The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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370 LETTERS, TRACTS, 5irV.Here John fcratched his head and faid nothing.Pr. I fay, why did you not fay fomething aboutpurity of morals ?Here John gave a heavy figh.Pr. "Why did you fay nothing about religion ?John {hook his head three times vi^ith great vio^lence, and then fetched a hollow and deadly groan.Recovering himfelf a little, he at laft faidGentlemun, it's no my bufnieis to fpeak or tell youwhat I think about thefe maitters ; but your addrefsis no tint j I teuk it hame wi' me whun I fent awa*my nain, and gin ye like I'fe gang and fetch you yourain addrefs : It is lying in a neuk of our faatfat, carefullypreferved, and juft as frafh as whun it was toha' been fent to the king.So John went out, and returned with the authenticaddrefs, (a copy of which I here inclofe to you)and the gentlemen of the> afhamed and vex.-ed as they were, yet finding they had to do with apoor old doating body, who had got a wild conceitinto his head of writing to the king before he died,thought proper to let the matter pafs as a joke, feedingno better could be made of it. It was indeed e-vident, from the whole behaviour of the Chairman,that he intended the affair fhould have an amicableiiTue.When he had finiflied John's examination, heconcluded the federunt by repeathig in a difpaffionateand carelefs manner the following lines from Hudibras:Quoth he, that man is fure to lofeThat fouls his hand with dirty foesFor when no honour's to be gain'd,'Tis thrown away in being maintain'd.'Twas ill for us we had to do/ With fo dilhonourable a foe.W^ith regard to the authentic addrefs, which islalt difcovered in the manner I have related, I fhallnot endeavour to anticipate your judgment, efpecially^i lam not fkjllcd in thefe. matters.atI fhall only.ob-

LETTERS, TRACTS, [^fc.oyirerve, that it is not quite fo laconic and pitliy as s.former addrefs that was fent up to be prefomed to hisMajefty, conceived precifeiy in the following terms :"May It pieafe your Majefty to fill up our vacantpr—tr— p ;but It runs upon fuch points as are properfor an nniverfity addrefs :For as the intereft andimprovement of trade, falutary laws andm regulationsfavour of civil liberty and the police of the coun!try,_are the natural topics for boroughs to enlargeon m un-the,r addrefies to the throne; fo the intefeftreligion ofand morality, and the advancement of fcien-eand tafte, are topics in like manner naturally appropriatedto the clergy and the univerfities.After all, I can hardly conceal from you a furmifethat begms to gam a little credit here : Some connoifleursare whdpering about, with many Cgnificantnods, that what I bow fend you is not vet the att-Aentic addrefs which J-JD n^ producedThey pretend to have got certain intelligence aboutfome fecret, ftrange, and myfterious management inthis affiiir,and do not fcruple to affirm, tha? a certainweaver m town, an old fcholar of Mr. Hutchefcn,was applied to, and prevailed upon (they do not fayby whom) to draw up the addrefs inclofed. However,for aught I have heard, thefe ihrewd, miftruiltul,and inquifitive gentlemen, are not very numerous;fo that I believe I had beft not have taken anynotice of them at all, left I may have thereby raifedfome doubts m your mind. I have informed you atlarge concerning the current report, and if it {houldhappen that there is really fome truth in what hasbeen furn^ifed, I ftall foon write to you again, thatyou may not remain long in any uncertaimy aboutthis 'matter. I am,Sir,Gia/g. March .76.^"^""^ '"'^ ^"^"' ^^^^^»*'

370 LETTERS, TRACTS, 5irV.Here John fcratched his head and faid nothing.Pr. I fay, why did you not fay fomething aboutpurity <strong>of</strong> morals ?Here John gave a heavy figh.Pr. "Why did you fay nothing about religion ?John {hook his head three times vi^ith great vio^lence, and <strong>the</strong>n fetched a hollow and deadly groan.Recovering himfelf a little, he at laft faidGentlemun, it's no my bufnieis to fpeak or tell youwhat I think about <strong>the</strong>fe maitters ; but your addrefsis no tint j I teuk it hame wi' me whun I fent awa*my nain, and gin ye like I'fe gang and fetch you yourain addrefs : It is lying in a neuk <strong>of</strong> our faatfat, <strong>ca</strong>refullypreferved, and juft as frafh as whun it was toha' been fent to <strong>the</strong> king.So John went out, and returned with <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>nti<strong>ca</strong>ddrefs, (a copy <strong>of</strong> which I here incl<strong>of</strong>e to you)and <strong>the</strong> gentlemen <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>> afhamed and vex.-ed as <strong>the</strong>y were, yet finding <strong>the</strong>y had to do with apoor old doating body, who had got a wild conceitinto his head <strong>of</strong> writing to <strong>the</strong> king before he died,thought proper to let <strong>the</strong> matter pafs as a joke, feedingno better could be made <strong>of</strong> it. It was indeed e-vident, from <strong>the</strong> whole behaviour <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Chairman,that he intended <strong>the</strong> affair fhould have an ami<strong>ca</strong>bleiiTue.When he had finiflied John's examination, heconcluded <strong>the</strong> federunt by repeathig in a difpaffionateand <strong>ca</strong>relefs manner <strong>the</strong> following lines from Hudibras:Quoth he, that man is fure to l<strong>of</strong>eThat fouls his hand with dirty foesFor when no honour's to be gain'd,'Tis thrown away in being maintain'd.'Twas ill for us we had to do/ With fo dilhonourable a foe.W^ith regard to <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>ntic addrefs, which islalt difcovered in <strong>the</strong> manner I have re<strong>late</strong>d, I fhallnot endeavour to anticipate your judgment, efpecially^i lam not fkjllcd in <strong>the</strong>fe. matters.atI fhall only.ob-

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