officefor a letter ofintroduction,explaining whyyou really needthis raffle prize.We thank youin advance forall your help.NACHUM PLOTKINRitual UpdateShalom Friends!Well! Here we are at the beginning of the second decade of the21st Century. Hard to believe, isn’t it? Here at HERJC, we are as busyas ever. More and more congregants are actively involving themselvesin all aspects of congregational life. Our morning Minyan isseeing a regular attendance of at least 13 people daily. Sometimes, wehave 18 or 19 people. Why don’t you consider joining us? We’llsqueeze you in somehow!Read Hebrew America continues to attract people, mainly fromoutside the synagogue. Does that mean all our congregants read Hebrew? There are,I know, many of our congregants who would benefit from these classes. Just think,while your children are preparing for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah, you would be able tohelp them. If there is sufficient interest, a class can be offered on a weekday morning.Religious school parents, how about it? All it takes is a phone call or email tonplotkin8@gmail.com (please note new email address). As always, my offer to be ofservice to you in any way still stands. See you at services.dinner danceMark Your Calendar – Save the Datewww.herjc.organd AmazonClick on theAmazon button foundon the left hand sideof the first page of ourwebsite, www.herjc.org,do your shopping asusual and HERJC getsa donation!Amazingly simpleand wonderful.Annual Journal Dinner DanceSunday, June 5, 2011at <strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> CentreHonoringLaurie and Dr. Joe Brofskypage 8 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011www.herjc.orgHAKOL

you can helpJOE SKLARBikur Cholim is the mitzvah of visiting and extending aid to the sick. “And you shalllove your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18) stresses the importance of people ina community helping and looking after each other. HERJC has made a commitment toreestablish a functioning Bikur Cholim.Our newly reconstituted Bikur Cholim group will help in two different ways: byvisiting with people who are limited in their ability to get around outside of theirhomes and by providing rides to congregants who need assistance getting to medicalappointments.Driving Congregants to Medical AppointmentsMost, but not all, of our congregants have cars and drive wherever they wish.Situations do arise when a congregant needs transportation to medical appointmentsand cannot easily provide that transportation. Volunteers are needed to drive thesecongregants to their appointment, wait for them, and drive them home.Visiting the HomeboundThere are members of our congregation who are not able to get out of the house veryoften. I phoned one such woman a few years ago when I was making Kol Nidre callsjust before the High Holidays. She told me that she was old and infirm and only got outto go to doctors. What she would like was for someone from the congregation to comeand visit her and just talk to her. I asked her if she wanted to get a call from the rabbior have someone blow the shofar for her. She wasn’t interested in that. She only wanteda visitor. So I began to visit her either in person or on the phone. It was a good experiencefor both of us. I heard many interesting stories about her life in the first half ofthe twentieth century.We will generally not be visiting congregants in the hospital. Hospital stays tend tobe short and the most welcome visitors are family and close friends. We will be visitingcongregants who are convalescing at home, in local nursing homes or in rehab, aswell as congregants who are mostly homebound. We will only be visiting people whoindicate they would welcome a visit from a member of the Bikur Cholim. Visits can bemade in person, by phone or a combination of the two. It depends what works well forboth parties.Telephone visiting can be useful in several different ways. Calls can mainly providereassurance and friendly conversation for individuals who live alone. For individualswith health issues that restrict their social mobility, calls that help to stimulate interestin the outside world and show that someone cares for them are often beneficial. Theyhelp to reduce the sense of isolation that these individuals often feel.“With your help, we are confident that these programs willstrengthen the fabric that binds the HERJC community together.Our small portion of the world will be a better place for all of us.”How You CanGet <strong>In</strong>volvedIf you are interested invisiting with someonein person and/or bytelephone or can helptake someone to amedical appointment,call me at (home)887-3907 or (cell)287-6746. If you havetrouble reaching meyou can also callLaurie Stone Brofskyat (home) 887-3767or (cell) 238 9364.Let Us KnowHow WeCan HelpIf you would like tohave a member of thecommunity visit withyou regularly by phoneor in person, or if youneed help getting toan appointment, Iurge you to contactus at the numberslisted above.HAKOL www.herjc.org JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 9

upcoming holidaysTu B’ShevatTu B’Shevat or the <strong>Jewish</strong> Arbor Day comes at what mayseem like a strange time for us . . . as we settle into thelong, cold days of winter. But long before the environmentaliststried to make us realize the importance of anatural balance, our ances tors set aside a date to marktheir respect for all growing things. They realized thattrees help feed and clothe us, give us wood to buildour houses, fruit to eat and shade from a hot sun. Treeskeep the soil rich and fertile and give beauty tothe world. So they set aside the 15th day of Shevat(“tu” represents the two Hebrew letters which numericallyequal 15) as our Arbor Day which this year fallson Thursday, January 20. <strong>In</strong> Israel, Tu B’Shevat marksthe end of the rainy season and the beginning of Spring.Tu B’Shevat Customs<strong>In</strong> the diaspora, the custom of eating tropical fruitssuch as dates and figs, reminds us of the “fruits ofZion”.<strong>In</strong> Israel, Tu B’Shevat is a day for planting trees! <strong>In</strong>America, we celebrate by supporting the <strong>Jewish</strong> Na -tional Fund. After more than half a century of work,the JNF has planted millions of trees in Israel.Tu B’Shevat reminds us of all the wonderful work thathas been done in Israel since the creation of the statein 1948 to reclaim and revitalize a land made barrenby years of overuse. Israel today is filled with farms,kibbutzim, trees, flowers and all kinds of vegetation.Tu B’Shevat reminds us of how we can continueto help!The Purim Carnival is Coming – Sunday, March 20Sponsor a Banner and Help Youth GroupHelp support our Carnival by sponsoring a booth in your family or business nameYes, I/we want to support a Carnival Booth at the cost of $125.Name (Family/Business) _____________________________________________Address _________________________________________________________Phone # _________________________________________________________Please enclose a check for $125 payable to HERJC Youth Department and thewords as they will appear on the banner and mail to the Synagogue office at:HERJC, 295 Main Street, East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY 11518Thank you in advance for your support.page 10 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

mazal tov to our Januaryand february b’nai mitzvahJASON ANDREW ZAGORSKIJanuary 8, 2011Mazal Tov to Shari Zagorskion the Bar Mitzvah of her son,Jason Andrew.Jason is a seventh grade studentat Oceanside MiddleSchool. His favorite subject isMath. He enjoys sports, swimming,playing games, pianoand alto sax and Boy Scouts.Jason has a brother, Zachary, 15.MAX ELLIOT GREENBERGJanuary 22, 2011Mazal Tov to Mike and LisaGreenberg on the Bar Mitzvahof their son, Max Elliot.Max is a seventh grade studentat The Brandeis School.His favorite subjects areEnglish, Math and Science. Heenjoys snow skiing, water skiingand reading.Max has a sister, Nicole, 11.MAX BENJAMIN KEMPJanuary 29, 2011Mazal Tov to Marc and LoisKemp on the Bar Mitzvah oftheir son, Max Benjamin.Max is a seventh grade studentat Lynbrook South MiddleSchool. His favorite subjectsare Math and Art. He enjoyssports and spending time withfriends and family.Max has a sister and brother, Jolie, 18 andSean, 15.ITIEL GINZBURGFebruary 12, 2011Mazal Tov to Anton andLarisa Ginzburg on theBar Mitzvah of their son, Itiel.Itiel is a seventh gradestudent at Woodmere MiddleSchool. His favorite subject isscience. He enjoys setting upaquariums and working innature.Itiel has a brother and 4 sisters, Jessica, 20,Leor, 14, Isabella, 8, Brianna, 8 and Abigail, 5.Commemorate aHappy Event byPlacing a Leaf on theTREE OF LIFEin our Lobby.Contact our Office.There is a great selection of gifts forBar and Bat MitzvahHERJC.judaicabeautiful.comHAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 11

