student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College


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do not apply in BRCC hearings.• A permanent, written record of the formal complaint and theoutcome is retained by the Vice Chancellor for StudentAffairs.• During the process, every effort is made to protect thecomplainant from reprisals and the accused fromunwarranted retaliation.645. Appeal• To obtain a hearing with the Chancellor, a <strong>student</strong> mustsubmit a written request within 10 days after the reportfrom the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is rendered.• Once the Chancellor receives a request for a hearing, he/sheappoints a chairperson to head the Committee of Review.Two members are also selected for the committee in thefollowing manner:— The complainant selects one committee member; and— The person named in the complaint selects a member.• Only full-time, permanent employees can serve on theCommittee of Review. The composition of the Committeeof Review may include faculty, staff, or a combination ofboth.• Committee of Review thoroughly investigates the complaintof sexual harassment and conducts a hearing. Involvedparties are informed of the date and time of the hearingby certified mail, return receipt requested, at least threedays prior to the scheduled hearing. An accused facultymember is given notice pursuant to “Section 212” of thePolicy Manual and relevant sections of the Policy Manualand BRCC statutes.• Hearing is conducted pursuant to procedures establishedby the Committee of Review and in compliance with thepolicy.• Committee presents its findings, along with any per tinentinformation, to the Chancellor for further dispensation,which usually takes place within 10 working days after theconclusion of the hearing.• The Chancellor renders a final decision and notifies theinvolved parties within a reasonable period of time.

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