The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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6SSERMOKS.appointed, faying, Come to me on <strong>the</strong> third day.And <strong>the</strong> king aniwered <strong>the</strong> people roughly, and forfook<strong>the</strong> old mens ccunfel that <strong>the</strong>y gave him, andfpoke to <strong>the</strong>m after <strong>the</strong> counfel <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> young men,faying, My fa<strong>the</strong>r made your yoke heavy, and I willadd to your yoke ; my fa<strong>the</strong>r alfo ciiaflifed you withwhips, but I will chaftife you with fcorpions." <strong>The</strong>edi(^ itfelf was rigid and tyranni<strong>ca</strong>l ; and it was announcedto <strong>the</strong> people with roughnefs, with a flernand haughty countenance, and evident marks that <strong>the</strong>king held <strong>the</strong>m in contempt. You are to obfcrve,that <strong>the</strong>re is one article cf tlie advice given whichwas not delivered by <strong>the</strong> king to <strong>the</strong> delegates; " Mylittle finger iliall be thicker than my fa<strong>the</strong>r's loins."Did this proceed from <strong>the</strong> king's lenity.'^ I wifh Icould think {o "; but <strong>the</strong> king fpake roughly." Perhaps<strong>the</strong> king had forgotten a few <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> words whichhis counfellors had dictated to him •, for I believe itwas not yet <strong>the</strong> cuftom for minifters to write <strong>the</strong>fpeech which <strong>the</strong> king was to deliver ; <strong>the</strong> king wasleft to recollect <strong>the</strong> feveral words <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir advice ashis memory fhouid ferve him.<strong>The</strong> effccb this tyranni<strong>ca</strong>l declaration produced was<strong>the</strong> fam.e that every fuch declaration ought to pro^duce, and w ill produce on. free minds. Such an un^difguifed determination to ejJercife unlimited and defpoticpower would infpire even cowards with manhoodand refolution ; for, will free men tamely fubmitto be fiaves, and, if pollible, worfe than Haves,w^hiifl <strong>the</strong>y have it in <strong>the</strong>ir power to preferve tlieirliberty, and to do <strong>the</strong>mfelves juflice ? <strong>The</strong> new counfellorsmight flatter Rehoboam, that <strong>the</strong>re were awe-6il rays <strong>of</strong> glory darting from his auguft countenance;that <strong>the</strong> people would be intimidated at his prefence;that <strong>the</strong>y Vv'ould receive his royal orders with a humblefubmifhon, and yield obedience in <strong>the</strong> bcft manner<strong>the</strong>y could ; but both <strong>the</strong>y and <strong>the</strong> king were altoge<strong>the</strong>rdifappointed ; Though <strong>the</strong>ir rcmonftraace

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