Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Workforce connex - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••Hard time connecting to <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people willing to work —willing to train people from 0 – 60.Few interested in the job opportunities.Hard to get the word out.Word out – go to <strong>Aboriginal</strong> organizations to provide educationabout what jobs are available.How to retain people — retention – a happy employees are keyto a happy workplace.Retention – different types of incentives provided by employers- stock options, etc….even if pay was not substantial.Contacts: who? Where? How?Changing employment and training officers and coordinators makes itdifficult to connect – turnover makes relationship sustainability difficult.Need right relationships with possible <strong>Aboriginal</strong> councils and clients.Access to <strong>Aboriginal</strong> community to get people.Competition with other jobs (call centres) rate of pay issues.Ways to market types of job opportunities available at certain companies.Need to provide cultural awareness training to other employers.Ways to market types of job opportunities through email for certain companies.Ensure cultural awareness training is providedin the workplace to all employeesProvide Internet website for <strong>Aboriginal</strong> clients to them beaccessible to employers for matching. (Note: See national<strong>Aboriginal</strong> job board available at www.inclusionnetwork.ca).Hire an <strong>Aboriginal</strong> person in a company as liaison with <strong>Aboriginal</strong> community–the connections for other <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people to raise issues/concerns.Having workplace acceptable to friendly <strong>Aboriginal</strong> persons.Summer jobs tool to attract a company.Not good enough for a company to do session on <strong>Aboriginal</strong> posting— real connection mailings to people on and off reserve.Post jobs at social assistance office.National website to jobs available across country.Sharing email addresses.Liaison and outreach:— mentoring for employees and employers— cultural sensitivity training—understanding that the AHRDAs are not included in theGovernment of New Brunswick employment counsellors system— ‘safe’ to ask questions.Suggest working with New Brunswick Association••••••••••••••••••••of Career Colleges to identify <strong>Aboriginal</strong> candidates.Unions – are these barriers? Partnering with unions continues but there arefew jobs for new employees because of union rules/issues/constraints.How does an employer know about a potential employee?AHRDAs have expectations of employers regarding jobs.They are not just a source of training funds.Knowing the business/technical technique on how to hire someone.The tire business has a brochure describing positionsand apprenticeship co-op process. They are always lookingfor employers – outreach/recruitment process.Concerned about canceling literacy program.Wage subsidies— AHRDAs want wage subsidies to lead to jobs—how does an employer find out about the Service Canadawage subsidy/workforce experience program— mail Service Canada’s brochure on subsidy programs—employers unaware of job subsidies availablethrough AHRDA’s in their area.Most jobs need Grade 12; there is a new program for PostSecondary Education – for clients that cannot get grade 12.Barrier – first time pay is tax exempt, afterward it is not.Income tax is a barrier, other benefits to offset this— higher wages, pension plans, health careIncome tax savings if working on First Nations Reserve versus off FirstNations (interchange program to compensate – possibilities).Programs are not the issue – employees are.Inform – direct clientcontact with employment and training officers - which ones?On-off reserve? Possible solution – setup a joint websitefor all AHRDAs to make it easier for employers.Poor connection with smaller employers.Local job network should be created for local <strong>Aboriginal</strong>people so that it will create partnerships.Looking for teachers for information on subsidy programs.Businesses need easy contact routes to circulate postings.Need more information meetings (this is how government can show leadership).Training – needs to be certified — need career counsellors in middle schooland entrepreneurship training would create jobs at the <strong>Aboriginal</strong> level.Low pay while in apprenticeship trades so they drop out.Communications: Information sharing is needed, website creation– maintenance, job fairs, employer seminars and TV ads.• Find funding for computers etc. for the jobs.<strong>Aboriginal</strong> <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Council</strong> New Brunswick <strong>Workforce</strong> Connex Report 11

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