The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - waughfamily.ca


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'ILETTERS, TRACTS, l3\'.afffont upon his <strong>late</strong> mafters ;^S^but upeii examinationthis alfo proved to be but a groundlels conjeclure.At laft, after many fruitlels rcfearches, and wheti<strong>the</strong>yhad ahii<strong>of</strong>t- quite defpaired <strong>of</strong> getting light fromany quarter to clear up this dark alFair, it tranfpired,I do not know how, and began to be whifpered intlie c e, that, about <strong>the</strong> time when <strong>the</strong> un tywere preparing <strong>the</strong>ir addrefs, old J —n D—Id— — fhad been very bufy writing fomething or o<strong>the</strong>r ; thatJie had bought a flock <strong>of</strong> pens and half a quire <strong>of</strong> giltpaper j that he had alfo been obferved going aboutamong <strong>the</strong> (ludents afking how fuch and fuch wordswere fpelled vand it was recollected, that ever lince<strong>the</strong> news <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> faking <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Havannah, J —n wasperpetually raving about Veyiaxcow (as he <strong>ca</strong>lled him)<strong>the</strong> magnanimous Spaniard, and could talk <strong>of</strong> nothingz^lfe. All <strong>the</strong>fe concurring circumllances,^ and o<strong>the</strong>rstoo, curious enough, made J n to be juftiy conhderedas a fufpicious perfon ; fo that it was thought fitto fummon him before his fuperiors, and Pr— — fand two more v/ere appointed as a committeeto examine him.But before I give you an acv':ount <strong>of</strong> T—n's examination,it may not be improper to give you fome ftric-^tures <strong>of</strong> his character, which is a pretty fingular one.Though J —n hath novv'- been a member <strong>of</strong> a fjholaflicfeminary about forty years, he is not in <strong>the</strong>leall. covetous <strong>of</strong> money, which you will fay is m<strong>of</strong>twonderful, and perhaps you do not believe me ; butI fliall give you i^ pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> what I aiTert : Some yearsago, when -<strong>the</strong> king <strong>of</strong> PruIIia's affairs v/ere thoughtdefperate, Mr.R 1 with a knot <strong>of</strong> politicians, werelamenting over him, and regretting that he mull necelTarilyfuccumb for want <strong>of</strong> monjey, J —n, who wasin waiting as ufual, liflened to <strong>the</strong>ir difcourfe j andas he enters warmly into all <strong>the</strong> public concerns, criedout in <strong>the</strong> ardour <strong>of</strong> public fpirit, " O, gentlemen,think ye five and twenty pound v/ad do him ony guidn h 2.

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