Individual - Grim Challenge

Individual - Grim Challenge

Individual - Grim Challenge

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Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team456 1976 01:14:08 Rob Macnab M457 1475 01:14:08 Ross Johnson F458 2789 01:14:09 Jim Scotford M459 2453 01:14:10 Amy Peterson F Putney Babes460 3867 01:14:12 Christopher Doyle M The Bils461 2953 01:14:12 Jordan Speed M The Bils462 3825 01:14:13 Robert Barski M The Bils463 788 01:14:14 Neil Daly M464 1977 01:14:14 Paul Macwhirter M465 1855 01:14:20 Suzi Lawrence F466 3451 01:14:20 Luke Worthington M467 559 01:14:24 Peter Chapman M Tight Club468 1217 01:14:24 Nick Golding M Team Buff469 2657 01:14:25 Richard Roche M 40470 2202 01:14:25 Andrew Morris M The Storming Sharks471 2315 01:14:28 James Odlum M Running Welsh Cougars472 2625 01:14:30 Matthew Robbins M473 2704 01:14:32 Alfie Rowcliffe M474 1160 01:14:32 Virginia Garton F Odds & Sods475 1932 01:14:33 Paul Lofts M 40476 2514 01:14:36 Kevin Povey M The 3 Amigos477 1343 01:14:38 Phillip Evans M The 3 Amigos478 1226 01:14:39 Thomas Gore M479 954 01:14:39 James Eastwood M480 2151 01:14:41 Angus Millar M481 1050 01:14:42 Paul Farrell M 40482 2041 01:14:43 Neil Mason M483 53 01:14:45 Matthew Allen M 40484 1272 01:14:45 Duncan Greenhalgh M Blue Army485 3316 01:14:46 Luke Wellbelove M Newport Boat Club486 139 01:14:47 Darren Bailie M Men Of The Putney Babes487 2065 01:14:49 Neil Mcallister M488 962 01:14:50 Paul Edmonds M 40 Terrible Trio489 1257 01:14:52 Jonathan Greasby M490 84 01:14:53 Tom Appleton M491 1999 01:14:54 Jacqueline Mann F492 1816 01:15:00 Jimmy Lagios M 40 Terrible Trio493 3314 01:15:01 Stephen Weir M 40494 1057 01:15:01 Alex Fearon M495 107 01:15:12 Simon Ashwell M496 267 01:15:14 Iain Bisset M497 2932 01:15:14 Michael Snelson M498 923 01:15:14 Stuart Duguid M Blue Army499 1774 01:15:18 Thomas Kilner M500 2677 01:15:19 Claudio Romero M501 640 01:15:19 Mark Collins M502 2292 01:15:22 Nicola Norris F Muddy Buddies503 3042 01:15:23 Carol Sworn F 40 Muddy Buddies504 1831 01:15:24 Tracey Lander F 40 Muddy Buddies505 198 01:15:25 Jake Baynes M506 1427 01:15:25 Joseph Henry M507 629 01:15:26 Alan Collett M 50508 632 01:15:26 Justin Collett M509 80 01:15:30 Jason Antrobus M Team Green510 2963 01:15:31 Ian Stalker M 40511 2108 01:15:32 John Mclean M512 2042 01:15:33 Peter Mason M513 2043 01:15:34 Robert Mason M514 2571 01:15:37 Kevin Reece M515 3880 01:15:39 Peter Bunce M516 1890 01:15:39 David Lewin M 40517 3109 01:15:40 Michael Thompson M518 2120 01:15:41 James Mcneil M Jeppards519 387 01:15:41 Chris Brown M Jeppards520 1989 01:15:42 Matthew Main M

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team521 1441 01:15:43 Brian Hicken M Mud Sweat & Tears522 2482 01:15:44 Martin Plant M523 2664 01:15:45 Rob Roffey M Jeppards524 2433 01:15:45 Chris Penny M525 1447 01:15:46 Chris Higgins M 45526 362 01:15:47 Jamie Bristow M527 2510 01:15:47 Oli Porter M The <strong>Grim</strong> 4!528 2569 01:15:48 Thomas Reddyhoff M529 3054 01:15:49 Steven Tallis M530 1847 01:15:49 Kevin Lau M <strong>Grim</strong> Groovers531 3674 01:15:50 Colin Rowley M 40532 3373 01:15:51 Ben Wilkinson M Angry Otters533 1273 01:15:51 Paul Greenhalgh M 40534 3835 01:15:53 Will Hewitt M535 1499 01:15:54 Richard Holme M536 218 01:15:54 Doug Bell M537 698 01:15:55 Glynn Coupland M538 2305 01:15:58 Russell Nuttall M539 2984 01:15:58 Mark Stentaford M540 972 01:15:59 Gary Edwards M541 3362 01:16:00 Sarah Whyand F The <strong>Grim</strong> 4!542 938 01:16:01 Ben Dunston M543 1241 01:16:11 Miriam Graham F 45 The Sisters <strong>Grim</strong>544 116 01:16:12 Ian Atkinson M545 3411 01:16:14 Patrick Wilson M546 2647 01:16:15 Helena Robinson F 45 The St Ives' Belles547 1255 01:16:16 Keith Gray M 40 Bedford Harriers548 1523 01:16:17 Dean Horobin-Wright M 45549 2668 01:16:18 Jez Rogers M 40550 3742 01:16:21 Claire Simm F551 2089 01:16:22 John Mcginty M552 1502 01:16:26 Jessica Holmes F553 2250 01:16:27 Georgina Neame F Your Having A Laugh554 544 01:16:29 Sevan Chamberlain F555 819 01:16:29 Dennis Davis M 50556 2911 01:16:32 Michael Smith M Baleka557 171 01:16:33 Karyn Barnett F558 2128 01:16:36 Patrick Meehan M559 1960 01:16:36 Alessandro Maccioni M560 1316 01:16:42 Caroline Haines F561 443 01:16:43 Graham Burton M562 1687 01:16:43 David Jones M563 914 01:16:44 Jon Druce M 40564 2723 01:16:45 Catherine Ruffle F565 3485 01:16:46 Andrea Harrower F566 2136 01:16:50 Nick Merker M567 832 01:16:51 Kevin Day M 40 The Runner Hasbiens568 1917 01:16:54 David Liu M569 1627 01:16:55 Ian James M570 927 01:16:56 Paul Duncan M 1 Degree And A Couple Of Cants571 1532 01:17:00 Paul House M Team House572 1533 01:17:00 Sarah House F Team House573 3302 01:17:02 Jonathon Weal M 45574 1149 01:17:05 Mark Gamble M575 1524 01:17:12 Karen Horswood F 40 Met Police Ladies 3576 1848 01:17:14 Kris Laurance M577 529 01:17:16 Gary Caswell M 40578 3113 01:17:18 Adam Thorn M Watch Adam Run579 541 01:17:18 Michael Challingsworth M Wales Poker League Plodders580 2969 01:17:22 Steve Stansfield M581 3355 01:17:24 Alex Whiteley M582 3435 01:17:26 Tim Wood M583 1765 01:17:32 Colin Kidgell M584 639 01:17:34 Louise Collins F 35585 2312 01:17:36 Steve O'Connor M 45

