Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

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•••Strengthening <strong>Aboriginal</strong> business.Developing a skilled <strong>Aboriginal</strong> workforce.To establish and maintain sound baseline informationon the Atlantic <strong>Aboriginal</strong> economy.PART 6: Conversation about Strategiesand CommitmentsThe last group exercise was the ‘So What’ discussion where participants talkedabout the barriers, challenges and solutions to the problems of demand andsupply. This session focused on brining forward concrete commitments toincrease <strong>Aboriginal</strong> participation in the labour force. Participants returnedto their groups and were asked to respond to the following questions:••••••What strategies can we adopt to increase positiveconnections in New Brunswick?What can we commit to today, to create positive connections?What elements are needed to create meaningful partnershipsbetween the <strong>Aboriginal</strong> community and employers?Results from the strategies and commitments conversation include:Need to determine how to make connectionsbetween the supply side and demand side.— Need to start at the high school level to;— get kids excited about a career using math and scienceeducate them about the jobs and ‘switchthem on’ to career possibilitiestell them about the potentials availableand the salary they can make.get grade 8 students involved in job fests where 400 studentslearn about interview skills, how to make a resume, etc.Short-term issues are not the key, there is a long-term issue – addingeducation to deliver the education that is needed, life long learning.Need to ensure candidates have the basic skills required for the job.Short-term Solutions•••••————If a posting is available for a job, employers should contactthe AHRDA in the area. If AHRDAs have the contact information,they will pick up the phone or send an email.What direction should be given to Wanda Paul to takeaction to be proactive with employers?Wanda Paul could advertise?At job fairs and for industry associations AHRDAs could attend totalk about their role. Wanda could contact the associations to informthem about the AHRDA community and speak about opportunities.There is a lot of goodwill from the employer side but there is also a lotof people that are not ready for work, skill development and education•opportunities that will provide replacement for workers retiring.US border issues – ease of crossing the border and ability to work.COMMITMENTSThe following list of 39 ‘go-forward’ commitments was madeat the forum by the participants at the session: on the contacts made today — Jeff Green & J.D. Irving Ltd.Meet with the communities to discuss job opportunities,describe requirements of jobs, essential job qualificationsand build relationships then later on deal with theinterview process - -Jeff Green & J.D. Irving Ltd.Ask the communities – what are their needs and interests– demystify the interview process — Jeff Green & J.D. Irving Ltd.The labour market development agreement officer (HeatherChase) to share information on the AHRDAs with her colleagues.Speak to the group in the communities to explain jobs in Coast Tire& Auto Service Ltd. — Shirley Mitchell, Coast Tire & Auto Service Ltd.Spend one to two days in the schools to talk tostudents about on-job access and job shadowing–– Shirley Mitchell, Coast Tire & Auto Service Ltd.Looking to have an ‘assistance program’ for trades— Shirley Mitchell, Coast Tire & Auto Service Ltd.Do presentations to students (younger) to educate them aboutthe labour market needs and criteria, which could be deliveredthrough career fairs in the schools — Service Canada.Actively search employment equity data base for potential<strong>Aboriginal</strong> clients to fill provincial government jobs –- Province.Build better connections with the employment and trainingofficers to be a resource to discuss healthcare needs andqualifications and training – Melanie Richardson.Prepare to present information session to grade 6-7 as to the forestindustry requires and job opportunities — Gaston Damecour, AGFOR Inc.Create job shadow opportunities for youth – Mike Knockwood.Spread the word that <strong>Aboriginal</strong> communities have educatedpeople – Signe Gurholt, Saint John River Valley Tribal <strong>Council</strong>and New Brunswick Association of Career Colleges.Make contact with a minimum of five businesses - Wanda Paul.Write our Member of Parliament about the cuts to literacy, Wanda Paul.Ensure that AHRDAs have construction industries contactinformation — Al Page, Construction Sector <strong>Council</strong>.Post through different avenues to find new employees – JDIrving will post job openings through the AHRDAs.Follow-up on new and other contacts.16<strong>Aboriginal</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Council</strong>New Brunswick <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex Report

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