student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College


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are unsanctioned collaboration on academic work or failure to giveproper acknowledgement in a portion of an assignment. Sanction: Lossof a percentage of credit or an “F” on the assignment.Level II ViolationsLevel II violations occur in a greater portion of coursework. An example of thisviolation is plagiarism in a large portion of work or in submitting someoneelse’s work as one’s own. Sanction: a reduced grade or an “F” for the course.Level III ViolationsLevel III violations are the most serious violations of academic honestyand involve a major portion of academic work that the <strong>student</strong>completes in meeting course requirements. Examples are collaboratingbefore an examination for the exchange of information obtainedfrom illegitimate sources, or purchasing term papers or other similarmaterials. Sanction: An “F” in the affected course, action recorded asacademic misconduct on the <strong>student</strong>’s permanent record, academicprobation, and/or expulsion from BRCC.Additional Consequences of Violating the Academic Honesty PolicyBRCC faculty, staff, and administrators are obligated to report overtacts of academic misconduct and dishonesty. A <strong>student</strong> who commitsacademic misconduct/dishonesty not only faces college censure orexpulsion, but jeopardizes his/her future educational and occupationalopportunities. Prospective employers and educational institutionsfrequently request recommendation(s) from the college regarding anindividual’s moral or ethical behavior, and faculty/administrators areobligated to report any acts of academic misconduct/dishonesty to apotential employer.Policy OversightThe BRCC Appeals and Exceptions Quality Team acts as an appellateboard for hearing cases of academic misconduct/dishonesty. The teamreviews appeals once a month.ProceduresThe class instructor initiates the procedure by providing evidence ofacademic misconduct/dishonesty. He/She counsels the involved <strong>student</strong>and gives the Appeals and Exceptions Quality Team details of the incident,73

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