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team586 930 01:17:40 Oliver Duncan-King M587 3317 01:17:40 Colin Weller M588 622 01:17:46 Julian Coglan M589 1506 01:17:52 Simon Holt M 40590 1162 01:17:53 Camilla Garvey F591 619 01:17:59 Ian Cockerill M 40592 1012 01:17:59 Amanda Erritt F 40593 2486 01:18:00 Charlie Platts M Equipe Mange Tout Gb594 3239 01:18:01 Duncan Wallace M595 2102 01:18:03 Duncan Mckelvin M 40596 1170 01:18:04 David Gates M 45 Wales Poker League Plodders597 3192 01:18:10 Desmond Van Zyl M 45598 1900 01:18:11 Stuart Lewis M599 309 01:18:11 Craig Bosiger M600 306 01:18:17 Philippa Borland F 40601 2435 01:18:19 Kenton Penny M 45602 2760 01:18:21 Alison Sargeant F The 69 Rats603 25 01:18:22 Dave Adye M604 756 01:18:22 Jenny Crowe F The 69 Rats605 3007 01:18:22 Richard Stout M606 2430 01:18:22 Chris Penn M607 242 01:18:24 James Berry M608 2190 01:18:24 Robert Moore M Also Rans609 2883 01:18:25 Jerry Smallwood M 40 Pwr Rngrs610 768 01:18:29 Martin Cunningham M 45611 119 01:18:31 Rebecca Attwood M Saint Reatham Super Hammered Drinking Machines612 637 01:18:32 Ben Collins M613 3046 01:18:32 Tim Symonds M Saint Reatham Super Hammered Drinking Machines614 1709 01:18:33 Michael Jorgensen M Baleka615 2189 01:18:35 Martin Moore M 40 Saint Reatham Super Hammered Drinking Machines616 3301 01:18:35 Scott Waygood M617 3368 01:18:39 Michael Wilcock M 40 Beerfestspoofs618 2044 01:18:47 Spencer Mason M619 3751 01:18:50 Chris Rhyan M620 2945 01:18:51 Paul Southern M Team Ge621 452 01:18:58 Joanne Butcher F622 3299 01:18:59 Jonathan Wax M 45 Also Rans623 3147 01:19:03 Georgia Tomlinson F624 2001 01:19:04 Lauren Manning M625 2559 01:19:05 Nicola Ramsey F 40626 583 01:19:08 Lloyd Clark M 40627 2470 01:19:11 Mark Pickering M 40 Nicely Moist628 797 01:19:12 Jo D'Arcy F 35629 2027 01:19:12 Gary Martin M630 1853 01:19:15 Matt Lawrence M631 1852 01:19:16 Julie Lawrence F632 2978 01:19:17 Andrew Steele M633 1093 01:19:17 Brian Forbes M634 1334 01:19:18 Vicky Hammick F635 2165 01:19:21 Rene Milner M 40636 2164 01:19:21 Geraldine Milner F 40637 2357 01:19:25 Owen O'Sullivan M Team Gullwing638 3389 01:19:29 Jonathan Williams M The Vikings639 695 01:19:30 Ulla Coulthard F The Vikings640 1028 01:19:34 Sarah Evans Michael F The Mcevans Marauders641 1930 01:19:43 Janice Lockyer F 35642 83 01:19:45 James Appleton M643 1462 01:19:49 Annariina Hiltunen F644 3243 01:19:50 Darren Wallis M Speed Of The Ostrich645 3244 01:19:55 Steven Wallis M Speed Of The Ostrich646 1211 01:19:56 Douglas Glen M 40647 3313 01:19:56 Michael Weeks M 40648 664 01:20:00 Rob Coomber M Rob & Matt649 826 01:20:01 Stu Dawe M Moosehunters Erc650 785 01:20:01 Lisa Dalglish F 35 Moosehunters Erc

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team651 1177 01:20:04 Clarissa Gent F652 1719 01:20:05 Helen Jukes F 40 Phd653 1225 01:20:05 Paul Gordon M 40 Phd654 750 01:20:06 Sean Adams M Phd655 1951 01:20:12 James Lukehurst M 40656 1378 01:20:13 Paul Harwood M 40657 2383 01:20:15 Andrew Parker M 40658 780 01:20:16 Lawrence Dack M 40 Old Men Of St Pauls659 2084 01:20:17 Brian Mcdermott M 45 Fun Boy Three660 2374 01:20:17 Stephen Pallister M Fun Boy Three661 1067 01:20:18 David Fieldhouse M Incentivated662 1574 01:20:22 Robert Hunter M663 1036 01:20:23 John Eyres M The <strong>Grim</strong>aces664 2858 01:20:27 Jack Shute M665 1270 01:20:28 Andrew Greenacre M The Mighty Quim666 2396 01:20:34 Gargi Patel F667 2602 01:20:34 Tom Richards M668 2812 01:20:35 Timothy Sevitt M669 1645 01:20:38 Colin Jeffs M Two Yellows And A Red670 1468 01:20:41 John Hirst M 40671 2049 01:20:41 Hayden Matthews M672 100 01:20:44 Debbie Aschmann F 35 Chunkey Monkeys673 1494 01:20:45 Warren Holl M Chunkey Monkeys674 3826 01:20:47 Hugh Lane Spollen M675 1815 01:20:47 Jean-Pierre Lagesse M 40 Muddy Minxes676 1228 01:20:52 John Goss M 45 Newport Boat Club677 1519 01:20:54 Stephen Hopwood M Surley Row678 174 01:20:55 Dan Barron M The Good Bad And Ugly 4679 99 01:20:56 Eddie Asbery M Norfolk And Chance680 889 01:20:58 Daniel Dorner M Sconesandcream3681 3490 01:20:59 Ruairi Mitchell M The <strong>Grim</strong>aces682 2309 01:21:00 Mike O'Brien M The <strong>Grim</strong>aces683 2986 01:21:01 Tom Stephens M684 1509 01:21:02 Alice Honnywill F 35 Muddy Minxes685 3398 01:21:02 Tony Williams M686 62 01:21:02 Matthew Amies M687 450 01:21:08 Darryl Butcher M688 1540 01:21:08 Priscilla Howell F689 985 01:21:09 Mark Ekins M Angry Otters690 196 01:21:10 Nicholas Baxter M Big White Taxi Service691 1191 01:21:13 Virgina Gifford F 35692 1964 01:21:15 Katrina Macfarlane F Vass Vipers693 2105 01:21:16 Martin Mckenny M 40694 1137 01:21:16 Laura Fulton F Vass Vipers695 3028 01:21:16 Jessica Surman F The Vipers696 3427 01:21:16 Simon Wong M697 2200 01:21:19 Patrizio Morlacci M698 3434 01:21:19 Thomas Wood M699 1614 01:21:19 Carol Jackson F 45 Ophelia Pesonal Training700 1486 01:21:20 Ophelia Hogan F 40 Ophelia Personal Training701 1487 01:21:20 Paul Hogan M 45 Ophelia Personal Training702 2947 01:21:21 Tom Southwell M703 3829 01:21:23 Nick Bailey M Sconesandcream1704 2444 01:21:25 Timothy Perrett M705 2915 01:21:26 Phil Smith M706 110 01:21:26 Richard Astbury M The Stuminators707 2443 01:21:26 Charlotte Perrett F708 3458 01:21:26 Matthew Wright M The Good Bad And Ugly 3709 335 01:21:30 Nigel Bradshaw M 40 Transformers710 3904 01:21:34 Eliza Borek F711 714 01:21:38 Trudy Coyle F712 350 01:21:38 Jason Brett M713 3101 01:21:43 Ian Thomas M 40714 866 01:21:43 Jez Dix M715 1801 01:21:48 Crawford Knox M Blue Army

