Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

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Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. success stories in communities in public domain settings.Communicate strongly on what the future demands will be especiallythrough career fairs – New Brunswick Association of Career Colleges.Atlantic Policy Congress’ contest will be reintroduced.Invite potential employers to meet with the AHRDAs and talk aboutopportunities and partnerships (wants and needs) – Alfred Sock(director@bigcove-economicdev.com) and Chief Levi Peters.Community relations with the <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Secretariatwill direct people to the AHRDAs – Krista Paul.Share AHRDAs contact information with labour forceofficers in the Enterprise Agencies and vice versaas well as sector council — Heather Chase.Joint Economic Development Initiative will expand their employmentcommittee and invite those who attended this forum to their meetings.Joint Economic Development Initiative will advertise job opportunitiesin the communities maybe through their newsletters – Penny Polchies.Wage Gap Initiative will follow-up with Chief LeviPeters for female apprentice carpenter.Get to know employers in region – Cindy Poirier.Understand the existing resources that are available by utilizingthe Canada Business Service Centre website www.cbsc.orgGet to know AHRDAs. It was noted that there is an up-to-date listof AHRDAs with contact information and a map in the forum kit.All work on developing a positive action oriented partnership – all!Need to make the connections between the AHRDAsand the employers – the forum was a good start.Need to start going into high school grade 8–10 or even lower, toengage students in their futures. Need to encourage students aboutmath and science and what the potential is, if they develop skills inthese areas. As well, mentors from industries should be going into theschools to talk about salaries and career opportunities/options.Have job fests where 400 students can gather to learnabout interview skills and developing a resume.In the long-term, and for a greater impact, people need to get a basiceducation or upgrading if necessary. We need to promote long-termlearning to get people ready to participate in the labour force.Short-term strategies such as postings will be sent to the AHRDAs byCoast Tire and the employment and training officers in the First Nationscommunities will receive applications and forward on to the employers.37.38.—39.Engage other employers:Wanda Paul will develop contacts, advertise, make use of jobbanks, link to AHRC’s national job board, the Inclusion Network,encourage AHRDAs to attend trade shows and job fairs and increasethe profile of regional professional associations’ meetings (i.e.,industry and human resource associations) so that employmentand training officers can participate more and talk about whothey are and what services and programs they have to offer.Encourage youth to stay in school and other clients to take training sothey can be ready to fill jobs that become vacant due to retirement.It was noted that <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people can cross the border withease and can find work with out too much difficulty.<strong>Aboriginal</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Council</strong> New Brunswick <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex Report 17

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