MATTERS MARIAN - Marian Catholic High School

MATTERS MARIAN - Marian Catholic High School

MATTERS MARIAN - Marian Catholic High School

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SPANISH TEACHERS BRING SERVICE TO PERUSpanish teacher, Tanya Wallace, talking with studentsin her class. Wallace will be going on a MissionTrip with fellow Spanish teacher, Ryan Rockaitis,this summer. ¡Buen viaje, Señorita Wallace!Several groups, and <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> in particular, take advantage of the Lenten season to getmore involved with service and mission work for others. However large or small thecontribution, these efforts can be far-reaching.In the case of <strong>Marian</strong> Foreign Language teachers Tanya Wallace and Ryan Rockaitis, currentefforts coordinated with the Homewood Rotary Club will be far-reaching and far-traveling.With the contact initiated by Rotarians and Alumni parents Rick and Donna Thiernau, the two<strong>Marian</strong> teachers got involved with teaching Spanish to Rotarians planning to make a mission tripto Cusco, Peru in May. They’ve also involved <strong>Marian</strong> students with donating supplies for the trip.“For 14 days, the medical team takes on as many patients as possible, literally hundreds ofpatients,” Wallace said. “The volunteers help with unpacking medical supplies, visiting withpatients and delivering school supplies to a local school.“The conditions of the area where the mission takes place are quite poor. The hospital isoutdated and lacks proper facilities to care for patients, although medical treatment does go ondaily without the Americans present. Medical equipment is in short supply. Hygiene knowledgeis a problem. Basic conveniences like diapers, stethoscopes, rubber gloves and soap are lacking.”Better news for the two <strong>Marian</strong> teachers eventually arrived, as there were two openings to travelin the mission group of 12. Wallace and Rockaitis volunteered without hesitation.“When Sr. Paul contacted me about the possibility of teaching Spanish to the Rotary Club members who will be venturing to Peru, I jumped at theopportunity,” Rockaitis said. “How could I say no to such a dedicated group? When I found out that I would be able to travel with them to Peru,I was ecstatic. For years it has been my dream to travel to Peru and explore Machu Picchu and other Incan treasures. Knowing that the entire tripis being organized in the spirit of service makes it all the more exciting.“I showed my classes a video on the Rotary Club’s last visit to Peru and we were all moved. Students are bringing in medical supplies, toys for thechildren in the hospital, and school supplies. I reminded them of a quotation from Gandhi: ‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world.’I am proud to say, that in the true <strong>Marian</strong> spirit, they have already begun to be that change!”“I am very excited to participate in such an important medical mission trip,” Wallace said. “In the past I have taken several trips in the US to buildand repair homes, but nothing like the Peru trip. I really don’t know what to expect. I also can’t believe the support that friends and family (evenfriends of friends of friends) have shown in donating items and cheering us on.”Along with making the trip, the Rotary Club is also responsible for collecting donations of Band-Aids, medications, toys, school supplies, diapers,hygiene products and sunglasses, among other items. Through Service Club, Spanish students, friends and family, the <strong>Marian</strong> community hasbecome a strong assistant in this effort.<strong>MARIAN</strong> MADNESS EVENT GROWSTeams don’t make it to the Men’s NCAAChampionship game without establishingsome challenging goals for themselves. Justask Syracuse, who upset Kansas in front of agood crowd at the First Annual “<strong>Marian</strong>Madness” last spring.<strong>Marian</strong> Madness II takes place on Monday,April 5. Another successful <strong>Marian</strong> AlumniAssociation event, the evening includessomething for everyone with great food,friendship, games of skill and chanceand, of course, NCAA Basketball onthree 12’ x 12’ screens.The primary goal for <strong>Marian</strong> Madness isto serve as a fund-raiser for the AthleticInitiative at <strong>Marian</strong> (AIM), as the schoolstrives to upgrade the current stadium andthe west campus to serve Spartans well intothe future.However, the evening goes well beyond raisingthe championship trophy in San Antonio andraising a few dollars for <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>.“It’s a great event to watch and a nice time toget together with friends and family,” explainedMadness committee member John Benish ’84.“It’s an event where you can meet friends andclassmates you haven’t seen in a long time. Younever know who you may bump into at <strong>Marian</strong>Madness night. It should become one of thosealumni events that people really look forward togoing to every year.”At just a $25 inclusive admission, <strong>Marian</strong> ishoping to keep the Madness event one that’saffordable and one that’s very appealing toyoung alum. Through a silent auction andother raffle/chance opportunities, <strong>Marian</strong>hopes to raise some necessary funds to helpsend west campus projects well on their way.Despite two successful <strong>Marian</strong> Madness eventsthat provided fun and friendship for hundredsin attendance, the NCAA Championshipevent remains one of the best-kept secrets onthe Alumni Association calendar.“The first couple of years have been fun andwere really something to build on for thefuture,” Benish said. “As more people beginto come, it can turn into the major event wereally want it to be. Hopefully, it will10Ray Murphy, Shannon Reidy ’90, Margaret Murphyand Pat Murphy enjoying the NCAA Championshipgame at <strong>Marian</strong> Madness held in <strong>Marian</strong>’s East Gym.become a major annual event for a lot ofpeople, like a Super Bowl party.“It’s always a game that’s fun to watch. Butit’s also great to be with friends and to havean opportunity to help <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> atthe same time.”More information about <strong>Marian</strong> Madness isavailable by calling the Office for InstitutionalAdvancement at 708.755.6579.

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