The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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39- LDTTERS, TRACTS, bT/<strong>of</strong> heart, and are able to fee <strong>the</strong> diftrefles <strong>of</strong> tke miferablewith an undifturbed tranquillity. Confiderhow <strong>the</strong>y act in life, how <strong>the</strong>y are acting jull now,and you need no o<strong>the</strong>r pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ancient remark,that fuper-celeftiahopinions, and fubterraneous practices,are commonly found to be <strong>of</strong> fmgular accord.-Did you ever know a (kilful mctaphyfician, or acutetlieorill, who was exempt from covetoufnefs, nay,who was not move covetous than ordinary? <strong>The</strong>yput me in mind <strong>of</strong> ravenous birds which, foar high in<strong>the</strong> clouds, but are obferved to keep <strong>the</strong>ir c)^ downward,fixed direCTtly on <strong>the</strong>ir prey. Unhappy Was<strong>the</strong> f<strong>late</strong> <strong>of</strong> this country, in fome former periods,when almoil every m:^n was a metaphyiician ; and <strong>of</strong>fuch a wild and wretched fcene we may eanly form,fome notion, from <strong>the</strong> avarice, <strong>the</strong> faction, <strong>the</strong> brawling,and contention, that prevail in this very college. -Shall I ever fee <strong>the</strong> happy day, when <strong>the</strong>fe fpecuiativefophifts fhall be held ii> a ftill more univerfalcontempt4:han at prefent ! fhall be avoided as ravenouswolves, or totally hunted out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> country !"Chap. 21. By this time <strong>the</strong> gentleman was alm<strong>of</strong>lout<strong>of</strong> breath ; but after he had paufed a little, andwalked three or four times acr<strong>of</strong>s <strong>the</strong> room, he took,his feat, and proceeded v/ith a lliti more ferious andfolerrui air than before: Gentlemen, he faid, it runiflrongly in my head, that this perfecutcd ftudentrnuft be a real believer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> g<strong>of</strong>pcl , and I wilh hebe not perfecuted on that very account. His difiike<strong>of</strong> metaphyfics is to me a pro<strong>of</strong> tliat he is a feriousand fkm believer ;young as he is, he hath difcovered<strong>the</strong> dangerous tendency <strong>of</strong> metaphyseal fcience,^ and is I fear, fcr that reafon, unwelcome at this col-*lege. Metaphyfics, you may depend, is always accompaniedwith feme degree <strong>of</strong> fcepticifm or infidelity.Your metaphyfr<strong>ca</strong>l gentlemen deal in thin andfubtiie arguments, till <strong>the</strong>y reafon <strong>the</strong>mitives out <strong>of</strong>all religion, and doubt <strong>of</strong> that which <strong>of</strong> allthings is

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