AS20003 - 110 &150 Gallon ATV Sprayer ... - Demco Products

AS20003 - 110 &150 Gallon ATV Sprayer ... - Demco Products

AS20003 - 110 &150 Gallon ATV Sprayer ... - Demco Products


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04-25-00<strong>AS20003</strong>, Rev. 2ASSEMBLYCALIBRATIONOPERATIONREPLACEMENT PARTSDethmers Manufacturing CompanyDOING OUR BEST TO PROVIDE YOU THE BEST<strong>ATV</strong> SPRAYER<strong>110</strong> AND <strong>150</strong> GALLONOPERATORS MANUALREAD complete manual CAREFULLYBEFORE attempting operation.DEMCO • Dethmers Mfg. Co. • 4010 320th St. • P.O. Box 189 • Boyden, IA 51234PH: (712) 725-2311 or (712) 725-2302 • Toll Free: 1-800-543-3626 • FAX: 1-800-845-6420www.demco-products.comPage 1

Thank you for purchasing a <strong>Demco</strong> sprayer. We feel you have made a wise choice and hope you arecompletely satisfied with your new sprayer. If you have any questions regarding the applications ofcertain solutions or chemicals, contact your chemical supplier and follow chemical manufacturerrecommendations as well as all licensing and use restrictions or regulations.WARNING: TO AVOID PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OBSERVEFOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS:Chemicals are dangerous. Know exactly what you're going to do and what isgoing to happen before attempting to work with these products. Improperselection or use can injure people, animals, plants and soil.Always wear protective clothing such as coveralls, goggles and gloves whenworking with chemicals or sprayer.Be sure to dispose of all unused chemicals or solutions in a proper andecologically sound manner.GENERAL INFORMATION1. Unless otherwise specified, high-strength (grade5)(3 radial-line head markings) hex head bolts areused throughout assembly of this sprayer.3. When placing a parts order, refer to this manual forproper part numbers and place order by PART NO.,DESCRIPTION, and COLOR.2. Whenever terms "LEFT" and "RIGHT" are used inthis manual it means from a position behind sprayerand facing forward.Page 2

Table of ContentsGeneral information ..................................................................................... 2Safety , Signal Words .................................................................................. 4Equipment Safety Guidelines ...................................................................... 5Lighting and Marking ................................................................................... 5Safety Sign Locations.................................................................................. 6Safety Sign Care ......................................................................................... 7Tire Safety ................................................................................................... 7Remember ................................................................................................... 7Before Operation ........................................................................................ 7-8During Operation ........................................................................................ 8-9Following Operation..................................................................................... 9Highway and Transport Operations .......................................................... 10-11Performing Maintenance .............................................................................11Bolt Torque.................................................................................................. 12Frame Assembly ......................................................................................... 13Axle Assembly ............................................................................................ 14Axle Insert Installation ................................................................................ 14Saddle Assembly and Tank Installation ...................................................... 15Panel Mount Assembly and Parts List........................................................ 16Wash Tank Assembly.................................................................................. 1721’ & 28’ Truss-T Boom Installation ........................................................... 18Hose Reel Installation and Parts List ......................................................... 19<strong>Sprayer</strong> Parts Breakdown and Parts List ................................................. 20-21Roller Pump Plumbing Breakdown ........................................................... 22-23Centrifugal Pump Plumbing Breakdown ................................................... 24-25Diaphragm Pump Plumbing Breakdown................................................... 26-27Diaphragm Pump Parts Breakdown ........................................................... 28Roller Pumps Parts Breakdown................................................................ 29-30Centrifugal Pump Parts Breakdown ........................................................... 30Hand Gun Parts Breakdown....................................................................... 31Tee Valve Parts Breakdown ........................................................................ 31Pressure Relief Valve Breakdown .............................................................. 31<strong>Sprayer</strong> Checklist ........................................................................................ 32Page 3

SAFETYTAKE NOTE! THIS SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL FOUND THROUGHOUT THISMANUAL IS USED TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO INSTRUCTIONS INVOLVINGYOUR PERSONAL SAFETY AND SAFETY OF OTHERS. FAILURE TO FOLLOWTHESE INSTRUCTIONS CAN RESULT IN INJURY OR DEATH.THIS SYMBOL MEANSATTENTIONBECOME ALERTYOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED!SIGNAL WORDSNote: use of the following signal words DANGER,WARNING, and CAUTION with safety messages.Appropriate signal word for each has been selectedusing following guidelines:DANGER:Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that,if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.This signal word is to be limited to most extremesituations typically for machine components which,for functional purposes, cannot be guarded.WARNING:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, ifnot avoided, could result in death or serious injury,and includes hazards that are exposed whenguards are removed. It may also be used to alertagainst unsafe practices.CAUTION:Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, ifnot avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.It may also be used to alert against unsafepractices.If you have questions not answered in this manual , require additional copies, or if your manual is damaged,please contact your dealer or Dethmers Mfg. Co., P.O. Box 189, 4010 320th Street, Boyden, IA 51234ph: (712) 725-2311 or (712) 725-2302 Toll Free: 1-800-543-3626 Fax: (712) 725-2380http://www.demco-products.comPage 4

SAFETY...YOU CAN LIVE WITH ITEQUIPMENT SAFETY GUIDELINESEvery year many accidents occur which could be avoided by a few seconds of thought andmore careful approach to handling equipment. You, the operator, can avoid accidents byobserving precautions in this section. To avoid personal injury, study precautions and insistthose working with you, or you yourself, follow them.In order to provide a better view, certain illustrations in this manual may show an assemblywith a safety shield removed. However, sprayer should never be operated in this condition.Keep all shields in place. If shield removal becomes necessary for repairs, replace shieldprior to use.Replace any caution, warning, danger or instruction safety decal that is not readable or ismissing. Location of such decals is indicated in this booklet.Do not attempt to operate this sprayer under the influence of alcohol or drugs.Review safety instructions with all users.Operator should be a responsible adult. DO NOT ALLOW PERSONS TO OPERATE ORASSEMBLE THIS SPRAYER UNTIL THEY HAVE DEVELOPED A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDINGOF SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND HOW IT WORKS.To prevent injury or death, use a tractor equipped with a roll over protective system (ROPS).Do not paint over, remove, or deface any safety signs or warning decals on your sprayer.Observe all safety signs and practice instructions on them.Never exceed limits of sprayer. If its ability to do a job, or to do so safely is in questionDON'T TRY IT.LIGHTING AND MARKINGIt is the responsibility of operator to know lighting and marking requirements of local highwayauthorities and to install and maintain equipment to provide compliance with regulations.Add extra lights when transporting at night or during periods of limited visibility.Lighting kits are available from your dealer or manufacturer.Page 5

SAFETY SIGN LOCATIONSTypes of safety sign and locations on equipment are shown in illustration below. Good safetyrequires that you familiarize yourself with various safety signs, type of warning, and area orparticular function related to that area, that requires your SAFETY AWARENESS.BA. AA21012 Qty.2-Both sides of tank B. AB21014ACC. AA21002 Qty.2-Both sides of tankblack and red on clear02/99 AA21002Page 6

SAFETY SIGN CARE• Keep safety signs clean and legible at all times.• Replace safety signs that are missing or have become illegible.• Replacement parts that displayed a safety sign should also display current sign.• Safety signs are available from your distributor, dealer parts department, or manufacturer.How to install safety signs:• Be sure installation area is clean and dry.• Decide on exact position before you remove backing paper.• Remove smallest portion of split backing paper.• Align decal over specified area and carefully press small portion withexposed sticky backing in place.• Slowly peel back remaining paper and carefully smooth remaining portion ofdecal into place.• Small air pockets can be pierced with a pin and smoothed out using piece of decalbacking paper.TIRE SAFETY• Failure to follow proper procedures when mounting tire on rim can produce anexplosion resulting in serious injury or death.• Do not attempt to mount tire unless you have proper equipment and experience.• Inflating or servicing tires can be dangerous. Whenever possible, trained personnelshould be called to service or mount tires.• Always order and install tires and wheels with appropriate type and load capacity tomeet or exceed anticipated weight to be placed on sprayer.REMEMBERYour best assurance against accidents is a careful and responsible operator. If there is anyportion of this manual or function you do not understand, contact your local authorized dealeror manufacturer.BEFORE OPERATION:• Carefully study and understand this manual.• Do not wear loose-fitting clothing which may catch in moving parts.• Always wear protective clothing and substantial shoes.• It is recommended that suitable hearing and eye protection be worn.• Operator may come in contact with certain materials which may require specific safetyequipment relative to handling of such materials. (Examples: extremely dusty, molds,fungus, bulk fertilizers, etc.)Page 7

