The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -

The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... - The works of the Rev. William Thom, late minister ... -
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344 LETTERS, TRACTS, iffc.worthy gentlemen, and we cannot think they willever intereft themfelves in this aiFair. We are ratherof opinion, that they have been mentioned in thatpamphlet only to make them fufpedted by the friendsof trade and religion. But their enemies have heremiifed their aim, for we are convinced of their innocence.One of them has long been at the head ofpublic affairs in this city, and we are pcrfuaded he isa better politician than to introduce knowledge amongthe common people. If ignorance be not the motherof devotion, we are fure it is the mother of obedience.Knowledge makes men afpirc to power, andenables them to oppofe their governors. Hiftoricalknowledge particularly is very pernicious to government."We remicmber to have heard from a bookifliexcifeman, who once lived in our neighbourhood,that the Greek and Roman hiflorians, and feme fewmodern ones too,give people fuch notions of libertyas are quite incompatible with the dutiful fubmilTionwhich fubje61:s owe to their magiftrates. Now, asknowledge is fo dangerous to the fprings of government,we may hope that academies will always be difcouragedby men in power.And unlefs the prefentfchemx for creeling one in this city be countenancedby fom.ebody in power, we will venture to foretel,without pretending to the gift of prophecy, that itwill come to nought.The authors of-that pamphlet indeed feem to thinkthat the inhabitants of this city may be driven intothis fchcme by dint of fatire. But here they arequite out of their logic. Our prefent ftate of ignorance,as they are pieafed to call it, is attended witha certain firmnefs of mind, that makes us fuperiorto all attacks of this nature. Some people indeedare pieafed to baptife this our firmnefs of mindby the name of ftupidity. But if it fliould be ftupidity,we rejoice in the pofTeflion of it. It puts usbeyond the reach of the only weapon with whicli

LETTERS, TRACTS, l^C.34poor devils, v.^ho are opprefTed with poverty and genius,can attack their induftrious adverfaries. Wehave heard of fome weak people, v/ho, by the powerof fatire, have been driven to hang themfelves. Butwe have no fuch fqueamidi ftomaclis. We defirethefe gentlemen to fqueeze their brains till their fatirebe reduced to its very droppings ; we will bearit with all that calm refignation v^^ith which a Spaniard,for the good of his foul, allows himfelf to bewhipped through the ftreets of Madrid.We have heard feveral conjectures concerning theauthors of this, propofal for an academy. But to usit appears exceeding plain, that it has been contrivedby fome emiflaries of the French king, with a delignto extinguifn our fpirit for trade The Grand Monarqueknows very well, that if our trading fpirit hadonce left us, the great conquells we have, made thiswar would foon return to him. And we cannot helpthinking. further, that the propofal for educating youngclergymen at this academy plahily indicates a defignof bringing in popery. What in all the world canthey mean by making clergymen more knowing thanother people-? They certainly intend to bring the laityiiTto a total fubjedlion to the church, which is thevery eflence of popery. It is therefore our humbleopinion, that the magillrates fliould take proper mealuresfor difcovering whether there be not fome Jefuitsin difguife lurking about this city or its neighbourhood,and get them brought to condign punifhment.We are tcld in the public papers, that wholefhip-loads of Jefuits have been lately imported to Britain; and we .make no doubt but fom.e of thefe minillersof Satan are at the bottom of this propofal foran academy. But from the vigilance and activity ofour m.agiitrates, we hope they will foon meet withtheir reward. The Jefuits ftill retain fome fragmentsof the ancient apoflolic fpirit ; when they are perfecijtedin one city, they fly to another.Some of tlicm^

344 LETTERS, TRACTS, iffc.worthy gentlemen, and we <strong>ca</strong>nnot think <strong>the</strong>y willever intereft <strong>the</strong>mfelves in this aiFair. We are ra<strong>the</strong>r<strong>of</strong> opinion, that <strong>the</strong>y have been mentioned in thatpamphlet only to make <strong>the</strong>m fufpedted by <strong>the</strong> friends<strong>of</strong> trade and religion. But <strong>the</strong>ir enemies have heremiifed <strong>the</strong>ir aim, for we are convinced <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir innocence.One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m has long been at <strong>the</strong> head <strong>of</strong>public affairs in this city, and we are pcrfuaded he isa better politician than to introduce knowledge among<strong>the</strong> common people. If ignorance be not <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r<strong>of</strong> devotion, we are fure it is <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> obedience.Knowledge makes men afpirc to power, andenables <strong>the</strong>m to opp<strong>of</strong>e <strong>the</strong>ir governors. Hiftori<strong>ca</strong>lknowledge particularly is very pernicious to government."We remicmber to have heard from a bookifliexcifeman, who once lived in our neighbourhood,that <strong>the</strong> Greek and Roman hiflorians, and feme fewmodern ones too,give people fuch notions <strong>of</strong> libertyas are quite incompatible with <strong>the</strong> dutiful fubmilTionwhich fubje61:s owe to <strong>the</strong>ir magiftrates. Now, asknowledge is fo dangerous to <strong>the</strong> fprings <strong>of</strong> government,we may hope that a<strong>ca</strong>demies will always be difcouragedby men in power.And unlefs <strong>the</strong> prefentfchemx for creeling one in this city be countenancedby fom.ebody in power, we will venture to foretel,without pretending to <strong>the</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> prophecy, that itwill come to nought.<strong>The</strong> authors <strong>of</strong>-that pamphlet indeed feem to thinkthat <strong>the</strong> inhabitants <strong>of</strong> this city may be driven intothis fchcme by dint <strong>of</strong> fatire. But here <strong>the</strong>y arequite out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir logic. Our prefent ftate <strong>of</strong> ignorance,as <strong>the</strong>y are pieafed to <strong>ca</strong>ll it, is attended witha certain firmnefs <strong>of</strong> mind, that makes us fuperiorto all attacks <strong>of</strong> this nature. Some people indeedare pieafed to baptife this our firmnefs <strong>of</strong> mindby <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> ftupidity. But if it fliould be ftupidity,we rejoice in <strong>the</strong> p<strong>of</strong>Teflion <strong>of</strong> it. It puts usbeyond <strong>the</strong> reach <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> only weapon with whicli

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