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team781 3081 01:23:21 Simon Taylor M Jsg782 3878 01:23:21 Jerry Carter M783 3876 01:23:21 Ashley Tall M784 205 01:23:25 Bighead Beauchamp M Jeppardsdeux785 3903 01:23:25 Jason Knight M786 974 01:23:27 Richard Edwards M Always Ready Sports Events (Arse)787 2850 01:23:32 Gideon Sherwood M788 739 01:23:33 Phil Crist M789 3075 01:23:35 James Taylor M Six Legs Bad790 3205 01:23:35 Mark Vernon M Six Legs Bad791 1463 01:23:36 Tony Hinchliffe M 45792 1757 01:23:38 Naomi Kerbel F793 3240 01:23:39 Grant Wallace M794 505 01:23:41 Jim Carpenter M 40795 2966 01:23:42 Steve Stanford M Fbc796 2707 01:23:42 Kevin Rowe M 45 <strong>Grim</strong> Weepers797 3343 01:23:42 Jackilyn Whelan F Fbc798 1023 01:23:43 Mark Evans M Fbc799 457 01:23:44 Andrew Butler M800 3460 01:23:45 Nick Wright M801 3016 01:23:46 Alex Stuart F Met Police Ladies 3802 383 01:23:47 Louise Broomfield M St Mawes Ex Pats803 956 01:23:48 James Ebdon M Borough Of Richmond Cider Society804 3374 01:23:49 John Wilkinson M805 2879 01:23:52 Greg Skinner M Jsg806 3842 01:23:52 Jessica Bison-Smith F807 3269 01:23:54 Hannah Washington F 1 Degree And A Couple Of Cants808 787 01:23:54 Gerard Daly M Bastard809 1208 01:23:57 Jo Glass F810 522 01:23:57 Richard Cash M811 718 01:23:58 Sally Montgomery F812 1159 01:23:59 Olivia Garton F Odds & Sods813 888 01:23:59 Stephen Doran M The Spartans814 1738 01:23:59 Dave Kelley M Blue Army815 1088 01:24:02 Michelle Flynn F 35816 2888 01:24:04 Adam Smith M Wales Poker League Plodders817 2306 01:24:05 Charles Oades M818 1235 01:24:06 Elaine Goulden F 35819 3219 01:24:06 Rebecca Vivian F820 2264 01:24:10 Paul Newton M821 2265 01:24:10 Sophie Newton F822 2765 01:24:11 Ian Saunders M823 2174 01:24:12 Jo Molloy F824 15 01:24:14 Andy Adams M825 2772 01:24:18 Jules Saunderson M826 741 01:24:18 Chris Critoph M827 203 01:24:23 Lee Beardall M 40828 2166 01:24:29 Katie Milton F829 3088 01:24:29 Colin Teesdale M Ugly Betty830 361 01:24:30 Kim Brinkman F831 1176 01:24:34 Stephen Geldart M The Spartans832 1498 01:24:43 Dougie Holloway M 45 Two Yellows And A Red833 608 01:24:50 John Clifton M834 674 01:24:52 Tony Cooper M835 2759 01:24:53 Andrew Sarah M Just Do It (Tomorrow)836 2271 01:24:56 Chris Nichols M837 3884 01:24:59 Teresa Hogsbjerg F838 461 01:25:00 Marc Butterworth M839 2855 01:25:03 Alan Shingler M840 1054 01:25:05 Chris Fawcett M 40 Getting Wyeder841 2674 01:25:13 Gary Rokenson M 45842 2836 01:25:13 Paul Shawley M Team Keeno843 132 01:25:14 Chris Bagnall M844 997 01:25:16 Nick Ells M The Stragglers845 3193 01:25:20 Lynda Van Zyl F

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team846 612 01:25:21 Hayley Clutton F Team Keeno847 3211 01:25:25 Tony Vickers M Team Vickers848 994 01:25:25 Meg Ellis F849 3210 01:25:27 Richard Vickers M Team Vickers850 2600 01:25:32 Caryl Richards F851 2261 01:25:33 Joel Newnham M852 3120 01:25:34 Owen Thornton M853 2892 01:25:34 Andy Smith M854 2289 01:25:34 Emma Norman F855 430 01:25:34 Kathy Burdett F856 3195 01:25:35 Alf Vanotti M857 2614 01:25:36 Tom Ridley M858 1512 01:25:36 Matthew Hooper M Rob & Matt859 1521 01:25:36 Laura Horobin F860 1522 01:25:37 Martin Horobin M861 2243 01:25:37 John Nailer M Surley Row862 3380 01:25:37 Chris Williams M Trailer Park Boys863 3218 01:25:38 Andrew Vinsen M864 2159 01:25:38 Claire Mills F The Fender Riders865 716 01:25:44 Sue Crabtree F 35866 1912 01:25:44 Jenny Lister F Norfolk And Hope867 1677 01:25:47 Michael Johnson M868 2369 01:25:48 Richard Paddock M869 2226 01:25:49 Darren Mullarkey M870 3830 01:25:49 Kevin Stewart M871 3377 01:25:58 Mick Willcox M 40872 3378 01:25:58 Trevor Willcox M 40873 2933 01:25:59 Andy Snow M874 249 01:26:01 Ismail Beyzade M South East London Posse875 572 01:26:01 Christopher Childs M 55 South East London Posse876 2597 01:26:01 Tracey Reynolds F South East London Posse877 943 01:26:03 Rita Dykes F 60878 3454 01:26:04 Antonia Wray F Bear Behind879 1371 01:26:04 Daniel Hartley M Bear Behind880 2572 01:26:04 Jonathan Reed M881 3256 01:26:05 Iain Ward M 65 Bear Behind882 468 01:26:06 Richard Cackett M 50 The Cacketteers883 2269 01:26:09 Andy Nicholls M 40 Eeyoretiggerpooh884 2866 01:26:09 Ruth Silverman F 35 Eeyoretiggerpooh885 1138 01:26:12 Angelina Gabellone F886 3096 01:26:13 Paul Theron M887 803 01:26:13 John Davidson M888 58 01:26:15 David Altabev M889 2710 01:26:17 Timothy Rowe M890 3877 01:26:20 Matt Bartram M891 266 01:26:23 John Bishop M 40 Tortoiseturtle And Snail892 2344 01:26:28 Roanne O'Neil F Incentivated893 1663 01:26:31 Dave Joad M 65 <strong>Grim</strong> Trio894 483 01:26:33 Derek Campbell M 50895 2424 01:26:34 Tamsyn Pegler F896 369 01:26:34 Doug Brodie M 45897 1448 01:26:34 Elizabeth Higgins F 50 <strong>Grim</strong> Trio898 2423 01:26:34 Stephen Pegler M899 2224 01:26:34 Mandy Muggridge F 40 The <strong>Grim</strong> Trio900 1222 01:26:35 Tim Goodman M Big Dave901 2475 01:26:37 Richard Piercey M 40902 2411 01:26:38 Simon Pead M903 3455 01:26:40 Michelle Wray F 35904 371 01:26:40 Katie Brooker F905 2860 01:26:41 Nicola Sibley F 35906 628 01:26:45 Liam Collerton M 40 Nicely Moist907 109 01:26:51 Peter Askem M 45908 3189 01:26:57 Marie-Jose Van Bourgondien F909 2952 01:26:57 Andrew Spedding M910 3879 01:26:57 Leander Marks F 40

