student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College

student handbook - Baton Rouge Community College


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credit courses in a variety of disciplines. Although this is anelectronic program, classes adhere to the same course objectives,content, rigor, and transferability.Students taking online courses must meet the same testing,prerequisite, and corequisite requirements as any traditionallytaught (face-to-face) <strong>student</strong> at BRCC. In order to succeed in anonline course, <strong>student</strong>s must have access to a computer with aninternet connection and an e-mail account, have version 6.0 orhigher of either Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, and beproficient in the use of the computer. Students using a AppleMacIntosh should have Safari 3.0 or higher. In some instances,additional software packages are required. For more information,visit the BRCC web page and click on for the Dual, Online andEvening/Weekend Learning.The Teaching and Learning CenterThe Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) is located on the thirdfloor of the Magnolia Building. The center enhances instructionalprograms by providing free support to BRCC faculty members.Open Computer LabsBRCC provides open computer labs in every academic buildingand technology-based learning solutions such as software andhardware that academically support both <strong>student</strong>s and faculty.These technologies allow BRCC to stay current with nationaltrends, innovations, and best practices in order to providea relevant educational experience for <strong>student</strong>s. The opencomputer labs are networked, with internet access and printingcapabilities. The assessed Student Technology Fee allows thecollege to maintain and upgrade systems, add new resources,and provide computer support for <strong>student</strong>s inside and outside ofthe classroom. A valid BRCC Student Identification Card must bepresented to use computer labs.Media ServicesThe Media Services Department, located on the second floorof the Magnolia Library and Performing Arts Pavilion, provideseducational technology support to faculty, staff, and <strong>student</strong>s.13

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