social outreachmagen tzedek:connecting spirit and deedBEVERLY WACHTELHERJC HEKSHER TZEDEK REPYou may have read, in the last issue ofHakol, about Magen Tzedek, the newcertification for ethically kosher food.The symbol will begin appearing onkosher food products in 2011, alongsidethe symbol of kosher certification.It is part of a commitment toprotect workers, animals and theearth in the production of food.As Jews, we are commanded to treat animals hu -manely in life and forbidden to cause unnecessary sufferingat slaughter. Therefore, Magen Tzedek focuses onthe humane treatment of animals in food production.Kosher meat must be slaughtered in the manner prescribedby the Torah, which is designed to be as fast andpainless as possible. However, a major concern is thecruel methods of restraint that are used in some plants.A common method, shackling and hoisting, was ad -dressed by the Conservative <strong>Jewish</strong> community. Dr. JoeRegenstein, Professor of Food Science, head of the Cor -nell Kosher and Halal Food <strong>In</strong>itiative, and advisor to theRabbinical Assembly, worked with Dr. Temple Grandin,an expert on animal welfare, designer of livestock handlingfacilities, Professor of Animal Science at ColoradoState University, and, remarkably, a woman with autism.Dr. Regenstein pointed out “that Congress recognizedand affirmed that <strong>Jewish</strong> ritual slaughter itself ishumane.” The Committee on <strong>Jewish</strong> Law and Standardsof the Rabbinical Assembly noted “that shackling andhoisting animals is neither a requirement of, nor a violationof, the laws of kosher slaughter.” The method wasrequired by law, from 1906 to 1958, to insure sanitaryconditions but was banned by law as inhumane in 1958.However the method that was then substituted, of stunninga cow before slaughter, was taken to violate thelaws of kosher slaughter. Therefore Congress enacted aspecific exemption to allow cattle destined for kosherslaughter to be shackled and hoisted while conscious.The CJLS concluded that “now that kosher, humaneslaughter using upright pens is both possible and widespread,we find shackling and hoisting to be a violationof <strong>Jewish</strong> laws forbidding cruelty to animals and requiringthat we avoid unnecessary dangers to human life. . . and should be stopped.”Environmental sustainability is another area ad -dressed by Magen Tzedek. Genesis 2:15 tells us thatGod placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to work it andprotect it. And in Kohelet Rabbah 7:13, God said“Every thing I have created, I have created for you. Bemindful that you do not ruin and devastate my world,for if you ruin it, there is no one to repair it after you.”The impact of food production needs to measured sothat our earth is protected. We must be aware of our carbonfootprint, water footprint, chemical discharges,impact on the soil, and global warming.The humane treatment of animals and environmentalimpact are two of the criteria considered for a companyto be awarded Magen Tzedek certification. Labor concernssuch as employee wages, benefits, safety andtraining will be covered in the next issue of Hakol. Formore information, go to magentzedek.org.Torah Fund Sunday Brunch MARK YOUR CALENDAR – APRIL 3 Torah Fund Honoree: Nancy LevittOrder your pin in advance. Call Marion at 887-1019or email Louise at Louiseabrams@mac.comGuest Speaker: Rabbi Mychal SpringerDirector of the Center for Pastoral Education ofThe <strong>Jewish</strong> Theological Seminary and theHelen Fried Kirshblum Goldstein Chair inProfessional and Pastoral Skills.page 12 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

Sisterhood NewsNANCY LEVITTBrrr…it’s cold outside but HERJC Sisterhood is just warming upwith lots interesting activities for you to enjoy. We will be havingour annual Bringo event on Wednesday evening, January 26 and Iurge you all to come out for a night of fun in our warm and tasteful“bringo parlor.” It is a really fun evening and a great fund raiserthat’s open to all! <strong>In</strong>vite your friends, make your own table, winsome great prizes — what’s not to like? Don’t forget to RSVP so we’llbe sure to have enough delicious hot food at the event.We are also in midst of planning an evening at a neighborhood chocolate shop. Howabout some chocolate making and tasting and maybe even some hot chocolate! Watchfor complete details in our fliers and on the weekly HERJC Happenings emails.Sisterhood continues to warm people’s lives with our ongoing food drive. You shouldalso try one of our lively Book Club discussions — very informal and very fun.Please feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions for an activity, program orquestions. I would love to hear from you.Your GenerosityWarms the Heartand the Body!Thank YouSo Much.eventsExciting Mishloach Manot Packages from Sisterhood COMING SOON Send delicious treats and surprises to your friends and family.Watch your mail for your order form.Sisterhood Book Review Club MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7 AT 7:30 PM Barbara Kaplan will lead us in a discussion of Raquela, AWoman of Israel by Ruth Gruber. This non-fiction bookdepicts the life and courageousness of a true Israeli heroine.All Sisterhood members are invited to read the book andjoin the discussion at the home of Louise Abrams. ContactLouise at 718-327-3537 or louiseabrams@mac.com forfurther information.Sisterhood Shabbat — Call to Participate SATURDAY, MARCH 19 The first time you put yourheavy outer clothing andsuits this season, you feltthe warmth. Then just try,for a moment, to thinkabout the person who isnow feeling the warmth intheir coat or suit, which wasso generously donated byyou. What a great feeling ofwarmth your donation hasgiven both of you!Yasher koach to you all.Phyllis Gilbert NadlerCommunity Service ChairIf you want to participate, call Marion at 887-1019 or email at louiseabrams@mac.com.HAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 13

Go towww.herjc.orgPlease checkwww.herjc.orgfor more details onSisterhood and Men’sClub events.eventsB • R • I • N • G • O ! An Evening of Food, Fun, and Prizes JOIN SISTERHOOD – WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26 AT 7:30 PM It’s like Bingo but you win prizes, not $$$. $25 for a lovelybuffet plus 50¢ per card per game. RESERVATIONS A MUST!Thank YouJack NodiffThe Congregationis cordially invitedto view the portraitof Rabbi StanleyPlatek presentedto HERJC andpainted by ourcongregant artistJack Nodiff.It’s hung outsidethe Rabbi’s Study.Children ages 10 and up are welcome.Send checks made out to HERJC Sisterhood toSharon Nash, 4 Rose Lane, East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY 11518.IF YOU CAN DONATE A PRIZE, call Sharon at 295-4579 oremail Sharonn31@gmail.com or Robin Mintz at 374-1711.Joint Women’s Seder: A Community Celebration THURSDAY, APRIL 7 AT 6:15 PM,CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE, ROCKVILLE CENTRE $32 per person includes kosher dinnerMen’s Club Defensive Driving CourseSAVE THEDATE!National Council of <strong>Jewish</strong> Women, Peninsula Section, NCJW, South Shore Section,Sisterhood of Central Synagogue. Sisterhood of HERJC, The Women of theReconstructionist Temple Beth Emeth, WHJ Sisterhood of Temple Am Echad TUESDAYS, JANUARY 25 & FEBRUARY 1 FROM 7:00 – 10:00 PM Complete the Defensive Driving Course through one of our Department of MotorVehicles approved training agencies and become eligible for the insurance discount!Even the most experienced drivers will find the course interesting and filled with valuablesafe driving tips. It’s great for new drivers, too!Men’s Club Defensive Driving Course RegistrationNAME(S) ___________________________________________________________________________________ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PHONE_____________________________________________________________________________________ENCLOSED IS A CHECK FOR $________________________________________________________________Return to: HERJC Men’s Club, 295 Main Street, East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY 11518Fee $50.00 per driver • Please register as soon as possible.page 14 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011www.herjc.orgHAKOL