• Keep wheel and lug nuts tightened to specified torque.• Assure that agricultural implement tires are inflated evenly.• Give sprayer a visual inspection for any loose bolts, worn parts, or cracked welds, and makenecessary repairs. Follow maintenance safety instructions included in this manual.• Be sure there are no tools lying on or in equipment• Do not use the sprayer until you are sure that area is clear, especially around children andanimals.• Don't hurry learning process or take sprayer for granted. Ease into it and become familiarwith your new equipment.• Practice operation of your sprayer and its attachments. Completely familiarize yourselfand other operators with its operation before using.• Use a tractor equipped with Roll Over Protection System (ROPS) and fasten your seat beltprior to starting engine.• Manufacturer does not recommend usage of tractor with ROPS removed.• Move tractor wheels to widest recommended settings to increase stability.• Do not allow anyone to stand between tongue or hitch and towing unit when backingup to equipment.DURING OPERATION• Beware of bystanders, PARTICULARLY CHILDREN! Always look around to make sure it issafe to start engine of towing unit or move sprayer. This is particularly important with higher noiselevels and quiet cabs, as you may not hear people shouting.• NO PASSENGERS ALLOWED- Do not carry passengers anywhere on or in the tractor orsprayer.• Beware of bystanders, PARTICULARLY CHILDREN! Always look around to make sure it issafe to start engine of towing unit or move sprayer. This is particularly important with higher noiselevels and quiet cabs, as you may not hear people shouting.• NO PASSENGERS ALLOWED- Do not carry passengers anywhere on or in the tractor orsprayer.• Keep hands and clothing clear of moving parts.• Do not clean, lubricate, or adjust your sprayer while it is moving.• When halting operation, even periodically, set tractor or towing unit brakes, disengagePTO, shut off engine, and remove ignition key.Page 8

• Be especially observant of operating area and terrain- watch for holes, rocks, or other hiddenhazards. Always inspect area prior to operation.- DO NOT operate near edge of drop-offs or banks.- DO NOT operate on steep slopes as overturn may result.- Operate up and down (not across) intermediate slopes. Avoid sudden starts and stops.• Pick the most level possible route when transporting across fields. Avoid edges of ditches,gullies, and steep hillsides.• Be extra careful when working on inclines.• Periodically clear equipment of brush, twigs, or other materials to prevent buildup of drycombustible materials.• Maneuver tractor or towing unit at safe speeds.• Avoid overhead wires or other obstacles. Contact with overhead lines could cause serious injuryor death.• Avoid loose gravel, rocks, and holes; they can be dangerous for equipment operation or movement.• Allow for sprayer length when making turns.• Do not walk or work under raised components or attachments unless securely positioned andblocked.• Keep all bystanders, pets, and livestock clear of work area.• Operate towing unit from operators seat only.• Never stand alongside of unit with engine running or attempt to start engine and/or operate machinewhile standing alongside of unit.• Never leave running equipment attachments unattended.• As a precaution, always recheck hardware on equipment following every 100 hours of operation.Correct all problems. Follow maintenance safety procedures.FOLLOWING OPERATION• Following operation, or when unhitching, stop tractor or towing unit, set brakes, disengagePTO and all power drives, shut off engine and remove ignition key.• Store sprayer in an area away from human activity.• Do not park sprayer where it will be exposed to livestock for long periods of time. Damage andlivestock injury could result.• Do not permit children to play on or around the stored sprayer.• Make sure all parked machines are on a hard, level surface and engage all safety devices.• Wheel chocks may be needed to prevent unit from rolling.Page 9

HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORT OPERATIONS• SAFETY CHAINS: If equipment is going to be transported on a public highway, Alwaysfollow state and local regulations regarding safety chains and auxiliary lighting. Be sure tocheck with local law enforcement agencies for your own particular regulations. If requiredsafety chains should be obtained and installed. Only safety chains (not elastic or nylon/plastictow straps) should be used to retain connection between towing and towed machines in eventof separation of primary attaching system. Use a high strength, appropriately sized hitch pinwith a mechanical retainer and attach safety chains. Criss cross chains under tongue andsecure to draw bar cage, mounting loops, or bumper frame.• Adopt safe driving practices:- Keep brake pedals latched together at all times. NEVER USE INDEPENDENT BRAKINGWITH SPRAYER IN TOW. LOSS OF CONTROL OR UPSET MAY RESULT.- Always drive at a safe speed relative to local conditions and ensure that your speed is lowenough for an emergency stop. Keep speed to a minimum.- Reduce speed prior to turns to avoid risk of overturning.- Always keep tractor or towing unit in gear to provide engine braking when goingdownhill. Do not coast.- Do not drink and drive!• Comply with state and local laws governing highway safety and movement of farm machinery onpublic roads.• Use approved accessory lighting flags and necessary warning devices to protect operators ofother vehicles on highway during transport. Various safety lights and devices are availablefrom your dealer.• Use of flashing amber lights is acceptable in most localities. However, some localities prohibittheir use. Local laws should be checked for all highway lighting and marking requirements.• When driving tractor and sprayer under 20 mph (40 kph) day or night, use flashing amber warninglights and a slow moving vehicle (SMV) identification emblem.• Plan your route to avoid heavy traffic.• Be a safe and courteous driver. Always yield to oncoming traffic in all situations, including narrowbridges, intersections, etc.• Be observant of bridge load ratings. Do not cross bridges rated lower than gross weight of unityou are operating.Page 10

• Watch for obstructions overhead and side to side while transporting.• Always operate equipment in a position to provide maximum visibility at all times. Makeallowances for increased length and weight of sprayer when making turns, or stopping.PERFORMING MAINTENANCE• Good maintenance is your responsibility. Poor maintenance is an invitation to trouble.• Make sure there is plenty of ventilation. Never operate engine of towing vehicle ina closed building. Exhaust fumes may cause asphyxiation.• Before working on this machine, stop towing vehicle, set brakes, disengage PTOand all power drives, shut off engine and remove ignition key.• Be certain all moving parts and attachments have come to a complete stop beforeattempting to perform maintenance.• Always use a safety support and block wheels. Never use a jack to support machine.• Always use proper tools or equipment for job at hand.• Use extreme caution when making adjustments.• Follow torque chart in this manual when tightening bolts and nuts.• Never use your hands to locate a hydraulic leak on attachments. Use a small piece ofcardboard or wood. Hydraulic fluid escaping under pressure can penetrate skin.• Openings in skin and minor cuts are susceptible to infection from hydraulic fluid.Without immediate medical treatment, serious infection and reactions can occur.• When disconnecting hydraulic lines, shut off hydraulic supply and relieve all hydraulicpressure.• Replace all shields and guards after servicing and before moving.• After servicing, be sure all tools, parts and service equipment are removed.• Do not allow grease or oil to build up on any steps or platform.• When replacing bolts refer to owners manual.• Refer to bolt torque chart for head identification marking.• Where replacement parts are necessary for periodic maintenance and servicing,genuine factory replacement parts must be used to restore your equipment to originalspecifications. Manufacturer will not claim responsibility for use of unapproved parts oraccessories and other damages as a result of their use.• If equipment has been altered in any way from original design, manufacturer doesnot accept any liability for injury or warranty.• A fire extinguisher and first aid kit should be kept readily accessible while performingmaintenance on this equipmentPage 11

