student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College


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Cheating and PlagiarismCheating includes an attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead either bymeans of using unauthorized notes, books, cell phones or other electronicdevices; coercion; or misleading the instructor when grades areassigned. All electronic devices must be turned “off” prior to enteringthe classroom and then placed, along with books and other coursemateri als, under the desk.Plagiarism is a form of cheating that involves presenting work of anotheras one’s own work. Students are informed of the cheating policyin course syllabi and this <strong>handbook</strong>. The policy insures due process foralleged cheating or plagiarism. See Appendix D (Academic Integrity).Standards of Conduct for Use of BRCC ComputersUsers of the BRCC computer system must adhere to state and federallaws which refers to computer fraud, software piracy, etc., and refrainfrom1. dishonestly using BRCC computers in activities such as blogging2. the disruption/destruction of computer facilities or equipment3. the violation of licenses and copyright agreements, BRCC policyand state/federal laws4. visiting pornographic sitesAcademic dishonesty is defined in the BRCC Student Life Policies. Examplesof academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:1. submitting the programs/program documentation of another asone’s own work2. obtaining or attempting to obtain unauthorized access to informationstored in electronic form3. submitting false results of a program’s output for a class assignmentor falsifying the results from a program execution for thepurpose of obtaining a passing grade38The Computer Systems Protection Act outlaws certain accesses, alterations,damages, or destruction of a computer, computer systems, computernetworks, or computer software/data. All BRCC computer users aresubject to the terms of the law. Under these terms, academic computing,administrative computing, and network services departments areresponsible for reporting violations to the proper authorities.

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