KABBALAT HASIDDUR – SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 5 AT 9:30 AMJoin us as our Alef Class receives their first Siddursand our Akiva students read Torah. Mazal Tov!(<strong>From</strong> left, bottom row):Helaina RehsShoshana MarkowitzLeo Finkelstein(middle row):Religious School Director,David WoolfeAidan AbikzerMiles AbikzerRachel KshonzMackensi DeninnoPeyton AdlerReligious School Teacher,Robin SchwamPhoto by Hannah Plotkin(top row):HERJC President,Dan Gerstman,Rabbi Andrew WarmflashReligious School Teacher,Gila Gensler$ ) !"/#' %$'))*' $ $)'$) %$"". '$%,$ + %" $ () " $ "/#' " -&'((&#&$ (& $"% ## #$" $" # '"$ & $&#" # "& # !"*$.'*'. ) ) Adult tickets $25 ea. • Children’s tickets (ages 3-17) $15 ea. • Family Package (2 Adults & 2 Children) $72Contact Dena Stein at 516.449.6678 for additional informationHAKOL www.herjc.org JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 15

january calendarSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAYDAILY SERVICES (See www.herjc.org for complete details)MorningsMonday & Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:50 amTuesday, Wednesday, & Friday . . . . . . . 7:00 amRosh Chodesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 amSunday & Legal Holidays . . . . . . . . . 9:00 amEveningsMonday through Thursday, Sunday& Legal Holidays . . . . . . 7:30 pmFridays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pmLight the ShabbatCandles andRecite theFollowing Blessing(Candlelighting times arelisted on the calendar)226 tevetMorning Minyan – 9:00 amBreakfast – 9:30 amEvening Minyan – 7:30 pm327 tevetNURSERY & RELIGIOUSSCHOOLS RE-OPENExodus Class – 11:00 amUSY – 7:00 pmExecutive Committee Meeting8:00 pm428 tevetPizza Plus – 6:00 pmSchool & Youth Board Meeting8:00 pmBlessed are You,Lord our God,King of the universe,who has hallowed usthrough commandments,and has commanded usto kindle the Shabbat Lights.Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-naiE-lohei-nu Me-lech Ha-olamA-Sher Kee-di-shah-nooBi-mitz-vo-tavVi-tzee-va-noo Li-had-leekNer Shel Sha-bat.Go towww.herjc.org9 4 shevat 10 5 shevat 11 6 shevatMorning Minyan – 9:00 amBreakfast – 9:30 amRabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 amEvening Minyan – 7:30 pmExodus Class – 11:00 amUSY – 7:00 pmPizza Plus – 6:00 pmRitual Committee Meeting7:30 pmYouth Basketball – 7:30 pm16 11 shevat 17 12 shevat 18 13 shevatRELIGIOUS SCHOOL CLOSEDMorning Minyan – 9:00 amBreakfast – 9:30 amEvening Minyan – 7:30 pmMARTIN LUTHER KING DAYOFFICE CLOSEDNURSERY & RELIGIOUSSCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSPizza Plus – 6:00 pmYouth Basketball – 7:30 pmLearn theBlessings atwww.herjc.orgFirst click on “Cantor”and then on “Blessings”2318 shevatMinyan & Breakfast – 9:00 amRabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 amEvening Minyan – 7:30 pm3025 shevatMinyan & Breakfast – 9:00 amGimel Seder Plate Project–9:00 amRabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 amEvening Minyan – 7:30 pm2419 shevatExodus Class – 11:00 amUSY – 7:00 pmBoard of Directors Meet. – 8:00 pm3126 shevatExodus Class – 11:00 amUSY – 7:00 pm2520 shevatPizza Plus – 6:00 pmDefensive Driving – 7:00 pmYouth Basketball – 7:30 pmpage 16 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

of eventsWEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYHold the Date, January 28Special Nursery Tot ShabbatDetails to Follow125 tevetVA’ERANEW YEAR’S DAYServices – 9:30 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 4:15 pm529 tevetKadima – 6:00 pm6 1 shevat 7 2 shevat 8 3 shevatRosh Chodesh ShevatCandlelighting – 4:25 pmKabbalat Shabbat Service7:00 pmboServices – 9:30 amBar Mitzvah:Jason Andrew ZagorskiTorah Kids – 11:00 amJunior Congregation – 11:00 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 4:15 pm127 shevatNursery Parent/Teacher Conf.NURSERY SCHOOL CLOSEDKadima – 6:00 pmSisterhood Board Meeting7:45 pm13 8 shevat 14 9 shevat 15 10 shevatReligious School Post Bar/BatMitzvah Class – 6:30 pmCandlelighting – 4:32 pmSpecial Shabbat ShirahKabbalat Services – 8:00 pmbeshallachShabbat ShirahServices – 9:30 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 4:30 pm1914 shevatKadima – 6:00 pm20 15 shevat 21 16 shevat 22 17 shevatTU B’SHEVATCandlelighting – 4:40 pmServices & Family FridayFeaturing the Religious SchoolYad Presentation andTu B’Shevat Festivities6:30 pmyitroServices – 9:30 amBar Mitzvah:Max Elliot GreenbergTorah Kids – 11:00 amJunior Congregation – 11:00 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 4:30 pm2621 shevatKadima – 6:00 pmSisterhood BRINGO7:30 pm27 22 shevat 28 23 shevat 29 24 shevatmishpatimCandlelighting – 4:49 pmNursery Tot Shabbat – 6:00 pmKabbalat Shabbat Service7:00 pmServices – 9:30 amBar Mitzvah:Max Benjamin KempTorah Kids – 11:00 amJunior Congregation – 11:00 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 4:45 pmHAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 17

february calendarSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAYWEDNESDAYSpecialSuper Bowl Minyan5:00 pmSunday, February 6127 shevatMARCH/APRIL HAKOL DEADLINEPizza Plus – 6:00 pmDefensive Driving – 7:00 pmYouth Basketball – 7:30 pmSchool & Youth Board Meeting8:00 pm228 shevatDaddy’s Day at Nursery8:30 amKadima – 6:00 pm6 2 adar I 7 3 adar I 8 4 adar I95 adar IMorning Minyan – 9:00 amBreakfast – 9:30 amRabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 amSuper Bowl Minyan – 5:00 pmExodus Class CancelledUSY – 7:00 pmExecutive Committee Meeting8:00 pmPizza Plus – 6:00 pmRitual Committee Meeting7:30 pmYouth Basketball – 7:30 pmKadima – 6:00 pm13 9 adar I 14 10 adar I 15 11 adar I1612 adar IMorning Minyan – 9:00 amBreakfast – 9:30 amRabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 amEvening Minyan – 7:30 pmExodus Class – 11:00 amPizza Plus – 6:00 pmKadima – 6:00 pm20 16 adar I17 adar I 22 18 adar I212319 adar IRELIGIOUS SCHOOL CLOSEDMorning Minyan – 9:00 amBreakfast – 9:30 amEvening Minyan – 7:30 pmPRESIDENT’S DAYOFFICE CLOSEDNURSERY & RELIGIOUSSCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSNURSERY & RELIGIOUSSCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSNURSERY & RELIGIOUSSCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMS2723 adar I28 24 adar IMAR 1 25 adar IMAR 2 26 adar IKadima – 6:00 pmRELIGIOUS SCHOOL CLOSEDMorning Minyan – 9:00 amBreakfast – 9:30 amEvening Minyan – 7:30 pmNURSERY & RELIGIOUSSCHOOLS RE-OPENExodus Class – 11:00 amUSY – 7:00 pmBoard of Directors Meeting8:00 pmPizza Plus – 6:00 pmSchool & Youth Board Meeting8:00 pmpage 18 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

of events3THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY29 shevat4 30 shevat 5 1 adar IterumahRosh Chodesh Adar ICandlelighting – 4:57 pmKabbalat Shabbat Services7:00 pmRosh Chodesh Adar IServices – 9:30 amKabbalat Hasiddur (Consecration)Torah Kids – 11:00 amJunior Congregation – 11:00 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 4:45 pm10 6 adar I 11 7 adar I 12 8 adar IReligious School Post Bar/BatMitzvah Class – 6:30 pmCandlelighting – 5:06 pmSpecial Building BlocksShabbat Service – 6:00 pmKabbalat Shabbat Services7:00 pmtetzavehServices – 9:30 amBar Mitzvah: Itiel GreenbergTorah Kids – 11:00 amJunior Congregation – 11:00 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 5:00 pm17 13 adar I 18 14 adar I 19 15 adar ICandlelighting – 5:14 pmKabbalat Shabbat Services7:00 pmki tisaServices – 9:30 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 5:10 pm24 20 adar I 25 21 adar I 26 22 adar INURSERY & RELIGIOUSSCHOOLS CLOSEDNO YOUTH PROGRAMSNURSERY SCHOOL CLOSEDCandlelighting – 5:23 pmKabbalat Shabbat Services7:00 pmvayachelServices – 9:30 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 5:15 pmRecyclingOpportunitiesat HERJCTHE NURSERYSCHOOLCOLLECTSused ink cartridges, cellphones and “Garbage”(which becomes Art!),such as CLEAN papertowel tubes, coffee cans,egg crates, baby foodjars, plastic containers,ribbons, wrapping paper,wallpaper, buttons, trim,yarn, spools, fabric,shopping bags andanything else youcan think of!HERJCCOLLECTSBATTERIES!Used batteries arepoisoning our landfills!Help save the earthby bringing your usedbatteries to theSynagogue for collectionand proper recycling.MAR 327 adar IMAR 428 adar I29 adar IMAR 5Shabbat ShekalimpekudeCandlelighting – 5:31 pmKabbalat Shabbat Services7:00 pmServices – 9:30 amBat Mitzvah:Mackenzie Belle KreitTorah Kids – 11:00 amJunior Congregation – 11:00 amMincha, Seuda, Maariv,Havdalah – 5:15 pmSmall Acts ThatBring Big Results!HAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 19

