The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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SERMONS. 7£for, when a mob Is once a-foot, what or who is it that<strong>ca</strong>n put a ftop to its fury ? Even majefty itfelf, if inMull<strong>the</strong> way, may fall a vi6lim to its fenfelefs rage.not <strong>the</strong> king himfelf have been fomewhat forry tha<strong>the</strong> forfook <strong>the</strong> prudent counfel <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> old men, whenhe fees himfelf forced to flee in terror from th<strong>of</strong>e,who, if he had fpoken and a6ted with propriety,would have trembled before him, and yielded a readyobedience to his juft commands ? He made fpeed toget him up to his chariot, and drove as quickly as hecould to Jerufalem.When Rehoboam had, by flight, ef<strong>ca</strong>ped to <strong>the</strong><strong>ca</strong>pital ; after his authority had been controuled, hiswill refifted, and <strong>the</strong> collector <strong>of</strong> his taxes maflacredby a mob ; he, without repealing <strong>the</strong> obnoxious edi6t,or taking time to think <strong>of</strong> fome lenient fteps, beingyet diredled by his young counfellors, had immediaterecourfe to coercive meafures. He immediately levieda powerful army to force <strong>the</strong> revolted provinces t<strong>of</strong>ubmit again to his grievous yoke, and to pay <strong>the</strong>heavy tax^s imp<strong>of</strong>ed upon <strong>the</strong>m. " And v/hen Rehoboamwas come to Jerufalem, he aflembled all <strong>the</strong>houfe <strong>of</strong> Judah, with <strong>the</strong> tribe <strong>of</strong> Benjamin, an hundredand fourfcore thoufand ch<strong>of</strong>en men, which werewarriors, to fight againlt <strong>the</strong> houfe <strong>of</strong> Ifrael, to bring<strong>the</strong> kingdom again to Rehoboam, <strong>the</strong> fon <strong>of</strong> Solomon."Had he firft made <strong>the</strong>ir burden lighter, and repealed<strong>the</strong> edi£t for an unlimited tribute, which he had forecently enafted, I do not know but <strong>the</strong> rage <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>people would have foon fubfided, and, from <strong>the</strong>ir likingto David's family, <strong>the</strong>y might have returned a-gain, and fubmitted to Rehoboam : but <strong>the</strong>re was n<strong>of</strong>uch repeal, no relaxation •, he aflembled a hundredand fourfcore thoufand. I fufpe^t that <strong>the</strong> men <strong>of</strong>Judah and Benjamin had no great mind to this waragainft <strong>the</strong>ir brethren *, for, a few years after this period,Abijam levied and led on to battle no fewerthan four hundred thoufand. Be this as it may, Re-

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