Itt rnn tnm ot N.,MII rnn aost - Higher Education Commission

Itt rnn tnm ot N.,MII rnn aost - Higher Education Commission

Itt rnn tnm ot N.,MII rnn aost - Higher Education Commission


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deteinined TAAA of stver fedstuffs (i igated wnear' irrisaled nilo corn sovbean<br />

nerl, sunflover mcal d'hyditl€d alfalfa derl lnd mett anit bone mcal) hvusinS SCWL<br />

cocle!€ls. Tle overallTMAmdme Lvsavailabililv for ihe fedstuffs werc ror wheal<br />

96.6, 9? 6%: milo 81 4 73 l%i corn s5'5 94'6%i sovb'an m'al 89 6 88 7%i<br />

suono*er n.al 83 4, 73 5%i alftlf! 6erl75 8' ?5 2% 'nd hear and boc nctl 84 7<br />

Muzrnr ahd Slingei (1980) obscdcd higher AAAA and TAAA valucs oblarnd<br />

by teding the corn mned with baeldier as co$pared to lcediha as Lhe sole ingrcdEnr<br />

durirg bio6$v lbr NrirF cid avaiubility usn|g rdulr @'kereh vtlucs of AAAA md<br />

,,tnn,., ""." "t'*' *UU o'*l dicr ! l co N the s'D ingredienL r{ngcd 66 88 36_<br />

looi46'87, 84-lOO% rcspdlivelv Cl Do6[v at|d Roodb€cn (1984) dcrcnnincd rnrilro<br />

Nidlviil ilnv oflricd Putr' $lrtc le l*!me0l 0oulrrv bv_ptrdr<strong>ot</strong> nc meatmerl<br />

!&l soyb'-rr ntcrl using brcilcr chicb rll.f corecrnrg lbr crnloccrous rnx'trcids Tl'c<br />

prorcir na rvr atllirv or mino rcidr nr dricd tonlkv $rde r'cNhc! nrNl louxrv hv-<br />

;':;, ','"., "'""' "'""' "".r '"thon trr'ir vcc 18 t8 81 or ' 6r '65 56 62 rnd 44 2e 7<br />

i :r'c8 rrr' 8r' rn't9:Z rcsP!'rivult lhc dricd lo{|fv stslu conunrd rll h<strong>rnn</strong>'!<br />

(scnlrl rnrino rcidr lr lirllcr ciMrl \(s lrc M{ lidirin! lirlkNcd rv lli\ rNl<br />

Lyr I'r $vbcrn nrrl onlv Mel e$ Inririrrg' tlE nrcar rcal wrs sutrLior k' v'vtrrr<br />

^il l\n C)' llc I vs rnd llr<br />

Dllu 2r dl (lt6r) lo! d 0! |AAA ol 16 rurnF &ids l!(rccl83 6 ind 9l lt<br />

rN,rl In i\rrLbrliv Jl<br />

h nlillfl I,(ocin cortrcorxt (l'ro-$n)Nhich lrd 52 ?% nrolc'n rnd 3 28 Kcal/g TNll!<br />

JohN d .l 119s6) toNncd ll tn cNLcm discs(ibilnJ<br />

tchnnluc Srvc nPlrNirl'lv

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