BOLT TORQUETORQUE DATA FOR STANDARD NUTS, BOLTS, AND CAPSCREWS.Tighten all bolts to torques specified in chart unless otherwise noted. Check tightness ofbolts periodically, using bolt chart as guide. Replace hardware with same grade bolt.NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, high-strength Grade 5 hex bolts are used throughoutassembly of equipment.Bolt Torque for Standard bolts *Torque SpecificationsGRADE 2 GRADE 5 GRADE 8“A” lb-ft (N.m) lb-ft (N.m) lb-ft (N.m)1/4” 6 (8) 9 (12) 12 (16)5/16” 10 (13) 18 (25) 25 (35)3/8” 20 (27) 30 (40) 45 (60)7/16” 30 (40) 50 (70) 80 (<strong>110</strong>)1/2” 45 (60) 75 (100) 115 (155)9/16” 70 (95) 115 (155) 165 (220)5/8” 95 (130) <strong>150</strong> (200) 225 (300)3/4” 165 (225) 290 (390) 400 (540)7/8” 170 (230) 420 (570) 650 (880)1” 225 (300) 630 (850) 970 (1310)Bolt Torque for Metric bolts *Torque figures indicated are valid fornon-greased or non-oiled threads andheads unless otherwise specified.Therefore, do not grease or oil bolts orcapscrews unless otherwise specifiedin this manual. When using lockingelements, increase torque valuesby 5%.* GRADE or CLASS value for boltsand capscrews are identified by theirhead markings.CLASS 8.8 CLASS 9.8 CLASS 10.9“A” lb-ft (N.m) lb-ft (N.m) lb-ft (N.m)6 9 (13) 10 (14) 13 (17)7 15 (21) 18 (24) 21 (29)8 23 (31) 25 (34) 31 (42)10 45 (61) 50 (68) 61 (83)12 78 (106) 88 (118) 106 (144)14 125 (169) 140 (189) 170 (230)16 194 (263) 216 (293) 263 (357)18 268 (363) -- -- 364 (493)20 378 (513) -- -- 515 (689)22 516 (699) -- -- 702 (952)24 654 (886) -- -- 890 (1206)GRADE-2 GRADE-5 GRADE-8CLASS 8.8 CLASS 9.8 CLASS 10.98.8 9.8 10.9Page 12

<strong>ATV</strong> SPRAYER FRAME ASSEMBLY45442435474341455644849454510 (optional)ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. Begin by laying the left (#1) and right (#2) main frames on the floor as shown,lay the crossmembers (#3) in position between the side frames. Bolt the itemstogether, on the top side, using four 1/2" x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#4) and four1/2" nylon insert locknuts (#5). Now place the frame on something sturdy,approximately 17"-18" off the floor, near the rear corners and the angledtongue area of the frame. With four additional 1/2" x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#4)and locknuts (#5), bolt the crossmembers to the main frames on the bottomside.2. Mount the hitch assembly to the front of the main frame as shown, using four1/2" x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#4) and nylon insert locknuts (#5). Mount it so theclevis hitch or ball coupler (optional) will be approximately the same height asthe hitch on your <strong>ATV</strong>. Bolt the clevis hitch (#9) or the optional ball coupler(#10) to the front hitch mount (#8) using six 1/2" x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#4)and nylon insert locknuts (#5).3. Bolt in the front crossmember (#6) using two 1/2" x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#4),two 1/2" flatwashers (#7) and 1/2" nylon insert locknuts (#5).Page 13

AXLE ASSEMBLY232314444431 322107118912ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. Bolt the axle mounts (#1) to the left andright main frame as shown, using four 1/2"x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#2), four 1/2"flatwashers (#3) and 1/2" nylon insert locknuts(#4). NOTE: The axle mounts may bemoved backwards or forwards to obtain theproper tongue weight.562. Continue by bolting the axle tube (#5) tothe axle mounts using two 1/2" x 3" squareu-bolts (#6) and four 1/2" nylon insertlocknuts (#4). NOTE: Be sure the weld-onnuts are facing the rear of the sprayer. Alsocenter the axle tubes under the frame, thisis approximately 9.25" from the end of theaxle tube to the axle mount.3. Safety stand assembly: Bolt the safetystand mount (#7) to the tongue frameusing two 3/8" x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#9),two 3/8" flatwashers (#8) and 3/8" nyloninsert locknuts (#10). Insert the safetystand (#11) into the mount and secure with3/8" lock handle (#12).Check set screwsand lug nuts DAILY.XAXLE INSERT INSTALLATION2323ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. Insert two axle inserts (#1) into the axle tubes.Select your particular wheel spacing using thechart to figure the X dimension. The axle shouldbe inserted to this measurement.2. Thread four 1/2" jam nuts (#3) onto the 1/2" x1-1/2" square head set screws (#2). Tighten the1/2" set screws into the weld-on nuts on theback of the axle tube. Now tighten the jam nutsagainst the weld-on nuts to secure everything inplace.3. Mount the tires and rims (#4) to the axles usingfour wheel nuts (#5) per rim.4. Remove the frame from the supporting objectsand block the tires to prevent the sprayer fromrolling during the rest of the assembly.15Wheel XSpacing DimensionMin. 66" 6.5"Max. 86" 16.5"4Page 14

SADDLE ASSEMBLY AND TANK INSTALLATIONVIEW A86897231542332215721023911ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. Bolt the saddle mounts (#1) to the frame,in the location shown in the drawing, usingeight 1/2" x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#2),eight 1/2" flatwashers (#3) and eight 1/2"nylon insert locknuts (#4).2. Attach the tank saddles (#5) to the mountsusing four 1/2" x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#2)and four 1/2" nylon insert locknuts (#4).3. Place tank (#6) in the saddles (#5) and besure the fillwell area of the tank is level.Weave the a polyester strap (#8) throughtwo small strap anchors (#7), as shown inView A, one on each end. Do the same forthe other strap.4. Secure the tank in place by placing a strapover each strap area on the tank, someadjustment on the strap anchors maybenecessary, and secure the anchors withfour 5/16" x 4" full thread bolts (#9), four5/16” flatwashwers (#11), and four 5/16"nylon insert locknuts (#10). NOTE: Besure not to over tighten the straps.4444Page 15

PANEL MOUNT ASSEMBLY121113957 4768109723144REF. PARTNO. NO. QTY.DESCRIPTION- 5431-10 - Panel Mount Assembly1. 02148-30 1 Panel Mounting Bracket2. 00523 2 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Hex Head Bolt3. 00059 2 3/8" Flatwasher4. 02592 4 3/8"-16 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut5. 02145-30 1 Panel Mount Collar6. 03243-10 1 Vertical Valve Mounting Bracket7. 00095 2 3/8”-16 UNC x 3/4” sq. head set screw8. 02147-30 1 Female Stabilizer Brace9. 00907 2 3/8"-16 UNC x 1" Hex Head Bolt10. 02146-30 1 Male Stabilizer Brace11. 05391-10 1 Panel Mount Stem12. 00909 2 5/16"-18 UNC x 1-1/4" Square U-bolt13. 02802 4 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert LocknutPlease order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. Bolt the panel mounting bracket (#1) to tongueframe using two 3/8" x 1" hex head bolts (#2),two3/8" flatwashers (#3)and two 3/8" nylon insertlocknuts (#4).2. Slide the panel mount collar (#5) over the verticalvalve mounting bracket (#6) and insert it into thepanel mount and secure with two 3/8" x 3/4" setscrews (#7).3. Attach the female stabilizer (#8) to the panelmount collar (#5) using a 3/8" x 1" hex head bolt(#9) and a 3/8" nylon insert locknut (#4). Insertthe male stabilizer brace (#10) and and attach itto the frame using a 3/8" x 1" hex head bolt (#9)and a 3/8" nylon insert locknut (#4). Secure thestabilizer brace and panel mount collar with two3/8" x 3/4" set screws (#7).4. Bolt the panel mount stem (#11) to the verticalvalve mounting bracket using two 5/16" x 1-1/4"square u-bolt (#12) and four 5/16" nylon insertlocknuts (#13). NOTE: The panel mount stemand vertical valve mounting bracket can slide,before tightening bolts and set screws, to increaseor decrease the reach of the stem.Page 16

WASH TANK ASSEMBLY1115410763892ASSEMBLED VIEWASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. Attach the wash tank mounting tube (#1) to the tongueframe using two 3/8" x 1-1/2" u-bolts (#2) and four 3/8"nylon insert locknuts (#3).2. Bolt the wash tank bracket (#4) to the mounting tube(#1) using two 5/16" x 1-1/4" u-bolts (#5), four 5/16"flatwashers (#6) and four 5/16" nylon insert locknuts(#7). NOTE: The wash tank bracket can be mounted inany position on the mounting tube that is convenient foryou.3. Bolt the rubber tarp strap (#8) to the wash tank bracket(#4), as shown, using a 1/4" x 1" carriage bolt (#9) and1/4" nylon insert locknut (#10). Place the 2-1/2 gallonwash tank (#11) into the tank bracket and secure byplacing the loose end of the strap (#8) over the peg ontop of the bracket (#4).Page 17