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team911 897 01:27:04 Paul Down M The Staggerers912 1419 01:27:04 Stephen Helm M Norfolknchance913 213 01:27:04 Marc Beever M The Staggerers914 2225 01:27:05 Phil Muir M Norfolknchance915 3078 01:27:05 Richard Taylor M The Brayburne Warriors916 1423 01:27:05 Dora Hemson F Devil Wears Leggings917 711 01:27:05 Ronni Cox F Devil Wears Leggings918 3098 01:27:06 Chrissi Thomas F 35919 3099 01:27:07 David Thomas M 40920 1928 01:27:17 Simon Lockhart-Ball M921 86 01:27:20 Phillip Arkinstall M Fast Forward922 511 01:27:20 Brian Carter M923 1870 01:27:20 Simon Leech M Fast Forward924 2051 01:27:21 James Matthews M925 2313 01:27:21 Tim O'Connor M926 2590 01:27:21 Hamilton Remes M927 2342 01:27:23 George Olver M Sumo928 882 01:27:24 Kevin Donohue M Sumo929 1911 01:27:25 Jodie List F930 602 01:27:25 Mike Clentworth M931 2319 01:27:27 Ren O'Donnell F Xtreme Phaff932 650 01:27:39 James Connelley M933 1516 01:27:43 David Hopkins M Watch Adam Run934 3114 01:27:43 Aidan Thorn M Watch Adam Run935 3840 01:27:51 Rob Rose M936 102 01:27:54 Yasmin Ashraf F 45937 2781 01:27:55 Anthony Scarfo M938 154 01:27:57 Michael Banfi M 50939 125 01:27:57 Dan Ayling M940 1304 01:27:57 Isabel Gwyther F 40941 191 01:27:57 Jane Bates F 45942 2744 01:27:58 Nick Salt M 40 <strong>Grim</strong> Weepers943 2140 01:27:58 Nick Merry M Muddy Hell Its Cold944 860 01:27:58 George Dickens M945 1782 01:27:59 Danielle Kingdon F 40946 890 01:27:59 Sarah Dossett F Muddy Hell Its Cold947 2838 01:27:59 Colin Sheard M Muddy Hell Its Cold948 3869 01:28:00 Garrett Lynn M949 1405 01:28:00 Richard Heaslip M The Ringers950 3070 01:28:07 Dave Taylor M 50951 1402 01:28:07 Adrian Heard M952 88 01:28:07 Eric Armitage M953 1430 01:28:09 Jamie Henwood M Easyhomestyle.Com954 2897 01:28:10 David Smith M 45955 1894 01:28:11 Daniel Lewis M Norfolk & Chance956 1442 01:28:14 Liam Hickey M957 204 01:28:17 Pippa Beardall-Edmondson M958 3838 01:28:17 Paul Tee M959 2702 01:28:24 Giles Routledge M960 1247 01:28:32 Jenny Grange F961 1350 01:28:32 Andrew Hardman M962 168 01:28:32 Helena Barnes F963 2290 01:28:34 Robert Norman M964 1688 01:28:37 Debbie Jones F 35 Run Like Hell965 1827 01:28:37 Cathy Lancaster F Run Like Hell966 1322 01:28:37 Claire Hall F 35 Run Like Hell967 1892 01:28:37 Clare Lewis F968 2145 01:28:38 David Michael Evans M The Mcevans Marauders969 3027 01:28:38 Alison Sumner F970 2684 01:28:39 Daniel Rose M971 2923 01:28:40 Toby Smith M972 2717 01:28:42 Guy Rowson M 40973 1866 01:28:43 Jason Lebidineuse M974 3295 01:28:44 Chris Watts M975 802 01:28:45 Bright Davidson M

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team976 3871 01:28:55 James Macnaughton M The Woo Yeahs977 793 01:28:55 Chris Danson M The Woo Yeahs978 752 01:28:58 Jillianne Cross F979 575 01:28:59 Mike Chittenden M 40 Bastard980 573 01:29:00 Tristan Chinn M981 525 01:29:02 Darren Cassidy M982 1546 01:29:03 Alan Howlett M983 1299 01:29:03 Andy Gunby M984 1505 01:29:04 Liz Holt F 55985 2535 01:29:06 Laura Pumphrey F986 961 01:29:06 Sophie Edginton F987 2116 01:29:07 Tom Mcmillen M988 3363 01:29:09 Tara Whyand F <strong>Grim</strong>4989 669 01:29:09 John Cooper M <strong>Grim</strong>4990 1799 01:29:10 Chris Knights-Branch M Two Blondes And A Ckb991 2764 01:29:13 Colin Saunders M 45 Bounce Back Ability992 3889 01:29:16 Simon Couch M Dream Team993 1260 01:29:25 James Greed M Greed Is Good994 1261 01:29:25 Richard Greed M 55 Greed Is Good995 1262 01:29:25 Tom Greed M Greed Is Good996 439 01:29:28 Sarah Burr F997 1059 01:29:31 Eike Feltz M998 2624 01:29:38 Ruth Roast F999 113 01:29:44 Caroline Atkins F Fine Legs1000 1185 01:29:45 Clive Gibbings M 401001 2882 01:29:46 Alex Small M1002 3080 01:29:46 Samantha Claire Taylor F Fine Legs1003 2513 01:29:47 Amanda Potgieter F Fine Legs1004 2565 01:29:48 Richard Rawstron M1005 176 01:29:53 Lorraine Barry F 401006 2141 01:29:54 Richard Merry M1007 1518 01:29:54 Remco Hoppezak M1008 747 01:29:55 David Crone M Three Wise Monkeys1009 1195 01:29:55 Jonathan Giles M Three Wise Monkeys1010 36 01:30:01 Nicholas Alderton M1011 1242 01:30:02 Patricia Graham F Runners Need1012 2208 01:30:02 Rachel Morris M1013 1501 01:30:02 Chris Holmes M Easyhomestyle.Com1014 3062 01:30:06 John Tate M 401015 486 01:30:06 Jan Campbell F 401016 2905 01:30:07 Lorna Smith F 401017 1572 01:30:12 Frances Humphries F 501018 3875 01:30:16 Lizzie Boothby F1019 2755 01:30:18 Gurbinder Sandhu M Tortoiseturtle And Snail1020 3486 01:30:20 Paddy Harrower M 501021 2263 01:30:20 Christian Newton M The Brayburne Warriors1022 458 01:30:29 Colin Butler M Fast Forward1023 3448 01:30:34 John Worsfold M1024 675 01:30:43 Wendy Cooper F1025 950 01:30:43 Liz Earwaker F 351026 270 01:30:44 Nick Black M 40 Easyhomestyle.Com1027 1401 01:30:44 Annabel Heap F 351028 3392 01:30:51 Phil Williams M 65 Jeppardsdeux1029 1428 01:30:59 Kristian Henry M1030 1119 01:31:00 Mark Franks M 451031 337 01:31:06 Tim Brady M1032 1359 01:31:07 Madeleine Harrington F1033 1098 01:31:17 Kim Ford F 45 Mud Sweat & Tears1034 1476 01:31:24 Joanna Hodges F Team Hodgey1035 1478 01:31:25 Simon Hodges M Team Hodgey1036 3048 01:31:26 Liz Syndercombe F 35 Ugly Betty1037 2515 01:31:28 Clare Powell F1038 3022 01:31:30 Sally Styles F 451039 1202 01:31:32 Susan Gillard F1040 1704 01:31:34 Simon Jones M

