The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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4^- SERMONS.If you lay before your people thefe views of tlxcFather of our Lord Jefus Chiift, how can they wantobedience to him, or poflibly forget his love ?You will teach them, that the whole duty of manconfiits in yielding a cheerful obedience to thofe twogreat commandments which are the fum of the MoralLaw, " Thou fhalt love the Lord with all thyheart j and thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thyfelf."'This is the law which Chrift came not deftroy, but tofulfil j this law he eame to magnify and make it honourable: Every fa£t that is narrated, every doctrinethat is revealed in the Gofpel, tends 'to inculcate o-bedience to this original, everlafting, and immutablelaw, every plan of teaching, that may tend to weakenthe obligations to obey this Moral Law, is unfcriptural,and mull be wrong and dangerous. " Dowe make void the law through- faith ? God forbid;,yea, we eftablifli the law."By the harmonious Call which you have got, youwill have the more confidence to declare to this peopleall the counfel of God ; in particular, to ihowthat faving faith is always accompanied with a holypractice. From the corruption of nature, fome peopleare averfe to hear of the neceility of mortification^of repentance, jufliice, reftitution, and a holy life ; but*' whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear,"you arc, in faithfuhiefs to your truil, v/ifely todeclare to them the abfolute neceflity of thofe duties.As you defire that your great Mafter may be " alwaywith you, to the end," you are to " teach themto obferve all things whatfoever he hath commanded."Receive this advice in the infpired words ofthe apoftle Paul, " our Saviour Jefus Chrift gave himfelffor us to redeem us from all iniquity, and purifyto himfelf a peculiar people, zealous of goodworks : Thefe things fpeak, and exhort, and rebukewith all authority and doctrine. This is a faithful faying,and thefe things I will, that thou affirm conftantly,.

SERMONS. 47that tliey who have believed in God, might be carefulto maintain good works; thefe things are goodand profitable unto m.en. If thou put the brethrenin remembrance of thefe things, thou {halt be a goodminifter of Jefus Chrift, nourifhed up in the wordsof faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou haftattained."Another part of your work is to vifit the familiesIn your Parifh, and to vifit the fick: The firft is oftenmore laborious than ufeful ; the laft is an office of humanity,of Chriftian compaflion, and part of a minifter'sduty ; and you will be happy in pouring thebalm of confolation into the foul of the dying Chrifrtian, and in rivetting good impreffions on the heartsof thofe who fhall recover. But when you vifit thefick, who are alfo poor, (and, no doubt, you will findmany fuch in your wide and populous Parifh,) yourbrealt will heave with all the feelings of compaffion ;when you go into the difmal cottages of the ftarvingand dying poor, the fight of human woe, the gloomyimage of hunger, of agony, of death, will ftrike allyour fenfes ; with a glowing pity, you will have roomin your breaft to take in a concern for your fellow-Chriftians in diftrefs ; and you will regret that it isnot in your power to relieve them as you would : butwhen you find that they have lived by faith, you will,by encouraging them to look unto Jefus, who hathtaken away the fting of death, caufe them to rejoiceand be glad, that they are foon to find the gravenay, your very fympathifing with them, will comfortthem in fome degree ; and from the claimant viev/ ofindigence and mifery, your fpirit will be ftirred upto " charge them that are rich in this world, thatthey be ready to diftribute and willing to communicate"to the neceffities of the poor, in this time ofgeneral diftrefs.I fay nothing about your condu6l in Church judicatories; in this age, thefe Courts are lefs and lefs

4^- SERMONS.If you lay before your people <strong>the</strong>fe views <strong>of</strong> tlxcFa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> our Lord Jefus Chiift, how <strong>ca</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y wantobedience to him, or p<strong>of</strong>libly forget his love ?You will teach <strong>the</strong>m, that <strong>the</strong> whole duty <strong>of</strong> manconfiits in yielding a cheerful obedience to th<strong>of</strong>e twogreat commandments which are <strong>the</strong> fum <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> MoralLaw, " Thou fhalt love <strong>the</strong> Lord with all thyheart j and thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thyfelf."'This is <strong>the</strong> law which Chrift <strong>ca</strong>me not deftroy, but t<strong>of</strong>ulfil j this law he eame to magnify and make it honourable: Every fa£t that is narrated, every doctrinethat is revealed in <strong>the</strong> G<strong>of</strong>pel, tends 'to incul<strong>ca</strong>te o-bedience to this original, everlafting, and immutablelaw, every plan <strong>of</strong> teaching, that may tend to weaken<strong>the</strong> obligations to obey this Moral Law, is unfcriptural,and mull be wrong and dangerous. " Dowe make void <strong>the</strong> law through- faith ? God forbid;,yea, we eftablifli <strong>the</strong> law."By <strong>the</strong> harmonious Call which you have got, youwill have <strong>the</strong> more confidence to declare to this peopleall <strong>the</strong> counfel <strong>of</strong> God ; in particular, to ihowthat faving faith is always accompanied with a holypractice. From <strong>the</strong> corruption <strong>of</strong> nature, fome peopleare averfe to hear <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> neceility <strong>of</strong> mortifi<strong>ca</strong>tion^<strong>of</strong> repentance, jufliice, reftitution, and a holy life ; but*' whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y will hear, or whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y will forbear,"you arc, in faithfuhiefs to your truil, v/ifely todeclare to <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> abfolute neceflity <strong>of</strong> th<strong>of</strong>e duties.As you defire that your great Mafter may be " alwaywith you, to <strong>the</strong> end," you are to " teach <strong>the</strong>mto obferve all things whatfoever he hath commanded."Receive this advice in <strong>the</strong> infpired words <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> ap<strong>of</strong>tle Paul, " our Saviour Jefus Chrift gave himfelffor us to redeem us from all iniquity, and purifyto himfelf a peculiar people, zealous <strong>of</strong> good<strong>works</strong> : <strong>The</strong>fe things fpeak, and exhort, and rebukewith all authority and doctrine. This is a faithful faying,and <strong>the</strong>fe things I will, that thou affirm conftantly,.

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