The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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LETTERS, TRACTS, tsf.-^them, whenever a few of you meet together ; n2partkular, )^.u fhould encourage and befeech one ano*^ler, to keep :away from the enfnaring.and perniciousroups of tacks, and of growing .corn*I will conclude this firfl: ie(:te5^ by telling you, " Thatwhetlier you (hall continue ill wretchednefs, or renderyour circumftances more 'comfortable, is altogetherin your ov/n power.'' The means of relief are obviousand infallible." Nothing is a-wanting but thatyou a6fc in concert, as men who haVe their commonintereit in view. At any rate, you cannot but weI-«come my. fmcere endeavours to better your condition ;and if, contrary to my intention, any laird or gentleman(hall imagine thiit he is aim.ed at in this paper,I. fliall make him no other - anfwer- but this, ** I didnot know, Sir, that you are a trafficker in roups."There are other particulars, fome of them hintedat already, which it would be greatly to your advantageto confider with, attention. If I ihaii have health,and leifure, I affure you I want not humanity and inclination,to warn you with refpe£l to them : And Ifhall be the rather encouraged to do fo, in a fubfequentletter or two, if this one {hall be any way inftrumentaltowards a prudent alteration of your be*haviour with refpe'51 to roups, about which I have,given you what I look upon as good advice.I anij &c.

LETTERS, TRACTS, tsf.-^<strong>the</strong>m, whenever a few <strong>of</strong> you meet toge<strong>the</strong>r ; n2partkular, )^.u fhould encourage and befeech one ano*^ler, to keep :away from <strong>the</strong> enfnaring.and perniciousroups <strong>of</strong> tacks, and <strong>of</strong> growing .corn*I will conclude this firfl: ie(:te5^ by telling you, " Thatwhetlier you (hall continue ill wretchednefs, or renderyour circumftances more 'comfortable, is altoge<strong>the</strong>rin your ov/n power.'' <strong>The</strong> means <strong>of</strong> relief are obviousand infallible." Nothing is a-wanting but thatyou a6fc in concert, as men who haVe <strong>the</strong>ir commonintereit in view. At any rate, you <strong>ca</strong>nnot but weI-«come my. fmcere endeavours to better your condition ;and if, contrary to my intention, any laird or gentleman(hall imagine thiit he is aim.ed at in this paper,I. fliall make him no o<strong>the</strong>r - anfwer- but this, ** I didnot know, Sir, that you are a trafficker in roups."<strong>The</strong>re are o<strong>the</strong>r particulars, fome <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m hintedat already, which it would be greatly to your advantageto confider with, attention. If I ihaii have health,and leifure, I affure you I want not humanity and inclination,to warn you with refpe£l to <strong>the</strong>m : And Ifhall be <strong>the</strong> ra<strong>the</strong>r encouraged to do fo, in a fubfequentletter or two, if this one {hall be any way inftrumentaltowards a prudent alteration <strong>of</strong> your be*haviour with refpe'51 to roups, about which I have,given you what I look upon as good advice.I anij &c.

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