HERJC’s NurserySchool ParentsAssociation willbe conductingtheir annualPassover Candysale during themonth of January.<strong>In</strong> addition to the usualcandy, we are also sellingsome useful kitchen items.For your convenience!You can now viewand order productson-line at www.misschocolate.com.All on-line orderswill be shippeddirectly to you.Please use ourschool code of700960 whenordering on lineso that HERJCreceives creditfor your orders.If you have not beencontacted, please fillin the form below andreturn it to the Templeoffice with a check madeout to “HERJC Parent’sAssociation.” We thankyou in advance foryour participation.Cheryl Karp, EarlyChildhood Directorpassover candy sale# of Boxes Amount2386 Chocolate Mint Diamonds (P) 8.502501 Coconut Macaroons (P) 8.002529 Fruit Slices (P) 14.002535 Dark Chocolate Matzo (P) 13.752541 Seder Mints (P) 10.502560 Almond Bark (P) 10.502564 Chocolate Covered Macaroons (P) 11.502575 Chocolate Macaroons (P) 8.002591 Raspberry Chocolate Jellies (P) 11.502642 Chocolate Cov. Matzah Crackers (P) 13.753000 Chocolate Festival Pops (P) 5.502508 Cashew Butter Crunch (D) 9.002531 Lollycones (D) 5.502542 Almond Caramel Clusters (D) 11.002553 Chocolate Caramel Daisies (D) 10.002562 Milk Chocolate Matzo (D) 13.752590 Almond Kisses (D) 15.502593 Milk & Dark Chocolate Assortment (D) 15.503577 Almond Butter Crunch (D) 14.00Passover Plus Item Description151 Aluminum Sports Bottle 10.00291 Purse Organizer 7.501121 Hand Crank Flashlight 6.003352 Glass Prep Bowls (Set of 6) 8.009799 Twist Jar Opener 6.50Buy 4 and Save9500 Chocolate Festival Pops (P) – 4 pack 18.002500 Lollycones (D) – 4 pack 18.00TOTALName_______________________________________ Phone _____________________Address _________________________________________________________________Please bring or mail this order with your check payable toHERJC Parent’s Association to: 295 Main Street, East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY 11518.ALL ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 8page 20 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

our jewish futurenursery schoolCHERYL KARPAs parents or as educators, we allknow the power of reading storieswith young children. These nurturing,joyous, and beneficial earlylearning experiences build the emotionaland cognitive foundation foreach child. That is why we of theHERJC Nursery School are so excitedabout being able to launch The PJLibrary Program.The PJ (yes, “PJ” as in “pajamas”) Library programprovides your family with a FREE treasury of <strong>Jewish</strong>books and music. Each child you enroll will receive amonthly gift of a high-quality, age-appropriate <strong>Jewish</strong>book or CD plus a reading guide to enhance your family’sexperience. All materials are carefully selected by ateam of experts.Along with the visionary founder of The PJ Library,Harold Grinspoon, and our amazingly generous anonymousHERJC donor, Federation is also committed tobringing The PJ Library to every family who wishes toparticipate. If demand exceeds the number of availablespots, we will begin a waiting list as we search for additionalfunding.Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, or friend ofsomeone with young children, please help us share thenews of this special program with <strong>Jewish</strong> familiesthroughout the area who have children between theages of 6 months and 6 years.No matter where you on your <strong>Jewish</strong> journey,The PJ Library Program is an amazingway to share a comfortable access to <strong>Jewish</strong>heritage and tradition with your child. If you are raising your children in aninvolved <strong>Jewish</strong> home, these books andCDs will enrich the resources you already provide inhelping your children enjoy their positive <strong>Jewish</strong>world. If you are as yet “unaffiliated” but care about <strong>Jewish</strong>identity and community, then The PJ Library programoffers a gentle and welcoming, “no stringsattached” entry into Judaism. If you are seeking a way to make Judaism a moremeaningful part of your life, our program will giveyou family-friendly tools for learning more about<strong>Jewish</strong> tradition. Perhaps you are an interfaith family. The PJ Library®books talk about all types of families, and increaseyour knowledge about Judaism in a comfortable andhighly accessible way.We welcome all types of families — traditional andnon-traditional — who wish to give their children awarm and entertaining way of learning more aboutbeing <strong>Jewish</strong>.While affirming a positive <strong>Jewish</strong> identity, The PJLibrary books reflect the rich diversity of <strong>Jewish</strong> familylife. There is no specific religious perspective and nohidden agenda. We just want to give you a way to enrichyour <strong>Jewish</strong> life on your own terms!We are very excited to offer the PJ Library to ourcommunity. <strong>In</strong> the coming weeks, you will be receivingyour first introductory book, as well as instructions onhow to register for this wonderful program. Take advantageof the generosity of our donor and please feel freeto call me at 599-1169, ext. 237 if you have any questions.<strong>From</strong> our home to yours, enjoy this gift!HAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 21

Help JasonDo aMitzvah!<strong>In</strong> preparation for hisBar Mitzvah, JasonZagorski is collectingsweatshirts to donate tothe <strong>In</strong>terfaith NutritionNetwork in Hempstead.To help Jason fulfill thismitzvah, please bring anew or gently used butclean sweatshirt to serviceson January 8,the day of Jason's BarMitzvah, or drop oneoff in the box near theReligious School officeduring the monthof January.Thankssomuch!youth programsTODD HAUSMANTime sure does fly when you’re having fun! Can you believe it isalready time to start planning for the summer? A USY Summer programpromises a very special experience for your child. While havingfun exploring new cities and/or countries, these travelers arelearning about their <strong>Jewish</strong> heritage without even realizing it! I havenever met a USY’er who didn’t absolutely love their trip. They allcome back talking about the tremendous amount learned and fabulousfriendships made. Here’s a sample of what’s available:Spain/Israel: Visit Madrid, Granada and Cordoba while exploringthe <strong>Jewish</strong> heritage of Spain. Learn about the <strong>Jewish</strong> “Golden Age” via philosophers,commentators, writers and poets and then onto five weeks in Israel. Etgar OutdoorAdventure: Five weeks in Israel with the emphasis on hiking, camping, and the mitzvotof volunteer work. Eastern Europe/Israel: Visit Hungary, the Czech Republic, andPoland, followed by four weeks in Israel. Poland Pilgrimage: A week in Poland visitingconcentration camps such as Sobibor, Majdanek, Auschwitez/ Birkenau, and Treblinkaand the Warsaw Ghetto area, followed by five weeks in Israel.There are also trips around America and locally, such as: USY on Wheels: TravelAmerica and see what this country has to offer! USY on Wheels/Mission Mitzvah: This sixweek trip starts in Chicago and goes west. One third of the time is spent doing somesocial action projects. USY Outdoor Adventure: Four weeks of camping throughout thePacific Northwest while hiking and kayaking in places like Mount Rainer NationalPark, Mount St. Helens and many others. USY on Wheels/East: Especially designed foreight graders, this trip goes up and down the East Coast and visits places such asDisney World, the Kennedy Space Center, Virginia Beach and much more! USY Summerin the City: Four weeks in New York City, sightseeing, volunteering and taking classesat Columbia, JTS, and Barnard.This is a just a sampling. Space is limited so get your information early and avoidbeing shut out. If your child has questions about this summer adventures, come andhear what our former HERJC USY’ers experienced and felt after attending this programs.We are one of the fortunate chapters that have had USY’ers attend each andevery one of the trips mentioned here.For complete information on any of these trips, call Todd at 516-599-1148. Andplease remember, it’s never too late to join Youth Group. Just give us a try.USY GREAT SUMMER ESCAPEHave an incredible experienceon one of our supervised summer programs:USY on Wheels, Israel Pilgrimage,Eastern Europe/Israel Pilgrimage, and more!www.usy.orgpage 22 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

