The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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4BSERMONS.regarded : but when any of your ordinary people im»-happily fall into thofe tranfgreflions v/hich are judgedto merit the cenfures of the Church, you may perhapsfind it prudent and tending to edification, to difcufsas many of fuch fcandals as pofiible, quietly inyour own Scffiori.—With refpe£t to your appearancesin higher judicatories, I have no reafon to doubtbut you will always follow that which is right, orappeareth to you as fuch.I conclude what I had to fay to you, in the wordsof Paul to Timothy^ proper to guide you in your privateand public capacity."I charge thee, therefore,before God, and the Lord Jefus Chrift, who fhalljudge the quick and the dead at his appearance andhis kingdom ;preach the Word, be inltant in feafonand out of feafon, reprove, rebuke, exhort with alllong-fviiFcring and doctrine. Study to fhow thyfelrapproved unto God, a workman that needeth not tobe afliamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Let noman defpife thy youth, hut be thou an example of thebelievers, in word, in converfiition, in charity, in fpirit,in faith, in purity. Give attendance to reading,to exhortation, to dcftrine. Neglect not the gifttliat is in thee. Meditate on thefe things ;give thyfelfwholly to them, that thy profiting m^ay appear to alLI lee alfo youthful lufts, but follow righteoufnefs,faith, charity, peace, v/ith them that call on the Lordout of a pure heart. V>^atch then in all things, dothe work of an Evangclift, make full proof of tiiy miniilry.Take heed unto thyfelf, and to thy doctrine,continue in them, for in doing this, thou fhalt bothfave thyfelf, and them that hear thee." And whenyou are on the verge of life, you will have to fay,with that faithful fervant of Chrift, " The time ofmy departure is at hand, I have fought a good nght,I have finiflied my courfe, I have kept the faith jhenceforth there islaid up for me a crown of rightcoufnefs;which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will

sermon'^. 49'give me at that day.—Confider what I fay, ana theLord give thee underftanding in all things.'*The form requires, that I iliould alfo fpeak a fewwords to you of this Congregation.—You have harmoniouflycalled Mr. Burns to be your MinifterYou have promifed him all encouragement, and fubmiflionin the Lord *, you have done well ; continuein this laudable fpirit, continue to " receive him inthe Lord, with all gladnefs, and hold him in reputation,becaufe he labours in the work of ChrilL E-fleem him very highly in love for his works fake.^'Nothing will fo efie£lually encourage him, as the feeingyou give evidence of your growth in grace, andin the knowledge of Chriil ; when he obferves youliving foberly, righteouily, and godly, and having, inall things, your converfation, fuch as becometh tlicGofpel, this will encourage his heart ;you will behis " glory and his joy ; for what is his hope, or joy,or crown of rejoicing ? Are not even ye in the prefenceof our Lord Jefus Chrift at his coming ?''And you will give evidence of your grov/th in^' grace, by the pratSlice of fobriety, temperance, juftice.and charity ; and, in fhort, by the performance ofrelative duties. Let parents and children, maftersand fervants, rich and poor, confcientiouily difchargethe duties refpeclfully incumbent upon them, hiparticular, the rich are called upon, in this hard time^to open their hands wide to relieve the poor, whoare ev-ery where greatly multiplied in number^ andmany, by not being employed, are in deep diilrefs."No fight will pleafe you fo much, as the faces ofmen who have been made lefs miferable, and morehappy, by your charity. To reileve them, is an evi^dence that you love God, and eileem the grace of theLord Jefus " but whofo hath this world's good, and•,feeth his brother have need, and fhutteth up hisbowels of compaffion from him, hov/ dwelleth thelove of God in him ?"E

sermon'^. 49'give me at that day.—Confider what I fay, ana <strong>the</strong>Lord give <strong>the</strong>e underftanding in all things.'*<strong>The</strong> form requires, that I iliould alfo fpeak a fewwords to you <strong>of</strong> this Congregation.—You have harmonioufly<strong>ca</strong>lled Mr. Burns to be your MinifterYou have promifed him all encouragement, and fubmiflionin <strong>the</strong> Lord *, you have done well ; continuein this laudable fpirit, continue to " receive him in<strong>the</strong> Lord, with all gladnefs, and hold him in reputation,be<strong>ca</strong>ufe he labours in <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> ChrilL E-fleem him very highly in love for his <strong>works</strong> fake.^'Nothing will fo efie£lually encourage him, as <strong>the</strong> feeingyou give evidence <strong>of</strong> your growth in grace, andin <strong>the</strong> knowledge <strong>of</strong> Chriil ; when he obferves youliving foberly, righteouily, and godly, and having, inall things, your converfation, fuch as becometh tlicG<strong>of</strong>pel, this will encourage his heart ;you will behis " glory and his joy ; for what is his hope, or joy,or crown <strong>of</strong> rejoicing ? Are not even ye in <strong>the</strong> prefence<strong>of</strong> our Lord Jefus Chrift at his coming ?''And you will give evidence <strong>of</strong> your grov/th in^' grace, by <strong>the</strong> pratSlice <strong>of</strong> fobriety, temperance, juftice.and charity ; and, in fhort, by <strong>the</strong> performance <strong>of</strong>relative duties. Let parents and children, maftersand fervants, rich and poor, confcientiouily difcharge<strong>the</strong> duties refpeclfully incumbent upon <strong>the</strong>m, hiparticular, <strong>the</strong> rich are <strong>ca</strong>lled upon, in this hard time^to open <strong>the</strong>ir hands wide to relieve <strong>the</strong> poor, whoare ev-ery where greatly multiplied in number^ andmany, by not being employed, are in deep diilrefs."No fight will pleafe you fo much, as <strong>the</strong> faces <strong>of</strong>men who have been made lefs miferable, and morehappy, by your charity. To reileve <strong>the</strong>m, is an evi^dence that you love God, and eileem <strong>the</strong> grace <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Lord Jefus " but wh<strong>of</strong>o hath this world's good, and•,feeth his bro<strong>the</strong>r have need, and fhutteth up hisbowels <strong>of</strong> compaffion from him, hov/ dwelleth <strong>the</strong>love <strong>of</strong> God in him ?"E

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