21' AND 28' TRUSS-T BOOM INSTALLATION3176324 262Truss-T Boom Center Section56Hardware includedwith Truss-T BoomASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. Attach the two boom mounting angles (#1) to theframe in the holes furthest to the rear using four 1/2"x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#2) and four 1/2" nylon insertlocknuts (#3).2. Bolt the boom brace angles (#4) between the frameand the mounting angles in the holes shown, alsousing four 1/2" x 1-1/4" hex head bolts (#2) and four1/2" nylon insert locknuts (#3).3. Bolt the boom adapter brackets (#5) to the mountingangles (#1), as shown, using six 3/8" x 1" hex headbolts (#6) and six 3/8" nylon insert locknuts (#7).4. Attach the Truss-T boom center section as shownusing the hardware supplied with the boom.NOTE: You can raise or lower the boom by movingthe brackets (#5), moving the mounting angles(#1), bolting the boom center section in thehigh or low settings or any combination thereof.ASSEMBLED VIEW154Page 18

(OPTIONAL) HOSE REEL PARTS BREAKDOWN AND ASSEMBLY59147116131138834388483212102(OPTIONAL) HOSE REEL PARTS LISTREF. PARTNO. NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION- DHR - Hose Reel Assembly1. 02129 2 1/2"- 13 UNC x 3” Square U-bolt2. 02128 4 3/8"-16 UNC x 2" Square U-bolt3. 02592 8 3/8"-16 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut4. 03851-10 2 Hose Reel Mount Brackets5. 03279 1 Hose Reel6. 00907 4 3/8"-16 UNC x 1" Hex Head Bolt7. 03332-10 1 Handgun Storage Bracket8. 00059 8 3/8" Flatwasher9. 2AAL60 1 15" Hand Gun10. 03850-10 1 Mounting Post of Hose Reel11. 00004 4 5/16” Flatwasher12. 02178 4 1/2”-13 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut13. 02802 2 5/16”- 18 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut14. 02990 2 5/16”-18UNC x 1” Hex Head Bolt- BA1212 1 1/2" MPT x 1/2" Hose Barb Fitting (GFP)- BA1234 1 1/2" MPT x 3/4" Hose Barb Fitting (GFP)- BA3434 1 3/4" MPT x 3/4" Hose Barb Fitting (GFP)- D3412 1 3/4" MGHT x 1/2" Hose Barb Fitting- BM3400 2 3/4" MPT Nipple Fitting (GFP)- BTT34 1 3/4" FPT Tee (GFP)- UV075FP 1 3/4" FPT Poly Ball Valve- B8H 2 1/2" SS Gear Clamp- B12H 2 3/4" SS Gear Clamp- 04193 2 2" Cap Plug- 340RB - 3/4" I.D. Rubber Hose (14 ft.)- 120RB - 1/2" I.D. Rubber Hose (100 ft.)1Please order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.Page 191ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. Bolt the mounting post (#10) to the axle, using two 1/2” x 3”square U-bolts (#1), and four 1/2” nylon insert locknuts(#12). When installing make sure you place the mountingpost and the U-bolts between the two axle set screws.2. Mount the outside hose reel bracket (#4) flush with theoutside edge of the mounting post (#10) with one 3/8” x 2”square U-bolt (#2), two 3/8” flatwashers (#8), and two 3/8”nylon insert locknut (#3). Mount the inside hose reelbracket on the other side of the vertical member of themounting post (#10), leaving a 9” spacing between thebolts holes.3. Place the hose reel (#5) on top of the mounts and securewith four 3/8" x 1" hex head bolts (#6) and four 3/8" nyloninsert locknuts (#3).4. The handgun storage bracket (#7) is already installed at thefactory.NOTE: Diagram shows left handed hose reel assembly, forclarity purposes. Hose reel may be mounted right handedstyle if desired.

<strong>110</strong> & <strong>150</strong> GALLON <strong>ATV</strong> SPRAYER PARTS BREAKDOWN4648455049BOOM MOUNTS (REAR VIEW)1752546232446464462452354651124644442744264553454545585230597173413<strong>110</strong>1<strong>110</strong>291132444355541445213 4 15403933 3657384612254604 35 42344755 56285958184137201921129Page 2016

<strong>ATV</strong> SPRAYER PARTS LISTREF. PARTNO. NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION1. 03233-10 1 Left Main Frame2. 03234-10 1 Right Main Frame3. 03235-10 2 Bolt-In Cross Member4. 00967 41 1/2"-13 UNC x 1-1/4" Hex Head Bolt5. 02178 44 1/2"-13 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut6. 00085 12 1/2” Flatwasher7. 03237-10 1 Front Cross Member8. 02990 2 5/16"-18 UNC x 1" Hex Head Bolt9. 00004 8 5/16” Flatwasher10. 00639 4 1/2"-13 UNC x 1-1/2" Sq Head Set Screw11. 00640 4 1/2"-13 UNC Jam Nut12. 02802 10 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut13. 03241-10 1 Front Hitch Mount14. 03253-10 1 Bolt-On Clevis Hitch15. 03252-10 1 Wash Tank Mounting Tube16. 02529 2 3/8”-16 UNC x 2-1/2” U-bolt17. 02592 12 3/8"-16 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut18. 05615-30 2 Wash Tank Bracket19. 04742 1 Tarp Strap20. 04177 1 1/4"-20 UNC x 1" Carriage Bolt21. 02772 1 1/4" Nylon Insert Locknut22. 05616 1 2-1/2 gal. Wash Tank- PL2S 1 2-1/2 gal. Wash Tank Lid23. 03236-10 2 Saddle Mount24. 02285-10 2 24” Saddles (<strong>110</strong> gal. Tank)- 02623-10 2 30” Saddles (<strong>150</strong> gal. Tank)25. 01792-30 2 Boom Mounting Angle26. 02693-30 2 Boom Brace Angle27. 03275-10 2 Boom Adapter28. 00523 2 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Hex Head Bolt29. 03286-10 2 Axle Mount30. 03285-10 1 Axle Tube31. 02129 2 1/2"-13 UNC x 3" Square U-bolt32. 03831-10 2 Axle Insert (less hub assembly)33. 02148-30 1 Safety Stand Mount34. 00059 2 3/8” Flatwasher35. 03883-10 1 Safety Stand36. 01404-95 1 3/8” Lock Handle37. 03833-10 2 Pivot Pin38. 01675-95 2 Pivot Pin Washer39. 00084 2 1/2” Lockwasher40. 01796 2 1/2”-13UNCx1-1/4” Hex Blt. w/grease Zerk41. 03830-10 2 Walking Beam42. 03832-10 2 Pivot Stop Plate43. 00060 4 3/8” Lockwasher44. 00907 6 3/8”-16 UNC x 1” Hex Head Bolt45. P<strong>150</strong> 30A 1 <strong>150</strong> Gal. Poly Tank w/lid, fittings, & agitation- P<strong>110</strong> 24A 1 <strong>110</strong> Gal. Poly Tank w/lid, fittings, & agitation46. 5478R 1 10” Lid for <strong>150</strong> Gal. (Replacement)- PL5R 1 5” Lid for <strong>110</strong> Gal. (Replacement)- 5433E 1 Gasket for PL5R Lid (Replacement)47. 00909 2 5/16”-18 UNC x 1-3/8”x1-7/8” U-Bolt48. 04353 2 1-3/4” x 50” Black Nylon Strap49. 05785-95 4 1-3/4” Strap Anchor50. 04352 4 5/16”-18 UNC x 4” Full Thread Hx Blt.51. 00004 4 5/16” Flatwasher52. 03242-10 1 Bolt-On Ball Couple (Optional)53. 5389 4 Rim w/mounted tirePlease order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.REF. PARTNO. NO. QTY.DESCRIPTION- 5416 4 4-Bolt Hub Assembly54. 00890 4 1/2”-13 UNF Wheel Nuts55. 01748 2 Inner & Outer Bearing Races56. 01749 2 Inner & Outer Wheel Bearings57. 01751 1 Dust Cap58. 02363 1 5/32” x 1-1/4” Cotter Pin59. 03428 1 Hub Seal60. - 1 4-Bolt Hub (NOT SOLD SEPERATELY)61. 03193 1 1”-14 UNF Castle NutPage 21