eligious schoolDAVID WOOLFEAlthough January and February, being the “wintery-est of thewinter months” often seem bleak, there is still a lot going on in theReligious School. As you know, one of the wonderful experiences ofthe HERJC Religious School is the fabulous family projects we do ineach grade. Without question, the most remarkable of our projectsis the Hay Yad Project, which our sixth grade families do underthe direction of our Yad Meister, Neil Meixler, and his fabulousYad Squad.This year’s yads are on display outside the sanctuary until January21, when they will be presented to our Hay students during the Family Friday servicethat evening. Everyone will want to be there to see these yads “up close and personal!”The Wimple Project, done by our Alef parents and presented to our Alef students, isa favorite of mine because the wimple is a gift the parents give to their children at theAlef Kabbalat Hasiddur Service, being held this year on February 5 and then adorns ourbimah on the morning that each child is called to the Torah as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.It is our hope that these two projects — the Wimple and Yad — bring special,personal meaning to our families that day.However, as wonderful as these two projects are… (to paraphrase those cable channelproduct hawkers. “But wait! There’s more!”) ...not only do our Alef childrenreceive their wimples at Kabbalat HaSiddur but our Akiva students (both Dalet andHay) will be called up to the bimah to chant from the Torah during that Shabbatmorning service.Hazzan Sislen has been working with our Akiva students to prepare them for thiswonderful service. Please join us on Saturday morning, February 5 as our Alef studentsare formally welcomed into their Religious Education by receiving their own siddurimand our Akiva students chant from the Torah. What a great way to celebrate Shabbat,our Alef students and all that our students accomplish in Religious School!President continued from page 5munity members that make it all happen! As you can imagine, it can be quite emotionalto usher in the New Year with so many friends and it takes a good 10 minutes to makeit all the way around and then up to the center aisle toward the bimah. As I approachedthe steps, there was Allen Cederbaum with that twinkle in his eye and indomitable presence.He greeted me with his unmistakable firm handshake, no doubt learned from hisnearly 5 years serving America in the South Pacific during WWII. He looked at mewarmly and said “Happy New Year, kid.” Then he pulled me in a bit and continued, “Ihave to tell you something. This is the best synagogue in the state”! When I releasedmy hand from his, I realized again that Allen Cederbaum was not only a great patriot;he was a precious gift to everyone who had the honor of meeting him!Now for a final fact! Did you know that the United States Constitution is the oldestwritten constitution still in effect? It is with that knowledge that we should continueinto 2011 with confident faith for our nation and our people!ReligiousSchoolRemindersJanuary 3School re-opensafter winter breakJanuary 16–17No Religious School,Martin Luther King, Jr.WeekendFriday, January 21Family Friday Service &Dinner featuring the YadPresentationSunday, January 30Dalet Seder Plate ProjectJoin Us!Saturday, February 5Kabbalat HaSiddurShabbat featuring ourAlef Children & AkivaKids Reading TorahHold the Date!Friday, February 11Special Building BlockShabbat ServiceFebruary 20–27No Religious School,President’s WeekHAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 23

personals & donationsPersonalsAnton and Larisa Ginzburg on theBar Mitzvah of their son, Itiel.Mike and Lisa Greenberg on the BarMitzvah of their son, Max Elliot.Marc and Lois Kemp on the BarMitzvah of their son, MaxBenjamin and aunt and uncleStephanie and Steven Kaufman.Shari Zagorski on the Bar Mitzvahof her son, Jason Andrew andgrandparents Sarita and RonBerkenblit.Nancy and Michael Rehns on theengagement of their son, Scott,to Keri Blumenfeld and to auntsand uncle, Vicki Diamond andCarolyn and Jay Fader.Arlene and Lester Pollack on theengagement of their granddaughter,Drew.Barbara and Henry Gluck on themarriage of their son, Stephen,to Kimberly Berger.Roberta and Stuart Sugarman on themarriage of their son, David, toHolly Richmond.Rachel and Andrew Cooper on thebirth of their daughter, Lily Blake.Sheryl and Todd Hausman on thebirth of their son, Zachary Reese.Lauren and Mark Norris on the birthof their son, Ethan Archer.Elaine and Sidney Scheinfeld oncelebrating their 60th weddinganniversary.Lewis Levy on being named a NewYork Metro area top doctor.George Schieren on being named aNew York Metro area top attorney.Simchah Leaveson our Tree of LifeLisa and Mike Greenberg in honorof the Bar Mitzvah of their son,Max Elliot.Lois and Marc Kemp in honor ofthe Bar Mitzvah of their son,Max Benjamin.Memorial PlaquesMemorial Plaques were recentlyordered in loving memory of:Jerome Judelson – by his son,Richard.<strong>In</strong>MemoriamWe Mourn Our Loss in thePassing of Our MemberALLEN CEDERBAUMOur Sincere Sympathy andCondolences to His Familyin Their BereavementCondolences toJanice Cederbaum on the loss ofher husband, our esteemedmember, Allen.Bruce Garver on the loss of hismother and Brett Garver on theloss of his grandmother, Beatrice.Richard Judelson on the loss of hisfather and Marvin Tolkin on theloss of his brother-in-law, Jerry.Lawrence Kurot on the loss of hissister, Adele Tate.Sam Yedid on the loss of his nephew,Michael.FUNDSThe Congregation gratefully acknowledgesthe following contributions:Bible FundSheila Shenfeld in memory ofPearl Lipton.Paula and Bruce Trauner in memoryof Pearl Lipton.Paula and Bruce Trauner in memoryof Jerry Judelson.Hazzan’s Music FundAdrienne and Harvey Cohen inappreciation of Hazzan Sislen’sparticipation in the renewal oftheir vows in honor of their 50thwedding anniversary.Naomi and Norman Doctor in honorof the 50th wedding anniversaryof Adrienne and Harvey Cohen.Naomi and Norman Doctor withwishes for the complete andspeedy recovery of Herb Tischler.Harriet and Neil Meixler in honor ofthe 50th wedding anniversaryof Louise and Marty Abrams.Naomi and Norman Doctor in memoryof Pearl Lipton.Ruth Nodiff in memory of her father,Oscar Abrin.Jack Nodiff in memory of his sister,Gladys Filmus.Education FundLouise and Marty Abrams with wishesfor the complete and speedyrecovery of Grace Gustin.Louise and Marty Abrams with wishesfor the complete and speedyrecovery of Miriam Weisbrod.Laurie and Joe Brofsky in honor ofDavid Woolfe being named ChatanBeresheit on Simchat Torah.Laurie and Joe Brofsky in honor of themarriage of David, son of Robertaand Stuart Sugarman, to HollyRichmond.Carole and Barry Chasen in honor ofthe Bar Mitzvah of Justin, grandsonof Herma and Don Levine.Carole and Barry Chasen in honorof the engagement of Drew,granddaughter of Arlene andLester Pollack.Carole and Barry Chasen in honorof the Bat Mitzvah of Emily,granddaughter of Dr. and Mrs.William Reiss.Rita and Larry Gottlieb in honor ofthe marriage of David, son ofRoberta and Stuart Sugarman,to Holly Richmond.Marion and Jerry Hauser in honorof the 50th wedding anniversaryof Louise and Marty Abrams.Joy and Larry Kaminsky with wishesfor the complete and speedyrecovery of Herb Tischler.Elaine and Sid Scheinfeld in honor ofthe birth of Bea and Sam Miller’sseventh great-grandchild.<strong>In</strong> Honor of Harriet Meixlerbeing named Kallat Torah onSimchat TorahLaurie and Joe BrofskySophie and Jesse LevBarbara and Joe SklarMeryl and Alan Estrin in memoryof Doris Braun.Marsha and Larry Miller in memoryof Murray Lefkowitz.Elaine and Sid Scheinfeld in memoryof Jerry Judelson.Alyce and Morris Zinn in memoryof Bryan Jacobsen.<strong>In</strong> Memory of Allen CederbaumCharlotte and George BerchLisa and Ed CohenEleanor FeingoldMarcy and Marc Goldberg<strong>In</strong> Memory of Pearl LiptonEthel BrennerReva FraistatJoy and Larry KaminskyJane and Marty LesserMarsha and Larry MillerLois and William WeinerAnita and Sy ZaretElson Memorial Fund<strong>In</strong> Memory of Allen CederbaumJudy and Jerry DavisRonne and Arthur GoldbergZeena and Harry Kassel<strong>In</strong> Memory of Pearl LiptonJudy and Jerry DavisZeena and Harry KasselEsther and Herb SilvermanHigh HolidayPrayer Book FundNaomi and Norman Doctor in honorof the birth of Zachary Reese, sonof Sheryl and Todd Hausman.Robert and Jane Lerner and FamilyJane and Harry Mison in honor ofAdrienne and Harvey Cohen’s50th wedding anniversary.Ileane and Herb Tischler in honor oftheir children and grandchildren.Florence Brodsky in memory of herhusband, Elbert Brodsky.Valerie and Abbey Doneger inmemory of Beatrice Garver.Robin, Ben, Rebecca and SethMintz in memory of father andgrandfather, Bernard Mintz.Joseph Sklar in memory of his mother,Lena Sklar Fox.Alan Tessler in memory of Stanley J.Tessler.<strong>In</strong> Memory of Allen CederbaumNaomi and Norman DoctorValerie and Abbey DonegerHarriet and Neil MeixlerJane and Harry Misonpage 24 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

