Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

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••budgets and types of employment that can be offered.Building on successes – publicize achievements.Need career awareness at an earlier age.Businesses as AHRDAs:QUESTION POSED: If you were in an AHRDA oranother <strong>Aboriginal</strong> employment agency, whatchallenges would you face to make positiveconnections to employers?••••••••••••••••••••••••••Need to market and advertise to employers.Some clients have a lack of skills.Make program information available.How do we reach potential employees/clients?How do we identify skilled people?Who is going to breakdown barriers?How do we connect to other <strong>Aboriginal</strong> communities?Conduct recruitment sessions in First Nations communities.How can we make <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people feel welcome?Provide early education of young people.Dissemination of information.Share the cost of training.Connect with training institutions to address demand side needs.Need to give back to the community – not just about exploitation.It is like putting a square peg in a round hole.Clients have no wrong skills.We have a geographic/location challenge (communitiesdon’t always align to job site locations).Acceptance.Need to help clients increase their confidence.Some of our experiences have been bad.Don’t know what supports are available —logistics and social supportCreate safety nets outside community where the work is.Need a buddy system in companies.More public awareness of the role that Elderscan play in AHRDA programming.Not enough support to get the education required.Lack of education.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Lack of care/infrastructure.Clients have family responsibilities that makemoving /traveling to job site a challenge.Two career families.Our clients need to sell themselves.Know basics and ensure you have them.Know where to find the information.We need to understand recruiter requirements.Resolve the issue of ‘don’t live in area’.The workplace culture not respective of <strong>Aboriginal</strong> issues/culture.Address literacy needs.We don’t know employers.Don’t know the labour market.Can’t get into the Union.Don’t have the right education.Can’t sell myself – low self esteem.Who do I contact inside the companies?Need daycare.Need support systems.No mentor — nobody to guide me.Don’t feel I belong – fear — not confident.Afraid to fail.There are language barriers.Transport problems – haven’t got the means to get to the job site — no car.Don’t recognize credentials or experience.Lack of jobs on my First Nation.Have not sought a job off First Nations.Clients don’t want to move.How do we succeed?Don’t have resumes.Some employers have a negative perception of <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people.Cannot afford to work for minimum wage.Feel underpaid.Wages are too low to relocate.I have a disability — not able (disabilities, etc.)I have a criminal record.• I have a record or dependency.<strong>Aboriginal</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Council</strong> New Brunswick <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex Report

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