The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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d2SERMONS.of the king's houfe, were ail taken and carried away'*"in the reign of Rehoboam. It was but five years afterSolomon's death, that Shifliak king of Egvpt, came andcarried away with him the gold vcfTels of the temple;and, by forcing Relioboam to pay him tribute, madethe kingdom of Judah a province of Egypt. Thegold laid up by David, the gold which Solomon acquiredby commerce, and the gold which he leviedfrom his fubje£ts, by the heavy yoke he laid on themall, even all of it, fcon became the prey of a rapaciousfpoiler. How tranfient is wealth and humanglory ! How quickly may a nation lofe its liberty, andbecome tributary to fome powerful neighbour ! Anation may now be free, and m.ay foon be in bondage.A people may be rich, and may foon be impoverifhed.So alfo may any individual ; ** Why t*hen fet ye yourheart on that which is not ? for riches make them^felves wings, and flee away as an eagle towards heaven.Why then make the gold your hope ? or thefine gold your confidence ?" ^^SHiy lay a grievousyoke on the poor, that fo you may lay up trcafureson earth " Lay up to yourfelves treafures in heaven,"where no fpoiler can come, where no thief can.?break through and fteal. Aflert yourfelves into that.liberty of which all the powers of earth and hell cannotbereave you y freedom of foul, liberty from thebondage of corruption,

SEPvMONS. 83ly of heart, and ye fliall find reft unto your fouls ;for my yoke is eafy, and my burden is light."6th, I remark further, that the quiet, the ftrength,and even the independence of a kingdon^, is endangered,when any of its grandees, or men of rank andtalents, are provoked at home, and forced to feek prote£fionin fome neighbouring inimical kingdom. Itis not to be expelled, but that a man of talents, whohath been harfhiy ufed in his own country, will exerthimfclf to irritate and affift thofe who protect him a-gainft thofe who have injured him. David, indeed,when he was on his march to fight againft Saul, wasreftrained from fliedding the blood of his countrymen jfor the Philiftines ordered him to depart to his home.And Themiftocles, when the critical period came,choofed rather to die a voluntary death than to helphis royal benefactor to conquer Greece. But Jeroboam,more corrupted than that brave Athenian; Jeroboam,ftimulated by revenge, fired by ambition,and encouraged by that efleem which he knew theten tribes had of his political and military talents,and perhaps trufting alfo, that Ahijah's prophecywould certainly be fulfilled, did all he could to fplit^he united kingdom of Judah, which would render itlefs formidable to its neighbours than it had been underDavid and Solomon ; for, as David had been agreat warrior, had conquered Edom, and even Ek)thand Ezion-geber, ports upon the Red Sea, in the•neighbourhood of Egypt ; it can hardly be doubted,that Egypt dreaded the military fpirit of the Ifraelitifhnation, and even its commercial fpirit, by which ithad grown fo rich and powerful in the reign of Solomon.Hence it was that Jeroboam with a kindreception in the court of Shifiiak: He aimed and expectedto be king of the ten tribes ; and it is highlyprobable, that, as foon as he reached Egypt, he enteredon the propereft means to execute his plan, inwhich he was aiMed by Shifhak. who encouraged

SEPvMONS. 83ly <strong>of</strong> heart, and ye fliall find reft unto your fouls ;for my yoke is eafy, and my burden is light."6th, I remark fur<strong>the</strong>r, that <strong>the</strong> quiet, <strong>the</strong> ftrength,and even <strong>the</strong> independence <strong>of</strong> a kingdon^, is endangered,when any <strong>of</strong> its grandees, or men <strong>of</strong> rank andtalents, are provoked at home, and forced to feek prote£fionin fome neighbouring inimi<strong>ca</strong>l kingdom. Itis not to be expelled, but that a man <strong>of</strong> talents, whohath been harfhiy ufed in his own country, will exerthimfclf to irritate and affift th<strong>of</strong>e who protect him a-gainft th<strong>of</strong>e who have injured him. David, indeed,when he was on his march to fight againft Saul, wasreftrained from fliedding <strong>the</strong> blood <strong>of</strong> his countrymen jfor <strong>the</strong> Philiftines ordered him to depart to his home.And <strong>The</strong>miftocles, when <strong>the</strong> criti<strong>ca</strong>l period <strong>ca</strong>me,cho<strong>of</strong>ed ra<strong>the</strong>r to die a voluntary death than to helphis royal benefactor to conquer Greece. But Jeroboam,more corrupted than that brave A<strong>the</strong>nian; Jeroboam,ftimu<strong>late</strong>d by revenge, fired by ambition,and encouraged by that efleem which he knew <strong>the</strong>ten tribes had <strong>of</strong> his politi<strong>ca</strong>l and military talents,and perhaps trufting alfo, that Ahijah's prophecywould certainly be fulfilled, did all he could to fplit^he united kingdom <strong>of</strong> Judah, which would render itlefs formidable to its neighbours than it had been underDavid and Solomon ; for, as David had been agreat warrior, had conquered Edom, and even Ek)thand Ezion-geber, ports upon <strong>the</strong> Red Sea, in <strong>the</strong>•neighbourhood <strong>of</strong> Egypt ; it <strong>ca</strong>n hardly be doubted,that Egypt dreaded <strong>the</strong> military fpirit <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ifraelitifhnation, and even its commercial fpirit, by which ithad grown fo rich and powerful in <strong>the</strong> reign <strong>of</strong> Solomon.Hence it was that Jeroboam with a kindreception in <strong>the</strong> court <strong>of</strong> Shifiiak: He aimed and expectedto be king <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ten tribes ; and it is highlyprobable, that, as foon as he reached Egypt, he enteredon <strong>the</strong> propereft means to execute his plan, inwhich he was aiMed by Shifhak. who encouraged

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