student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College


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hours of developmental courses and 30 semester credithours of English as a Second Language (ESL).• Students pursuing a second associate degree can requesttheir eligibility be extended to a maximum of 120attempted hours. Additional courses beyond the firstdegree are limited to courses required for the seconddegree. If a <strong>student</strong> takes courses that are not re quired forthe first or second degree, the <strong>student</strong> may be requiredto repay the financial aid received while enrolled in anineligible course or program.Transfer hours are considered in all SAP computations. Transfer <strong>student</strong>swill be evaluated on their transfer hours in addition to their BRCC hours.Failure to meet any of the minimum requirements listed above willresult in suspension of Federal Financial Aid. Students receivingfinancial aid are responsible for knowing the <strong>College</strong>’s SAP policy andmonitoring their performance for compliance.26Financial Aid Appeals ProcessStudents may appeal for reinstatement of financial aid. To appeal,<strong>student</strong>s must complete a BRCC Financial Aid Appeal Form and submitit, along with the required documentation, to Financial Aid. The <strong>student</strong>must explain and document the reasons why SAP standards were notmet and how academic progress will be maintained in the future. Ifthe appeal is approved, specific obligations will be required in order toretain financial eligibility. If a <strong>student</strong> fails to meet the SAP and cannotpresent valid extenuating reasons why conditions were not met, the<strong>student</strong> may have financial aid reinstated by completing at least 6 hourstowards a degree with a grade of “C” or better in each class (unless anyof those courses are considered “excessive hours” under SAP Policy).Once the <strong>student</strong> meets these requirements, he/she must submit anappeal form along with a final grade report. When the appeal form isreceived, reviewed, and the <strong>student</strong>’s grades are verified, the <strong>student</strong>may be awarded financial aid on a semester-by-semester basis on aprobationary status. While on financial aid probation, <strong>student</strong>s mustcomplete all courses attempted with a grade of “C” or better, untilminimum SAP requirements are met or the maximum number of hoursto be attempted is reached.

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