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team1041 44 01:31:37 Anouska Allen F1042 1031 01:31:38 Stuart Everitt M1043 3247 01:31:38 Sarah Walter F1044 1858 01:31:45 Claire Lazzeri F1045 2964 01:31:53 Brian Stanford M 501046 2646 01:32:05 Gordon Robinson M Chunkey Monkeys1047 1552 01:32:06 Craig Hudson-Bennett M Chunkey Monkeys1048 1783 01:32:11 Joanne Kingston F 40 The Angels Of F***1049 490 01:32:11 Shona Campbell F 45 The Angels Of F***1050 1115 01:32:12 Lynn Frampton F 351051 1386 01:32:12 Emma Hawkins F1052 1331 01:32:12 Claire Hamlin F 351053 2585 01:32:14 Tony Reid M 501054 1549 01:32:16 Tom Hoyle M1055 1969 01:32:17 Neil Mackay M Tortoiseturtle And Snail1056 89 01:32:22 Georgina Armitage F1057 1351 01:32:25 Annette Hardman F1058 2998 01:32:25 Jan Stock F 45 Ware Joggers1059 770 01:32:26 Andrew Curd M 50 Reading Ruckers1060 1995 01:32:27 Brian Malpass M 45 The Good Bad And Ugly1061 232 01:32:27 Andrew Bennett M 40 The Good Bad And Ugly1062 1150 01:32:34 Joanne Gambrill F1063 325 01:32:39 Richard Boxshall M1064 1296 01:32:41 David Gulliford M 451065 2552 01:32:43 Matt Bell M Blue Army1066 2110 01:32:43 Alex Mcleod F Blue Army1067 2300 01:32:47 Craig Nowell M1068 2389 01:32:48 Kamlesh Parmar M1069 1851 01:32:49 Mark Lawfull M1070 3841 01:32:49 David Hogan M1071 1139 01:32:50 Laura Gadsbey F1072 258 01:32:53 Mark Billing M The Gym Uk1073 2123 01:32:54 Susan Mcshea F The Gym Uk1074 480 01:32:55 Harriet Cameron M1075 2634 01:32:55 James Roberts M1076 3188 01:32:55 Jamesu Utting M1077 2708 01:32:55 Lisa Rowe F 351078 2327 01:32:56 Ian Ogborn M1079 1653 01:33:01 Sarah Jenkins F 651080 3440 01:33:01 Sam Woodhouse F1081 3496 01:33:06 Katie Hodgkinson F1082 613 01:33:06 Malcolm Coakley M 40 The Spinners1083 2059 01:33:09 Benita Mayhead F 35 Always Ready Sports Events (Arse)1084 769 01:33:12 Sarah Cunningham F Yellow Thai Prawns1085 1449 01:33:13 Michelle Higgins F Yellow Thai Prawns1086 3329 01:33:14 Rob Westerman M 45 Reading Ruckers1087 3492 01:33:17 Tytti Sundstroem F 35 Los Mas Chingones De Los Chingones1088 1007 01:33:17 Paul Endicott M 501089 3491 01:33:17 Heiko Schnitgerhans M Los Mas Chingones De Los Chingones1090 3171 01:33:20 Jason Turner M1091 418 01:33:27 Bryn Buffery M1092 783 01:33:27 Stephen Dale M Chunkey Monkeys1093 3006 01:33:28 Hannah Storer F Big White Taxi Service1094 2801 01:33:31 Peter Sear M 40 Billy-2-Mates1095 2388 01:33:35 Sarah Parkin F1096 3885 01:33:35 Laura Bending F1097 32 01:33:36 William Aitken Davies M Haverley Harriers1098 1596 01:33:36 Fiona Iaciofano F 35 Jinglebells1099 222 01:33:37 Shona Bell F 351100 2686 01:33:37 Janette Rose F1101 605 01:33:37 Charles Cliffe M1102 1205 01:33:40 Sarah Gillott F1103 715 01:33:40 Sarah Crabb F1104 1020 01:33:40 Ian Evans M1105 2184 01:33:41 Alice Moore F

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team1106 2687 01:33:46 Julie Rose F 451107 384 01:33:46 Adam Brown M1108 724 01:33:52 Holly Crane F1109 1010 01:33:52 Heather Engley F1110 610 01:33:52 Liz Cloke F1111 3212 01:34:00 Richard Vickery M1112 3370 01:34:02 Andrew Wildey M1113 471 01:34:02 Marcus Cadman M1114 2692 01:34:02 Stewart Rose-Innes M Equipe Mange Tout Sa1115 2816 01:34:02 Mark Shadrake M1116 2235 01:34:04 Jackie Murphy F 40 Slags1117 2254 01:34:04 Guy Nesbitt M1118 1727 01:34:05 Fionnuala Keane F <strong>Grim</strong>acing Girls1119 1961 01:34:05 Elena Maccioni F <strong>Grim</strong>acing Girls1120 2096 01:34:05 Sharon Mcguinness F 45 Slags1121 27 01:34:06 Ceri Aiken F1122 336 01:34:07 Sonja Brady F 451123 3905 01:34:10 Victoria Pooler F1124 2678 01:34:12 Robert Bolten F Odds & Sods1125 1256 01:34:16 Keith Gray M 40 The Cunning Stunts1126 413 01:34:16 Catriona Buck F1127 1161 01:34:17 Simon Gartside M 40 The Cunning Stunts1128 3087 01:34:18 Sarah Tee F 351129 688 01:34:18 Judith Costard F 40 The Cunning Stunts1130 2019 01:34:19 Nicola Marshall F1131 2898 01:34:22 Eloise Smith F1132 1529 01:34:24 Stephen Hounsell M The Saints1133 1393 01:34:25 Kevin Hawthorne M The Saints1134 915 01:34:26 Colleen Drummond F1135 830 01:34:27 Glen Dawson M The Saints1136 993 01:34:30 Alison Elliott F1137 2980 01:34:31 Grant Steer M1138 571 01:34:32 Lucy Chilcott F1139 879 01:34:38 Emma-Lynn Donadieu F1140 1706 01:34:41 Susan Jones F1141 1301 01:34:42 Sally Gurney F1142 2913 01:34:42 Paul Smith M 40 The Spice Boys1143 3180 01:34:43 James Underwood M The Spice Boys1144 2413 01:34:43 Glenn Pearce M The Spice Boys1145 2324 01:34:44 Peter Offer M1146 1638 01:34:46 Parvinder Jassal M1147 1113 01:34:48 Amy Fox F Team Buff1148 251 01:34:51 Caroline Biddle F Devil Wears Leggings1149 2155 01:34:52 Lizzie Miller F 50 The St Ives' Belles1150 2382 01:34:54 Alison Parker F1151 35 01:35:09 Heidi Alderton F 351152 448 01:35:15 Jo-Anne Bushell F1153 2817 01:35:22 Wayne Shadrake M1154 2957 01:35:24 Colin Stacey M1155 1248 01:35:30 Anita Grant F 551156 1251 01:35:30 Vicki Grant M1157 2777 01:35:32 Gemma Sayer F1158 1637 01:35:34 Martin Jasper M 451159 2944 01:35:37 Carolyn Southall F 401160 1233 01:35:43 Hannah Gough F1161 548 01:35:43 Naouele Chamcham F1162 3846 01:35:46 Lucy McKee F1163 390 01:35:46 James Brown M1164 1559 01:35:47 Kevin Hughes M 401165 2082 01:35:48 Frances Mccullagh F 401166 2393 01:35:49 Nic Pashley F The Fender Riders1167 1210 01:35:49 Peter Glazebrook M1168 1679 01:35:50 Rachel Johnson F 351169 1610 01:35:50 Rachel Izard F1170 3097 01:35:52 Carys Thomas F 35

