The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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372 LETTERS, TRACTS, lifr.AN ADDRESS OF" Alay it ^afe your Majejlyy«We, -»moft humbly beg leave to congratulate your Majeftyupon the birth of a prince jan event doubly gratefulto your affedlionate people, as it crowns your conjugalfelicity vi^ith the joys of a parent, and the publicfelicity with the joyful profpe^ that the fame bleffmgswe now enjoy under your Majefty's governmentwill be perpetuated to poflerity in the heir ofyour crown, and (as it is^mitural to hope) the heir alfoof your perfonal virtues." We be^ leave at the fame time to congratulateyour Majefty upon thofe other joyful events withwhich providence hath been pleafed to blefs the aufpiciouscommencement of your reign ;the gloriousfuccelTes of your arms againft: our proud and perfidiousenemies ; thofe multiplied vi6lories, thofe vaft;and various acquifitions which are become almoft dif«ficult to be enumerated : Thefe, the efFeifs of yourwife councils, will ever be acknowledged by yourgrateful people- But thefe are a fmall part only ofthe^blelhngs they have reafon to hope for from thebenign influence of your government. From whatthey have already experienced of your Royal virtues,they eafily difcern that the trophies of war will yieldto thofe of peace; that the former, acquired by yourMajefty with regret, as being built on the miferies ofmankind, will be infinitely furpafled by the latter,built upon their happinefs, and in acquiring of whichyour Majefty can give full fcope to the natural bentof your difpofition. What a ravifliing profpe6l opensto your people on the eftabliftiment of the peace,which your Majefty's humanity inclines you to giveto your proftrate enemies ! Tafte, and genius, andthe fine arts, long drooping and neglected, find inJ

•vailed'LETTERS, TRACTS, bV. 373your Majefly an enligktensd jtidge, and at the fametime a generous patron. Science and ufeful learningbloom again, cheered by tlie fun-fliine of your Royaimunificence j integrity and economy difpiay themfelvesin every branch of the adminiilration ;publicfpirit rears its head, and th^ baneful fons of corruptiondefponding fly before it. Illuilrious thefe, andtruly regal trophies,- whiill greater iliil remain to berecounted. How have irrciigion and immorality pre-in .thefe nations, to the difgraTie of human reafon; till at length, animated by your Majeily's example,the public in their efteem prefer the man ofcorre(^ morals to the fafliionabie debauchee ; tliefaithful and afFe

372 LETTERS, TRACTS, lifr.AN ADDRESS OF" Alay it ^afe your Majejlyy«We, -»m<strong>of</strong>t humbly beg leave to congratu<strong>late</strong> your Majeftyupon <strong>the</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> a prince jan event doubly gratefulto your affedlionate people, as it crowns your conjugalfelicity vi^ith <strong>the</strong> joys <strong>of</strong> a parent, and <strong>the</strong> publicfelicity with <strong>the</strong> joyful pr<strong>of</strong>pe^ that <strong>the</strong> fame bleffmgswe now enjoy under your Majefty's governmentwill be perpetuated to p<strong>of</strong>lerity in <strong>the</strong> heir <strong>of</strong>your crown, and (as it is^mitural to hope) <strong>the</strong> heir alfo<strong>of</strong> your perfonal virtues." We be^ leave at <strong>the</strong> fame time to congratu<strong>late</strong>your Majefty upon th<strong>of</strong>e o<strong>the</strong>r joyful events withwhich providence hath been pleafed to blefs <strong>the</strong> aufpiciouscommencement <strong>of</strong> your reign ;<strong>the</strong> gloriousfuccelTes <strong>of</strong> your arms againft: our proud and perfidiousenemies ; th<strong>of</strong>e multiplied vi6lories, th<strong>of</strong>e vaft;and various acquifitions which are become alm<strong>of</strong>t dif«ficult to be enumerated : <strong>The</strong>fe, <strong>the</strong> efFeifs <strong>of</strong> yourwife councils, will ever be acknowledged by yourgrateful people- But <strong>the</strong>fe are a fmall part only <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>^blelhngs <strong>the</strong>y have reafon to hope for from <strong>the</strong>benign influence <strong>of</strong> your government. From what<strong>the</strong>y have already experienced <strong>of</strong> your Royal virtues,<strong>the</strong>y eafily difcern that <strong>the</strong> trophies <strong>of</strong> war will yieldto th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> peace; that <strong>the</strong> former, acquired by yourMajefty with regret, as being built on <strong>the</strong> miferies <strong>of</strong>mankind, will be infinitely furpafled by <strong>the</strong> latter,built upon <strong>the</strong>ir happinefs, and in acquiring <strong>of</strong> whichyour Majefty <strong>ca</strong>n give full fcope to <strong>the</strong> natural bent<strong>of</strong> your difp<strong>of</strong>ition. What a ravifliing pr<strong>of</strong>pe6l opensto your people on <strong>the</strong> eftabliftiment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> peace,which your Majefty's humanity inclines you to giveto your pr<strong>of</strong>trate enemies ! Tafte, and genius, and<strong>the</strong> fine arts, long drooping and neglected, find inJ

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