ROLLER PUMP PLUMBING PARTS BREAKDOWNNOTE: The DBHGL Handgun Kit isinstalled, as shown on page 25, inthis location.212124241624252537D16171434bac2722ae24cdbac28b3335211717321522 51213911<strong>110</strong>42869 28 873 21 932 2620222 238312330bdc36a30152237A322941393842254021 29 2940C1918BELECTRIC CONTROL9465038MANUAL CONTROL9465037C6500D ROLLER PUMPC6500D ROLLER PUMP PARTS LISTREF. PARTNO. NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION4848. EL3410 1 3/4" MPT x 1" Elbow Fitting (GFP)4949. C6500 1 Roller Pump (only)- 1321 0012 1 Quick Coupler Adapter (540 RPM PTO)50. 04298-70 1 Pump Mounting Angle575451. 04305 2 5/16"-18 UNC x 1/2" Hex Head Bolt (Gr.5)52. 00036 2 5/16" Lockwasher5553. 04299 1 Roller Pump Chain w/ S-hook52 5054. 01076 1 1/4"-20 UNC x 3/4" Hex Head Bolt51535955. 00214 1 1/4" Flatwasher58 5656. 02772 1 1/4"-20 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut57. BEL3434 1 3/4" MPT x 3/4" Elbow Fitting (GFP)58. 02990 1 5/16"-18 UNC x 1" Hex Head Bolt (Gr.5)6059. 00857-30 1 Roller Pump Storage Bracket6160. 00004 1 5/16" Flatwasher61. 02802 1 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert LocknutNOTE: When a PTO driven roller pump (C6500D) is ordered, thesePlease order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.parts shown above replace parts utilized when a gas engine rollerpump (C4101GE) is ordered.Page 22

REF. PARTNO. NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION- C4101GE 1 Roller Pump w/ 3.5 HP Gas Engine1. 00036 2 5/16” Lockwasher2. 00004 8 5/16” Flatwasher3. 00372 4 5/16”-18 UNC x 1-1/2” Hex Head Bolt4. 01872 1 Rubber Bumper5. 02653-70 1 Shaft Shield6. 02650-10 1 Gas Engine/Pump Mounting Plate7. 02660-70 1 Roller Pump Mounting Plate8. 02802 9 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut9. 02990 5 5/16"-18 UNC x 1" Hex Head Bolt10. 04305 2 5/16"-18 UNC x 1/2" Hex Head Bolt11. 04880-95 1 Pump/Engine Coupler12. 07174 4 1/4”-20 UNC x 3/4” Sq. Head Set Screw13. C4101 1 Roller Pump- XL4101 1 Silver Cast Roller Pump14. GE3HP 1 3.5 HP Briggs & Stratton Gas Engine- GH4HP 1 4 HP Honda Gas Engine- - - Plumbing Package15. 1010RB - 1” I.D. Rubber Hose16. 120RB - 1/2" I.D. Rubber Hose17. 340RB - 3/4" I.D. Rubber Hose18. 8460 1 Pressure Relief Valve- AB8460 - Pressure Relief Valve Repair Kit2. 00004 5 5/16” Flatwasher19. 02592 4 3/8"-16 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut8. 02802 9 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut9. 02990 5 5/16"-18 UNC x 1" Hex Head Bolt20. 05596-95 1 Plumbing Hanger21. B12H 10 3/4” SS Gear Clamp22. B20H 4 1” SS Gear Clamp23. B24H 2 1-1/4” SS Gear Clamp24. B8H 4 1/2” SS Gear Clamp25. BA3412 3 3/4" MPT x 1/2" Hose Barb Fitting (GFP)26. BA3434 1 3/4" MPT x 3/4" Hose Barb Fitting (GFP)27. BEL114 1 1 1-1/4” MPT x 1” Elbow FittingC4001 ROLLER PUMP6428. BEL1212 1 1/2" MPT x 1/2" Elbow Fitting (GFP)29. BEL3434 3 3/4" MPT x 3/4" Elbow Fitting (GFP)30. BM3400 2 3/4” MPT Nipple Fitting (GFP)31. BTT34 1 3/4” FPT Tee (GFP)32. EL3410 3 3/4” x MPT x 1” Elbow Fitting (GFP)*33. D3371PS 1 Tank Double Agitation*34. P114PAV 1 1-1/4” Tank Outlet Fittings*35. P012D 1 1/2” Tank Fittings*36. RVF34 80 1 3/4” Line Strainer w/80 Mesh Screen37. UV075FP 2 3/4” Poly Ball Valve38. 00059 2 3/8" Flatwasher39. 00523 2 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Hex Head Bolt40. AA17I 1 Three Section Tee Valve- 9465038 1 Electric Control Valves41. 160GB 1 160 lb. Brass Gauge42. BA1234 3 1/2” MPT x 3/4” Hose Barb Fitting (GFP)33. D3371PS 1 Double Agitation Breakdowna. 00128 2 1/2” Retainer for Agitaion Wand (not shown)b. 5044 1 2 Jet Agitation Wandc. FC1200 1 1/2” FPT Couplingd. M1200 1 1/2” MPT Short Nipplee. R1212 1 1/2" MPT Tee34. P114PAV 1 1-1/4” Tank Outlet Breakdowna. 5078V 1 Large Viton O-ringb. CP114PAV 1 1-1/4” Anti-Vortex Center Portionc. N8P 1 Large Nut for Tank Fitting35. P012D 1 1/2” Tank Fitting Breakdowna. 5077V 1 Small Viton O-ringb. CP012PD 1 Center Portion for 1/2” Double Threadc. N5P 1 Small Nut for Tank Fitting36. RVF34 80 1 3/4” Line Strainer Breakdowna. RVF34B 1 Strainer Bowlb. RVF34C 1 Strainer Capc. RVF34GV 1 Viton O-ringd. RVF380 1 80 Mesh ScreenNOTE: *=Further Part BreakdownOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS1. Fill the tank with water.2. Open the Ball valve (A) in the pump intake line.3. Open (counter clockwise) the pressure reliefvalve (B).6665666562 63Special 2000 RPM PTO Adaptor for 4wheeler w/PTO and some garden tractors.REF. PARTNO. NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION62. 04298-70 1 4001 Pump Mounting Bracket63. 05327 1 2000 RPM Spline w/set screws64. C4001 1 4001 Roller Pump- XL4001 1 Silver Cast 4001 Roller Pump65. 04305 2 5/16"-18 UNC x 1/2" Hex Head Bolts66. 00036 2 5/16" LockwasherPage 234. Open the Tee valve (C) so that all the boomsections are spraying.5. Open the agitation valve (D).6. Start and run pump.7. Slowly close the pressure relief valve (B) until thedesired spraying pressure is reached with theboom spraying.8. If adequate spraying pressure cannot be reached,slowly close the agitation valve (D) until thedesired spraying pressure is reached.9. Check for leaks.

CENTRIFUGAL (DHC155) PUMP PLUMBING PARTS BREAKDOWN136148192415142024421193351C2216382623914 15251523b6d72931bac1915caaecdbac21161237326b1430287151832A1815NOTE: The DBHGL Handgun Kit isinstalled, as shown on page 25, inthis location.36343317272738B3535D102326ELECTRIC CONTROL9465038MANUAL CONTROL9465037Page 24