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team1171 2168 01:35:52 Veronica Minihane F 351172 686 01:35:53 Nigel Corston M 45 Nutfield Priory 21173 3832 01:35:57 Cevat Agaoglu M1174 2567 01:35:59 Sarah Reardon F 451175 2349 01:36:00 Geoffrey Orman M 401176 2350 01:36:00 Gillian Orman F 351177 164 01:36:01 Jane Barlow F 351178 217 01:36:01 Chris Bell M Jmc1179 812 01:36:01 Mark Davies M1180 2033 01:36:02 Matt Martindale M Jmc1181 3827 01:36:02 Claire Renner F1182 1480 01:36:07 Craig Hodgson M1183 3902 01:36:07 Darren Norris M1184 1174 01:36:08 David Geddes M1185 2163 01:36:09 Trevor Milne M 551186 2373 01:36:09 Sophie Paget F Transform-Hers1187 1578 01:36:14 Louise Huntley F 351188 472 01:36:19 Tracy Caffell F 401189 2938 01:36:23 Garth Sonley M 651190 1632 01:36:27 Deirdre Janse Van Rensburg F1191 1805 01:36:28 Chris Kotze M1192 3420 01:36:30 Stephen Winton M1193 494 01:36:30 Deena Cannings F 40 Neil's Angels1194 2338 01:36:30 Rebecca O'Loughlin F Sconesandcream11195 2302 01:36:31 Julie Nucci F1196 2301 01:36:31 Angela Nucci F1197 1203 01:36:32 Sheila Gillie F 501198 3017 01:36:41 Charles Stubbings M 401199 625 01:36:43 Meredith Cole F Transform-Hers1200 1520 01:36:43 Sheena Horning F1201 533 01:36:44 Helen Cathie F1202 2738 01:36:45 Ian Sackett M1203 376 01:36:46 Catherine Brooks F1204 263 01:36:46 Jane Birkett F1205 3293 01:36:46 Ben Watts M1206 1837 01:36:49 Tracey Langham F 351207 1620 01:36:53 Nick Jackson M Mangina1208 3226 01:36:53 Mike Wade M Mangina1209 497 01:36:53 Kristien Cardwell M Mangina1210 574 01:36:55 Gawaine Chisholm M1211 3872 01:37:09 Stuart Stepney M1212 1214 01:37:10 Martin Goddard M 401213 1990 01:37:24 Nick Makemson M1214 1562 01:37:24 Oliver Hughes M1215 275 01:37:26 Sophie Blacklock F Soph1216 3274 01:37:27 Andrew Waters M 401217 3275 01:37:27 Chris Waters M1218 2072 01:37:29 Alistair Mccann M Your 'Avin A Laugh!1219 3228 01:37:29 Heather Waghorn F Team Trample1220 1876 01:37:29 Nigel Leggatt M 401221 1875 01:37:30 Anne Marie Leggatt F 40 Your 'Avin A Laugh!1222 3093 01:37:30 Emma Terry F 351223 2795 01:37:31 Clive Scrivens M 40 Then We Went Bang1224 1996 01:37:35 Bob Manak M1225 764 01:37:37 Sue Cullum F 45 It's Her Birthday And We'll Cry If We Want To1226 279 01:37:38 Yvonne Bland F 40 It's Her Birthday And We'll Cry If We Want To1227 1901 01:37:40 Rob Libbrecht M Baleka1228 45 01:37:45 Catherine Allen F 40 It's Her Birthday And We'll Cry If We Want To1229 2214 01:37:48 Victoria Morten M1230 3311 01:37:53 Richard Webster M1231 104 01:37:54 Devon Ashton F1232 2903 01:37:54 Laurence Smith M1233 2716 01:37:57 Amie Rowlings F1234 2919 01:38:02 Russell Smith M1235 1908 01:38:09 Emma Lineham F Neil's Angels

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team1236 1070 01:38:09 Pam Finch F Neil's Angels1237 108 01:38:15 Clare Askem F 351238 181 01:38:20 Sarah Bascombe F1239 331 01:38:26 Chris Bradley F Team Buff1240 1551 01:38:26 Dylan Hubble M1241 2268 01:38:26 Richard Nicholl M1242 1263 01:38:26 Andrea Green F 351243 2188 01:38:28 Lucy Moore F 651244 2611 01:38:29 Heather Ridley F Sconesandcream11245 1410 01:38:30 Douglas Hedger M1246 1602 01:38:41 Kirsty Innes F1247 3328 01:38:41 Frances Westerman M 45 Reading Ruckers1248 2983 01:38:44 Kelly Steiner F1249 2493 01:38:54 John Pocock M1250 199 01:38:55 Judy Baynes F 551251 1099 01:38:59 Naomi Ford F Team Ge1252 699 01:38:59 Steven Court M1253 3227 01:39:00 Rachel Wade F The Fuzz1254 3242 01:39:01 Lee Wallbank M The Fuzz1255 1786 01:39:04 Jacqueline Kinsella F1256 3366 01:39:04 Daniel Widdon M1257 3106 01:39:05 Adam Thompson M1258 2701 01:39:08 Ciaran Rourke M1259 1617 01:39:08 Eve Jackson F1260 1103 01:39:08 Tamasin Ford M 651261 1298 01:39:09 Charles Gunaratnam M Tight Club1262 693 01:39:12 Emily Cottrill F1263 2341 01:39:18 Ossian Olsen M1264 2371 01:39:24 Maria-Louise Page F 401265 2872 01:39:30 Colin Simpson M Brothers <strong>Grim</strong>m1266 3217 01:39:30 Jenni Viner F 501267 753 01:39:32 Paul Cross M1268 549 01:39:32 Ravinder Chana M1269 3035 01:39:39 Jo Swainson F1270 48 01:39:40 Elizabeth Allen M1271 2507 01:39:40 Nicola Porteous F1272 2768 01:39:44 Kate Saunders F1273 2688 01:39:49 Lesley Rose F 40 Ware Joggers1274 1500 01:39:56 Andrew Holmes M 40 The Cream Team1275 20 01:39:57 Guy Addison M 40 The Cream Team1276 3140 01:39:57 Emma Tiptaft F The Cream Team1277 31 01:40:01 Alice Aitken Davies F Haverley Harriers1278 228 01:40:01 Joanna Bending F1279 1404 01:40:06 Sarah Hearn F Sconesandcream31280 276 01:40:06 Alice Blair F Sconesandcream21281 517 01:40:09 Nichola Carter F 351282 1042 01:40:32 Lou Fairhurst F 65 Blonde And Lost1283 842 01:40:32 Shelley Dedman F Blonde And Lost1284 3194 01:40:33 Fiona Vance F 65 Blonde And Lost1285 636 01:40:39 Andrew Collins M1286 2629 01:40:40 Claire Roberts M Team Tortoise1287 1558 01:40:52 Ian Hughes M1288 2931 01:41:27 Sarah Snelling M1289 2437 01:41:27 Nicole Peppiatt F1290 2050 01:41:28 James Matthews M Jsg1291 2579 01:41:35 Steffan Rees M1292 3462 01:41:36 Stephen Wright M1293 3464 01:41:36 Zoe Wright F1294 1691 01:41:37 Gareth Jones M1295 851 01:41:38 Simon Denton M 401296 1105 01:41:42 Gary Foreman M1297 1106 01:41:42 Paula Foreman F 351298 2377 01:41:48 Ruth Palmer F 451299 101 01:41:52 Lisa Ashby F1300 1823 01:41:53 Jennie Lambert F

