student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College


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interferes with the educational processes of the college. BRCCrecognizes the right to peacefully assemble.6. Gambling on campus is prohibited.7. No person shall interfere with, fail to cooperate with, or notidentify himself/herself to a properly identified administrator,staff member, or security personnel while the employee isperforming his/her duties.8. Unauthorized entry into or damage to any college facility isprohibited.9. Falsification, alteration, fabrication, or misuse of college forms,documents, records, identification cards, or documents that aresubmitted to the college for official purposes is prohibited.10. Clubs/organizations that are not properly registered with SPARare prohibited from meeting or conducting business anywhereon campus.11. Publications that do not bear the name of the originator or donot adhere to BRCC publication standards cannot be distributedon the BRCC campus.12. Students who defraud, deceive, coerce, or mislead an instructorinto assigning other than an honest grade will be duly reprimandedand/or disciplined.13. Hazing is not allowed. Hazing violations are abusive ritesused to initiate pledges that are to be inducted into a club/organization.14. The unauthorized use of college property/services is strictlyprohibited.15. Disruptive behavior that interferes with learning on campus isnot permitted.16. The viewing or public display of pornography using BRCCequipment is prohibited.Students accused of violating the Student Code of Conduct are guaranteeddue process through a pre scribed set of administrative pro cedures.Violations of the code are adjudicated in an informal appeal, or anappeal hearing conducted by an academic dean or the Vice Chancellorfor Student Affairs.An informal hearing is a meeting between the accuser, the accused andthe academic dean or the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, who con-35

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