Kiddush FundJane and Marty Lesser in memoryof Michael Yedid.Denise and Bob Sher in memoryof Pearl Lipton.Alyce and Morris Zynn in memoryof Doris Braun.Nursery School FundLaurie and Joe Brofsky in honor of the50th wedding anniversary ofAdrienne and Harvey Cohen.Hedda and Jeff Feigenblatt with wishesfor the complete and speedyrecovery of Herb Tischler.Marcy and Marc Goldberg with wishesfor the complete and speedyrecovery of Sheila Shenfeld.Nancy and Michael Rehns with wishesfor the complete and speedyrecovery of Keith Harrow.Nancy and Michael Rehns with wishesfor the complete and speedyrecovery of Jeff Feigenblatt.<strong>In</strong> Memory of Pearl LiptonPearl and Sam AaronsMarcy and Marc GoldbergNancy and Michael RehnsPrayer Book FundLeona Ramoy in memory of herhusband, Milton.The Schieren Family in memory ofMichael Yedid.<strong>In</strong> Memory of Pearl LiptonMarilyn and Stanley CohenThe Doneger FamilyRochelle and Fred KnoblochMyra and Alan MarkowitzJane and Harry MisonElaine and Sid ScheinfeldThe Schieren FamilyIleane and Herb TischlerRabbi’sDiscretionary FundAdrienne and Harvey Cohen inappreciation of Rabbi Warmflash’sparticipation in the renewal of theirvows in honor of their 50thwedding anniversary.Irene and Larry Fener in honor of thespecial birthday of Harry Kassel.Ellen and George Schieren in honorof the special birthday ofHarry Kassel.Michelle and Arik Yamen inappreciation of Rabbi Warmflashofficiating at the Hebrew babynaming of their daughter, Ella.Iris and Alan Jacobs in memory ofMichael Yedid.Laurie and Asher Platt in memoryof Beatrice Garver.<strong>In</strong> Memory of Allen CederbaumIrene and Larry FenerJoan and Harry LauferMarsha and Larry MillerFerne and Jack Skiba<strong>In</strong> Memory of Pearl LiptonTerri and Steven GoldRuth and Jack NodiffFerne and Jack SkibaRoberta and Stuart SugarmanYouth & YouthScholarship FundNanci-Sue and Eric Rosenthal inhonor of their son and Seth inhonor of his brother, Eric, onbecoming a ShoDan-Ho (blackbelt) and a licensed driver!<strong>In</strong> Honor of the Birth of ZacharyReese, son of Todd andSheryl HausmanLaurie and Joe BrofskyBob FischerMarcy and Marc GoldbergJudith Nysenholc and Ian HerzbergGail, John and Jeffrey MeroMarsha and Larry MillerBarbara and Joe SklarFerne and Jack SkibaArlene and Jeffrey ThalerArlene and Jeffrey Thaler in memory ofAllen Cederbaum.GeneralSynagogue FundFrances and Buddy Brandt in appreciationof Bruce Trauner, HazzanSislen and Rabbi Warmflash formaking them feel so welcomedas new members!Kathy and Larry Feffer with wishes forthe complete and speedy recoveryof Jeff Feigenblatt.Elaine and Brett Garver in honor of theHebrew baby naming of theirdaughter, Zoey Melissa.Marcia and Alan J. Goldberg in honorof the 50th wedding anniversary ofLouise and Marty Abrams.Debbie and Jeff Langendorff in appreciationof High Holiday honors.Dorothy Wisotsky in appreciation ofthe kindness and caring ofDr. Mel Weinstein.Marty Abrams in memory of his father,Edward and sister, Gail Sterman.Phyllis Acker in memory of her brother,Marvin Levins.Sandy Acker in memory of his father,Abraham.Rona Ackerman in memory of herparents, Edythe and HaroldRaphan.Stuart Ain in memory of his aunt,Sarah Ain Morenstein.Stanley Alt in memory of his parents,Dorothy and Mannie.Stacey Aronin in memory of her mother,Libbie Geller.Nancy Benson in memory of her father,Sidney Lippman.Ronald Berkenblit in memory of hisstep-mother, Rose.Morton Berkowitz in memory of hismother, Bess.Susan Berman in memory of her mother,Ethel Sloan.Joan Bettinger in memory of herfather, Leon Jorisch.Alvin Boslow in memory of his uncle,Joe Saks.Frances and Buddy Brandt in memoryof their grandson, Oren JacobBrandt-Rauf.Laurie Stone Brofsky in memory ofher father, Martin Stone.Elyse Coleman in memory of herfather, Herbert Eisenberg andgrandfather, Samuel Eisenberg.Lisa Cohen in memory of hergrandmother, Clara Singer.Marilyn Cohen in memory of herfather, Samuel Greenstein.Eileen Davidson in memory of herfather, Jerome L Krieger.Alyce Diamond in memory of herfather, Louis Landesman.Norman Doctor in memory of hissister, Linda Fisch.Henrietta Dobin in memory of herhusband, Solomon.Shari Doloboff in memory of herfather, Stanley J Marcus.Rita Doneger in memory of her father,Jesse Roberts.Philip Engel in memory of his brother,Elliot and father-in-law, WilliamGoldberger.Mel Farberman in memory of hismother, Clara.Kathy and Larry Feffer in memory oftheir daughter, Adena Joy.Kathy and Larry Feffer in memory ofAllen Cederbaum.Eleanor Feingold in memory of herfather, Abraham Bedar and mother-in-law,Bertha Lieber.Roberta Feldman in memory of herstep-father, Harry Kaplan.Hyman Feuerman in memory of hissister, Esta Nesbitt.Roslyn Feuerman in memory of hersister, Vivian Brodsky.Herbert Fisher in memory of hermother, Sophie and sister,Sylvia Dubinsky.Sari Genson in memory of hermother-in-law, Minnie.Joel Geverter in memory of hismother, Freda.Martin Geverter in memory of hismother, Freda.Jessica Giddings in memory of herfather, Jerry Kopito.Norma Gold in memory of herhusband, Morris.Michael Golden in memory of hisfather, Joseph.Lauren Goldstein in memory of herfather, Samuel Levine andgrandfather, Samuel Weiss.Sara Goldstein in memory of herfather, Sanford Nadler.Rita Gottlieb in memory of her father,Philip Barsky.Lawrence Gottlieb in memory of hismother, Mildred.Louise Greenberg in memory of herfather, Harold Geller.Sylvia Gutenplan in memory of herbrother, Harold L. Schmier andin-laws, Frieda and Nathan.Stanley Haskel in memory of hisfather, Irving.Barbara Held in memory of her father,Hyman Cohen.Stanley Horbar in memory of hismother, Sarah.Carole <strong>In</strong>gber in memory of her father,Joseph.Elaine Judelson in memory of hermother, Bessie Miller andmother-in law, Hannah.Joy Kaminsky in memory of her father,Benjamin Schieber and aunt,Faye Berger.Jeffrey Kaplan in memory of hismother, Jean.Cheryl Karp in memory of her parents,Estelle and Philip Berzansky andbrother, Gary Berzansky.Howard Karp in memory of hisparents, Lillian and Solomon.Arnold Katz in memory of his mother,Sarah.Elaine Kaufman in memory of hermother, Esther Berkowitz.Leonard Klaver in memory of hismother, Celia.Martin Klein in memory of his uncle,Nathan.Miriam Kolnick in memory of herhusband, Louis Harvey.Sidney Kutler in memory of his father,Hyman.Harry Laufer in memory of his father,Yakub.Joan Laufer in memory of her father,Herman Goldberg.Michael Leinwand in memory of hisfather, Joseph.Martin Lesser in memory of hisparents, Selma and Marc,grandmother, Dinah Weil andaunt, Regina Rosenfeld.Sherry Levens in memory of herparents, Ray and Rubin Steinberg.Janet Levine in memory of her mother,Gloria Stenzler.Paul Levitt in memory of his father,Philip.Craig Lewner in memory of his father,Harry.Ruth Lippman in memory of herhusband, Sidney.Harvey Lipton in memory of hisson-in-law, Monte Gollub.Karen Lubitz in memory of her father,Stanley Zimmer.Arline Matza in memory of her mother,Florence Schwartz.Esther Metzger in memory of herbrother, Joseph Janoff.Myra Markowitz in memory of herfather, Solomon Dobin.Allan Marrus in memory of his father,Elliot.Judith Mintz in memory of her father,Bernard Schoengold.Amy Neidle in memory of her father,Paul Sedrish.Ronald Nash in memory of his mother,Charlotte.Sharon Nash in memory of her parents,Pearl and Morris Rosenblatt.Sharon Nicholson in memory of herfather, Joseph Miles.Edward Nusblatt in memory of hisfather, Irving.Elaine Oster in memory of herhusband, Lawrence Forrest.HAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 25