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team1301 2457 01:41:53 Claire Pettitt F1302 1846 01:41:56 Anja Lau F1303 233 01:41:56 Brian Bennett M 501304 432 01:42:01 James Burke M1305 243 01:42:02 Neil Berry M 401306 3208 01:42:05 Ann Vickers F 351307 3339 01:42:07 Katherine Wheatley F1308 2179 01:42:13 Jackie Monk F Barts1309 323 01:42:13 Sweta Bowles F 35 Barts1310 2926 01:42:14 Simon Smithson M1311 1752 01:42:37 Rhianna Kenny F <strong>Grim</strong> Groovers1312 2488 01:42:40 Jess Player F1313 219 01:42:49 John Bell M 50 Jmc1314 760 01:42:52 Helen Cruikshank F 35 Quad Busters1315 761 01:42:53 Caroline Cryer F 35 <strong>Grim</strong> Reapers1316 3390 01:42:53 Justine Williams F 35 Quad Busters1317 136 01:42:56 Michael Bailey M1318 245 01:43:01 Kat Bertenshaw F1319 3053 01:43:02 Neil Tait M1320 1503 01:43:03 Steve Holmes M 40 Easyhomestyle.Com1321 3315 01:43:04 James Welch M1322 2690 01:43:06 Roger Rose M 401323 3484 01:43:21 Michelle Barlow F1324 712 01:43:21 Sarah Cox F1325 850 01:43:22 Liz Denton F 401326 1685 01:43:27 Claire Jones F 35 The Sisters <strong>Grim</strong>1327 1047 01:43:37 Alison Faroppa F1328 2446 01:43:37 Kelly Perry F1329 2471 01:43:39 Lucy Pickles F Team Legend1330 2509 01:43:46 Derek M Porter M 651331 1672 01:43:48 Fiona Johnson F 40 The Alton Three1332 829 01:43:49 Geraldine Dawson F 45 The Alton Three1333 3159 01:43:53 Holly Trotman F Beer & Cheese1334 2308 01:43:53 Ruth Oakman F 401335 1336 01:43:57 Claire Hammond F 451336 77 01:43:57 Jackie Annals F 40 Tone Zone Tarts1337 1290 01:43:57 Carol Grout F 45 Tone Zone Tarts1338 1291 01:43:58 Jackie Grout F 35 Tone Zone Tarts1339 2849 01:44:12 Lyn Sherratt F1340 1130 01:44:14 Amy Froment M1341 2392 01:44:16 Rebecca Parsons F1342 133 01:44:27 Jen Bagshaw F1343 1703 01:44:33 Sian Jones F1344 2786 01:44:33 Naomi Scoffham F1345 462 01:44:36 Michael Button M The Mud Monkeys1346 2485 01:44:43 Mark Plater M 451347 2484 01:44:46 Carol Plater F 401348 160 01:45:14 Fiona Barber F Team Green1349 738 01:45:19 Matthew Crisp M1350 563 01:45:26 Alison Chase F 351351 2407 01:45:26 Wiz Patterson-Kelly F 351352 757 01:45:28 David Crowley M1353 763 01:45:31 Alexandra Cullis F1354 2800 01:45:40 Carol Sear F 451355 3845 01:45:47 Simon Morris M1356 1937 01:45:50 Sam Long F1357 1598 01:45:50 Kim Ingleby F1358 2873 01:46:02 Katharine Simpson F1359 487 01:46:07 Nicola Campbell F1360 3333 01:46:09 Martin Westmoreland M1361 907 01:46:12 Lindsay Draycott F 351362 433 01:46:26 Matthew Burke M Jo's Room1363 3107 01:46:34 Joanna Thompson F 35 Transform-Hers1364 1530 01:46:35 Carol House F 501365 3029 01:46:35 Guy Surtees M 40

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team1366 2839 01:46:35 Karen Shearn F 401367 2426 01:46:40 Caroline Pemble F1368 2427 01:46:41 Doug Pemble M 401369 2130 01:46:48 Paul Mehta M1370 3173 01:46:48 Jo Turner F 35 Jeppard Trois1371 507 01:46:48 Helen Carrick F1372 2153 01:46:50 Laura Millard F 351373 1699 01:46:51 Nick Jones M 401374 1278 01:46:52 Kate Grierson F 35 Jeppard Trois1375 1560 01:46:52 Liz Hughes F 35 Jeppard Trois1376 3847 01:46:58 Lucy Whithorn F1377 422 01:46:59 Sarah Bullock F Team Legend1378 1903 01:47:02 Sarah Lightfoot F Wobbly Waders1379 1902 01:47:03 Graham Lightfoot M Wobbly Waders1380 665 01:47:04 Andrea Coombs F Wobbly Waders1381 347 01:47:09 Chris Breen M1382 1215 01:47:09 James Godding M1383 1666 01:47:10 Sally John F 35 Norfolk And Hope1384 1920 01:47:11 Alexandra Lloyd F Norfolk & Chance1385 3888 01:47:13 Allister Lowry M Norfolk And Chance1386 2278 01:47:18 Anne Nielsen F The Mudslides1387 835 01:47:18 Lara De Klee F The Mudslides1388 3843 01:47:18 Maria Faye F1389 2100 01:47:19 Shona Mckay F 35 <strong>Grim</strong>1390 380 01:47:19 Maria Brooks F 35 Team Brooks1391 313 01:47:19 Helen Boucher F Team Brooks1392 2699 01:47:23 Sarah Rountree F1393 2138 01:47:23 Eleanor Merrick F1394 1219 01:47:27 Andrew Goode M 451395 865 01:47:29 Sarah Dilworth F1396 1544 01:47:30 Mark Howells M1397 1933 01:47:34 Jo Lomas F 35 Kingston Krawlers1398 285 01:47:34 Teri Blythe F Kingston Krawlers1399 1812 01:47:51 Nicole Kyriacou F1400 464 01:47:51 Ann Byrne F1401 689 01:47:52 Josephine Cotton F Incentivated1402 3874 01:47:52 Peter Fagan M1403 1762 01:47:53 Carla Khouri F Fit & Filthy1404 230 01:48:00 Angela Benjamin F 401405 2237 01:48:06 Simon Murphy M1406 3457 01:48:07 James Wright M1407 1659 01:48:08 Alexandra Jensen F 351408 1089 01:48:09 Ben Foley M1409 3413 01:48:19 Harriet Wimshurst Brooks F Heavy When Wet1410 2122 01:48:19 Isabella Mcrae F The Mud Monkeys1411 2490 01:48:19 Claire Plowright F Heavy When Wet1412 410 01:48:20 Katy Bryan F Heavy When Wet1413 908 01:48:24 Cindy Drinnan F1414 3500 01:48:35 Neil Purchell M1415 474 01:48:42 Chris Cairns M1416 2697 01:48:50 Anett Rother F1417 288 01:48:54 Lisa Boardman F1418 1450 01:48:55 Mirka Higgins F1419 2285 01:48:55 Imelda Noble F1420 330 01:49:00 Stephanie Bradbury F <strong>Grim</strong> Groovers1421 3272 01:49:00 Yvette Waterfall F Hot Shot Honeys1422 3836 01:49:00 Ruth Taylor F1423 545 01:49:06 Mark Chambers M Hairy Bean Bags1424 527 01:49:09 Jacqueline Cast F 401425 172 01:49:11 Valerie Barr F 451426 3224 01:49:14 Anthony Waddison M Bash The Bankers1427 327 01:49:18 Anita Bracey F 40 <strong>Grim</strong> And Bare It All1428 3108 01:49:22 Kelly Thompson F1429 3110 01:49:23 Paul Thompson M1430 39 01:49:50 Taylor Alex M 40 Then We Went Bang

