The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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56 SERMOlrt.three years had elapfed fince this union of the twocroM^ns ; and yet it feems the ten tribes were ftill confideredas being in fome fort a dillindt kingdom fromthat of Judah^ " And Rehoboam went to Shechem-;for all Ifrael were come to Shechem to make himking." Rehoboam went to Shechem : all Ifrael, thatis, the heads of the tribes, delegates from all Ifrael,were there before him -, they had met in Congrefs atShechem to make him king, not with power unlimited: From their regard to the family of David, theydeii red to make him king; they had come to Shechemin that view ; but it was upon the conditionswhich they exprefsly mention : for, as was natural,the regard they had to their own intereft was llrong-a little before his death gave to his fon Jofeph.Jofeph's bones were buried ; here was Jacob's well,er than their attachment to David's family.Shechem: At this ancient towai many public meetingswere held. It Was in the tribe of Ephraim, andftood on the brow of a hill, at the fide of that beautifulvaRey which lay between Mount Ebal and MountGerizzim, from which two mountains, the bleffingsand curfes, mentioned in Deuteronomy, were pronounced.It was in the parcel of land which JacobHereneaj:. which our Saviour had the converfation with the.woman of Samaria, mentioned in John's gofpel. Shechemwas at firft built by Hamor, and fo called afterthe name of his fon. The mention of this place isintroduced in fcripture with a very tragical ftory ;Dinah, Jacob's daughter, had gone out to fee thedaughters of the land ; that is, as if fome unwaryyoung woman fhould go to feme diflant fait cr market,where ihe is a ftranger , or, as one in fafliionablelife goes unguarded to wafte her time at a play,or anocturnal card-aflembly, or a mafquerade : She wasfair ; ihe was in danger ; Shechem faw her, and difhonouredher ; but, being fick, and defperately in lovewith her, he would have given all he had in the world have her to wife. Old Hamor, his father, pitiedhis diftrefs, and, dreading no guile, entered into atreaty with Jacob's family about the marriage. Theyperiidioufly confented to the match, on condition thatHamor, Shechem, the citizens, all their domeftics,and flaves, Ihould be circumcifed. To thefe termsHamor agreed, and Shechem alfo, who " was morehonourable than all his father's houfe." Trufting tothe fmcerity of Jacob's family, they were all circumcifed,and fo deprived themfelves of all means of makingany defence, Ihould they be attacked; and attackedmoft certainly they were j for, upon the third day,when they were fore, two of Jacob's fons rufhed inupon them, fword in hand, and barbarouiiy butcheredall the males, man and child ;juft as if in a fieldof battle, when the weaker fide fling down their arms,and furrender to the ftronger, the llronger fiiould inflantlyfall on, and with unrelenting cruelty maflacrethe unarmed foldiers upon the fpot. Such things,alas ! have been done.The heads of the ten tribes, who had come to Shechem,fearing or fufpe£ting that Rehoboam and hiscounfellors would not grant them the terms they M^ereto demand, had laid their meafures with a confiderabledegree of political ability : They brought onewith them, whom, in cafe of necellity, they intendedto make king, and to erecElindependent kingdom, as they had been already, underthe government of Saul's fon. This was their'57themfelves into a feparateintention, in cafe Rehoboam fhould refufe their petition.The man they took care to bring along withthem was Jeroboam.Jeroboam, the fon of Nebat, had loft his fatherwhen he was very young ; and, though he had noneto take care of his education but his v/idowed mother,he foon emerged into greatnefs. By his fpirit and.activity he caufed himfelf to be taken notice of : Heis., called the fervant of Solomon, juft as lUinifters o£. have her to wife. Old Hamor, his fa<strong>the</strong>r, pitiedhis diftrefs, and, dreading no guile, entered into atreaty with Jacob's family about <strong>the</strong> marriage. <strong>The</strong>yperiidioufly confented to <strong>the</strong> match, on condition thatHamor, Shechem, <strong>the</strong> citizens, all <strong>the</strong>ir domeftics,and flaves, Ihould be circumcifed. To <strong>the</strong>fe termsHamor agreed, and Shechem alfo, who " was morehonourable than all his fa<strong>the</strong>r's houfe." Trufting to<strong>the</strong> fmcerity <strong>of</strong> Jacob's family, <strong>the</strong>y were all circumcifed,and fo deprived <strong>the</strong>mfelves <strong>of</strong> all means <strong>of</strong> makingany defence, Ihould <strong>the</strong>y be attacked; and attackedm<strong>of</strong>t certainly <strong>the</strong>y were j for, upon <strong>the</strong> third day,when <strong>the</strong>y were fore, two <strong>of</strong> Jacob's fons rufhed inupon <strong>the</strong>m, fword in hand, and barbarouiiy butcheredall <strong>the</strong> males, man and child ;juft as if in a field<strong>of</strong> battle, when <strong>the</strong> weaker fide fling down <strong>the</strong>ir arms,and furrender to <strong>the</strong> ftronger, <strong>the</strong> llronger fiiould inflantlyfall on, and with unrelenting cruelty maflacre<strong>the</strong> unarmed foldiers upon <strong>the</strong> fpot. Such things,alas ! have been done.<strong>The</strong> heads <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ten tribes, who had come to Shechem,fearing or fufpe£ting that Rehoboam and hiscounfellors would not grant <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> terms <strong>the</strong>y M^ereto demand, had laid <strong>the</strong>ir meafures with a confiderabledegree <strong>of</strong> politi<strong>ca</strong>l ability : <strong>The</strong>y brought onewith <strong>the</strong>m, whom, in <strong>ca</strong>fe <strong>of</strong> necellity, <strong>the</strong>y intendedto make king, and to erecElindependent kingdom, as <strong>the</strong>y had been already, under<strong>the</strong> government <strong>of</strong> Saul's fon. This was <strong>the</strong>ir'57<strong>the</strong>mfelves into a feparateintention, in <strong>ca</strong>fe Rehoboam fhould refufe <strong>the</strong>ir petition.<strong>The</strong> man <strong>the</strong>y took <strong>ca</strong>re to bring along with<strong>the</strong>m was Jeroboam.Jeroboam, <strong>the</strong> fon <strong>of</strong> Nebat, had l<strong>of</strong>t his fa<strong>the</strong>rwhen he was very young ; and, though he had noneto take <strong>ca</strong>re <strong>of</strong> his edu<strong>ca</strong>tion but his v/idowed mo<strong>the</strong>r,he foon emerged into greatnefs. By his fpirit and.activity he <strong>ca</strong>ufed himfelf to be taken notice <strong>of</strong> : Heis., <strong>ca</strong>lled <strong>the</strong> fervant <strong>of</strong> Solomon, juft as lUinifters o£.

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