Lenore Ostroff in memory of herfather, Alexander Weinman.Ronnie Pinquist in memory of hermother, Doris Seckler.Laurie Platt in memory of her mother,Pearl Kalikow and uncle, EdwardPaster.Leona Ramoy in memory of herhusband, Milton.Kenneth Rappaport in memory of hismother, Ruth.Martin Rosen in memory of hismother, Kate.Carol and Milton Rubinstein inmemory of their son, Kevin.Leonard Russin in memory of his wife,Arlene.Ellen Schieren in memory of herfather, Herman Commike andgrandmother, Anna Commike.Harvey Schneider in memory of hisfather, Howard.Marlene and Jerry Schulman inmemory of Marlene’s father,Irving Nusblatt.<strong>In</strong>a Seaman in memory of her mother,Elizabeth Perlowitz.Ann Sebold in memory of her mother,Frieda Wolk.Gary Sebold in memory of his mother,Mildred.Jack Seibald in memory of his father,Moses Hersh and uncle, Salomon.Dorothee Shankman in memory ofher father, Harry Katz and brotherin-law,Alfred.Jean Shapiro in memory of hermother, Rose Weiss.Denise Sher in memory of her cousin,Janice Berkowitz.Robert Sher in memory of his father,Arnold.Harriette Shiffman in memory of hergrandfather, Henry Jaskol.Shelley Silver in memory of hergrandmother, Jean Fine.Esther Silverman in memory of hermother, Goldie Nestor.Arlene Silverstein in memory of herfather, Leon Kornbluth.Barry Simon in memory of hisfather, Sol.Connie Skolnick in memory of hermother, Florence Brodney.Dorothy Spatt in memory of herbrother, William Warmbrand.Thelma Spector in memory of herfather, Arthur Schecter.Lester Stein in memory of his mother,Bernice.Roberta Sugarman in memory of herfather, David Bender.Patricia Tanton in memory of hergrandfather, Jerome Sedlak.Arlene Thaler in memory of hermother, Sarah Marvul.Herbert Tischler in memory of hismother, Betty.Roslyn Tobet in memory of her husband,Martin.Carole Tolkin in memory of her father,Abraham Lehrer.Marvin Tolkin in memory of hismother-in-law, Hannah Judelson.Allan Trompeter in memory of hisfather, Moe.Leonard Weilgus in memory of hismother, Rose.Marjorie Weinberg in memory of hermother, Annette Newmark.William Weiner in memory of hismother, Sondra.Leonard Weingarten in memory of hisparents, Ceil and Al.Felicia Weisberg in memory of herhusband, Michael.<strong>In</strong> Memory of Pearl LiptonFrances and Buddy BrandtKathy and Larry FefferHedda and Jeff FeigenblattJudy and Stan HaskelA S pecial Th ank YouTo theFLYER FAMILYfor their donation of a Mobile Teaching Labto the Religious SchoolThe lab is dedicated in loving memory ofMARCIA AND JERRY KAHANBeen Meaning to Send that Card?Just visit www.herjc.org and click on:DonationsWe will gladly send the card for you and list it in Hakol.This is the easiest way to sendyour love to your family and friends and helpyour synagogue at the same time!Catch a Rising Star — Robyn Schall!Mazal Tov to our congregants, Debbie and Ira Schall, onthe success of their daughter Robyn as an actress/comedian/performer.Robyn has appeared at the New York ComedyFestival “Caroline’s Best of New Talent”, Caroline’s ComedyClub, Dangerfields, Laugh Lounge, and Broadway ComedyClub, just to name a few!You can see Robin on January 10 at 9:30 pm at “The NewClass Clown Show” at Carolines on Broadway, 1626 Broad -way, New York, 212-757-4100 (discount tickets w/reservation)or on January 13 at 8 pm at “Harris Comedy Night” atThe Broadway Comedy Club 318 West. 53rd Street, NYC.Good luck, Robyn!!For more info on Robyn, go to www.robynschall.com.page 26 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