CENTRIFUGAL (DHC155) PUMP PLUMBING PARTS LISTREF. PARTNO. NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION- DHC155 1 Centrifugal Pump w/5 HP Gas Engine1. 00372 4 5/16"-18 UNC x 1-1/2" Hex Head Bolt2. 02650-10 1 Gas Engine/Pump Mounting Plate3. 02802 4 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut4. DHC155 1 Centrifugal Pump5. GE5HP 1 5 HP Briggs & Stratton Gas Engine- GH5.5HPT 1 5.5 HP Honda Gas Engine (optional)- - - Plumbing Package6. 1010 RB - 1" I.D. Rubber Hose7. 1140RB - 1-1/4” I.D. Rubber Hose8. 340RB - 3/4" I.D. Rubber Hose9. 00004 5 5/16” Flatwasher10. 02592 3 3/8"-16 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut3. 02802 13 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut11. 02990 5 5/16"-18 UNC x 1" Hex Head Bolt12. 05596-95 1 Plumbing Hanger13. B12H 6 3/4” SS Gear Clamp14. B16H 4 1” SS Gear Clamp15. B24H 6 1-1/4” SS Gear Clamp16. B8H 2 1/2” SS Gear Clamp17. BA1234 3 1/2” MPT x 3/4” Hose Barb Fitting (GFP)18. BA114 2 1-1/4” Hose Barb Fitting (GFP)19. BEL114 2 1-1/4” MPT Elbow Fitting (GFP)20. BEL114 1 1 1-1/4” MPT x 1” Elbow Fitting (GFP)21. BEL1212 1 1/2" MPT x 1/2" Elbow Fitting (GFP)22. BEL3412 1 3/4” MPT x 1/2” Elbow Fitting (GFP)23. BM3400 3 3/4” MPT Nipple Fitting (GFP)24. BRB112 114 2 1-1/2" MPT x 1-1/4" FPT Reducer (GFP)25. BTT34 1 3/4” FPT Tee (GFP)26. EL3410 2 3/4” MPT x 1” Elbow Fitting (GFP)Please order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.1. Run approximately 50 gallons of water into the tank.2. Open the poly ball valve (A) in the pump intake line. Important: Removetop plug on pump to bleed all air from the suction line to the pump ordamage will result to the seals. (Pump cannot be run dry).3. Open the wedge valve (B) on the Tee valve.4. Close the wedge agitation valve (C) on the plumbing subassembly.(Locatedon the front crossmember.)5. Turn the Tee valve handle (D) so all three boom sections are open.6. Start the pump and run at approx. 540 RPM.7. Open the wedge valve (B) on the Tee valve until the gauge reads 7-10PSI over your desired spraying pressure with all three boom sectionsOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS27. F3400 2 3/4” FPT Plug*28. D3371PS 1 Tank Double Agitation*29. P114PAV 1 1-1/4” Tank Outlet Fittings*30. P012D 1 1/2” Tank Fittings*31. RVF34 80 1 3/4” Line Strainer w/80 Mesh Screen32. UV125FP 1 1-1/4” Poly Ball Valve33. 00059 2 3/8" Flatwasher34. 00523 2 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Hex Head Bolt35. AA17I 1 Threee Section Tee Valve- 9465038 1 Electric Valve Control36. 100GB 1 100 lb. Brass Gauge28. D3371PS 1 Double Agitation Breakdowna. 00128 2 1/2” Retainer for Agitaion Wand (not shown)b. 5044 1 2 Jet Agitation Wandc. FC1200 1 1/2” FPT Couplingd. M1200 1 1/2” MPT Short Nipplee. R1212 1 1/2" MPT Tee29. P114PAV 1 1-1/4” Tank Outlet Breakdowna. 5078V 1 Large Viton O-ringb. CP114PAV 1 1-1/4” Anti-Vortex Center Portionc. N8P 1 Large Nut for Tank Fitting30. P012D 1 1/2” Tank Fitting Breakdowna. 5077V 1 Small Viton O-ringb. CP012PD 1 Center Portion for 1/2” Double Threadc. N5P 1 Small Nut for Tank Fitting31. RVF34 80 1 3/4” Line Strainer Breakdowna. RVF34B 1 Strainer Bowlb. RVF34C 1 Strainer Capc. RVF34GV 1 Viton O-ringd. RVF380 1 80 Mesh ScreenNOTE: *=Further Part Breakdownspraying. NOTE: The spraying pressure may vary depending on the sizeof tip and the chemical being sprayed.8. Open the wedge agitation valve (C) until the gauge drops to your desiredspraying pressure.Example: If desired spraying pressure is 30 PSI open the wedge valveon Tee valve until the pressure reads 37 PSI. After this, open the wedgeagitation valve until the gauge drops back to 30 PSI. (This is to ensurethe recommended pressure to tank jet agitators).9. Check for leaks.10. Check tip wear and pressures periodically.(DBHGL) 15" HANDGUN KIT PARTS BREAKDOWNNOTE: The Hand GunHolder and Hose Holder areattached to the VerticalPanel Mount shown onpage 16.43395106210572181REF. PARTNO. NO. QTY DESCRIPTION1. 03283 2 5/16"-18 UNC x 2” U-Bolt2. 02802 4 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut3. BM3400 2 3/4" MPT Nipple Fitting (GFP)4. BTT34 1 3/4" FPT Tee (GFP)5. B6H 2 3/8" SS Gear Clamp6. 380RB 25ft 3/8" I.D. Rubber Hose7. 05595-70 1 Hose/Gun Holder Rack8. 2AAL60 1 15" Hand Gun9. UV075FP 1 3/4" FPT Poly Ball Valve10. D3438 2 3/4" MGHT x 3/8" Hose BarbPlease order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.Page 25(DBHGL) 15" HANDGUN KIT PARTS LIST

DIAPHRAGM PUMP PLUMBING PARTS BREAKDOWNaecdb25626baabc2716c23211916147516781614144291613 14 111212323213916 7 16 14108112031518 b298189d23c14328aNOTE: The DBHGL Handgun Kit isinstalled, as shown on page 25, inthis location.33313017343432ELECTRIC CONTROL94650382232 10ELECTRIC CONTROL9465038Page 26NOTE: For ordering the circledreplacement fittings for thediaphragm pump refer to thediaphragm pump parts breakdownon page 28 for the necessarypart numbers.

REF. PARTNO. NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION- CN9699 1 Diaphragm Pump w/ 3.5 HP Gas Engine1. 00372 4 5/16"-18 UNC x 1-1/2" Hex Head Bolt2. 02650-10 1 Gas Engine/Pump Mounting Plate3. 02802 4 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut4. D19GRGIGE 1 Diaphragm Pump5. GE3HP 1 3.5 HP Briggs & Stratton Gas Engine (std.)- GH4HP 1 4 HP Honda Gas Engine (optional)- - - Plumbing Package6. 120RB - 1/2" I.D. Rubber Hose7. 380RB - 3/8” I.D. Rubber Hose8. 580RB - 5/8" I.D. Rubber Hose9. 00004 5 5/16” Flatwasher10. 02592 4 3/8"-16 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut3. 02802 9 5/16"-18 UNC Nylon Insert Locknut11. 02990 5 5/16"-18 UNC x 1" Hex Head Bolt12. 05596-95 1 Plumbing Hanger13. A3438 2 3/4” MPT x 3/8” Hose Barb Fitting14. B12H 6 3/4” SS Gear Clamp15. B24H 2 1-1/4” SS Gear Clamp16. B8H 12 1/2” SS Gear Clamp17. BA1212 1 1/2" MPT Hose Barb Fitting (GFP)18. BM3400 2 3/4” MPT Nipple Fitting (GFP)19. BRB114 34 1 1-1/4" MPT x 3/4" FPT Reducer (GFP)20. BTT34 1 3/4” FPT Tee (GFP)21. EL1238 1 1/2” MPT x 3/8” Elbow Fitting (GFP)22. EL3438 1 3/4” x MPT x 3/8” Elbow Fitting23. EL3458 4 3/4” MPT x 5/8” Elbow Fitting24. T12 3 1/2” Hose Barb Insert Tee (not shown)NOTE: The (T12 ) 1/2" hose barb insert tees replace the3/4" insert tees that are shipped with the Truss-Tboom.DIAPHRAGM PUMP PLUMBING PARTS LIST*25. D3371PS 1 Tank Double Agitation*26. P114PAV 1 1-1/4” Tank Outlet Fittings*27. P012D 1 1/2” Tank Fittings*28. RVF34 80 1 3/4” Line Strainer w/80 Mesh Screen29. UV075FP 2 3/4” Poly Ball Valve30. 00059 2 3/8" Flatwasher31. 00523 2 3/8"-16 UNC x 1-1/4" Hex Head Bolt32. AA17I 1 Threee Section Tee Valve- 9465038 1 Electric Control Valve33. 160GB 1 160 lb. Brass Gauge34. F3400 2 3/4” FPT Cap25. D3371PS 1 Double Agitation Breakdowna. 00128 2 1/2” Retainer for Agitaion Wandb. 5044 1 2 Jet Agitation Wandc. FC1200 1 1/2” FPT Couplingd. M1200 1 1/2” MPT Short Nipplee. R1212 1 1/2" MPT Tee26. P114PAV 1 1-1/4” Tank Outlet Breakdowna. 5078V 1 Large Viton O-ringb. CP114PAV 1 1-1/4” Anti-Vortex Center Portionc. N8P 1 Large Nut for Tank Fitting27. P012D 1 1/2” Tank Fitting Breakdowna. 5077V 1 Small Viton O-ringb. CP012PD 1 Center Portion for 1/2” Double Threadc. N5P 1 Small Nut for Tank Fitting28. RVF34 80 1 3/4” Line Strainer Breakdowna. RVF34B 1 Strainer Bowlb. RVF34C 1 Strainer Capc. RVF34GV 1 Viton O-ringd. RVF380 1 80 Mesh ScreenNOTE: *=Further Part BreakdownOPERATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Be sure oil is halfway up the clear oil sight tube. Ifnecessary, fill to correct level with 30 weight nondetergentmotor oil.2. Make sure the suction hose barb is tightly screwed ontothe suction union, and that there are no air leaks on theinlet side of the pump.3. Check the charge pressure on the pulsation damperbefore starting the pump. The pressure is checked witha standard automotive air gauge. The pressure shouldbe at approximately 20% of the maximum operatingpressure with a minimum charge of 10 PSI.4. Allow the pump to start under low pressure by removingrestrictions on the outlet of the pump. The restriction onthe pump is removed by rotating the red knob on thecontrol unit so that the letter A on the knob is in the 12o'clock position.5. Start pump and let run for approximately one minute atlow pressure. Stop pump and check the oil level in sightglass. Add 30 weight non-detergent oil if necessary.6. Adjust pump to desired pressure by changing the reliefvalve setting on the control unit, relief valve or unloader.First back out relief valve adjustment knob to zero.Then rotate red bypass selector knob so that the letterC is in the 12 o'clock position. Adjust pressure byrotating relief valve adjustment knob to desired pressure.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS1. After use, flush pump with clean water.2. Change oil and diaphragms every 500 hours. To drainoil from the pump, remove cap from oil sight tube, turnpump upside down and rotate the shaft until oil stopsflowing out. To fill pump with oil, slowly pour oil into sighttube while turning the pump shaft. Turning the pumpshaft purges all the air out of the crankcase. Alwayschange oil when replacing diaphragms.3. For winter storage or if a freezing condition will beencountered, flush pump with a 50/50 mixture of waterand antifreeze.Page 27

