MATTERS MARIAN - Marian Catholic High School

MATTERS MARIAN - Marian Catholic High School

MATTERS MARIAN - Marian Catholic High School

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9 COLLEGE COUNSELING: What current college counseling initiatives andmodels should be strengthened or adjusted to help all of our students find an appropriate“fit”? How do we have our students think more creatively and “stretch” their collegechoices? How can college counseling work more effectively with parents?10 FACILITIES: Chart a cycle of preventative maintenance for the next 10 to 15years. How can we best project for future capital needs?11 CAFETERIA/KITCHEN/FOOD SERVICE: Examine the options with regardto the (currently dated) kitchen and cafeteria. Should the cafeteria and kitchen beremodeled, gutted and newly built, or simply maintained? What are other options for foodservices (e.g., franchises) and use of the space?12 RECRUITMENT AND ADMISSIONS: To assure continued quality candidatesfor <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>, should MCHS consider more extended service to areas for whichsurveys reveal a wish for <strong>Catholic</strong> secondary education but not the necessary financialbacking? Are current recruitment and admission policies supporting our efforts to recruitand admit the most qualified candidates?13 DISTANCE LEARNING/DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS: Should the use ofselected distance satellite learning be expanded to provide curriculum opportunities ininterest areas (i.e., Japanese) not now offered? If we agree to use distance learning beyondour immediate geographic area, how can we best meet the needs of students and retainMCHS’ integrity with regard to scholarship and faith? How could dual credit programswith colleges accomplish the same goals as distance learning and what would be the impacton our huge nineteen course A.P. Program?John Irwin, Sr. Janice Greenwood and Margie Pelino, members of the Long Range PlanningFoundation Committee, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a foundation.14 INTEGRAL LEARNING: Learning experiences that will make MCHSoutstanding in the cross-curricular areas of math, science and writing are key to continuedexcellence. What direction should curriculum take to ensure a future-centered integrallearning program that captures top scholars and enriches the lives of all MCHS students?15 SECURITY: Examine current efforts being made for the safety of our students, staffand property. What steps can/should be taken with regard to policies, equipment andpersonnel relative to security?16 FOUNDATION: Study the implications of establishing a separate foundation forthe investment and distribution of restricted monies. What are the advantages/disadvantagesof establishing a foundation? At what point and in what format would a foundation bebeneficial to MCHS for its restricted investments?17 SUMMER PROGRAMS: Summer programs hold tremendous potential forenrichment, recruitment and involvement. How can we make quality summer programsavailable to both MCHS students and junior high students? What types of programs arepossibilities? What kinds of funding and staffing are available?18 TECHNOLOGY: What impact would an integrated system using portal technologyhave on security, finance, curriculum and administrative procedures and student learning?What are the nature and advantages of this type of system for teachers, students, parentsand what is the cost?FORENSICS continued from page 1Another aspect of the MCHS Program andequally enriching is the competition in theIllinois Public <strong>School</strong> Invitational. Many timesthis year, coaches from well known, powerfulforensic schools have mentioned that <strong>Marian</strong><strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> is on the map in thisregard. The public school competitions areequally fun and rewarding. Sweeney said,“I like to refer to them as ‘the monsters.’Quite frankly, a few of our students weren’tsure at first that they wanted to compete insuch a huge program. But we did, and theresults were amazing. In three toughtournaments, <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> did very well!At the Thornwood Tournament, <strong>Marian</strong><strong>Catholic</strong> placed eleventh in the final round andreceived a third place. At the Stagg ChargerTournament, we placed first; we co-hosted atournament and placed at the top. Few <strong>Marian</strong><strong>Catholic</strong> students are hesitant—they wantmore. They recognize that great competition isavailable to well-practiced students. And, ofcourse, we benefited immensely. Suddenly, ourPublic Address Program emerged in a powerfulway. We mastered Radio Speaking (MichellePritchett), Oratory (Louis Packard), SpecialOccasion Speaking (Elaine Wilson)–and ourabove-named crew form the <strong>Catholic</strong> Leaguegave us a unique position of strength.”Sweeney believes MCHS is in the early stagesof this program—students are benefiting fromdifferent perspectives and applying their newfoundknowledge, challenging their creativity,and learning incredible research skills.A strong Forensic/Speech Program supportsand complements <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>’s mission.In describing the power of forensics with<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Sweeney notes,“Forensic competition is about audileintelligence—we can hear the thoughts ofothers and ourselves brought into a masterylevel. The neatest aspect is the growth:students learn about one of the pillars of theDominican Order through challenging andrewarding experiences. Some students learnthat the funniest comedy selection can bringthe same dignity as a very seriouscommentary. All the speech events arethoughtfulness, grace, and the voices of theHoly Spirit. In the long run, these are interiorgifts that lead to responsible behaviors, selfconfidence,and very fond team memories.”The challenge of competition in both leaguesmaximizes opportunities for students andcarries high the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> banner ofstudent achievement.9

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