student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College


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Appendix K – Club/Organization Advisor GuidelinesRules and guidelines for club/organization advisors:1. The Office of Student Programs and Resources (SPAR) mustapprove every activity sponsored by a club/organization, andthe activity must be approved by SPAR at least one week priorto the event.2. At least one advisor’s signature is required on each StudentActivity Request Form.3. Every activity must have at least one advisor present for theduration of the event. The SPAR Office approves exceptions tothis rule.4. Advisors are responsible for ensuring that regular meetings ofthe club/organization and its executive committee are held.5. Any money collected by a <strong>student</strong> club/organization must bedeposited into a registered campus account in the name of theclub/organization at the Office of Accounting and Finance.6. Advisors must be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct.7. The main advisor for each club/organization must maintain anaccurate roster of the club/organization members, a copy ofthe constitution, and the names and contact information of anyother club advisors. This information is filed with SPAR.8. The main advisor should know each club/organizationmember’s current academic status and maintain an accuraterecord of this information in SPAR.9. Club/Organization advisors are required to attend a mandatoryclub/organization advisor meeting at the beginning ofeach semester. The spring meeting is held for new advisorsonly. Current or returning advisors will receive an update ofoperating rules and procedures in the spring.10. Assistance or technical support is provided by the Director of SPAR.86

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