The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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i34^tETTERS, TRACTS, b'c'.driven from GJafgow by the diligence of the n/agiflrates,will probably harbour about the town of Paifley; but as the Inhabitants of your borough havealways been diftinguifhed by a fharpnefs of fcent afterherefy, thefe delinquents will no doubt be immediatelydetected and brought to juftice.It is a mofh dreadful thing, Brethren, to fall into\the hands of academicians. Did they only aim atthe deftruclion of one particular branch of our commerce,we would poffibly get over it •, another branchmight perhaps caft up of equal or even fuperior profit; but an academy, by corrupting the minds of ouryouth with book-knowledge, aiie(^s the yi^x^ Jlam'ina'Vita of our trade.As it is this city which is immediately threatenedwith the academy, fome {hallov/ people may poffiblyimagine that we only are concerned in defeating thatprojedl. But, Brethren, we hope better things ofyou. Your undsrflandings furely are not fo dull butthat you will eafily difcern, at firft view, that yourown intereft is very intimately connected with theruin of this academy. The inhabitants of Glafgoware the very foul of trade in this part of the kingdom; ,and fliouid their commercial fpirit be extinguiflied,the confequences of it mufl foon be felt through t];e ^)whole country. But, fetting afide this confideration,you need not flatter yourfelves that thefe enemies ofour trade will be content with making their fchemetake effect in this city. Indeed they leave no roomfor conjedture concerning their after intentions. Towardsthe end of their pamphlet, they tell us plainly,that they make no doubt but academies, will foonbe erected in ail the "populous towns throughout thekingdom ; and we fuppofe their impious endeavourswill not be wanting in carrying on this hellifli defign.V>''e obferve, with inexprefTible concern, that tlieyhave already met v/ith too much fuccefs in the north'|

LETTERS, TRACTS, l:fc.347country. The inhabitants of the royal borough ofPerth, being feduced by them, have lately ere£led anacademy. French emiflaries indeed could hardly mifsmaking impreflion on people who live fo near theHighlands. We hope hoAvever that the miniftry willhave a (harp eye on thefe gentlemen. Academies, aswe obferved before, are very dangerous to the governmentj and fufpeCted perfons ought no more to betrufted with knowledge than with arms.Having accomplifhed their defign in the town ofPerth, they have made their next attempt on thiscity. And, no doubt, the eyes of the whole nationare fixed on us, and on you. Brethren, who live juftin our neighbourhood, to fee whether we will tamelyfubmit to their fcheme, or fhow ourfelves men in defenceof our trade and religion. For our part, weare determined to a6l with fpirit in this matter ; andwe befeech you alfo to exert yourfelves on the occalion.Let us unite our endeavours againil the commonenemy 5 and if, by our courageous oppofition,thefe academicians are baffled in this attempt, wemay hope that the inhabitants of other towns, animatedby our {hining example, will be able alfo fuccefsfullyto refift thefe fervants of the devil. Weare,- GlafgoiVj, -^JunCy1 762. JBrethren,Your moft humble fervants.P. S. If you think this letter may be of any fervicein awakening people's attention to the dangeroustendency of thefe academies, you are at liberty toufe it at your pleafure.

i34^tETTERS, TRACTS, b'c'.driven from GJafgow by <strong>the</strong> diligence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> n/agiflrates,will probably harbour about <strong>the</strong> town <strong>of</strong> Paifley; but as <strong>the</strong> Inhabitants <strong>of</strong> your borough havealways been diftinguifhed by a fharpnefs <strong>of</strong> fcent afterherefy, <strong>the</strong>fe delinquents will no doubt be immediatelydetected and brought to juftice.It is a m<strong>of</strong>h dreadful thing, Brethren, to fall into\<strong>the</strong> hands <strong>of</strong> a<strong>ca</strong>demicians. Did <strong>the</strong>y only aim at<strong>the</strong> deftruclion <strong>of</strong> one particular branch <strong>of</strong> our commerce,we would p<strong>of</strong>fibly get over it •, ano<strong>the</strong>r branchmight perhaps <strong>ca</strong>ft up <strong>of</strong> equal or even fuperior pr<strong>of</strong>it; but an a<strong>ca</strong>demy, by corrupting <strong>the</strong> minds <strong>of</strong> ouryouth with book-knowledge, aiie(^s <strong>the</strong> yi^x^ Jlam'ina'Vita <strong>of</strong> our trade.As it is this city which is immediately threatenedwith <strong>the</strong> a<strong>ca</strong>demy, fome {hallov/ people may p<strong>of</strong>fiblyimagine that we only are concerned in defeating thatprojedl. But, Brethren, we hope better things <strong>of</strong>you. Your undsrflandings furely are not fo dull butthat you will eafily difcern, at firft view, that yourown intereft is very intimately connected with <strong>the</strong>ruin <strong>of</strong> this a<strong>ca</strong>demy. <strong>The</strong> inhabitants <strong>of</strong> Glafgoware <strong>the</strong> very foul <strong>of</strong> trade in this part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> kingdom; ,and fliouid <strong>the</strong>ir commercial fpirit be extinguiflied,<strong>the</strong> confequences <strong>of</strong> it mufl foon be felt through t];e ^)whole country. But, fetting afide this confideration,you need not flatter yourfelves that <strong>the</strong>fe enemies <strong>of</strong>our trade will be content with making <strong>the</strong>ir fchemetake effect in this city. Indeed <strong>the</strong>y leave no roomfor conjedture concerning <strong>the</strong>ir after intentions. Towards<strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir pamphlet, <strong>the</strong>y tell us plainly,that <strong>the</strong>y make no doubt but a<strong>ca</strong>demies, will foonbe erected in ail <strong>the</strong> "populous towns throughout <strong>the</strong>kingdom ; and we fupp<strong>of</strong>e <strong>the</strong>ir impious endeavourswill not be wanting in <strong>ca</strong>rrying on this hellifli defign.V>''e obferve, with inexprefTible concern, that tlieyhave already met v/ith too much fuccefs in <strong>the</strong> north'|

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