The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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440 LETTERS, TRACTS, \^C.have no votes in <strong>the</strong> county ;you have no friend on<strong>the</strong> bench •, <strong>the</strong> judges do not know you ;you <strong>ca</strong>nnei<strong>the</strong>r give <strong>the</strong>m expenfive treats in public, nor inyour own pitiful houfes. Whatever criminal, or evenillegal methods may have been ufed to intoxi<strong>ca</strong>te andimp<strong>of</strong>e upon you, make not <strong>the</strong> dangerous experimentto obtain juflice in courfe <strong>of</strong> law jyou will thrt>w awayany money you have, and, in <strong>the</strong> iiTue, find yourfelvesdreadfully difappointed. You have fuffered yourfelvesto be played upon by* tl^e laird; you mufteven fufFer for your folly, and make%he beft you<strong>ca</strong>n <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bargains you have imprudently made.I have been longer than I intended, in defcribing<strong>the</strong> principle, <strong>the</strong> progrefs, and ilTue <strong>of</strong> a roup : But Imav, for that reafon, (horten <strong>the</strong> remaining part <strong>of</strong>my work ; for, if <strong>the</strong> very defign <strong>of</strong> a roup <strong>of</strong> corn,or <strong>of</strong> tacks, is -to enfnare and trick you out <strong>of</strong> yourmoney ; if a roup is condu6led v/ith fuch dangerousfngacity, and artful addrefs ; if it iiTues in your impoverifhment,and <strong>of</strong>ten in your ruin ; one wouldthink, <strong>the</strong>re fhould be no need <strong>of</strong> <strong>ca</strong>utioniiig you a-gainft it :If <strong>the</strong>fe roups are fo pernicious and deltructiveto you, will not your ov/n good fenfe dirtO: you.how to behave with refpedl to <strong>the</strong>m ?I have, however, two advices to give you, wKichj,I am fure, are <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> utm<strong>of</strong>t importance : <strong>The</strong>firftis, that, if ycu attend any fuch roups as I have fpoken<strong>of</strong>, you never open your mouths ta become biddersat <strong>the</strong>m. <strong>The</strong> fecond is, that you ccntroul <strong>the</strong>inclination you have to be at <strong>the</strong>fe meetings, and nevergo to fuch roups at all.Firft, I advife you, that, if you attend any <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>A*oups I have fpoken <strong>of</strong>, you never become bidders atany <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m : I know you have a wonderful itch ar.dcuri<strong>of</strong>ity to gono fairs and markets, and o<strong>the</strong>r places<strong>of</strong> public refort, where you are <strong>of</strong>tentim.es very illemployed ; it is that fame itch which <strong>ca</strong>rries ycu toroups : But though you foolifhiy go to a roup,, it is^

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