The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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34 SERMONS.fatlon, have a furprifing influence upon the turn ofthe mind, the feelings of the heart, and our behaviourin life. How often hath an impure hint, perhapsunmeaningly thrown out, polluted the mind of thehearer, given rife or growth to diforderly appetites orpaflions, which have foon after been exerted into action,and iffued in his remorfe and fhame. Whenthis happens to be the cafe, hath not the unwaryfpcaker reafon of deep mourning and regret, and hatJrnot the unfortunate hearer reafon to repent that everhe v/as in fuch company, though it may have beenthat of his near relations or intimate friends ? Mightit not be an effectual check to all fuch dangerous converfation,did the fpeaker paufe a little,and confider,"What mifchief may this word, this ftory cccafion ?"What fm may be committed in the confequence of it ?V/hat ihame, what punifhment may fome unliableperfon be brought to fufPer by it ?—How often alfo,,,and I fpeak it with pleafure, how often hath a fimpleman who was tottering,hint raifed and cherifted the devout and friendly affections,—caughthold of aand jufl upon the verge of falling into fome foul tranfgrellion,been the means of eftabiifning him in virtue,and fixing him in a laudable and Chriilian courfe ofa6lIon ? Hath not many a man felt the emotions ofgratitude flirring in his breaft, by being put in mindof God's loving kindnefs toward him ? Even an ac:i- fdental expreflion concerning the excellency of religion,and the furpafTmg love of Jefus,. or concerningthe dignity, the reality, and beauty of virtue, amidftall the prefent corruption and difTipation of the world,is often not without efFecl. It awakens in the fouiadmiration and love to God j it kindles a v/arm defireof virtue in the heart of the hearer, and cherifhesthat fame defire in the heart of the fpeaker. He «voften hath foft perfuafion pacified wrath, and ftei rimedthe impetuous tide of paOion ! How often hn.hit excited pity and commiferation, ?nd allayed tii-;

SERMONS. 35l^oifterous intention of revenge and cruelty \ How oftenhave the words and countenance of a friend cooledthe boilings of paffion, made a perfon to controulhis criminal defires, to alter his purpofe, and prefervehis innocence ! How beautiful, how forcible and falutaryare fuch right words, how ftudioufly to be fpoken,how faithfully to be remembered !" A wholefometongue is a tree of life ;—a word fitly fpoken islike apples of gold in pictures of fdver ;—the wordsof the wife are as goads, and as nails faflened in fureplaces by the mafters of the aflemblies ;let thereforeno corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth,but that which is good to the ufe of edifying ; be yefilled with the Spirit, fpeaking among yourfelves mutually', let the word of Chrift dwell in you richly,in all wifdom teaching and admonifliing one another."Were we difpofed to fo falutary an exercife, wecould be at no lofs for materials to converfe upon,which have a direO: tendency to our mutual improvementin the fpiritual life,—to warm our hearts withthe love of God, and with the love of one another,us to the practice of give us the command of our paffions, and to bendMight we not difcourfeon the nature and beauty of every Chriftian virtue,the obligations to the practice of it, derived fromthe light of nature, and the farther obligations to it,from the Gofpel of Chrift? By this means, would wenot learn to have clear and precife notions of everyvirtue, and would we not be the better able to recommendvirtue, in all its particular branches, to thechoice and purfuit of one another ? Would not fcriousconverfation on fuch fubje^ts, cherifh the devout affections,infpire us with the love of God, and teach usrefignation to his will ? Did we in the fear of God," fpeak often one to another," concerning the compaffionand love of Chrift to a perifhing world, wouldnot our hearts burn within us, whilft we meditatedand fpoke of him ? Would net our faith in him

34 SERMONS.fatlon, have a furprifing influence upon <strong>the</strong> turn <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> mind, <strong>the</strong> feelings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> heart, and our behaviourin life. How <strong>of</strong>ten hath an impure hint, perhapsunmeaningly thrown out, polluted <strong>the</strong> mind <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>hearer, given rife or growth to diforderly appetites orpaflions, which have foon after been exerted into action,and iffued in his remorfe and fhame. Whenthis happens to be <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>fe, hath not <strong>the</strong> unwaryfp<strong>ca</strong>ker reafon <strong>of</strong> deep mourning and regret, and hatJrnot <strong>the</strong> unfortunate hearer reafon to repent that everhe v/as in fuch company, though it may have beenthat <strong>of</strong> his near relations or intimate friends ? Mightit not be an effectual check to all fuch dangerous converfation,did <strong>the</strong> fpeaker paufe a little,and confider,"What mifchief may this word, this ftory cc<strong>ca</strong>fion ?"What fm may be committed in <strong>the</strong> confequence <strong>of</strong> it ?V/hat ihame, what punifhment may fome unliableperfon be brought to fufPer by it ?—How <strong>of</strong>ten alfo,,,and I fpeak it with pleafure, how <strong>of</strong>ten hath a fimpleman who was tottering,hint raifed and cherifted <strong>the</strong> devout and friendly affections,—<strong>ca</strong>ughthold <strong>of</strong> aand jufl upon <strong>the</strong> verge <strong>of</strong> falling into fome foul tranfgrellion,been <strong>the</strong> means <strong>of</strong> eftabiifning him in virtue,and fixing him in a laudable and Chriilian courfe <strong>of</strong>a6lIon ? Hath not many a man felt <strong>the</strong> emotions <strong>of</strong>gratitude flirring in his breaft, by being put in mind<strong>of</strong> God's loving kindnefs toward him ? Even an ac:i- fdental expreflion concerning <strong>the</strong> excellency <strong>of</strong> religion,and <strong>the</strong> furpafTmg love <strong>of</strong> Jefus,. or concerning<strong>the</strong> dignity, <strong>the</strong> reality, and beauty <strong>of</strong> virtue, amidftall <strong>the</strong> prefent corruption and difTipation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world,is <strong>of</strong>ten not without efFecl. It awakens in <strong>the</strong> fouiadmiration and love to God j it kindles a v/arm defire<strong>of</strong> virtue in <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hearer, and cherifhesthat fame defire in <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fpeaker. He «v<strong>of</strong>ten hath f<strong>of</strong>t perfuafion pacified wrath, and ftei rimed<strong>the</strong> impetuous tide <strong>of</strong> paOion ! How <strong>of</strong>ten hn.hit excited pity and commiferation, ?nd allayed tii-;

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