Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

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THE DISCUSSIONParticipants discussed and shared ideas about how to increase <strong>Aboriginal</strong>participation in trades and apprenticeship in the New Brunswick region.The dialogue and deliberations at the session are contained below.Reception May 8th, 2007Kelly Lendsay, President, AHRC opened the reception with greetings fromthe council. He stated that he was encouraged to see so many employers,educators, government and <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people assembled for New Brunswick<strong>Workforce</strong> Connex to create partnerships – similar to how historyunfolded when Loyalists and <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people built New Brunswick.Kelly introduced the speakers for the reception:••••His Worship, Norm McFarlane, Mayor of Saint JohnThe Honourable Ed Doherty, Minister, <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Affairsand Department of Post-Secondary Education, Trainingand Labour, Government of New BrunswickChief Len Tomah – Regional Chief, Assembly of First NationsCathy Martin, <strong>Aboriginal</strong> EntrepreneurshipMayor Norm McFarlaneMayor Norm McFarlane welcomed <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex participants toSaint John. He said the timing of the forum is very good, as a large numberof developments will take place in the Saint John area (refurnishingof the nuclear plant, new LNG plant, new refinery) that are anticipatedto employ 5,000 people. He explained that the collaboration and cooperationof the other five municipal regions in the area have been keyto these developments. He stressed that the whole community needsto be involved to support successful social and economic growth.Minister Ed DohertyMinister Doherty, <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Affairs and Department of Post-Secondary Education,Training and Labour, Government of New Brunswick gave a special welcome tothe participants of <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex and explained that it is good timingfor a gathering such as this – especially given the development that will takeplace in the Saint John area in the next few years. He explained that the<strong>Aboriginal</strong> population is growing and all 15 First Nations communities are allstriving to be self-reliant and self-sufficient. He highlighted the developmentwork taking place in St. Mary’s and Red Bank. He introduced Patrick Francis,Deputy Minister <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Affairs and talked about partnerships between thegovernment and <strong>Aboriginal</strong> communities that exist such as the <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Skillsand Employment Partnership and the Joint Economic Development Initiative.He concluded that the <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex forum is an excellent way fordialogue to occur between the employers and <strong>Aboriginal</strong> communities.Chief Len TomahRegional Chief, Assembly of First NationsChief Len Tomah welcomed the participants to the territoryof Mi’kmaq and Maliseet.Chief Tomah noted some of the issues that First Nations people deal with suchas suicides, low education levels, housing, poverty, a fast growing population,high unemployment especially among the youth, a lack of actions on the RoyalCommission on <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Peoples, and finally, the missed opportunities. Althoughthere are major issues to be deal with he felt that this forum was a big step inthe right direction – especially given that the employers were here to listen andhave dialogue with the <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people. He stated that by working togetherthings can get accomplished and the knowledge gaps can be narrowed.He explained that if poverty could be eliminated, social costs would be reduced.He concluded his presentation by reminding people that June 29,2007 is the National Day of Action for <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people.Cathy MartinUlnooweg Award Show Coordinator, Ulnooweg Development Group Inc.Cathy Martin showed two videos from the Atlantic <strong>Aboriginal</strong> EntrepreneurAward Shows which were very uplifting as people could see economic andbusiness development possibilities with regard to <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people.Forum program –May 9th , 2007Opening CeremonyMargaret Paul, Elder St. Mary’s First Nation delivered the opening prayer forthe forum and provided delegates with a memorable cultural experience.Welcome & IntroductionsKelly Lendsay, President and CEO, AHRC welcomed all the participants to theforum and thanked everyone for coming. Mr. Lendsay reinforced that the forumis about facilitating dialogue between the supply side (<strong>Aboriginal</strong> people) andthe demand side (employers) of the labour market to lead to the creation ofpartnerships that result in employment for <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people in the trades.Jeff Tapley, Regional Director of Client and Community Services, NewBrunswick Region, Service Canada, welcomed all participants to NewBrunswick and to the forum. He explained that a forum such as this oneis a good way for the supply side and demand side of the labour marketto come together, share information, form relationships and partnerships.He felt that this forum is a very positive step that will help the supply anddemand sides of labour come together to address each others needs.<strong>Aboriginal</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Council</strong> New Brunswick <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex Report

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