The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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44 -i LETTER5, TRACTS^ c5*^.you will be afiiamcd to continue filent.By the foorand singly looks he cafts at you, you will think yourfolvesobli;^ed to bid> that you may make fome returnto him for what you have got from him. The drink,the drink, will have a fudden and terrible ef?c£i uponyou^ or on fome one for whofe welfare you fhould beconcerned. The drink will fooii impair your judgment,and make every objeO: appear double 5you willimagine, that the land, which is fcarce worth oneguinea an acre, is-well worth two ; 2ind the corn field,which hardly bears twenty bolls, will fcem to you tobear more than forty. A dog will run from the perfonwho tries to put a halter about his neck ; art i

LETTLRS, TRACTS, '^C.443U'hatycu intended when you left your houfes. Stayat home, and you will be put of danger. If a lairdhath a farm to let, or corn field in your neighbourhoodto difpofe of, you may hire the one, or purchafeas much of the other as you pieafe, by private bargain: But, if he calls a roup, he is determined tocozen and over-reach you if he can. If his roup isin the w^eft, run to the eafl ; if in the eaft, run v/ithall your fpeed -to the weft._ Though it hath been intimatedat fifty kirks, and as niany fairs,, though everfo many flattering ilories have been fent abroad aboutit, it is all a cheat, a trap laid for you. If you wifliwell to yourfelves, or your children, be fure to keepat a diftance from it. If, when roups are called, youwill be fo v/ife as to follow this fimple advice for fiveor fix times running, I will lay my life, that roups{hall foon be at an end, and you will no longer be a-bufed and beggared by this engine of circum.ventioaand oppreiTion.This engine you may knock in pieces, and renderharmlefs, when you will ; for, unlefs you pieafe, noroup can be carried on : If you keep yourfelves away,a thoufand advertifements at kirks, markets, and iri'newfpapers, will not give exiftence to a roup. Andwhat hinders you to ftay away ? By doing fo, you encroachupon no man's right, you abridge not the li-'berty of roupers in any degree : In newfpapers, atfairs,at kirks, at markets, they may every day of theyear advertife, proclaim, intimate their roups of tacks,a^id of corn ; only you are not obliged to attend anyof them. No laird, or lord, can force you to attendhis roups, or to fend him fealed offers for his farms.Many odd cufioms have been introduced to irnpo-"veriih and herry yoii j but there is yet no law thatAnd Iftrikes diireclly againft your perfonal pofitive, that if you knew what high entertainmentyou give the roupers, when you are fighting and biddingkeenly agaiijlt one another; juft like filly chil-

44 -i LETTER5, TRACTS^ c5*^.you will be afiiamcd to continue filent.By <strong>the</strong> foorand singly looks he <strong>ca</strong>fts at you, you will think yourfolvesobli;^ed to bid> that you may make fome returnto him for what you have got from him. <strong>The</strong> drink,<strong>the</strong> drink, will have a fudden and terrible ef?c£i uponyou^ or on fome one for wh<strong>of</strong>e welfare you fhould beconcerned. <strong>The</strong> drink will fooii impair your judgment,and make every objeO: appear double 5you willimagine, that <strong>the</strong> land, which is f<strong>ca</strong>rce worth oneguinea an acre, is-well worth two ; 2ind <strong>the</strong> corn field,which hardly bears twenty bolls, will fcem to you tobear more than forty. A dog will run from <strong>the</strong> perfonwho tries to put a halter about his neck ; art i

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