DIAPHRAGM PUMP (D19GR) PARTS BREAKDOWN76737475707770717271285993510 11121566965 66 4 68146513165868DIAPHRAGM PUMP (D19GR) PARTS LIST67666457REF.NO.PARTNO. QTY. DESCRIPTIONREF.NO.PARTNO. QTY. DESCRIPTION1. 9910 800380 2 O-ring B, D44. 9910 800480 1 Indicator Scale2. 9910 800020 1 Front Housing45. 9910 800440 1 Relief Valve Seat Holder3. 9910 800171 1 Crankshaft for G.R. Version46. 9910 800450 1 Tension Spring4. 9910 800160 1 Spacer Washer47. 9910 800460 1 Relief Valve Plunger5. 9910 800<strong>150</strong> 2 Spring Locking Clip48. 9910 800470 1 Adjustment Cap (Relief Valve)6. 9910 800370 2 Retainer Knob49. 9910 480550 1 Retainer Ring7. 9910 800200 1 Seal50. 9910 800010 1 Pump Body8. 9910 800180 1 Roller Bearing51. 9910 800330 1 Cap for Oil Sight Glass9. 9910 800120 2 Piston52. 9910 800190 1 Accumulator Diaphragm A10. 9910 800140 2 Connecting Rod53. 9910 800230 1 Accumulator Head11. 9910 800130 2 Connecting Rod Pin54. 9910 800650 1 Air Valve Assembly12. 9910 480370 1 Roller Bearing55. 9910 390340 1 O-ring B13. 9910 480440 7 O-ring A, B, C56. 9910 540290 4 Bolt (8MA x 35)14. 9910 680360 1 Oil Tube Bolt57. 9910 800210 2 O-ring A, B15. 9910 800220 7 Head Bolt58. 9910 800360 2 Valve Cap16. 9910 800100 2 Head59. 9910 800590 1 Key17. 9910 800090 2 Diaphragm Retaining Bolt60. 9910 800311 1 Base Plate18. 9910 800350 2 Diaphragm Supporting Washer 61. 9910 809060 1 Complete Relief Valve Assembly21. 9910 800085 2 Diaphragm A22. 9910 800<strong>110</strong> 2 Piston Sleeve63. 9910 809050 2 Complete Valve Assembly C23. 9910 740290 1 O-ring B64. - 2 Check Valve Cage (Inlet)24. 9910 800320 1 Oil Sight Glass65. 9910 800060 4 Poppet25. 9910 800520 2 Barb Nut66. - 4 Tension Spring26. 9910 390180 1 O-ring B67. - 2 Check Valve Seat27. 9910 550450 1 Barb Nut68. 9910 200540 4 O-ring B, C28. 9910 800340 1 5/8" Inlet Elbow Hose Barb69. - 2 Check Valve Cage (Outlet)29. 9910 800540 1 1/2" Outlet Hose Barb70. 9910 620301 2 Plug30. 9910 800400 1 Relief Valve Body (w/Valve Seat) 71. 9910 390440 4 Nut31. 9910 550331 2 Lockwasher72. 9910 800280 1 Gear32. 9910 800410 2 Bolt (6MA x 40)73. 9910 800810 1 Driver Gear34. 9910 800430 1 Floating Valve74. 9910 800820 1 Body35. 9910 800500 1 Locking Bolt75. 9910 800800 1 Locating Bolt36. 9910 800510 1 Locking Bolt Cap76. 9910 480820 1 Seal D37. 9910 390330 1 Locking Pin77. 9910 620440 4 Bolt38. 9910 800560 1 O-ring B39. 9910 800490 1 Positioning RodRepair Kits40. 9910 800530 1 3/8" Outlet Hose Barb- 9910 KIT1923 - Diaphragm Kit (items marked “A”)41. 9910 800670 1 5/8" Bypass Barb- 9910 KIT1913 - O-Ring Kit (items marked “B”)42. 9910 800680 1 Barb Nut- 9910 KIT1914 - Valve Kit (items marked “C”)43. 9910 770140 1 O-ring- 9910 KIT1950 - Gear Box Seal Kit (items marked “D”)Please order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.Page 2817131853505263565121 22 2355 5424494813474645444013 4334 37303132252729262842394138613536

ROLLER PUMP PARTS BREAKDOWNCAST IRON C4101 & C4001SILVER CAST XL4101 & XL400<strong>110</strong>321178913451236CAST IRON ROLLER PUMP PARTS LISTC4101 & C4001REF. PARTNO. NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION1. 0600 1 Name Plate (specify pump model #.)2. BAC37 2 Sealed Ball Bearing3. *2107 0002 2 Viton Seal (standard)4. 0200 4101C 1 End Plate (cast iron)w/standard seal- 0200 4001C 1 End Plate (cast iron) w/standard seal5. *1720 0104 1 O-ring Gasket for End Plate6. 2200 0009 4 End Plate Screw7. 0300 4101C 1 Rotor (cast iron)and Shaft Assembly- 0300 4001C 1 Rotor (cast iron) and Shaft Assembly- 0500 6600 1 Shaft ONLY8. 2230 0002 1 Rotor Set Screw9. 1005 0004 4 Super Rollers (standard)- *1002 0002 4 Polypropylene Rollers (optional)10. 0100 4101C 1 Body (cast iron) w/standard seal- 0100 4001C 1 Body (cast iron) w/standard seal11. 05327 1 1" x 15 Spline Adapter Shaft for2000 RPM PTO w/set screwsC4001 ONLY- 3430 0158 - Repair Kit: contains items marked (*)SILVER CAST ROLLER PUMP PARTS LISTXL4101 & XL4001REF. PARTNO. NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION1. 0600 1 Name Plate (specify pump model #)2. BAC37 2 Sealed Ball Bearing3. *2107 0002 2 Viton Seal (standard)4. 0200 4101X 1 End Plate (silver cast) w/standard seal- 0200 4001X 1 End Plate (silver cast) w/standard seal5. *1720 0104 1 O-ring Gasket for End Plate6. 2200 0009 4 End Plate Screw7. 0300 4101X 1 Rotor (silver cast) and shaft assembly- 0300 4001X 1 Rotor (silver cast) and shaft assembly- 0500 6600 - Shaft ONLY8. 2230 0002 1 Rotor Set Screw9. 1005 0004 4 Super Rollers (standard)- *1002 0002 4 Polypropylene Rollers (optional)10. 0100 4101X 1 Body (silver cast) w/standard seal- 0100 4001X 1 Body (silver cast) w/standard seal11. 05327 1 1" x 15 Spline Adapter Shaft for2000 RPM PTO w/set screwsXL4001 ONLY3430 0158 - Repair Kit: contains items marked (*)Page 29