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team1431 1778 01:50:26 Michelle King F1432 2739 01:50:28 Anand Sagoo M1433 159 01:50:29 Karen Barac F1434 175 01:50:30 Linda Barry F 351435 3001 01:50:40 Peter Stokes M 501436 1212 01:50:43 Anne-Marie Glover F1437 2573 01:51:05 Lara Reed F Team Green1438 1526 01:51:16 Sarah Horton M 451439 1575 01:51:22 Ruth Hunter F The Blue Otters1440 692 01:51:25 Michelle Cottrell F 35 Mad Mothers1441 1702 01:51:25 Sarah Jones F 35 Mad Mothers1442 3886 01:51:46 Sarah Miller F1443 2020 01:51:54 Sarah Marshall F What A Minute We Thought This Was A Christmas Fete1444 2119 01:51:54 Andrew Mcneil M Jeppardsdeux1445 2244 01:51:54 James Nash M1446 3280 01:51:55 Ally Watson F What A Minute We Thought This Was A Christmas Fete1447 2528 01:51:55 Gemma Pridmore F What A Minute We Thought This Was A Christmas Fete1448 1528 01:52:04 Sarah Houghton M1449 353 01:52:07 Jenny Bridges F1450 224 01:52:07 Julia Belling F1451 2094 01:52:07 Paula Mcgoveney F1452 420 01:52:15 Gina Bujakowski F 351453 2288 01:52:54 Debbie Norman F 451454 3499 01:53:09 Nicholas Goodenough M1455 1736 01:53:10 Mark Keeney M 45 Temporary Insanity1456 3267 01:53:16 Kevin Warwick M1457 1905 01:53:24 Andy Lindsay M 401458 1906 01:53:24 Dyonne Lindsay F 401459 3309 01:54:01 David Webber M 401460 3061 01:54:45 Jessica Tate F1461 1145 01:54:50 Louise Gallaer F Hot Fuzz 21462 1288 01:54:58 Chris Grocott M Trailer Park Boys1463 3141 01:54:58 Peter Tobias M The Good Bad And Ugly 41464 1446 01:55:47 Bernie Higgins F 65 Je Vous Drais Une Mud1465 1646 01:55:47 Ian Jelley M Je Vous Drais Une Mud1466 2143 01:55:56 Corita Metelerkamp F 40 The St Ives' Belles1467 427 01:56:11 Jessica Bunting F1468 1232 01:56:13 Amy Gough F1469 2521 01:56:20 Vivien Preston F1470 3223 01:56:35 Katharine Voss F1471 2198 01:56:59 Robert Morgan M Mucky Men1472 209 01:57:00 Richard Bedford M Mucky Men1473 1647 01:57:01 Richard Jelley M Mucky Men1474 2104 01:57:08 Emma Mckenny F 351475 726 01:57:09 Sally Cranham F1476 291 01:57:10 Charlie Boize F1477 1735 01:57:10 Chris Keene M1478 272 01:57:11 Joanna Blackburn F1479 1839 01:57:11 James Langridge M1480 2498 01:57:12 Greg Poole M1481 2501 01:57:13 Zoe Poole F1482 273 01:57:13 Samantha Blackburn F1483 257 01:57:14 Amanda Billige F1484 1436 01:57:18 Louise Hewitson F1485 1032 01:57:20 Caroline Evers Endacott F1486 1421 01:57:21 Chris Hemingway M 40 Then We Went Bang1487 1541 01:57:21 Rachel Howell M 65 Team Trample1488 1445 01:57:33 Gail Hickson F 45 Hot Fuzz 21489 1013 01:57:48 Danielle Etkin F Man1490 1658 01:57:49 Sylvia Jennings F 601491 2284 01:57:50 Eileen Noble F 651492 570 01:57:52 Adrian Chiffi M1493 709 01:59:07 Donna Cox F 401494 1711 01:59:34 Tarina Jose F1495 916 01:59:34 Michael Du Rieu Oliver M

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team1496 1497 01:59:43 Beverley Holloway F 351497 949 01:59:44 Dennis Earl M1498 2526 01:59:45 Susan Price F1499 2735 02:00:07 Louise Rutland-Lawes F The Alton Three1500 975 02:00:20 Rick Edwards M 401501 2331 02:00:22 John O'Hara M 40 From Beer To Eternity1502 735 02:00:22 Mark Crellin M 40 From Beer To Eternity1503 1555 02:00:44 Christopher Hughes M1504 280 02:00:45 Heather Bloomfield F 351505 436 02:00:45 David Burns M1506 1674 02:00:50 Jackie Johnson F 40 <strong>Grim</strong> Virgins1507 690 02:00:50 Nikki Cotton F 35 <strong>Grim</strong> Virgins1508 811 02:00:52 Jo Davies F 35 <strong>Grim</strong> Virgins1509 1723 02:01:05 Manjit Kaley M Bastard1510 2819 02:01:21 Nemisa Shah F1511 1904 02:02:21 Siobhan Linard F Team Legend1512 3452 02:02:45 Annelie Wouters F Man1513 356 02:02:50 Michelle Brierley F Man1514 3004 02:02:55 Daniel Stone M1515 3079 02:03:24 Robert Taylor M1516 3236 02:03:28 Donna Walker F1517 2842 02:03:30 Stephen Sheekey M 45 The Brothers <strong>Grim</strong>m1518 2841 02:03:32 Paul Sheekey M 40 The Brothers <strong>Grim</strong>m1519 905 02:03:35 Julie Drabwell F1520 603 02:03:36 Lucy Clerkin F A Ginge Amongst Lucies1521 1686 02:03:36 Clare Jones F A Ginge Amongst Lucies1522 877 02:03:37 Katrina Doherty F 401523 2840 02:03:47 Michael Sheekey M The Brothers <strong>Grim</strong>m1524 2651 02:04:38 Martin Robinson M Slim <strong>Grim</strong>1525 1223 02:04:38 Christina Goodrick-Meech F Slim <strong>Grim</strong>1526 984 02:04:40 Tanya Ekers F 501527 1142 02:04:41 Sean Gaffney M Team Gaffe1528 1676 02:04:41 Kerry Johnson F Team Gaffe1529 1141 02:04:41 Fiona Gaffney F Team Gaffe1530 377 02:05:03 James Brooks M1531 2087 02:05:04 Debra Mcdowell F1532 379 02:05:05 Liz Brooks F1533 3881 02:05:06 Lucy Robinson F1534 2956 02:05:20 Sarah Squire F1535 3071 02:06:24 Deborah Taylor F 351536 3168 02:06:25 Felicity Turnbull F1537 3076 02:06:25 James Taylor M1538 2890 02:06:36 Andre Smith M 40 The So Solid Poo1539 3000 02:07:14 Fiona Stokes F1540 2353 02:07:15 Ciaran Osgerby M Dirty Old Men1541 1981 02:07:15 Nigel Maguire M1542 1565 02:07:16 Richard Hughes M Dirty Old Men1543 967 02:08:13 Albert Edwards M1544 2376 02:08:16 Polly Palmer F 551545 638 02:08:19 Kay Collins F1546 2934 02:08:20 Anna Snow F1547 1609 02:08:27 Naama Israeli F 35 Man1548 561 02:08:29 Steven Chapman M1549 349 02:08:31 Hellen Brereton F Jo's Room1550 3439 02:08:32 Joanne Woodcraft F Jo's Room1551 1654 02:08:43 Michelle Jenkinson F Fit & Filthy1552 304 02:09:00 Hema Borde F Mud Loving Criminals1553 808 02:09:05 Gareth Davies M1554 3426 02:09:16 Angela Wolff F 351555 2173 02:09:44 Aaron Mogridge M1556 71 02:11:23 Katharine Andrews F 35 Mud Loving Criminals1557 1954 02:11:24 Venetta Lunn F 35 Mud Loving Criminals1558 396 02:15:32 Nathalie Brown F1559 3156 02:15:32 Alison Treasure F 401560 2441 02:20:11 Andrew Perkins M

Saturday Results<strong>Grim</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong> 2007Pos RaceNo Time Name Gender Cat Team1561 1373 02:20:13 Hayley Harvey F The Mad Marriotts

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