YAHRZEITSThe Yahrzeit of thefollowing belovedrelatives of our memberswill be observed duringthe next few weeks. Itis especially fitting andproper that the membersof the family be presentat the appropriate Serviceto observe this occasion.January 1 - Tevet 25Seyma DachowitzSylvia LevyDr. Otto RosennPhilip SchnitzerJanuary 2 - Tevet 26Lyndon BenderGertrude RosenfeldSydell RubingerAugusta SedlakSylvia SonenthalNathan SpritzerHelene SterkinJanuary 3 - Tevet 27William HorowitzSylvia Mintz GreensteinStuart TravisNathan WallsheinJanuary 4 - Tevet 28Joan BaumSol FarberSidney HerbstPhilip LudwigJanuary 5 - Tevet 29Sally BermanBessie GoldbergRuth GreenSol GrobmanHerbert LordNathan SleppJanuary 6 - Shevat 1Alex P. GottliebRonald SchumanMichael WeinerJanuary 7 - Shevat 2Sidney AbelowSam AnstendigYetta CohenBernard GennMelvin HauserSamuel SteinfeldJanuary 8 - Shevat 3Libby BerkowitzSylvia FefferRachel KaufmanRose PeerlessMartin SassJanuary 9 - Shevat 4Herbert GedachtAnna LiebermanPauline SimpsonJanuary 10 - Shevat 5Evelyn BenedictSara GilbertDaniel GutenplanMilton HoringPhilip KingSamuel LevineSeymour MisonznickSylvia TurkelNathan WolkJanuary 11 - Shevat 6David KatzJanuary 12 - Shevat 7Rose Lily FeigenblattMildred HellingerDavid KirschenbaumMax LassingerRaye SmallJanuary 13 - Shevat 8Harry BeckerIrving FischerAl G. RosenblumJanuary 14 - Shevat 9Belle BennettDorothy BreenJanuary 15 - Shevat 10Meyer J. BermanLarisa BrizinovaAbraham HarrowIda KaufmanJanuary 16 - Shevat 11Helen CommikeArthur KleinAnna PasternackLouis SingerJanuary 17 - Shevat 12Rossette BernsteinFay GoldbergerMarvin HoodisJanuary 18 - Shevat 13Bernice SchneiderJanuary 19 - Shevat 14Sam CalderonEliezer DlugaczIda EstrinIrving OstroffGertrude RossDora SpectorMilton WeinsteinJanuary 20 - Shevat 15Charles DeutschEthel LefkowitzArlene LiebRudy RosenfeldJack SchmierJanuary 21 - Shevat 16Joseph KalikowHyman KaminkerDonald KeatsMax SchneiderJanuary 22 - Shevat 17Audrey ChasenNathan GoldbergBenjamin IsaacsonJanuary 23 - Shevat 18Joseph BerkowitzSherry MalkinLouis SenterJanuary 24 - Shevat 19Eva HalperinBette NiemanJanuary 25 - Shevat 20Tillie KatzBeatrice SilverJanuary 26 - Shevat 21Sam BermanMorris CohenLouis RubinsteinJerry SternEthel TannenbaumJanuary 27 - Shevat 22Anna BerchofskyDavid BouskilaJason DobinJustin HirschheimerHelen PergamentSam StenzlerJanuary 28 - Shevat 23Jennie GugickHarold HirschDorothy PlattJanuary 29 - Shevat 24May WeinmanJanuary 30 - Shevat 25Alyce JacobsJanuary 31 - Shevat 26David DavisAnnie SchaefferGrace StromFebruary 1 - Shevat 27Milton BergerIda FirestonePaul GoldbergJeanette Wolff SmithNathan WacherFebruary 2 - Shevat 28Alice BenharAda CooperFrances PaleyJack ParkerLawrence TraubFebruary 3 - Shevat 29Max BakerLeonard BerkmanMary GarayAbraham I. HirschHerman MosesFebruary 4 - Shevat 30Gerald DavidofskyJoseph PasterCarol TeigFebruary 5 - 1 Adar 1Barbara GrossFebruary 6 - 1 Adar 2Matthew Lawrence BlockAlter KantorNathan KaplanEva MillerPauline WeintraubFebruary 7 - 1 Adar 3Chaya DlugaczHarriette EhrlichHarold GoldbergDoris Kipilman-FriedSidney SloanFebruary 8 - 1 Adar 4Helene BernsteinAnna L. GebetSophie SchustermanFebruary 9 - 1 Adar 5Bruce BehrJulius BrennerHilda DanielsEstelle EzrattyMyron W. IvlerIrving SchneiderRichard Matthew SchumanJoseph ZuckermanFebruary 10 - 1 Adar 6Fred CohenIrving KayeMiriam Devora KohenMichael SchneiderBernice SklarLillian SkolnickEsther TamaroffFebruary 11 - 1 Adar 7Jerome WillbachFebruary 12 - 1 Adar 8Claire FaderMorris RappaportMorris RubensteinSeymour SikoraFrank SternFebruary 13 - 1 Adar 9Gilbert AusteinSamuel FinerowMax GaslowPhilip HershenovBernard HoorwitzElisa JerusalmiSydney MarchJacob ShearFebruary 14 - 1 Adar 10Isidore Isaac BrennerAllen FrischerNathan GrumanAlex MillerBeatrice SklambergDavid SternMark WeinerFebruary 15 - 1 Adar 11Louis DoctorTheodore GreenbergMilton SpiroFebruary 16 - 1 Adar 12David BeckerFlorence HolmquistDoris LehrerFebruary 18 - 1 Adar 14Rhoda DickMolly GaslowToby LevineMildred Pauker LamleBessie SassHarry SiegelbergFebruary 19 - 1 Adar 15Elissa DeAltoAnne Rebecca RossRichard RothsteinBessie SpielmanFebruary 20 - 1 Adar 16Basil PollittIrving RosenArthur RothafelFebruary 21 - 1 Adar 17David FischerMorton LevineArnold MillerDave SilvernagelFebruary 22 - 1 Adar 18Jacob GilbertGenia JarczowerFebruary 23 - 1 Adar 19Leila BergRoger FeingoldDorothy GinsbergJacob GreenHelen IsaacsSylvia Eisman JaffeBrian MarksFebruary 24 - 1 Adar 20Eva FriedmanIda KatzMelville LandsbergAlbert RuchmanKate ShearFebruary 25 - 1 Adar 21Morris BravermanGad GoldmanSolomon JaffeIrving SteinmanFebruary 26 - 1 Adar 22Jacob AlweisBeatrice RosenblumNorma TannorMajer UncykFebruary 27 - 1 Adar 23Lillian LesserArthur Brett SilvermanLydia StierFebruary 28 - 1 Adar 24Morris BerkenblitRochelle BerkowitzGeorge BernsteinCharles GibberHAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 27

®Sulam-LIThe Religious School for <strong>Jewish</strong>Children with Special NeedsFor information contact Libby Adler, Educational Director516-474-1500 • Email: info@sulam-li.orgwww.sulam-li.orgDr. Richard Grazi Dr. Michael Wenof1355 84 th Street, Brooklyn, NY 112281571 Broadway, <strong>Hewlett</strong>, NY 11557(718) 283-8600 genesisfertility.comGENESISFertility & Reproductive MedicineWhere Life Begins ®At GENESIS, our mission is tohelp patients realize the dreamof parenthood. We deliverhigh quality, comprehensivecare for infertility in anenvironment that addressesthe personal needs and privacyof every patient.®GENESISFertility & Reproductive MedicineWhere Life Begins ®Searching For SingersHazzan Sislen is looking to assemble a group of4-6 singers who read music and are able to learnmulti-part pieces on their own. <strong>In</strong> addition topresenting music periodically for various occasions,this group will form the core of a re-assembledchoir in the future. If you have the skills andthe time, please contact cantorsislen@herjc.org.Have You Checked Out the New HERJC Gift Shop?HERJC.judaicabeautiful.comIt's so easy to shop from home!The website features a great selection of gifts for Bar or Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings,and other occasions plus Ritual, Prayer, Shabbat and Holiday items, as well as jewelry,books and gift baskets. Take a look!We’re thrilled to have our own Judaica Shop, coordinated by Sisterhood for HERJCpage 28 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

Joseph Brofsky, D.M.D.Pediatric Dentistry923 Broadway Tel: (516) 295-3733Woodmere, New York 11598 Fax: (516) 295-3178RSF Construction Corp.General Contractors Since 1937Jeffrey B. FeigenblattPresidentjeff@rsfbuild.com88 Washington Avenue Phone (516)791-0600Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Fax (516)791-0601LYNBROOKPLUMBING AND HEATING, INC.267 Merrick RoadLynbrook, NY 11563593-4000HAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 29

DON’T FORGET TO CALLFOR YOUR HEATING/COOLINGCHECK UP!SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATIONSRESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIALServices we offer: replacement units, air cleaners, centralair conditioning and forced hot air heating, ductlesssystems, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, electronic air cleaners,gas hot water heaters, ductwork, new installation,routine maintenance, repair, weekend service,service contracts21 Ryder Place, East <strong>Rockaway</strong>516-593-0888Email: amcoolair@aol.comLicensed & <strong>In</strong>sured • Nate Certified TechniciansFREE ESTIMATES • FINANCING AVAILABLE27TH ANNIVERSARY (1983–2010)WALL’SBAKERY1336 Broadway<strong>Hewlett</strong>516-374-3771Boulevard – Riverside Chapels1450 BroAdWAY, HeWlett, NeW York 11557516-295-3100 718-327-7100page 30 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 www.herjc.org HAKOL

ABOVE-GROUND BURIAL INDOOR JEWISH MAUSOLEUMMake the Decision Now, Don’t Leave It Up To Your ChildrenAct now to take advantage of choice locations. Call or write for free brochure.THE SANCTUARY ATMOUNT LEBANON CEMETERY7800 MYRTLE AVENUE, GLENDALE, NY 11385A Not-For-Profit CemeteryCALL 718-821-0200HAKOLwww.herjc.orgJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 page 31

Culinary ConceptsCustom Caterersby Gabey AbikzerTel: 516-593-FOOD (3663) Fax: 516-593-3666Email: culinaryconcepts@hotmail.comwww.culinaryconceptscustomcaterers.comWeddings u Galas u Corporate u Bar/Bat MitzvahsTodd Kshonz, D.D.S., P.C.Cosmetic • General • Implant dentistryPersonalized Dental Carefor the Entire Family!142 Union Avenuelynbrook, NY 11563516-823-3333SOLAR ENERGYFREE SITE ANALYSIS AND PROPOSALBy EmPower CES, LLCSolar Energy For Homes, Businesses, Non-ProfitsBENEFITS: Lower Energy Costs • Energy <strong>In</strong>dependenceClean Air • Clean WaterNo More Oil • No More Global WarmingContact David G. Schieren (516) 837-3459dschieren@empowerces.com, www.empowerces.comNaomi Chaim Watman, M.D., FAAPPediatrics & Adolescent Medicine303 east Park Avenuelong Beach, NY 11561516-897-4600Fax 516-897-0769<strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong> <strong>Jewish</strong> CentreCongregation Etz Chaim295 Main StreetEast <strong>Rockaway</strong> NY 11518PeriodicalPaid at East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, New YorkPublication No. 233120

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