PTO DRIVEN ROLLER PUMP PARTS LISTCAST IRON C6500DSILVER CAST XL65009 3267810512SILVER CAST ROLLER PUMP PARTS LISTXL6500REF.NO.PARTNO. QTY. DESCRIPTION1. 0600 1 Name Plate (specify pump model no.)2. BAC37 2 Ball Bearing (sealed)3. *2107 0002 2 Viton Seal (standard)4. 0200 6600X 1 End Plate (Silver Cast) (includes Seal #3)5. *1720 0008 1 O-ring for End Plate6. *1005 0004 6 Super Roller- 1002 0004 6 Polypropylene Roller (optional)7. 0300 6600X 1 Rotor with Shaft (Silver Cast)8. 0500 6600 1 Shaft Only9.10.0100 6600X1321 001211Body (Siver Cast) (includes Seal #3)Quick Coupler Adapter-Multi Speed- 3430 0380 - Repair Kit: contains items marked (*)34CAST IRON ROLLER PUMP PARTS LISTC6500DREF.NO.PARTNO. QTY. DESCRIPTION1. 0600 1 Name Plate (specify pump model no.)2. BAC37 2 Ball Bearing (sealed)3. *2107 0002 2 Viton Seal (standard)4. 0200 6600C 1 End Plate (includes Seal #4)5. *1720 0008 1 O-ring for End Plate6. *1005 0004 6 Super Roller- 1002 0004 6 Polypropylene Roller (optional)7. 0300 6600C 1 Rotor with Shaft8. 0500 6600 1 Shaft Only9. 0100 6600C 1 Body (includes Seal #4)10. 1321 0012 1 Quick Coupler Adapter-Multi Speed- 3430 0380 - Repair Kit: contains items marked (*)CENTRIFUGAL PUMP PARTS LISTDHC155987 654CENTRIFUGAL PUMP PARTS LISTDHC155REF.NO.PARTNO. QTY. DESCRIPTION1. 2404 0007 4 Drain Plug2. 0153 9200C 1 Pump Casing3. 0404 9200P 1 Impeller (Nylon)4. *1700 0121 1 Inner O-Ring5. *1720 0180 1 Outer O-Ring6. *2120 0034 1 Mechanical Seal (Viton)7. 0707 9200 1 Flange8. 2210 0098 4 Engine Mounting Bolt9. 2210 0086 6 Pump Case Bolt- 3430 0464 - Repair Kit: contains items marked (*)Page 30321

1HAND GUN PARTS BREAKDOWN2 3 4 5 6141718(AA17I) TEE VALVE PARTS LISTREF.NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION1. 8012 1/2SS 1/16" x 1/2" Cotter Pin, stainless steel2. 6849IZP Handle, steel & zinc plated2.A 15490SS Rivet, stainless steel* 3. 7206IZP Rivet, steel, zinc plated* 4. 6976IZP Handle Washer, steel, zinc plated5. 12128IZP Selector Shield, steel, zinc plated* 6. 12127CE Selector Shield Tip, celcon7. 12129CE Spacer, celcon8. 6972SS Main Stem, stainless steel* 9. 7980IZP Screw, steel, zinc plated (8 required)10. 12126AL Cover Plate, aluminum* 11. 6975BU Gasket, buna-N* 12. 5809LEA Packing, thermo-leather (5 required)13. 12130SS Packing Gland, stainless steel14. 7254SS Main Spring, stainless steel15. 7987SS Washer, stainless steel16. 6971AL Selector Cam, aluminum17. 6973SS Guide Nut, stainless steel18. 6959SS Valve Spring, stainless steel (3 req’d.)19. 6956CE Valve Stem, celcon (3 required)20. 6934 6AL Body, aluminum* 21. 6958POL Seat Plate, polyethylene (3 required)22. 7262AL Outer Adapters, aluminum ( required)AB17 Spare Parts Kit (includes items with *)715 101920228 9 10 1113 1221162423HAND GUN (ONLY) PARTS LISTREF.NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION2AAL60 15" Hand Spray Gun1. 5804AL Orifice Insert Cap2. 6106AL Disc Adapter3.* 5805BU Orifice Insert Gasket4. AYHSS- - - Orifice Insert, stainless steel5.* 5800AL Spring Pressure Plate6. 5735SS Coil Spring7.* 5797AL Adjusting Spring8. 5801AL Spray Housing9.* 5799AL Spring Collar10.* 4784AL Spring Collar Gasket11.* 5798NY Seat Plate12.* 5802AL Guide Washer13. 5814SS Snap Ring14. 5819AL Adjusting Stem15. 5818AL Tubing16. 5792AL Inlet Body, Garden Hose Conn.17.* 5809LEA Packing (four required)18. 6157ALEF Packing Screw19. 5794AL Adjusting Sleeve20. 5815IZP Hand Grip Washer21. 5994PVC Hand Grip22.* 5812INP Adjusting Sleeve Collar23. 5813AL Hand Grip Nut24.* 5808BU Garden Hose Washer5806BU Gasket for OC--Tip (not shown)OCOff-Center Tip for 3/4" T (not shown)AB2AAL Spare Parts Kit (includes items with *)Please order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.Please order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.(8460) BY-PASS VALVE(8460) BY-PASS VALVE PARTS LISTPARTS BREAKDOWNREF.NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION1. 8367AL Guide Sleeve, aluminum* 2. 8373SS Outside Spring, stainless steel* 3. 8374SS Inside Spring, stainless steel98104.* 5.8371AL8369NYSpring Retainer, aluminumWasher, nylon786. 8368SS Adjusting Nut, stainless steel7. 8362AL Bonnet, aluminum8. 7688ICP Screw, steel cadium plated (4 req'd.)9. 5898AL Lock Nut, aluminum56* 11. 8366FA Diaphragm, fairprene411 12. 8365 304SS Stop Spring, stainless steel, type 304312 * 13. 8364NY Back-up seat, nylon13181414. 8477SS Screw, stainless steel215. 8389 304SS Chamber Insert, ss, type 3041516. 8361 3/4NY Body, nylon (for 8460 3/4)10. 5896ALSS Adjusting Stem (sub. assembly)117. 9017IZP Clamp Plate, steel, zinc plated171618. 8400 1/4 Pipe Plug, nylonAB8460 Repair Kit (includes items with *)Please order replacement parts by PART NO. and DESCRIPTION.Page 311 2345(AA17I) TEE VALVEPARTS BREAKDOWN7689910 1118 19 201213 14 15 16 172122

SPRAYER CHECKLIST:Downtime caused by field breakdowns is costly and time consuming. Many breakdowns can beeliminated by periodic equipment maintenance. By spending time reviewing this checklist beforeseasonal spraying application time and following proper after-season care, you can save time andmoney later.!Check Before Going To The Field :WARNING: To Prevent Serious Injury Or Death• Keep hands, feet, and loose clothing away from rotating parts.• Wear protective clothing recommended by your chemical andfertilizer manufacturer when working with chemicals.After Season Care:1. NOZZLESCheck tip for excessive wear by checking for grooves inor near tip opening. Check nozzle spacing by starting atcenter and working outwards. Check boom for properheight.2. HOSESCheck all hoses for worn or soft spots. Be sure all hoseclamps are tightened and hoses are not kinked or pinched.Check for leakage in any lines.3. TANKRemove and clean agitator orifices. Check orifices forexcessive wear by checking for grooves in or near orificeopening. Inspect fitting and grommets to insure they arein good condition.4. CONTROLSCheck for leakage, plugging, or wear on all valves,fittings, etc. Clean off any build up of foreign material.5. PUMPCheck to be sure pump turns freely.6. FRAMEBe sure all bolts are tightened.7. REPLACEMENT PARTSReplace all worn or damaged parts.NOTE: It is important to wear proper safety equipmentwhen cleaning the sprayer. See your chemical orfertilizer package for this information.1. After spraying chemicals, run water mixed with cleanersthrough tank, pump and all hose hookups. If wettablepowder dries out in the system, it is very difficult to putback into suspension and can cause malfunction, damageor injury.2. When cleaned, tank should have all openings closed orcovered to keep dirt from entering.3. Pump should be flushed with soluble oil and pump portsplugged to keep out moisture and air.4. Disassemble tips and rinse with water or cleaningsolution. (Appropriate for chemical sprayed).5. Clean tip opening with a wooden toothpick. Never usewire or hard object that could distort opening.6. Dispose of all unused chemicals or solutions in a properand ecologically sound manner.6. Water rinse and dry tips before storing.NOTE: DETHMERS MANUFACTURING COMPANYdoes not and will not make any recommendationsconcerning application of various chemicals orsolutions. These recommendations relate to eitheramount or procedure of materials applied. If youhave any questions regarding application of certainchemicals or solutions, contact your chemicalsupplier and follow chemical manufacturerrecommendations.DETHMERS MFG. COMPANYP.O. BOX 1894010 320th St., BOYDEN, IA. 51234PH: (712) 725-2311 or (712) 725-2302FAX: (712) 725-2380TOLL FREE: 1-800-54DEMCO (1-800-543-3626)www.demco-products.comPage 32

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