student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College


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v. a fair appeal heard before an impartial committee.vi. appear in person, or not appear at an appeal with the assurancethat failure to do so is not an admission of guilt.vii. select an advisor who will attend the appeal along with the<strong>student</strong>.viii. call witnesses and present evidence.ix. receive a list of witnesses who are to testify against the accused<strong>student</strong>.x. confront and cross-examine witnesses and/or accusers.xi. request a copy of any records or tape recordings used duringthe course of an appeal if the offense involves possiblesuspension/expulsion.xii. appeal to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; and if noresolution occurs, directly to the Chancellor of the <strong>College</strong>.34B. Student Regulations and Rules of ConductIt is the basic and fundamental responsibility of the college to maintainorder using the defined policies and procedures. The filing of a BRCCApplication for Admission is regarded as an appli cant’s intention to abideby the standards and regulations set forth by BRCC. A <strong>student</strong> forfeitsthe right to remain enrolled if he/she fails to abide by these rules. Thefollowing lists the regulations and responsibilities of <strong>student</strong>s, individuallyand collectively. Additional rules or regulations can be enacted during theyear as set forth by the established procedures of the college.1. Firearms, explosives, fireworks, or weapons of any kind arestrictly prohibited on or near the college campus or at collegesponsoredevents except when previously authorized.2. The manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, or use of alco holicbeverages, marijuana, controlled substances, or danger ousdrugs on or near campus and at institutionally approved eventson-campus/off-campus is strictly prohibited. See Ap pendix H.3. No person is allowed to physically abuse, threaten, or intimidateany member of the faculty, staff, <strong>student</strong> body, or an officialvisi tor to the college.4. Taking, damaging, or maliciously/willfully destroying propertyowned by the college, a visitor to the college, or a member ofthe college community is strictly prohibited.5. People are not allowed to assemble on campus for the purposeof rioting or instigating disorderly, disruptive conduct that

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